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The Way Electricity Runs In A Wire



  • Jehovajah said:
    Fast logic design constraints
    An introduction / index to the theory

  • @Jehovajah nice link! thanxs... reading...
  • edited March 2016
    The dogs are the electric charge. The sheep are the electromagnetic field.

    Theory N. The sheep are forced out of the pen [battery] by the sheep-digs. The dogs then run [in the wires] alongside the sheep. There can only be a forward flow if sheep-dogs first advance on both sides of the sheep, which the dogs direct and cause.

    Theory H. The sheep rush out of the pen into the great open spaces. They will go forward regardless, but their direction is actively guided by the sheep-dogs running alongside, the front of the dogs always keeping level with the foremost sheep.

    Theory C. There are no sheep-dogs. The sheep leave the pen and flow out into the great open spaces. Some of the space is rougher. (This rough space was previously thought to be terrain preferred by the dogs.) Here fewer sheep go, and their rate of advance is slower. Some ground is very obstructive, nearly impassable for sheep.
  • edited April 2016

    Ivor Catt. 23 March 2010

  • edited April 2016

    You really have to think very hard about this one!
    The visualisations are more helpful than the misleading assumption about wave propagation!
    I have attempted throughout the two threads to explain the fundamental rotation of fluid aethers or space-time. There is no need to posit an orthogonal distinction between electric field and magnetic field fluctuations.

    This is a bit of Mathmagic disguised as an observable reality! It is a descriptive resolution of the observable rotational dynamic !
    Technically it is misleading because it is a 3d Fourier analytical model of a standing w
    Rotational deformation in a Boundec space!
    This is how an MRI scan uses magnetic rotations to gather data sets for imaging! It is crucial that the subject remain perfectly still! This is because it is a boundary condition for the complex analysis!

    Nevertheless the animation gives you an inkling of what rotation is capable of describing very naturally .
    The full trochoidal power of rotation is illustrated by qqazxxsw on YouTube .
    Well maybe not the total descriptive ability !

    Transmission lines all the way down!
    Th magnetic flux is emphasised by the solrmoids hil the electrostatic capacitance isvmphasised by the capacitor .
    But we now know there Is no electrostatic ! Rather voltage step dynamics reciprocate in these capacitors just as in the large scale transmission line! That voltage step also consists in magnetic flux pressure!
    Transmission lines guide magnetic current and store magnetic pressure!

  • If there is no inductor/conductor to " guide" magnetic vortices the more intense rotations form a filamentary chain . The kinks and spreads in this chain reflect the material that they are found in as is indicated by the colour generated.
    It is these intense rotational frequencies that are commonly called a lightning flash. They differ from the spark generated by scraping iron on a surface only by the material that is magnetically oscillating.
    It is common to ignore the domain structure in ferromagnetic materials when it comes to explaining sparks! An intensely rotating magnetic domain will appear as a spark briefly in any and all materials . The power of a Birkland current ( a magnetic current) is the way it can rotate materials at its core in all rotational directions.
  • Is this then the same mechanism of incandescence? That is, a spark is a small piece of incandescent iron. A lightening bolt is a large piece of incandescent air. And this is when a 'magnetic domain' is spinning at visible light frequency? How does a magnetic domain spin in a piece of iron? Is it that the material is in a fluid state? How do we get these domains in a region of air, say a cubic meter volume, to spin without tremendous current?
  • edited April 2016
    ssd510 said:

    I And this is when a 'magnetic domain' is spinning at visible light frequency? How does a magnetic domain spin in a piece of iron? Is it that the material is in a fluid state? How do we get these domains in a region of air, say a cubic meter volume, to spin without tremendous current?

    Materiality is the issue and I refer you to A P David 's discussion.
    As for me, I switched to a fluid dynamic paradigm several years ago. In my opinion the fundamental fluidity of space is the foundational notion.
    Then materiality is an expression of vorticity in this universal fluid. Our perception of thes patterns of vorticity are distributed throughout our sensory web particularly that part of the web denoted by proprioception.

    It is not that a ' magnetic domain' is spinning , but rather vortex patterns define a magnetic domain. Thus the frequency of rotation in these collections of vortices is foundational To how the region is perceived and that includes its states and kinematic behaviours.
    The viscosity of a ferrous material differs from that of a combined fluid materiality like air. Thus the combintoril patterning of air is complex, but perceptibly different for differing combinations. Colour of the "discharge" medium gives us a perceptible marker. Each such magnetic domain, like a pixel on a screen contributes to the final colour perceived of the discharge. The greater the viscosity of a material the more the light phenomenon appears to centre on a region or point rather than to be diffuse.
  • edited April 2016
    The PMH is one of those magnetic anomalies that intrigue . The closed magnetic flux is not a new thing. In fact keepers have always been used to help preserve magnetic flux .
    However thevPMH demonstrates that magnetic flux and magnetic current/ electic current behave in the same way.

    But here is a simple way to visualise a PMH set up as an induced looped vortex.

    Note how the brief push of the plate mimics the brief battery induced push off spiralling magnetic current around an iron core whichnallowsbthe vortices to join up at the bottom!
    The kinematic laws of ort ices have been updated by Claes Johnson so ignore her explanation ofvwhatva vortex cn and can't do at a boundary ( the poles of a U shaped magnet).
  • edited April 2016

    So now we look at this

    The light flash is of course an intense high frequency magnetic flux. This atound the crystal induces Lansing .
    This is what is happening round a wire. The rotating magnetic field is inducing a kind of Masing at lower frequencies than light . However we call this Masing induction/ conduction.

  • We see a consistent effect of rotating a fluid medium : vorticular structures are intensified

  • edited April 2016
    The telegraph circuit models the two classical statics: magneto and electro . In fact it is only a model once the circuit has reached equilibrium !
    Thus inherent in this model is a dynamic status that was largely ignored until Catt focused on its design implications for fast logic!
    Now the Wakefield experiment demonstrates that the electrostatic steady state is in fact a dynamic equilibrium of reciprocating "energy" flow.
    I take this model and relabel the energy as Magnetic Current as described by Ed. however this was not Eds insight but common conception in the classical Pre electron age! He was the small guy who stood against the goliaths of his age to preserve classical conceptions.

    The magnetic current is intensified by any coiled structure while the reciprocating magnetic current is concentrated in any dielectric medium. The concentrated reciprocation is in fact the principle of MASING, with the sudden discharge being a coherent pulsed output. The intensified magnetic current in the solenoid allows material concentration of the dielectric to occur at that space, and pulses a strong magnetic flux through the dielectric medium which we detect as magnetic pulses( radio frequency and above) .

    The sudden collapse of such a magnetic structure produces a hysteresis type oscillation in the dielectric and magnetic materials.. And a phase pulse in the inductor/ conductor that is again a coherent MASED pulse.

    The affect of magnetic current on materials like pressure in any fluid generates force and acceleration toward the equilibrium point in space and or the circuit materials.

    That "Gravity" is a magnetic current effect is not an inconceivable idea.
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