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A sound basis to Rotational Dynamics



  • Ivor Catt was not a great proponent of the Sone wave in electronics, or magnetism. . He pt
    Referred the pulse and the step wave.

    If you think about it, to make a wave travel you have to move the medium in which it is in! . Thus a stationary medium contains no travelling wave! Instead we have in a medium a travelling PHASE.

    A pulse therefore depicts a travelling phase perfectly.

    What about the torsional phase or wave machine used to illustrate or demonstrate phase or wave interaction? . It is recognise that we have to force alternate pulses to get anything like a sine wave model. . So what we call a travelling wave is a series of travelling pulses. Each pulse therefore needs to be examined and analysed in terms of material bulk characteristics especially compression expansion and rarefaction, rates of these and relaxation times , volume an pressure distributions, , periodicity of the same, damping, spring Modulli viscosity etc.

    A pulse travels strain by its stress characteristics. Strain only trVels if the relaxation time is longer than the stress rise time. . Materials where the stress rise time is longer than the relaxation time tend to be fluids . In that case the relaxation occurs by spillage of the material around the point of strain . If this spillage creates a pressure bubble around the point of strain the characteristics in that bubble will change as the bubble can then be seen as an elastic domain with dynamic boundaries for a short period of time. . Thus in fluids a pulse will travel in the form of density/ pressure bubbles, which will not generally be streamlined unless in a current within the fluid. .

    In a still pond fluid model the density bubble actually forms a ring, because the Rayleigh and love waves join up at the surface in this fashion. .the rotation involved in this ring is a model of how pulses travel as phase changes in the medium. ,

    We know from fast film photography , that the relaxation time is faster than the stress rise time, because the fluid comes back to the point of disturbance and overshoots giving secondary pulse resultant etc.. so what we see is the bubble around the strain point as the fluid relaxes , but by the time the relaxing fluid bubble is gone, thus releasing the pressure bubble around the initial strain point so it to can relax, the strain has cause stress at the progressive point of the bubble in the medium. , so the process propagates.

    Of course we observe and should expect the strain to decay , because the pressure bubble is itself a decaying structure, and so can not maintain a constant transmission of the initial strain. . In fact the stress dissipates the strain, and it is only the characteristics of how the medium o strain this, the bulk characteristics that govern the propagation of the strain by a pulse in the medium, fluid or otherwise.

    Ivor Catt points out that what we tend to call a current in the electric wire is in fact a voltage step wave or pulse, that is a phase change , not a flow of so called electrons. Similarly a magnetic current is a pulse of magnetic induction force . The PMH shows that this pulse does not I’ll decay like other fluid characteristics. . We can therefore model it as a perfect bubble environment for induction strain , magnetic induction strain which results in magnetic stress in the materials. , with relaxation time and stress rise time being matched. .
    These changes while thought of incorrectly as a sine wave pattern are n In addition we know that Masing occurs, which tends to amplify the pulse effect anertheless a sum of step pulses due to Masing, and can be modelled by the complex Fourierler theories. . In any case it is easier to conceive of such a situation as a travelling rotation about a centre than as a travelling sine wave forms or the quaternions Fourier Tramsforms. , the Grassmanns twisters as I call them. .

    When we actually do have a moving medium carrying pulses ,like a flowing river, the effect of both on a stationary receiver is explored by the Doppd in this way offsets any probable strain decay. . The hysteresis loop characteristic enables us to measure this magnetic induction Masing and characterise what kind of decay process will occur when the forcing stops or a discharge event occurs. .

    Discharge of magnetic current is often called electric current, but I am here defining current as a series of pulses of phase change in the induction stress pattern .

    Due to my poor eyesight some sentences and paragraphs have been incorrectly spliced . So I will try to sort it out .
  • Ivor also pointed out that because of the sine wave mathematicians thought the current and thus the electric field would be out of phase. It still persists today when they say a em wave propagates by a rolling wave! A changing magnetic flux is associated with a current pulse , but it is in phase with the change not out of phase. . The maximum rate of change is of course the cosine function which is out of phase by a factor of pi but that does not translate into an out of phase current or electric field, just an out of phase maximum potential or current flow.

    So as a consequence a rotating magnetic field will generate a standing wave in a circuit, which will oscillate to maximum potentials in the circuit through the zero potential, similarly the current will so oscillate in the circuit. . This is an ac generator mode.

    So a magnetic pulse or an electric pulse transmits by the magnetic characteristics of the medium or the electric characteristic of the medium. And we see therefore that magnetic characteristics are indeed universal! Unlike so called gravity. .

    The changing phi angle measure of the sun shows this continuous pulsing medium which every so often switches polarity. This switch signifies whether the environment is being pressurised between the same polarities or being equilibriated between opposite polarities. . If we take opposite polarities as the minimum pressure then the same polarities will give the maximum pressure and so we get a pulse simply by rotating poles relatively in the magnetic medium. These pulses propagate in opposite directions but are not opposing pressures. So they sum not annihilate. . The only way they can be absorbed is if the absorbing pole is in the correct relative position. And this actually requires a rotation to achieve. So pulses not only generate or transmit pressure but also a rotation to equilibriate.

    Why isn’t the whole universe in equilibrium by now?

    The only answer is that it is not a closed system and therefore it has infinite disequilibrium potential in its magnetic medium !

  • Why is the magnetic medium full of different pulses ?
    If we remember these pulses are Rayleigh waves we may expect that as they interact with other material structure the will induce a cascade of other diffracted and dispersed tat.eigh wave pulses.

  • Dirac should be more we’ll known, but making scientific theorists into pop idols is anti scientific. . We should recognise that the hype is all about funding , it is always about money!

    These equations are meaningless gobble de gook unless the symbols are sensible measurements . Of observable things. And no one has seen an atom or an electric charge, what we have seen is magnetic behaviour, and that is key to understanding all observable behaviours , including conscious behaviour.

  • Evidence yet again of a magnetic universe with magnetic pulses!

    There is a fundamental error in describing magnetic behaviour and magnetic field lines. , The interaction between like poles is not repulsive but rotational on a spherically dynamic spiral surface that fills the volume between them like a spring. . Opposite poles work to remove this dynamic surface out of the way and consequently are pushed together by the pressure difference at each end of the dipole

  • So what is the confusion here?
    The intensity , in relation to a wire or a solenoid is measured by equivalences. A magnetic dipole is assumed equivalent to a moving charge. . Why?

    Apparently a magnet is not deflected by a charged object. However this is not true. .
    A charged object is determined by induction. Is it electric induction or magnetic induction?

    A compass needle can be deflected by bringing a charged rod next to it. .. when the compass is grounded and the rod moved away what is the result?

    The earths magnetic influence induces the compass back to its paramagnetic state.

    Now we also confuse intensity with flux direction. . As you can see this is dome intentionally in order to quantify the magnetic induction/force. . However the true direction of the flux is not given by any formula but by observation of dipole orientation. . The dipole orientation is a equilibrium position in a dynamic Torque field around a reference dipole. Thus the so called flux analogy is misleading. A filamentary gyre runs round and through permeable core in all directions , which we can describe in terms of 3 orthogonal PLANE cross sections.

    These filamentary gyres are quite complex and only really represenrable by 3 d trochoidal dynamics with amplitude frequency and phase coefficients which are rational values. And so quantiseable.

    The results of this dynamic interaction of trochoidal js therefore dependent not just on the flux intensity at a point which is itself dependent on the angle to the direction of the flux of the the source but also on the trochoidal motion of that source. As a dipole.

    This mind boggling dynamic is simplified only by using trochoidal in the form of 3D Fourier or Grassmanns twisters .

    The computation is necessarily an iteration which by definition produces fractal distributions. .

    In most 3D fractal generators the results sculpt out the nodes in a 3 dimensional Chladini pattern and it is these surfaces we denore as electric field potentials or minimum magnetic torque surfaces,
  • I have tried to look at some of the basic fundamentals of magnetic behaviour. It is clear that some of the basic fundamentals are misleading. That is to say they are incorrectly observed.

    The polarity which is observed in a Barmagnet and also in lodestones, is evident when a bar magnet is used as a test article. This test article is called a dipole, and is a convenient form of the two established types of polarity. What is called attraction between the poles is misdescribed. It is in fact a compaction of space between. That is to say that both Bar magnet and the lodestone or reference Magnet now moved towards a common centre so that the translation is bilateral. At the same time this motion is translational, it is also rotational in that the Bar magnet if not held in a fixed position in space will rotate under the influence of the dipoles. So what we observe or, failed to observe is a spiral into a centre.

    Know where the Poles I said to repel again this is misleading as observation shows that the same poles tend to rotate away and around each other rather than to be pushed directly apart. Thus when the poles are the same behaviour of the magnet is to rotate around the same Pole in order to gain access to the spiraling compaction tmotion of the other part. So the test dipole rotates itself in moving until it is dynamically aligned with the spiral compression. I say dynamically aligned because the rotation does not stop immediately but is damped.

    The stable north south north self alignment is vulnerable to external magnetic influence. That is, given a reference magnet who are the magnets will align themselves in the north south north south arrangement with the reference appointment. However this is not a dynamically immediate effect. The dipoles which aligns up also with The pole other rotationally. It takes awhile for the whole system to damp down and to end up in the north self north self Lane system. It is this time this delay time that he’s not observed. The common idea is that the so-called magnetic field lines are permanent, and maintain themselves over time. Important that these are not magnetic field lines in any sense but they are lines in which the talk on a free minute typo is minimised. Yes these are magnetic dipole lines and they consequently represent a dynamic that is occurring on dipoles around a magnet. It is this translation rotation of typos that leads to the semi stable state which we call the magnetic structures around reference . Given enough time the magnetic structures will collapse onto the magnetic pole forming a dense layer and counting at each pole leaving the region between the polls free.

    In this system this would be the final equilibrium state. However, if an external magnet appears then this system is very easily disturbed and begins to rearrange itself according to the new magnetic structure which is being introduced by the new magnet. If the new magnet is moving then the structure that forms becomes dynamic once again and then we see a small return to the equilibrium position if the magnetic is moved away . Yes it is the magnetic behavioural and magnetic induction and the magnetic force which creates the translation rotational motion which is found in the mediums separating the magnetic sources.

    I didn’t know the source of, but we do know it is universal. We Would you know if the universe is closed, but we do know if a new magnet is introduced into the universe it will create a new dynamic.

    It is essential that for understand that as far as we can town the dynamics with in the universe consequence of convergence disturbance expansion and realignment rotation in translation , Due to magnetic induction course, we have no reason to believe that this will end within our foreseeable future.

    This report on JJ Thompson’s research on electrolysis of gas is pre plasma science research today.

    What it does is relate electrolysis to fluids not just liquids.

    We may then understand why he chose the tubes of electrostatic charge over tubes of magnetic charge in developing his work and theory of the electron .
    I will show in later posts how his elegant methods ignore or supposedly eliminate one important factor: the earths magnetic field is not a curvilinear vector field, but a dynamic trochoidal structure.

    We tend to accept that a magnetic line of force is a single line going fro North to South , and then internally from South to North. This is not the case.

    The magnetic intensity or B field is defined by a current in a wire .

    There are no currents in a wire as described by Ivor Catt. Instead Ivor demonstrates the Step Voltage pulses that are guided by materiality and which are so called ExH pointing vectors , as a mathematical model. Even this is misleading, as a better descriptor is the Grassmanns Twistor or Quaternions Fourier transform. And we need not rest on that complex descriptor either.

    In any case in observable terms , parallel plates or double layers of so called electrostatic charge deflect a plasma stream orthogonal to the pole of a magnet, but when we place electromagnetic coils either side of the plasma stream this effect is counteracted and the beam behaves as if between so called electrostatic plates.
    In addition. The NS alignment of the beam is meant to cancel any orthogonal force exerted by Earths magnetic lines, but the pumping longitudinal effects are not accounted for!

    As Ed complained, they , the long haired guys, did not properly account for everything!
  • We are taught as mechanics and physicists to live in a world of straight lines. There are practical reasons to do so but realistically we apprehend that everything is curvilinear. Einstein tried to introduce this understanding in his theory of relativity. Unfortunately it coincided with the wrong interpretation of the MichelsonMorley experiment, the developments of Nuclear chemistry and ultimately the quantum mechanical view, which enshrines curvilinealty under the guise of probability distributions and statistics.
    The descriptors of light also suffered from this straight line syndrome, when a visual angle graph shows a curved logarithmic relationship to distance and focus. .

    Einstein’s theory necessitated an aether medium , but he was constrained by the war and the vigilance for Nazi collaborators. So called bending of light in accelerated frames which are what he meant by spacetime, requires a medium independent of the accelerated box or space time reference frame. . He did not remove Newtons absolutes he merely pointed out we could never find it or assume it is ours! , Much of his descriptor work is therefore based on two relative reference frames. It was Galileo principle, from observing Jupiter and its moons that we live in relative dynamic reference frames , which Newton ackmowledged and specified how to measure in such a system against unknowable absolutes. However he intuited that rotation may hold a clue about the relationships to his absolutes, and in effect Einstein introduces the curve as a space time standard over the straight line. .

    Newton and all astrologers observed that curves on or inside spheres were the probable generality. And Copernicus and Kepler demonstrated the conic section curves as intimately related to our description of motion in the universe. Gravity? No one knows what causes gravitational behaviour if it is not Magnetic behaviour.

    The electric universe theory simply moves the fundamental ground Fromm magnetism to electromagnetism, but whereas we can order all materiality by magnetic properties, electric properties apply to a more limited range of materiality and phases. .

    We simply have to base magnetic behaviour on rotation to understand its universality.
  • We tend to have problems with spacetime due to inexpert teachers.
    So for example Norman wildberger explained it using sound and bats, which was very useful but complicated by linear algebra.
    We have to grasp that spacetime is only a formal model of reality and not reality itself which necessarily is way more comp,ex and involves other senses to the visual one.

    The problem arises from trying to depict all our sensory experiences visually , and then getting the depiction wrong!

    The Grassmanns vector method or system, pioneered by Justus Grassmanns was developed to teach children how to think correctly about these things from the ground up.

    Unfortunately many highly educated people did not get it and eventually screwed it all up back into the mess Justus was trying to clear up. .

    Einstein was unfortunate in that he went to Levi and Rico, who had developed Plano’s interpretation of Hermann and Robert Grassmanns exposition and extension of Justus Grassmanns ideas.

    The best place to start is with Justus I know, but it has taken me a while to realise this, having attempted to piggy back on his ideas through others interpretations. .

    As valuable as they may appear to be they themselves suffer from mid transmission into a students mind. . For me spacetime composes what mathematicians and physicists use to depict motion. Newton of course did this with no intention of divulging his methods generally. He only told his acolytes how to think as he did and they were few in number and bound by the same rules of dissemination. Justus as a public school teacher thus revealed how it could be done by his own surmising, based on careful study of the works of the French Newtonians of his day . He hoped to inspire Prussian and German children to similar genius of thought for the glory of the Prussian Holy Roman Empire, which at the time was fallen into a cjultural and social and industrial backwater.
  • The force exerted on a material form varies dependent on the material we call the constant of that variation the constant of specific induction. . The force transmitted through an induce magnet varies according to its permeability and it also varies according to itscsusceptibility. Thus the specific induction constant is also not a constant! If the susceptibility of the material varies or the permeability of the material varies so will the specific induction. .
    The variation of susceptibility is an ordering characteristic for elements and is specified in regard to temperature and pressure, which will affect the vo,use of the material especially if a gas.
    For some materials the gas phase requires a high temperature and then the induced force is exhibited as a motion in the gas, which may be in turbulent or non turbulent motion. Usually this motion is called a current and an electric charge current if a battery or high voltage induces it under electrolysis. But in fact we make a modal distinction in going from magnetic terms to electric terms. . Magnetic polarities are highly organised by rotation and in which compression and expansion are orthogonally composed, giving rise to multiple trochoidal dynamic structures including nearly straight line motion behaviours under the optimum frequency and phase parameters.

  • Here is my position in the words of Don Scott. But the circuit he proposes, one that Eric Dillard proposed many years ago , is not electromagnetism! The circuit for electromagnetism is an RCL circuit, also clearly stated by Eric Dollard... But Ivor CTt provides additional insight : the voltage is a step wave carrying electric and magnetic potential in equal amounts of Energy. The so called Poynting Vector ExH.
    But as I point out and as Don Scott has described and Birkland proposed, a rotation is necessary to define a current and a potential in these structures. . In fact we do not require a charged particle only a rotating magnetic current.

    The interaction between lineal and rotating magnetic behaviours accounts for the observed orthogonal behaviour if we consider the behaviour of a gyroscope under gravitational attraction so called..
    We live in a magnetic universe where 2 counter rotating currents in opposite propagation are proposed both by Leedskalnin and Don Scott.

  • Compare

    And compare

    And finally this

    Why is there such a disparity between theory and observation?It is because of money and religion,God and Mammon.

    The one thing that can clear all these disputes up is an acceptance of a magnetic Universe as a sound basis on which to rebuild our Models of reality. .we must start with spheroidal geometries and rotational dynamics and derive the straight line dynamics from there . We must start with magnetic behaviours and derive electric behaviours and charge and currents from there. We must infer a magnetic aether and derive a notion of vacuum and emptiness from there.

    These are the fundamental principles we should choose and use. And we should understand the models of time by these fundamental dynamics of motion.

  • This model gives me a lot to work with as a magnetic theorists. I can replace particles by rotating translating magnetic patterns, or sO called Birkland currents. The plasmoid then becomes a key structure for energy storage in space or fluids. .

    My insight today was to realise that waves blown along the surface of a body of water are misunderstood if transverse waves are used to describe them. They are translating rotational pulses of material. .

    Once I saw that clearly I saw any disturbance in a medium as rotating and translating medium. .

    So a magnetic pulse has all the characteristics needed to explain charge behaviour, and a motor generator draw out from or store energy into these pulse forms.

    So now a real plasmoid structure is not at all uncommon. Such a magnetic structure is easily discernible as a particle, but it is more like JJ Thompson’s plum pudding than a solar system. But surrounding this plum pudding as a core will be dip Olaf surfaces. In their haste to declare Thompson’s unit as an electron not a magnetic dipole in dynamic rotation, they became unphysical. The 2 fluid model of matter charge was confused by Franklin’s book keeping system of greater than or less than charge, until the positive charge was decided upon.

    Now we were in business but unphysical!

    The balance is restored only when we consider the dipole. The fundamental dipole should be the magnetic one. This dipole should be understood to be dynamic, creating dynamic torque surfaces around it. These torque surfaces act on other magnetic dipoles either in equilibrium within a volume around a primary dipole or in intense rotational translation like a gyroscope.
    Dipoles in dynamic translation are indeed a current, but such a current is not lineal. Rather it is a rotational translational phenomena that is a wave like behaviour.

    Such a behaviour can be MASED and give rise to so called Phonic and photonics behaviours. Skymions, solitons, shnchotrons are all examples of modes of these behaviours. .

    Overlooked in all of this is the plasmoid structure that is mistakenly identified in particle physics as Fermions and Baryons and quarks and gluons and God knows what else.

    The temperature of a plasmoid is meaningless. The phenomenon of pressure is a magnetic induction force behaviour, but temperature is a measure of heat expansion body pressures in materials. The expansion of a plasmoid is confined by its magnetic field, so its so it is a correlation of how much energy and power is stored in that space!Equally the torque surfaces must be intensely twisted!

    The colour of ball lightning is a measure of the crazy rotational dynamics involved.

    Note particularly how the force laws are given direction.. it is quite separate to the quantifying of the magnitude of the force,current,field direction of rotation and velocity of bar.

  • Equilibrium dynamics and Lens law.

    Dipoles are equilibrium structures or states. When a dipole is disturbed or an equilibrium is disturbed forces are revealed that return the elements to the state of equilibrium or stability.
    So why does equilibrium exist?philosophically it is the counterbalance to perpetual dynamics. We observe perpetual dynamism alongside equilibrium. It is the inertia of perpetual dynamics.

    The proposed aether is a perpetual rotational dynamic so equilibrium necessarily exist in that dynamic. . The forces of attraction and rotation exist in such a system, where those forces constitute attractive and repulsive forces , implosion and explosion contraction and expansion in our model.

    Now in my magnetic theory a pole is defined as a centre of a rotational dynamic into which and out from which curvilinear force dynamics exhibit as pressure across any oriented surface element. around such a pole surfaces of equilibrium necessarily exist, but are unstable unless an object is in relative motion to the curvilinear pressure dynamics which I can represent by spiral propagating vectors similar to Helices. .
    The spiral in will be at a different phase to the spiral out.

    A single pole is not stable but forms a stable structure called a dipole or multiple form. ,

    Around the dipole exists equipotential dynamic surfaces that we associate with the B magnetic field.
    A permanent magnet is a more complex dipole. Like a solenoid the fundamental dipoles will organise themselves around in a cylindrically wrapped layered form. However the wrap is not a continuous one way wrap coil, it is a wrap in which layers alternate ABCCBA. . Thus one pole has a spiraling I’m N pole the other a spiralling S pole.

    Ken Wheelers new updated version explains.

    I find a chemist explains the fundamentals better than most Physicists
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