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A sound basis to Rotational Dynamics



  • The measurement of magnetic susceptibility has begun to take some serious theoretical consideration . However the current model, that is the magnetic moment model requires the confusing shift between conceptualisations that is left unaddressed for reasons that may have more to do with intellectual protectionism than anything!

    The electron model has to be turned into the current model, and then the magnetic dipole moment model!

    We can avoid this by considering a dual opposing screw vortex model as the foundation of materiality.

    Magnetic susceptibility is the most general measure of the incredible magnetic patterning that underpins all materiality. That we have a few material whose paramagnetic magnetic susceptibility is off the chart is why we have obscured the underpinning magnetic behaviour in chemistry.

    In addition, the so called electric effect and thus the so called electron indicates the incredible dynamic of this magnetic patterning at nano scales! These high frequency nanoscale reciprocations in the volume of the aether or space-time are a fundamental effect of the rotational complexity of the fluid dynamic model. It also leads to the explanation of triboelectric effects on materials especially at the surface where the tiny regions may pass through each other with incredible leverage multipliers that disturb established patterning.

    We can also use viscosity to explain why these tribo magnetic resultants have a long relaxation time or rather we can explain viscosity by this long relaxation time.

    Once that relaxation time observation is understood we can explain MMR decay times and indeed Nuclear decay times in terms of it.

    The experimental observation of rays and other ejecta from materials is also explained as agnetic repulsive behaviour between regions that develop opposing magnetic polarities due to this reciprocation in the nano regions.

    The viscosity of the surrounding material that maintains material viability is again explained by cancelling of magnetic behaviours by others in a rotational interference patterning. But it is this very rotational behaviour within a volume or region that in the large characterises material phase change behaviours between solid liquid gas and plasma. In addition, within any volume the at least4 phases readily exist in characteristic proportions .

    At the moment " heat pressure" otherwise called temperature is our main gross means of characterization.
    We could use sound and thermic pressures to design a better characterization and indeed magnetic susceptibility measures would give even finer distinctions.
    We use many other measurable effects that can help determine phase proportions within materiality of these at leastv4 states of materiality.

  • Magnetic characterization of thermic properties. The cutie point and beyond
  • edited January 2017

    The vast industrial scale of magnetic patterning! But we do not see or sense it because of the eclectic models we use to depict it! Xx

    Please note that the sono thermo effect of magnetic patterning is theoretically encapsulated in the phonon concept. The phonon is just another rotational vorticular conception of dynamics in materials.
  • edited January 2017
    So all properties are directional !

    All properties are dependent on the rotational dynamics within a volume!!

    Under anisotropic we can basically place spring behaviours which are a familiar large scale phenomenon

    Damping in these types of anisotropic systems is an effect of viscosity or the underlying viscosity and relaxation behaviour of a material
    Anisotropic filament action and domain walls are related . Notice how the tribomagnetic effect multiplies the magnetic force required to change anisotropic the more you go into a volume of material! The tribo electric effect therefore is mostly at the surface of a volume

  • So although angular momentum is not the so called induced or intrinsic magnetic field it creates a magnetic dipole moment proportional to it! Similarly for the intrinsic electron spin.

    Clever as it is it essentially makes electron and proton irrelevant replacing it with a pair of interacting vortices. .
    Claes Johnsons rt al correction to Kelvinn-Helmholtz vortex kinematics now becomes relevant to correctly determining behaviour and the correct coefficients for these measurable energy changes in the Virtices.

    These spin or vortex interactions are draw able by trochoidal forms, and indeed the probability distributions used to draw s,p d shells are merely trochoidal forms in space . These forms are said to depict the highest probability of finding a particle, but in fact they depict standing rotational dynamic patterns in space, that is magnetic patterning g
  • Xxx because quantum mechanics ignores the foundational basis of magnetic behaviour the possibility of uniting all 4 forces under a trochoidally dynamic model is skirted round . Mafpgnetic behaviour in its atterning can account for materiality and all it's force properties: magnetism, sound, thermal behaviour electrical behaviour and gravitational behaviour.

    String theory already iciest the closed string as the graviton

  • Magnetic patterning underpins all materiality xx

  • We can see here how the PMH works by completing a magnetic vortex loop consisting of two intertwining Virtices at radio frequency and in dynamic equilibrium. The magnetic behaviour localises and may well be described as a current or flux of magnetic behaviour. .
    When the loop is broken, the equilibrium destroyed annexplosivevreaction takes place that affectsbtheviron filingsvwhichbarevparamagnetic. In the case of diamagnetic powder bing used what woul happen?

    To some it would appearvthatva fluid dynamic description cannot be given, but that failsvtonunderstandvthe meaningbofvfluid. 
    It isctraditionalnto posit invisible fluids even an aether to model this rotational dynamic. What we can not do is dismiss a concomitant fluid or atmosphere inter penetrating any so called solid. . When we enlarge our medium we enable more explanatory models to be constructed. 

    The magnetic ordering of materials particularly in relation to the periodic tablevofvrlements enables a whole new model of chemical reaction to be described, or rather it simplifies the so called hard quantum mechanical explanations . In addition we rewrite the laws of thermodynamics to complete their description and application as part of a greater magnetic patterning dynamic. 
    The anisotropic of magnetic behaviour is a feature that results in filaments, domains and crystalline structures in faceted regions both organic and inorganic.

    The fluid dynamic patterning reveals how fluids, in this case liquids, may vibrate at frequencies that form stable and discrete structures . While the so called surface tension is evident, this boundary surface phenomenon is observable within fluids where density differences exist and persist in a dynamic. Usually density is a phase discrete phenomenon, so the same material may have regions in different phase states that hence form discretised regions within a fluid.  These usually exhibit a vortex dynamic where the boundary is in rotation sometimes at surprising angular velocities. 

    We therefore should expect plasma bubbles to demonstrate similar behaviours within materials whatever the dominant phase. 
    The voltaic cell can be explained on a similar way so that it is seen to be mechanically similar to a wind hurst machine  in which rotation contact the fluid air and collecting electrodes and a storage container are all used . The discretisation of the materials , frequency of rotation humidity and temperature all play a part

    This video actually reveals the mathematical law that underpins the electron magnetisation theory.
    It is remarkable, but not a law, as far as I know  that extends to the nucleus of a so called atom. In fact it reveals purely mathematically a number counting game called summing series at the base of our theoretical model.  Rather than falling down in awe of mathematics we should realise hw we set these mathematical combinatorial patterns up! 

    With some loss of specificity we generalise a complex situation into familiar forms or relationships that intuitively remind us f certain mathematical or sac isometric patterns we are well rehearsed in, or have one expertise with. It behooves us then to demonstrate not only the applicability of the correspondence but also the limitations.  If the correspondence is strikingly elegant it is more likely to be adopted by fellow workers and experts in the field , warts and all. 

    The electron magnetisation theory by now is well ensconced , but it's limitations are not well known or even for that matter idly talked bout. In addition simpler vortex models are often ignored on aesthetic grounds as well as on lack of celebrity support. 

    While theoreticians may use the vortex models their public pronouncements are in terms of mystifying nd mysterious particles! 

    The electron particle is universally talked about as a magnetron but in the same breath denied as a magnetic  phenomenon. This is accepted because the Magnetic guild long ago acceded to the dominant electric spark proponents, who captured all the fame and funding, but had little clue of how the spark actually worked! 
    When Volta proposed a repulsive and attractive force involved in that spark he was shot down by a university professor who reads like the only Franklinite in Italy! He was convinced of just one fluid responsible for the spark and force, whereas Galvni demonstrated frigs legs jumping and supported 2 fluids, which of course attracted Voltas attention. 
    Despite years of innovation and careful research , Voltas thory of the lecturing flame was passed over in favour of Galvani's 
    It was later more careful researchers who revived his atmospheric or fluid model, but again heavily redacted according to the flavour of the month at the time. 

    At this stage in our understanding it is entirely feasible to build a model that is founded on trochoidal dynamics of a single medium from which all other elemental structures may be complexly derived , such s model could without reservation be called magnetic because it was the discovery of curvilineal forces that are magnetism that revolutionised Ampères thinking , as he redacted Ōrsted philosophical conclusions.

  • The issue of the model of the Nucleus and indeed the so called atom is one that I will tackle next.

    Some history is in order.

    The Atomic theory is really an analytical that is top down ( ana - on top, lysis- to cut or loose) one derived sensibly by Democritus and Leucretius. It takes solid matter and renders it into corpuscles invisible to the eye. However it does not take invisible matter like air or gases and reduce them to invisible corpuscles. Rather it synthesises gases from the invisibility of the smallest particles of the solid material!

    The matter was not addressed in scientific terms but in theosophical musings. Materiality, made of particles was never equatable with spirituality made of ineffable spirit., or at least effulgence light.

    It was therefore a debate able notion that a wave or stress in the plenum could account for anything as immaterial as light! .Descartes However by pure reason asserted not only waves but vortices as aspects of the visible material universe.

    It hasv amen a while to ascertain the essential logicality of his assertions. The issue of spirituality is therefore in his mind quite other than any humanly detectable Power. The soul alone detects what is truly spirit, in his opinion, and that is essentially revealed in Reason, not in the senses.

    Alchemists and all pragmatic men required a view of materiality that enabled them to apprehend the dynamics around them, even if they could not apprehend the spirit.

    In time their magical technology threw doubt on the Theoophicl musings that produced no discernible works that could not be explained alchemically and mechanically.

    The spiritists therefore were in retreat until magnetism was fully explained by Gilbert , allowing a great mystery of action at a distance to sit in the heart of all pragmatists theory of force action.

    As time has progressed materiality once thought of as solid, liquid and gas was found to be largely " empty space!"

    This was an unfortunate equating of a known model of the universe with the unknown synthesis of particulate matter.

    Great strides in Alchemical theory led to a successful application of Daltons atomic theory to all matter, because it was based not on solid matter but on fluid materiality and in particular on gases and liquids. It was found that proportions in these fluid media could be established, and this in turn equated to. Particulate or corpuscular representation of these proportions, down to the so called atomic scae.

    Thus protons and Neutrons were essentially liquid proportions! Thus when JJ Thompson uncovered the proportion between the mass of the beta ray or Crooked ray and the electric field force by Coulombs and Dirichlets formulae, he responsibly set about revising the corpuscular theory of materiality . His model was essentially an update of the liquid proportion model.

    Bohr and Rutherford came to deride this model as the sticky plum pudding model! They replaced it by a modern up to date analogy of the solar system! They provided no measurements or experimental data to support this form other than most electrically accelerated alpha particles , accelerated by a spark technique, appeared to pass through material with almost no deflection. The amount of deflection or scattering was a proportion often quoted 99.999% the assumption therefore, called a conclusion. Was that the atom was mostly empty space!

    To support this model they needed an electron orbiting the minuscule but dense nucleus and JjThompsons ratio had sincec1900 been set as the unit of electric force on mass. It was called the electron and a particle against Thompsons advice. They ilenced him by blandishments. Who is this they?
    A group of self interested people who could see the potential in making Lorentz and certin Irish mathematicians famous. This glory was short lived when Einstein took the electron and ran with it! It was his theoretical explanation of the photoelectric effect using the electron, that immediately put a stop to the alternatve magnetic formulation of matter that was being pieced together in Laboratories throughout Europe.

    The solar system model of the atom has many problems , but the anchoring of the spark and light to the electron galvanised a flurry of results that bypassed the Nucleus. Without specific reference theories or Lemmas on electrical conductivity appeared which avoided the nucleus problem, and had good results.
    It was Dirac who felt the situation with the Nucleus and indeed all particles based on that ratio ( the electron) needed a secure/ obscure foundation . Quanrptum mechanics supplied a statistical and thereby probability version of what scientists were observing.. In addition it was based entirely on wave mechanics in 3d . It was so unusual that his peers and mentors would not accept it! Then later they sought to overturn some of it's more improbable solutions and conclusions, especially anti matter. .

    The wave nature of materiality was firmly ensconced, but clearly not understood. In particular the generality of Diracs theory manet that whatever was written applied in scale to protons and a neutrons as proton electron pairs. Dirac concerned himself mostly with the electron as a fundamental particle and indeed he was confined by his tutors and peers to research only in that area!

    Bohr in particular applied it to the whole atom, and set quantum Mechanics as the new theoretical paradigm. Einstein and Bohr have been at loggerheads ever since!

    Is the nucleus a wave?

    The issue really here is the misunderstanding of rotational trochoidal dynamics at the heart of most of science,. Dirac was not ignorant of the implications of his theory, he was silenced by an elite who wished to maintain the status quo.

    We can account for the structure and synthesis of the nucleus in fluid dynamical terms which respect the trochoidally dynamic surfaces we cal waves.
    In addition I hope to research into the significance of the " magic numbers" that so heavily shaped the version of quantum mechanics we now profess!
  • edited January 2017
    The magic numbers are 2,8,20,28,50,82,126
    There are other numbers of proton and neutron pairings but thesevarevthe ones most commonly stated .

    The trochoidal diagram shows a structure based on these numbers asthe frequency of rotation in each Shell. The higher the frequency the more rotating forces are involved.

    The trochoidcassumesvthe curvilineal forces are circular but act in the spacebonneach other in a shell like structure.
    It is assumed that the amplitude of rotation is the same for protons and neutrons at the frequency ratios portrayed. , it may be that this amplitude varies asthe shells increase, and thatvtooncan be explored .

    I will discuss the importance of curvilineal forces innthe next post.
  • To explain the nucleus in rotational terms requires one to appreciate the dynamics and kinematics of vortices.

    The Trotorted images are stills of a dynamically varying pattern. It is a pattern of surfaces which I hope to be able to show in a post soon. The magic numbers are set as rotational frequencys for certain shells, which interact . The image is one rolling relative to its neighbour , not one inside it's neighbour .

    While I explore the type of imagery possible through Trotorted, bear in mind that these are not Solar system models, but sticky plum pudding models!!

    JJ Thompson struggled to visualise what I can now draw dynamically by a fabulous app by Laz Plath.

    The electron or rather mass electrostatic field ratio requires on to imagine very very very tiny perturbations on the nuclear dynamic! . I can not show that to scale on this appl as it only allows 6 of the nuclear magic numbers. But Laz has another app called Circa which I will explore and a further app that he developed for the browser which is no longer being hosted!
    I am trying to contact him regarding that version .

    But Trotorted reveals exactly how surfaces can interact to creat volumes by Rotation with perturbations, as Thompson was trying to show in his modelling of the atomic structure.

    It is a short step from that realisation to apprehending the power of magnetic patterning in materiality.

  • Philosophers do always challenge the orthodoxy, and the orthodoxy always bites back! And its bite is pure venom, for it is a pit of snakes and lizards!
    But bookworms do reveal the uniderbelly of that beastly can of worms!
  • edited January 2017

    Boscovitch's redaction of Newtons laws, not supporting the definition of force being quantified by a proportion of a multiplication of quantities, in fact the proportion is inverse : force per mass is a constant of acceleration in a gravitational or centripetal/ centrifugal region.

    It was an observation of Galileo that all masses fall with a constant acceleration so since the masses are not " constant" they must be innanninverse proportion to the weight force to get a contam.

    Boscovitch rejected the constancy of the acceleration . His force profile was a dynamic oscillation between attraction and repulsion. .

    How he applied it would make interesting reading, but from the diagram a rotational damped oscillatory force is depicted. If this is a curvilineal force profile then we have a potential magnetic principle at work., in Boscovich's observation of natural force behaviours.

  • Why rotation is fundamental to materiality
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