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The Way Electricity Runs In A Wire



  • edited March 2016
    now I am confused
  • choose your flavor ;-]
    Lol, if I'm catching your drift you never cease to amaze me...much more flavorful than a 9 volt battery. I've no doubt you've reviewed the Cook EM Battery Patent:

    Do you think Ed was dining on this energy?
  • @Magnetic_Universe
    The way electricity runs in a wire I hope will inspire a change of paradigm.
    So, while particle theory is the norm it is only one model, and a deficient one.
    I say deficient from the theoretical viewpoint. Pragmatically it is clearly sufficient for mst everyday purposes. Where it fails is in its explanatory capability for detailed observed phenomena .

    The corpuscular theorists were Alchemists. In those days natural models were understood as metaphors for deeper often thought to be spiritual or DivineTruths. It was the materialists who utilised a mechanical philosophy to foster a materialistic view in which billiard balls could explain everything!
    Corpuscles are of biological origin and significance . Hooke provided many detailed drawings of such entities in his Microgrphia, and Newton certainly preferred these natural observable entities to man made billiard balls of whatever elastic efficiency .
    The DesCartesian view of vortices in the plenum though attractive lacked serious observational evidence, and the assumed vorticity of the planetary motions were devilishly difficult to describe in any geometrical/ mechanical form that gave accurate correspondence with observation .

    For this reason , vortices have always been replaced by simpler less dynamically complex forms like Spheroids. However we now have the computational power to describe these fractal vortex dynamics in great detail, and to model them.

    Often engineers will say we got to the moon without all these " refinements" so why bother?

    The answer is of course: we were lucky, and we relied on experts who intuitively react to vortex dynamics, namely the human astronauts and the human controllers on earth. The better we model vortex dynamics the better they will apply their craft!
    Vortices as dynamic structures are the "Living" forces of classical natural Philoophy .
  • edited March 2016
    @Jehovajah --how come I didn't get any reply ?
  • @charlie
    Lol! This ones for you then! Xxx
    Engineers, mechanics and physicists are so used to saying :"the centre of gravity" that they forget that it is the centre of rotation. And not only of Ritation but of totational symmetry .

    Thus when an object moves we can characterise its motion by the motion of its centre of "gravity" and it's local rotation relative to it.

    The same holds true for solid or fluid . In the case of a fluid we characterise it's rotational behaviour by vortex kinematics. Unfortunately, as Claes Johnson has demonstrated, Helmholtz and Kelvin made some fundamental errors in their assumptions . He has corrected their vortex kinematics and further shown how to solve the differential equations numerically that describe the behaviours of aerofoils.

    You would think the world would beat a path to his door! Unfortunately, as in the case of Grassmann peers have vested interests and blind spots.

    The vortex description of kinematics adds precision to intuitive expertise, and thus only experts really would have a motivation to understand his work. For me it is yet another demonstration of the fundamental importance of correct rotational fluid dynamics esprcially as it inductively generalises to magneto Thermo sono electro complex vortices.
  • edited March 2016
    @Jehovajah I agree --
  • @charlie when we speak or describe on a human scale we say push or pull. Theoretically we might say attract or repel . We know well that magnetic behaviour demonstrates both attraction and repulsion.
    Gravity if it is modelled by magnetic behaviour , that is rather, if we define gravity as magnetic then we would expect both behaviours to be present.

    How is a bubble formed ? By a repulsive force within an attractive medium/ aether/ space-time. On the other hand an attractive force in a repulsive medium would also form a spherical shell.

    The number of great philosophers who do not rule out a shell structure to the planets and stars might amaze you! the hollow nested spherical structure of a body is not only a logical expectation but also physically evidenced in many crystalline and biological structures .

    It is the conditioning of our minds that leads us to describe this possibility as fantastical.

    Seriously: train your mind to be open by exploring the flat earth hypothesis. In the end I accept what I accept after testing all the evidence and I do not need to convince you that you are " wrong or right" because you have the freedom and indeed " right" to accept what you want to accept.
  • @charlie
    I might add that rotation is rotation about a centre not an axis.
    You really do have to stretch your imagination to appreciate the difference that makes to your understanding. Axil spin is a very special form of rotation as is circular motion that traverses an arc in a plane equidistant from a single centre.

    As a general rule I tend to think of trochoids as the general rotation in space-time/ aether.
  • edited March 2016
    @Jehovajah ---ok , I agree with most of it.

  • @charlie
    I might add that rotation is rotation about a centre not an axis.
    You really do have to stretch your imagination to appreciate the difference that makes to your understanding. Axil spin is a very special form of rotation as is circular motion that traverses an arc in a plane equidistant from a single centre.

    As a general rule I tend to think of trochoids as the general rotation in space-time/ aether.
    Interesting, this (trochoid) looks similar in concept to how Wally is moving his big blocks of stone, which I believe he attributes to the Egyptians.


  • edited March 2016

    Back to the beginning folks.
    Well the mining and refining prcess also contribute to the final behaviour but for the moment we will call that contribution potency or as Gilbert used the idea virtue?
    Here we see that extrusion stresses the hot copper ingot into what is called. Rod. Note how the rod wiggles out into the cooling tray and is collected away.

    The next stage is the solid rod is stretched and lubricated into a fine wire . Note the twisting process involved in stretching and rounding( and lubricating) the fine wire.

    This is then followed by rolling onto a bobbin, which introduces another twist !( note garden hose effect!) . This is then followed by a rope making process producing the bare conductor .

    At every stage Rotation is important and contributes to the final surface atmospheric behaviour of a conducting/inducting wire.

    While Ōrsted used a copper rod as did Ampère in their experiments, the rods were produced by a process that involved stressing and annealing and rotating to produce the finished product. Magnetic current is a rotating energy / behaviour of induction and the process is Tribomagnetic!!
    The Guild of Magnet Makers knows how to produce stronger and stronger ferromagnets by tribomagnetic means, but today the process is quickened by using electromagnetic shock induction! They have lost sight of their fundmental expertise and Wisdom, giving way to the modern electron description over the Gilbertian magnetic polarity particles .
    In ky opinion,a vorticular description would be a progressive step in their expertise .
  • edited March 2016
    @Jehovajah ---ok , I agree with most of it.


    In zero gravity everything would fall apart , back to their original state , particles. Even NASA renamed zero to micro. Yes there is a center of the outside forces too ,since it is coming from all directions. A sphere is perfection. In microgravity you can do anything to water , and it still will be pushed together into a sphere ,in resting state ,--- from the outside.

    However you neglect the roles of " surface tension" , " density" and magnetic induction in your analysis.

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