The magnetic ocean . Magneto dielectric materials include water and all types of colloids, solutions and compounds and admixtures..
I start with materials which exhibit magnetic behaviour. Lodestone crystals, amber resins and inorganic and organic admixtures that modulate the easily observable global behaviour.
Fluids and solids are included in this admixture, and unlike Newton who specifically excluded such things from his initial description of corpora/ bodies under discussion, I do include these as did sir Robert Boyle.
My fundamental theoretical model is not based on bodies / corpora but on dynamic pressure surfaces in space.
Surfaces are defined by curvilinear coordinate systems which is why spheroidal and vorticular surfaces are natural outcomes of this kind of reference frame.
This kind of reference frame means complex surfaces can be set as fundamental substrates for force vector ( including curvilinear ones) in any situation of interest.
The simplest dynamic then becomes rotational, and we may choose pivoting swings or pendulums as initial dynamics to study.
As clever as this rule of thumb explanation of magnetism is, it fails to explain Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and clearly is an accommodation of the phenomena to the extant model of chemical structure. It does not explain magnetic polarisation so called spin up and spin down .
The periodic table however is clearly a fundamental pattern created by cyclical or vorticular magnetic behavioural patterns . This is the fundamental behaviour called magneto dielectric characteristic, and in that view the ferro magnetic element reveal a structural resonance within the magnetic pattern that is tri nodal. .
Tri modality is a signal of the circular or rotational nature of the phenomenon of magnetic behaviour and suggests a planar resonance pattern for strongest magneto dielectric behaviours. .
Planar resonance is very much like the chaining patterning which is observed on a vibrating surface.
The observation of domain boundaries is an indication of the filamentary structure of the magnetic planar resonances and indeed the fluid dynamics of viscous materials rather than so called solid lattice crystalline structure. That is. Not to say that latticial structuring is not important, but that it is a substructure within a filamentary vorticular structure of planar resonances.
While the theoretical and hypothetical sky ion structure is in its infancy it nevertheless offers some insight into fundamental magnetic behaviour at all scales and fractal distributions . These planar vortex descriptions are flexible enough to be a fundamental magnetic basis to all materiality
The hysteresis curve appears as a fundamental ordering characteristic in these elemental and compound materials . And bond strength and viscosity, as elasticity coefficients similarly apply.
These basic magnetic factors are obscured by the penchant for electron theory to explain magnetic / vorticular phenomena.
Here is a clearer exposition of the extant magnetic moment theory for ordering materials.
Despite the simplistic explanation the theory is misleading.
First the electron is presented as the source of internal magnetic moments in materials. While this would make paramagnetism an electric or electrostatic ally inducible phenomenon , it fails to account for measured magnetic dipole moments for, protons, neutrons and positron. Nuclear Magneticreonnce accounts for these in a fuller theory which is based on rotational dynamics in a magnetic field. That is to say : electric charge is not ecessary or sufficient to explain magnetic behaviours oor magnetic patterning. Rotation is all that is necessary and indeed complex rotation including trochoidal rotations in space, particularly as surfaces and observably as regional volumetric distributions are all that are ecessary.
The periodic table of elements particularly demonstrates this deep underlying rotational structure nd symmetric and anti symmetric periodicity and aperiodicity. The Lorenz chaos formula and theory highlights these irregular peiodicitirs that flip as deep structural behaviours of trochoidal rotations in nature.
The widespread manifestation of these behaviours nd structure in materials is what I define as materiality. What I ultimately perceive as elemental substance are these trochoidally dynamic structural surfaces in space-time or the aether fluid.
Without the extant / environmentally applied magnetic field as a basis I can not make these rotational determinations into a coherent model logically. Thus I personally place magnetic behaviour as a fundamental dynamic before all else, by which I may order all materiality and it's diverse properties.
The various magnetic moments if truly observed are all I require to model material properties nd behaviours especially tribomagnetic effects in latticial structures or polymeric structure. In addition general fluid dynamics is the foundational substrate for all far tally distributed pressure surfaces in the space-time or aether fluid out of hich merge the viscous materiality I perceive.
Don't be side tracked by the term magnetic moment . A magnetic moment is only observable in a magnetic "field!!" So like Ampère we have to take a magnetic "field" as a given in nature. That is magnetic behaviour is inextricably everywhere.
What ampere I'd was start at the next level up where a changing or dynamic magnetic field induces a circuitous phenomenon he called a "Courante" . This was a guided vorticular behaviour around a wire or rod that particularly displaced angelic materials into an alignment. It is this courante that we cme to call an electric current, that is an electrodynamic rather than an electrostatic behaviour.
Now this electrodynamic behaviour could be used to quantify magnetic behaviours and properties.
So rotational behaviour itself is sufficient to exposit observed behaviours, but complex trochoidal behaviours are unquestionably ecessary, as is a pervasive fluid medium , in my opinion
So quantum mechanics explains or exposits magnets even though the explanation is entirely in accurate!
Blink blink! Er? Say what? Xxxx lol!
Spin is not spin , yada yards... The electron is a permanent magnet yada yada xxx
Exp(Ix). = cost + I sinx
In this case exp(Ix) replaces the current term I and the area rearm is expanded into its circular form pi times R^2
Thus mu can be defined as exp(Ix) x pi x R^2
X is properly the assumed angular velocity of spin or rotation and R is the effective radius of the perimeter per of that spinning circle .
What this means mathematically is that I can model complex magnetic structures by Fourier series equivalents. The Fourier transform then becomes a diagnostic tool for depicting magnetic dynamics within a region .
The Bohr magnetron was calculated over a century ago. It was set as a basic unit of magnetic force by a committee and magnetic field strength was thusly quantised.
It is of course an arbitrary convention used to quantify magnetic moments . The advantage of using a Grassmann analysis , or a Clifford algebraic form is that the magnetic dipole vector is no longer a necessity, thus avoiding the dipole polarity or axial confusion that arises when attempting to understand a complex magnetic structure.
In addition, current is related directly to a velocity which is quite general. It is an angular velocity and therefore could represent any rotational physical situation. The electron is not important, the physical measured characterisations or material characteristics are.
Without going into detail NMR theory relies on this type of representation of magnetic force characteristics in material volumes. Don't be fobbed off withnQuantum Mechanics, it is a simple enough mathematical identity applied to a set of measurable quantities using an agreed quantitybasvavunit or quantum!
Remember that the domains favour crystal boundary structures not just magnetic moment orientation at least energy. These regions are indications of filamentation within the magnetic behaviour . This is a natural expectation for general rotational behaviour about a point where the curvilineal vector sums will favour particular orientations or cancel.
Within that field materiality distinguishes itself by modifying the field.
The modified field is weakly less in strength by any measure or weakly more by any measures in materials . Materiality is split into diamagnetic materiality that weakens the universal magnetic field and paramamagnetic materials that enhance the universal field.
But then we have a stellar group of materials that so paramagnetic lily enhance the field as to be off the chart!
But these are local material characteristics so these materials called ferro magnetic after the first discovered element iron, can not be the source of the universal magnetic field unless thesevelrmentscare distributed universally in densities that are hitherto undetectable .
Meanwhile one aspect of these magnetic properties is the dynamic morphology of their patterning, to which is associated a dynamic property called electric behaviour. This electric behaviour is concentrated in certain viscous polymers called Elrctra or Amber traditionally, but in organic chemistry known as resins.
So just as magnetism appears to concentrate in ferric materials, the effect of morphing magnetic regions in materials appears to concentrate in certain resins, as farvascwe currently know.
The sonic, thermic , luminiferous properties of such materials and the so called gravitational properties are all therefore linked in a mop lex patterning to the effects of this universal magnetic field in material substance and material space.
Hysteresis records how this universal field is affecting materials and how fluctuating patterns in this background magnetic field lead to force effects on materials, that quite simply explain " the action at a distance " conundrum within a universal magnetic field effect theory. It also then explains the other properties isolated by scientists of all subject disciplines .
Magnetic behaviour is a Cosmic Force in the Natural Philosophic sense:,it has power to rationally explain, order, codify and empower all observable phenomena
Magnetic characterization of material surfaces is a fundamentally important area of research
Mechanical shock features are associated with high energy blast or pressure phenomena, but it should be noted that the effects are constructive and destructive interference patterns of rotational propagating wave forms. It should not be surprising therefore to see these patterns in low energy situations. Thus the domain boundaries of materials nd crystal structural boundaries ar features of rotational dynamics. What sould be surpring is that these forms scale up with the energy involved in a phenomenon. Lightning itself exhibits these features in a fluid medium according to the viscosity and density of that medium.
Magnetic patterning underpins all so called electric phenomena including arc blasting .
The model of basic magnetism starts with intrinsic magnetism. Here this means that supposed atoms are intrinsic dipole moments of magnetic behaviour . Most of us don't recognise the logical tautology of starting with little intrinsic magnets!, neither should we worry about this tautology.
However this model of individual magnets is a static model, whereas Ed Leedskalnin mentions individual north poles and individual south poles which are in a dynamic relationship with each other.
What this means is we do not have to rest in an atomic theory whi h gives a static dipole which has a magnetic moment ( a product) tied to a rotational loop. Instead we can use two loops that are relatively dynamic whi h may or may not rotate about a common centre in opposite curvilineal directions while translating in a screw in the same direction , and passing through or about each other.
This dynamic in itself provides for patterns of constructive and destructive interference, expansion and contraction, contraction and rarefaction consonant with vibration .
These loops are loops of forces, curvilineal resident in surfaces within a medium , which forces act due to the curvilineal nature in all or nearly all directions in time step.
Such surface dynamic range unpredictably between pendulum swings through to full continuos rotation on an a periodic time step.
Considering these patterns as the fundamentals of magnetic behaviour may lead to new insights into materiality and plasma fluidity .
While this is conceptually difficult to express by complex exponentials, it becomes very much easier to express these constraints by Quaternion exponentials. The idea that these mathematical expressions represent reality is false, but they do allow this kind of general constrained dynamic to be exp,orrd for its potential to represent observed behaviour.
The Grassmann Twistor is therefore an Intriguing model to explore in a fractal generator such as Terry Gintz Quantum explorer or Qqazxxsw Trochoidal apps.
Terry Gintz at MysticFractals.com
This is because in my opinion, the magnetic foundation of these sculptures is not perceived.
Once the realisation dawns that these are magnetic structures then it is possible to understand which structures will be appreciated visually in our reality, which may be appreciated kinaesthetically and proprioceptively , and which may be perceived audibly and with what intensity!
The viscosity characteristics are not immediately evident and the magnetic susceptibility and permittivity are also not evident , because these are on such exponentially different scales that we need a Reynolds number scale factor to appreciate them.
Nevertheless it is possible to appreciate that what appears as empty space visually is regions where the dynamic is either intensely explosive or intensely contractive. The more steady but still morph able regions of the sculpture dynamic are where there is some dynamic stability in the space. Because the materiality there absorbs the dynamic force law that moves every point in the same law abiding way is intensely constructive and destructive in its interaction at higher frequency rotations, for I g these amazing patterned behaviours in space.
Any material or element may be modelled by an a periodic pattern of rotations each about a centre which usually iss given in a fine grain mesh. However the mesh of centres is dynamic and thus really unspecifiable except as initial condition points. In fact the centres are usually linked by spring- like forces which are then iterated yo calculate dynamic motion paths.
Conceptually then we can conceive of the topological distribution of force relations as determining dynamic centres. In the case of a rotational curvilineal force we can conceive of the force vector itself determining the centre by its curvature rather than its curvature being governed by or from a given centre.
In this light if the magnetic / rotational behaviour is adopted we can easily use just one centre to sum all the rotations and translate all those rotations dynamically to any point to every point of interest. Thus from a centre or central regions rotational bubbles will translate out in a free trajectory. . That trajectory can be any locus including circular or spiral.
The movement of these rotations through a region as "bubbles " will connect directly to sound, and thermal agitation directly , and the higher frequency rotating bubbles migrating in this way leaves the lower frequency larger amplitudes in the central region. This is what we perceive as cold or frozen structures.
I leave the reader to explain to Gerard Morin the nature of magnetic behaviour!
However my interest is in the last 5 minutes or do in which he demonstrates tribo magnetism in a way I had not even thought of !! For this I thank him and all those who actually do experiments and demonstrate the results!
The iron or steel and the aluminium winding or copper form an inductor or a MaSER or a Solenoid or a radio receiver etc.
If we accept Voltas position and Örsteds position and Boyles Position, Ken Wheelers position all material have a atmosphere around and through them that is magnetic. . In the theory of the Guild of Magnetic makers this is called intrinsic magnetic behaviour. It is called intrinsic because it is fundamentally not divisible into anything else.
For a while Ampère proposed an intrinsic electric current or rather more accurately a dynamic electric charge which he called a " courante" whic was a small circuit of dynamic charge within the volume of the material which was then the source of the intrinsic magnetic behaviour. Even in his time Biot and Savot developed alternative theoretical models, but those sympathetic tomAmpères electrodynamic ( dynamic "electro static" charge- an oxymoron, but written here to connectbthebtheorie) proposed different structural patterns of these of these intrinsic electric circuits within materials. Thesebelecttic circuits are currently called magnetic dipole moments iMagneticvtheory.
However Skymion theory focuses on magnetic vortices within materials and so elevates above the simpler magnetic moment as an induction step for further theory synthesis.
My position is simply that a robust model can be built entirely on rotational dynamics lregardless of any notion of electric or magnetic charg.
Ed Leedskalnins position is the magneto dynamic position in which a fundamental magnetic charge or monopole moves relative to another opposite magnetic charge or monopole in a vorticular spiral / twist that screws in opposite directions. Thus the north and south poke of a so called magnetic dipole is a dynamically changing collection of screwing individual magnetic charges.
Edvis careful to state that the individual charges can not run without each other, thus explaining why you always find north south polarity no matter how small you cut a magnet!
This is of little consequence except if you believe in a corpuscular theory of materiality., so called atomism.
There exist other more complex models with different starting positions for the inductive steps of synthesis and which run into problems of synthesis only because of their complexity.
The issue of reality I do not address except to say each to his own!
The litmus test is pragmatic utility of the model and the development of technological breakthroughs.
And so why is Skymion research even being countenanced? Why are quantum computing models being considered? Because we have reached that level of technological ability where the classical models appear to fail!
Whether they fail or we fail them is a point to be decided by experimental evidence!
And so to tribo magnetic behaviour as demo started by Morin.
The classical theory can give an explanation based on domain boundaries., that is an intrinsic magnetism oscillation explanation. The currentbNMR theory gives an atomic explanation, but again an intrinsic magnetism change of state from up to down or from precession to up or down states in the " vacuum" or external field.
Whatever model you use we can simply say that vibration creates changes in magnetic behaviour that leads to electrification.
One of the standard links to magnetism is sound. Magnets generate sound . Normally we do not hear these sounds without amplification. Today scientists and theoreticians are still amazed by these sounds and chirps produced by changes in magnetic patterning.
Because we have used an electrodynamic model as the basis of magnetic behaviour we tend to miss this simpler foundation of a dynamic magnetic patterning based on rotational dynamics.
Örsted noticed that Chladini plates when vibrated and resonant, not only produced fabulous patterns, but also electrification!
We creditvFaraday with explaining this on relation to a circuit. A changing( dynamic, vibrating, reciprocating, undulating- whatever rotational terminology you wish to utilise) magnetic field of influence generates electrification!
By tapping his diamagnetic or paramagnetic or ferromagnetic material Morin demonstrates a tribomagnetic effect, that explains why rubbing polymeric if crystalline structures with different materials generates an "electric" charge or electrification.
In this light I refer to electrification or dielrctrification as a different mode of magnetic behaviour.
In a region where the magnetic patterning is of this Calibre or mode, magnetic induction is typically called dielectric induction/ conduction.
The supply of a resonating force allows this MASING effect to build until the power within each cavity exceeds the reflective coefficient of the cavity. These cavities are on the molecular scale and so the overall effect is not coherent generally.
Research has enabled s to develop the cavities in materials by crystalline structure or polymeric structure to improve the coherency of the MASING and indeed the LASING behaviour of materials.
It is perhaps difficult for the reader to accept that these are essentially high frequency sonic effects!! But I draw your attention to sono luminescence within cavitation collapse.
While these are not ordinarily associated ith magnetic behaviour, clearly in my mind they are yet another evidence of the fundamntal soundness of a magnetic base. To technological innovation
The model of magnetic patterning underpinning all materiality allows me to connect sound to the incredible dynamics that are involved with mechanically or magnetically translating material and positioning and shaping or sculpting them with even laser imprinting.
From the Abha coil to the incredible dynamics of the sun, sound plays a major role in understanding how these systems behave magnetically!
We can even understand so called spooky action at a distance or any action at a distance in terms of sympathetic vibrationary Physics sometimes called Resonance.
The aether or space-time through its magnetic/ rotational dynamic allows sound to be a major leverage phenomenon, much like a lever can act as a force multiplier mechanically.
Sound may help us to have finer control over powerful magnetic forces and also powerful electric so called forces.
And from the theoretical model point of view it is fluid dynamics that gives us that mathematical framework to quantify or measurebthesebtopological dynamics
Magnetic material preparation using sintering techniques reliant on flash laser imprinting etc