Newtons force laws existed within an inertial fluid that was resistive , but as it was not apparent, Newton discounted it from measurement and quantification except by what observable materials might reveal by their measurable behaviour. Thus his method as he explained, was to gain insight into those imperceptible active principles via close observation of the perceptible ones. This is not quite the same as the hidden variable issue because Newton discounts hidden variables ftprom the outset. What is to be considered is what is observable either by surfeit or deficit or just as measurement allows!
Inertia is one of those phenomena where a deficit of action is observed. Similarly Roger Bkck modified Newtons theory of heat by the deficit now known as latent heat. This is the foundation of entropy , which I claim shows a lack due to the observable synthesis of complex structures under natural powers!
Thus when Newton reduced his observations to density and mass, he did not exclude that materiality itself held other inertial resistive forces and powers . It was his hope to reveal them by tackling fluids as a resistive medium, and thus to account for inertial considerations in the celestial realm that mass and point mass at that might neglect.
However the computation andvthebdiscovery of such things through quantitative measurement is a task requiring greater fortune than Newton could muster.
It took the ingenuity of others and the mind of Boscovich to set out the course of measurements and quantities required to discover such Imperceptibles.
As Newton had searched in Alchemical ways it required observations beyond the gravitational issue to determine the nature of general force or powers in Nature, and at the heart of this was a better appreciation of the magnetic / electric behaviour. Newton suspected as much, but later Natural philosophers would have to pove it, nd his quantitative theory, he felt, was the most objective way to do so.
It took time and Boscovich for this view to prevail in Europe
The method, enunciated by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in the mouth of Sherlock Homes reflected a deep appreciation of the scientific method employed by logical positivists of his day. And as a man who dabbled in science he spoke to a tradition of enquiry based on his university lecturer.
The mercury barometer measure of pressure relative to gravitational acceleration.
The edge se of pressure in a gas .
What about pressure in a plasma? And in a liquid? And in a solid?
Pressure in a liquid , like mercury, low viscosity.
Pressure IN a solid ! High viscosity. around each solid a vapor exist and this vapour is densest nearest to the solid viscous mass. Thus solid pressure is not measurable by barometer, but by hydraulic pressure . It is intensely high compared to atmospheric or gas pressure , but acts over a short range governed by an inverse quartic law or higher.
Similarly a liquid is adjacent to a vapour, the pressure of which extends quit quite a distance which apparently is governed by an inverse cube law.
And a gas and a vapour ate identical, and they seem to be governed by an inverse square law as regards pressure.
And what of a plasma? How is its pressure governed ?
As I pursue the power of pressure in producing curvilineal forces I draw ever closer to the beating heart of magnetism!
Plasmas Like gases they are associated with all pressures, but typically o ly recognised at high temperatures and energies! Here note the extremely low pressures associated with Plasmas , and that they typically merge or diffuse into all material including gases very easily and at low temperatures.. Thus the pressure of a plasma is governed by no identified law, but in fact we measure the pressure associated to Plasmas by magnetic intensities!
The pressures associated to a plasma are apparently those electric and magnetic behaviours we have observed as magnetic characterization of materiality.
When we characterise a ferro agnetic material by its permeability we are measuring the p,asma pressure associated with this materiality.
This plasma pressure is governed by an inverse square law.
What we can do since 1966. Notice the sun like ball of plasma produced by magnetic pulses. . These pressure pulses combine but do ot inter penetrate., as Boscovich hypothesised.
Controlling the plasma pressure within materiality .
Tribomagnetic behaviour of materiality. The pressure shock seen through infrared imaging sensors.
The vibrations produce high and low pressure regions and the plasma state of the material oscillates in and out of phase( material phases) . The "magnetic pressure " behaviour was felt as radiant heat , but now we can image it through the variation in magnetic behaviour it transmits through the "Maxwellians" aether., or rather the Boscovichian powers of nature , and the Faraday exposition of them .
They are rotation producing pressure powers in materiality.
My position is that rotational powers are the fundamental principles of all matrial properties and may well described as pressures in a general sense, quantifiable by a Maxwell Hamilton Einstein Boscovichian inspired measurement scheme initiated by Newton and combinatorial ly structured by the Grassmanns.
It is early days still withnBill Shanks Trotorted and Trochoidal and Circa Apps , but now I have a Boscovichian direction for my explorations with them! My previous effort were directed toward understanding fractal sculpturing at, but now I can meditate on material modelling based on the Boscovich monad .
The better apprehension of pressure as fundamentally causative, as an expression of natural powers which " cause" or exist in rotational dynamic is a direction worth exploring trochoidally xxx
Using Bill Shanks aka Qqazxxsw aka Laz Plaths Trochoid App, I explore a dynamic trace of the nucleus with 10 " proton in 2 shells one consisting of2 protons and the second of 8.
There are no putative " electrons" visualised in this dynamic sketch . The effect would be small and would need to be exaggerated to be visible on this scale. Unfortunately the dials are not visible but I will remedy that as I meditate on the dynamic.
My method, after some trial and confusion is to start with one proton as the dynamic central rotation. This is just a dynamic circle. Then to add protons in negative positive fashion and rotation.
Thus the second proton has the negative radius or amplitude, it has the negative frequency of rotation and negative rotation . This places the rotational arcs as passing through the central point of the basic proton. However the third proton is now positive , and it is set as the basis of the second shell. The first proton ne carries2 protons and it's frequency is increased by 2 to 3 . Why?
My aim was to reflect the influence of the other rotors on this reference proton. The only variations the app allows are in frequency and radius and dynamic relative phase!
Thus in this model I choose frequency to count the impact of other "protons" on the base proton. Similarly the base for shell 2 isolates the impat on that shell base of other protons added to the shell as set out above.
Thus this sketch showsv10 protons( including the base) affecting the base proton frequency and 8 protons affecting the second shell base proton frequency.
The assumption of shells, based on the suggestion of experimental results on the energies in the nucleus are thusly accounted for.
The radius reflects the so called mass of the proton which is in a ratio to the electron mass of some 50000 to 27! Thus the impact of adding an electron is not appreciable on this particular scale .
The synthesis of the model allows me to build the sketch in many ways. In particular the shell model is not the only construction process with nucleus first and then electrons added. It might be that proton then electron then proton and electron is an interesting dynamic structure.
There is lots to ponder and explore including the mass volume ratios. .
Boscovich has no empty space in his force theory , space is full of dynamic powers whose laws are yet to be discovered.
Just. Thought about choosing frequency to measure the number of protons impacting on the base: the conservation of angular momentum is explained by such an increase in frequency as the total mass is brought radially closer to the centre of rotation.
Norman introduces the topic of bases and dimensions, algebraic ally using the mosaic of The Pythagoreans.
It is a brain ache because we get easily confused, myself included! But you do or can get used to it. But be careful you don't start bugging yourself up when you do! Normans whole approach is to cut out the crap in standard Mathematical thinking, by introducing rigorous thought patterns and clear agreements.
So why connect to the traditional mathesis and terminology.? Simply because this is an exercise in bringing minds together soundly not in egotism. The corrections Norman has made really show how we have a much greater flexibility in establishing combinatorial forms. Like clay, the way we shape the form according to need and utility., and this shape is given by grips or handles we grasp the slippery clay with: these are terminiological equivalents or labels, because the concepts themselves are written using labels for sounds and meanings or notions.
This is an inductive , self referencing scheme in which more complex ideas are referred to by the same form of words as the foundation concept.
If your language does not have a reflexive verb form this becomes very confusing, but if your language does include a reflexive form, it is a very efficient subtlety that allows you to think at different layers about analogous things. A lot of our issues is due to this lack of appreciation of the utility of Tautology with distinctions.
The relevance here is the flexibility to introduce circular vectors as bases to the " span" of the space/ space-time we may call 3d.
The addition of the circular vectors gives as resultants of trochoidal vectors/ curvilineal vectors. The combination of them is often called super positioning or interference.
In this case we see how Boscovich replace the concept of attributes to solid or material points or monads to a concept of powers in the space around a reference point or a monad with a reference point.
These curvilineal linesvarevactually surfaces as we shall see, but here just note that visually the curvilineal form does not make obvious any central point acting on the space around it radially. In fact we can visualise the power in spacevasva pressure that is dynamically variable causing trochoidal path displacements.
Trochoidal path displacements, let us agree arevanalogousbto dynamic pressures in a volume. As such the pressure varies so that its resultant is high and low pressure variation within a definite region or volume of space. .
A bubble for example has a curvilineal force in the film that resolves into varying pressures within and without the bubble film very close to the film. This is often called surface tension.
In the next post we will see how the surface tensions in the Boscovich carbon atom may dynamically vary.
And now discover something not apparent in the locus version of this model. When the pressure surfaces are revealed by thickening the surfaces that form a "rope" we see how that rope behaves as it passes around the trochoidal loop in 3 d.
Firstly the nuclear core expands to the outside of the form rotating rapidly one way, then contracts back through the centre rotating the other way.
This may be a false motion due to the last 2 incomplete circles but until I can get Bill Shanks to extend TroTorted beyond 6 dials I won't know. What is clear that realistic trochoidal surfaces rather than lines play a better role in modelling complex dynamic structures formed by pressure surfaces . Despite the trumpeting of Physicsts regarding Rutherford and Bohr, the understanding of materiality has been organised by the Chemists. It is to be noted that in xpcharacterizing mass and materials,Magnetic behaviours became a crucial ordering factor and the radio geneticists of materials led to the appreciation of Isotopes as fundamentally determining atomic proportions such as atomic mass.
In whatever direction one looks, o r sees the fundamental importance of magnetism.
The rotationa Dynamic that I perceive has abating, and now thoroughly reviewing the TroTorted app I realise it is in fact 4 Quaternion spheres not 6 , and therefore a model of Beryllium not carbon It occurred to me at last that DrvJohn Tutin's alternative, engineers model of the atom might bear on understanding trochoidal dynamics. In attempting to recall his name I stumbled on the work of the commission for atomic weights, referenced in the post above, which highlighted an entirely different view of the story of the atom, to which Tutin's model speaks very aptly!
By now it is not an issue of who is right, nor who should garner the lion share of the research funds, or which team should apply offensive tactics or defensive manoeuvres but which model is of utility in which circumstance.
As I am inclined toward a magnetic basis to materiality I will naturally favour one that is more consistent with that methodology of enquiry, thus in my view, one that highlights the trochoidal dynamics of the system .
Now Tutin apparently places so called negative charge in the centre of any topology for the atom, whereas I have yet to explore this kind of dynamic. My initial attempts start with the larger radius as supporting the minuscule radius in the ratio of 16072:1, the ratio of the determined masses of the so called particles of proton and electron. By volume we could consider 25:1 as the cube is in the right proportions ( take the scaling factor as a density measure) common to both) The synthesis of the dynamic leaves several combinatorial possibilities, including Tutin's..
The application TroTorted only deals with 4 quaternionic spheres linked by the sine components , and the otherbtrochoid apps do not give access to 3d representations, implemented on the Quesa platform . So I need Bill Shanks to discuss certain modifications or to re host his JavaScript app in the browser!
The Fractal generator apps that may also be useful are also limited by character limits , or require further study to determine where they meet the synthesis criteria for sculpting trochoidal dynamics of materiality. Terry Gintz Quasz is the only one I am at present familiar with
It is important to note here that my exploration of the various atomic models is in no way declaring a support for the atomic position. Rather it is an investigation into an alternative model that explains all the " facts" locked away inside the atomic modellers treasure house: those they display and those anomalies they ignore or keep hidden!
The model I espouse is quite general: trochoidally dynamic pressure surfaces fractally distributed saciometrically. . With this foundational basis I seek to deploy curvilineal force lines as representative of specific action or motion paths in space resulting from these pressure surface interactions
This is not quite the same as the hidden variable issue because Newton discounts hidden variables ftprom the outset. What is to be considered is what is observable either by surfeit or deficit or just as measurement allows!
Inertia is one of those phenomena where a deficit of action is observed. Similarly Roger Bkck modified Newtons theory of heat by the deficit now known as latent heat. This is the foundation of entropy , which I claim shows a lack due to the observable synthesis of complex structures under natural powers!
Thus when Newton reduced his observations to density and mass, he did not exclude that materiality itself held other inertial resistive forces and powers . It was his hope to reveal them by tackling fluids as a resistive medium, and thus to account for inertial considerations in the celestial realm that mass and point mass at that might neglect.
However the computation andvthebdiscovery of such things through quantitative measurement is a task requiring greater fortune than Newton could muster.
It took the ingenuity of others and the mind of Boscovich to set out the course of measurements and quantities required to discover such Imperceptibles.
As Newton had searched in Alchemical ways it required observations beyond the gravitational issue to determine the nature of general force or powers in Nature, and at the heart of this was a better appreciation of the magnetic / electric behaviour.
Newton suspected as much, but later Natural philosophers would have to pove it, nd his quantitative theory, he felt, was the most objective way to do so.
It took time and Boscovich for this view to prevail in Europe
The method, enunciated by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in the mouth of Sherlock Homes reflected a deep appreciation of the scientific method employed by logical positivists of his day. And as a man who dabbled in science he spoke to a tradition of enquiry based on his university lecturer.
The mercury barometer measure of pressure relative to gravitational acceleration.
The edge se of pressure in a gas .
What about pressure in a plasma?
And in a liquid?
And in a solid?
Pressure in a liquid , like mercury, low viscosity.
Pressure IN a solid ! High viscosity. around each solid a vapor exist and this vapour is densest nearest to the solid viscous mass. Thus solid pressure is not measurable by barometer, but by hydraulic pressure . It is intensely high compared to atmospheric or gas pressure , but acts over a short range governed by an inverse quartic law or higher.
Similarly a liquid is adjacent to a vapour, the pressure of which extends quit quite a distance which apparently is governed by an inverse cube law.
And a gas and a vapour ate identical, and they seem to be governed by an inverse square law as regards pressure.
And what of a plasma? How is its pressure governed ?
As I pursue the power of pressure in producing curvilineal forces I draw ever closer to the beating heart of magnetism!
Like gases they are associated with all pressures, but typically o ly recognised at high temperatures and energies! Here note the extremely low pressures associated with Plasmas , and that they typically merge or diffuse into all material including gases very easily and at low temperatures.. Thus the pressure of a plasma is governed by no identified law, but in fact we measure the pressure associated to Plasmas by magnetic intensities!
The pressures associated to a plasma are apparently those electric and magnetic behaviours we have observed as magnetic characterization of materiality.
When we characterise a ferro agnetic material by its permeability we are measuring the p,asma pressure associated with this materiality.
This plasma pressure is governed by an inverse square law.
What we can do since 1966. Notice the sun like ball of plasma produced by magnetic pulses. . These pressure pulses combine but do ot inter penetrate., as Boscovich hypothesised.
Controlling the plasma pressure within materiality .
The vibrations produce high and low pressure regions and the plasma state of the material oscillates in and out of phase( material phases) . The "magnetic pressure " behaviour was felt as radiant heat , but now we can image it through the variation in magnetic behaviour it transmits through the "Maxwellians" aether., or rather the Boscovichian powers of nature , and the Faraday exposition of them .
They are rotation producing pressure powers in materiality.
My position is that rotational powers are the fundamental principles of all matrial properties and may well described as pressures in a general sense, quantifiable by a Maxwell Hamilton Einstein Boscovichian inspired measurement scheme initiated by Newton and combinatorial ly structured by the Grassmanns.
The better apprehension of pressure as fundamentally causative, as an expression of natural powers which " cause" or exist in rotational dynamic is a direction worth exploring trochoidally xxx
Using Bill Shanks aka Qqazxxsw aka Laz Plaths Trochoid App, I explore a dynamic trace of the nucleus with 10 " proton in 2 shells one consisting of2 protons and the second of 8.
There are no putative " electrons" visualised in this dynamic sketch . The effect would be small and would need to be exaggerated to be visible on this scale.
Unfortunately the dials are not visible but I will remedy that as I meditate on the dynamic.
My method, after some trial and confusion is to start with one proton as the dynamic central rotation. This is just a dynamic circle. Then to add protons in negative positive fashion and rotation.
Thus the second proton has the negative radius or amplitude, it has the negative frequency of rotation and negative rotation . This places the rotational arcs as passing through the central point of the basic proton.
However the third proton is now positive , and it is set as the basis of the second shell. The first proton ne carries2 protons and it's frequency is increased by 2 to 3 .
My aim was to reflect the influence of the other rotors on this reference proton. The only variations the app allows are in frequency and radius and dynamic relative phase!
Thus in this model I choose frequency to count the impact of other "protons" on the base proton. Similarly the base for shell 2 isolates the impat on that shell base of other protons added to the shell as set out above.
Thus this sketch showsv10 protons( including the base) affecting the base proton frequency and 8 protons affecting the second shell base proton frequency.
The assumption of shells, based on the suggestion of experimental results on the energies in the nucleus are thusly accounted for.
The radius reflects the so called mass of the proton which is in a ratio to the electron mass of some 50000 to 27! Thus the impact of adding an electron is not appreciable on this particular scale .
The synthesis of the model allows me to build the sketch in many ways. In particular the shell model is not the only construction process with nucleus first and then electrons added. It might be that proton then electron then proton and electron is an interesting dynamic structure.
There is lots to ponder and explore including the mass volume ratios. .
Boscovich has no empty space in his force theory , space is full of dynamic powers whose laws are yet to be discovered.
Just. Thought about choosing frequency to measure the number of protons impacting on the base: the conservation of angular momentum is explained by such an increase in frequency as the total mass is brought radially closer to the centre of rotation.
The periodic table is the organizing pattern from which all else flows regarding matter
The carbon nucleus in TroTorted by Bill Shanks.
The set up without "force connections ".
This 3d dynamic should be viewed repeatedly
Norman introduces the topic of bases and dimensions, algebraic ally using the mosaic of The Pythagoreans.
It is a brain ache because we get easily confused, myself included! But you do or can get used to it. But be careful you don't start bugging yourself up when you do! Normans whole approach is to cut out the crap in standard Mathematical thinking, by introducing rigorous thought patterns and clear agreements.
So why connect to the traditional mathesis and terminology.? Simply because this is an exercise in bringing minds together soundly not in egotism. The corrections Norman has made really show how we have a much greater flexibility in establishing combinatorial forms. Like clay, the way we shape the form according to need and utility., and this shape is given by grips or handles we grasp the slippery clay with: these are terminiological equivalents or labels, because the concepts themselves are written using labels for sounds and meanings or notions.
This is an inductive , self referencing scheme in which more complex ideas are referred to by the same form of words as the foundation concept.
If your language does not have a reflexive verb form this becomes very confusing, but if your language does include a reflexive form, it is a very efficient subtlety that allows you to think at different layers about analogous things.
A lot of our issues is due to this lack of appreciation of the utility of Tautology with distinctions.
The relevance here is the flexibility to introduce circular vectors as bases to the " span" of the space/ space-time we may call 3d.
The addition of the circular vectors gives as resultants of trochoidal vectors/ curvilineal vectors. The combination of them is often called super positioning or interference.
In this case we see how Boscovich replace the concept of attributes to solid or material points or monads to a concept of powers in the space around a reference point or a monad with a reference point.
These curvilineal linesvarevactually surfaces as we shall see, but here just note that visually the curvilineal form does not make obvious any central point acting on the space around it radially. In fact we can visualise the power in spacevasva pressure that is dynamically variable causing trochoidal path displacements.
Trochoidal path displacements, let us agree arevanalogousbto dynamic pressures in a volume. As such the pressure varies so that its resultant is high and low pressure variation within a definite region or volume of space. .
A bubble for example has a curvilineal force in the film that resolves into varying pressures within and without the bubble film very close to the film. This is often called surface tension.
In the next post we will see how the surface tensions in the Boscovich carbon atom may dynamically vary.
And now discover something not apparent in the locus version of this model.
When the pressure surfaces are revealed by thickening the surfaces that form a "rope" we see how that rope behaves as it passes around the trochoidal loop in 3 d.
Firstly the nuclear core expands to the outside of the form rotating rapidly one way, then contracts back through the centre rotating the other way.
This may be a false motion due to the last 2 incomplete circles but until I can get Bill Shanks to extend TroTorted beyond 6 dials I won't know.
What is clear that realistic trochoidal surfaces rather than lines play a better role in modelling complex dynamic structures formed by pressure surfaces .
Despite the trumpeting of Physicsts regarding Rutherford and Bohr, the understanding of materiality has been organised by the Chemists.
It is to be noted that in xpcharacterizing mass and materials,Magnetic behaviours became a crucial ordering factor and the radio geneticists of materials led to the appreciation of Isotopes as fundamentally determining atomic proportions such as atomic mass.
In whatever direction one looks, o r sees the fundamental importance of magnetism.
The rotationa
Dynamic that I perceive has abating, and now thoroughly reviewing the TroTorted app I realise it is in fact 4 Quaternion spheres not 6 , and therefore a model of Beryllium not carbon
It occurred to me at last that DrvJohn Tutin's alternative, engineers model of the atom might bear on understanding trochoidal dynamics.
In attempting to recall his name I stumbled on the work of the commission for atomic weights, referenced in the post above, which highlighted an entirely different view of the story of the atom, to which Tutin's model speaks very aptly!
By now it is not an issue of who is right, nor who should garner the lion share of the research funds, or which team should apply offensive tactics or defensive manoeuvres but which model is of utility in which circumstance.
As I am inclined toward a magnetic basis to materiality I will naturally favour one that is more consistent with that methodology of enquiry, thus in my view, one that highlights the trochoidal dynamics of the system .
Now Tutin apparently places so called negative charge in the centre of any topology for the atom, whereas I have yet to explore this kind of dynamic. My initial attempts start with the larger radius as supporting the minuscule radius in the ratio of 16072:1, the ratio of the determined masses of the so called particles of proton and electron. By volume we could consider 25:1 as the cube is in the right proportions ( take the scaling factor as a density measure) common to both)
The synthesis of the dynamic leaves several combinatorial possibilities, including Tutin's..
The application TroTorted only deals with 4 quaternionic spheres linked by the sine components , and the otherbtrochoid apps do not give access to 3d representations, implemented on the Quesa platform . So I need Bill Shanks to discuss certain modifications or to re host his JavaScript app in the browser!
The Fractal generator apps that may also be useful are also limited by character limits , or require further study to determine where they meet the synthesis criteria for sculpting trochoidal dynamics of materiality. Terry Gintz Quasz is the only one I am at present familiar with
The model I espouse is quite general: trochoidally dynamic pressure surfaces fractally distributed saciometrically. . With this foundational basis I seek to deploy curvilineal force lines as representative of specific action or motion paths in space resulting from these pressure surface interactions