A generator or dynàmic moves a material through a magnetic incing double layer, thus astrophysical dynamos imply a spatial magnetic force, a regional magnetic inducing force that exist in space or the aether.
This is the main idea to explain so called electrical currents in space,
The resultant behaviour of gyres interacting are not well understood if linear vectors are used and lineal vector addition . Trochoidal dynamic summation gives a better resultant. .
Magnetic radiation is dismissed as a conceptual framework for all radiation. Where magnetic polarity is weak , that is where instrumentation will measure weak radiation events. . The I strumentation measures the flow of ionised gas in a supposed " electric" field. What is a better starting point is the discharge of a magnetic region as a magnetic current ( as in the PMH) due to a changing magnetic intensity, .
Faradays observation of an " electric" pulse due to a changing magnetic pattern is what is being observed at all times, in a diamagnetic induction the magnetic intensity inducts/ conducts alongside the conducting guide material and rebounds at the impedance change to establish a standing dynamic. . This dynamic decays through dsdipation over time. . The rapid decay caused by a short we call a spark or radiation. It is the hysteresis decay of a magnetic induction. .
We ignore the magnetic environment of our ptanet in formulating our current electron based theory. . The electric effect is best represented as. Frequency mode of an induced magnetic structure in materiality.
So to assume the electric modality of magnetic patterning is causal of magnetic field behaviour is to put the cart before the horse.
The huge scale of magnetic behaviour is evidenced on our sun., and in our solar system. The associated currents are flows of this magnetic dynamic under the rotational dynamics of curvilineal forces which express pressure dynamics.
The big misleading idea is that spheroidal dynamics result in spherical shapes rather than trichoidal forms.
I have discussed these magnetic circuits in a previous post. Volta of course was the main classical figure who proposed an aether or atmospheric circuit effect as causative of the electic spark. The recipe required 2 materials couple through a moist or dissolving medium.
Heat in this case is any form of agnetic radiation. . The different materials cause a change in the induced magnetic fild structure and that change is then called an electric rathernthanna magnetic current.
As simple as it sounds the best way to understand the magnetic induction Fotce is as being universal. Then within that universal double layer framework fractal regional double layers are induced. The tighter and more convoluted that dynàmic structure the more solid and viscous that region appearsv as materiality. . The more solid and viscous( crystalline lattice format) the more the structure retains its own hysteresis decay loop. . It is this contra action invoked simply by changing relative orientation to the inducing environment that produces all the force behaviours and inertia behaviours and rotational dynamics in our experience: seen as trochoidal surface dynamics.
The universal cosmic double layer itself is assumed to be dynamic in my opinion
So strip out all the accepted crap about electrons gravity and electrostatics. . The garbage trucks he mentions. Consider a magnetic inducing force. It acts on water to induce a double layer. , the EZ water layer. That layer can act as a battery. Suppose now in Voltas battery layer after layer of these EZ zones separated by metal plates of different material but conductive. . Voila Volta! The magnetically induced double layers are experienced as so called electrostatic charge at that frequency, but the rotational force is trochoidal dynamics.
The atmosphere as a double laer in the gaseous layer is very suggestive of the way magnetic induction expresses . Of course this is commonly spoken of in terms of electrostatic theory, but there really is no "static" electric charge. The movement of a magnetic pattern over materiality induces what we call electric charge. The movement of the solar wind a stream of magnetic double layers over the earths atmosphere induces an electric structure of double layers , it also creates a magnetospheric structure as the stream flows around and through the earth as a paramagnetic / diamagnetic structure. .
The trochoidal dynamics within this interplanetary magnetic field results in rotating bodies within the heliosphere at all scales.
JJ Thompson found a correspondence between the electromotive force or voltage used in generating a Crookes radiometer plasma and the mass deposited on the anode during these experiments.
JJ Thompson was a chemist , and so he was well aware of the experimental results from electrolysis in. The liquid. He based his experimental work on the plasma in the Crookes Radiometer on this electrolysis phenomenon. He used the theory of ions both anions and cations,
This theory had been used to develop the idea of Galvanic ionisation and galvanisation of materials in electrolysis. Galvano used it to explain the origin and creation of electric force or electric current is chemical explanation based on an idea promoted by Faraday about wondering materials within solutions called ions, won the day over Volta's atmospheric theory of the generation of electricity and electric current and electric charge.
It is because of this obscuration of the work by Volta that his connection to the thermocouple is not readily obvious.
In an electrolysis experiment magnetism is not considered. And so in the experimentation that JJ Thompson did the earths magnetism is factored out. Thus the ratio of electric field to mass which became the idea of the electron, is only valid for the general intensity of the earth's magnetic field. When nuclear chemists began to up the power of the electric field or the voltage and also to use magnetism to contain the plasma this is when they found that there were a large number of different so-called particles generated these weren't in fact not particles different ratios between the mass deposited and the voltage and the magnetic field containing the Plasmas . .
Therefore the causality of these phenomena has been dubious from the outset. JJ Thompson never confused what he had found experimentally with the concept of an electron. This was foisted upon his work by others who felt that it was conducive to theories developed by Lorentz and Pascal and Mach.
Had theorists continued to experiment with Crookes-Thompsons apparatus they would have found the ratio was dependent on the behaviour of the environmental magnetic field! Instead they focused on the deflection of the plasma in a magnetic field and not it's concentrating effect. Decades later the so called z-pinch of a magnetic field on a plasma was acknowledged, but no one revisited the determination of the mass to voltage unit ratio. Rather new "particles" were theoretically surmised!
To presume electric current causes magnetism is therefore experimentally wrong as Ed pointed out. The magnetism in fact controls the experimental results. It is therefore sounder to attribute cause to magnetic behaviour not so called electron current flows.
Electric current flows can be directed by a magnetic field even in a conductor. When Heaviside solved the transmission problem for long cables it was by increasing the magnetic inductance in the copper cabling. That is to say he redirected the current flow by magnetism to stay attached to the copper cabling.
Magnetism in air and space clearly confines plasma to sometimes tortuous paths but also to sheets and surfaces, as well as to bubbles of ejected material. To miss this controlling behaviour as non generative is blinkered reasoning common to all dogmas.
We can see from JJ Thompsons work that neither E or H ( the solenoidal inductive force rather than the B field force) is assumed to be causative. e the electric charge is not specified or known but assumed to be responsive to voltage in an orthogonal direction to its velocity. It is also shown to be responsive to a magnetic intensity orthogonal to its velocity. The electromagnetic force ofvMaxwells theory were crucial to the design concept of this experiment, but not to determining the charge to mass ratio! 2 orthogonal electric voltages or magnetic intenities would do just as well. In fact NMR relies on the detection of the variation in magnetic intensities to construct an image of their source or cause.
It also occurs to me that just as material in electrolysis deposits on anode and cathode out of solution, material deposits out of p,Adam dissolved on a magnetic field! Thus as Halten Arp suggested at the grand scale magnetic galaxies can deposit smaller galaxies in regions of space where the magnetic intensity is lower and beef hose galaxies up over time by electrolytic type transfer!
The gyre described by environmental points ABCDMFGA and the Gyre ABCDHEMA have the summative resultants I have been looking for in a simple model. The corresponding induced object gyre abcdmfga and abcdhema where mis in the centre of the Bloch wall plane/ dielectric rotor plane abcd describe the induced gyre and their paramagnetic convergence to the inducing gyres.
The gyres describe the force vectors on any material which exhibits an intrinsic induced gyre where the equality of forces cancel or produce a zero resultant , but otherwise a net resultant on the "weaker " material if in a contra orientation . The resultant in the Bloch wall is zero despite the labelling because the abcd gyre bring the dm force vector elmnt into contra orientation with the ma force vector element.
Ton that end it ay be moot to have the abcd gyre counteracted by a adcb gyre at the Bloch wall . The issue is that when two magnets combine the bloch wall moves to the new centre so the model has to depict this resultant.
The sun is a. Lodestone magnet, as are the planets . The solar wind is a magnetic dynamic pattern of the changing inducing force . The changing inducing force is what we call electric charge or pulse behaviour.
The filamentary nature of the dynamic magnetic pattern is called a flux rope, or flux transfer connection. The coronal holes reveal the dynamic filaments attaching to the sun, just like magnetic fluid reveals the tufting of material near magnetic poles.
The coronal region shows the diffuse filamentary action near the sun with larger structures, sunspots and other dynamic structures establishing amongst those patterns.
When a force acts on a velocity the velocity changes by a composition operation.
We are taught to construct velocity parallelograms and force parallelograms. These obscure the force velocity compositional diagram. . The composition requires a time interval. This allows us to decompose an acceleration vector into a displacement velocity vector for that interval of time. We can then draw the differential velocity sum for that force acting on that velocity. .
The motion of instantaneous force is derived from the need to describe the found fact of circular velocity and circular force vectors. Allied to this notion is instantaneous velocity and instantaneous displacement. In the differential analysis these are termed differential displacement, velocity and acceleration. Dirac devised the Dirac. Integral to represent instantaneous action such as an instantaneous force. This formally decomposes a force into its area under its acceleration curve which formally results in a velocity curve . Thus a Dirac force operator acting on a differential velocity should logically give a resultant velocity.
While not causative , an integral formed by a Dirac force operator and a velocity differential should describe an impulse scenario for circular or curvilineal motion .
Nevertheless this mathematical model does not replace direct observation and measurement of curvilineal motion whether by impulse or action at a distance or as I prefer curvilineal expression of pressure forces in a region , magnetic or fluid dynamic.
The secret of flight by Hoffmann and Johnson In solving this paradox they also solve the issues with Maxwells equations. Any current will produce rotational separation at an impedance boundary. The magnetic rotation around a conductor/ inductor is the rotational manifestation of a magnetic current flowing within an electrolytic cell or battery . That flow is not necessarily streamlined but even if it is the solution shows that on leaving the battery the low will become rotational due to a mechanism of instability at the impedance junction.
At high voltage the spark is only a visible portion of a much more extensive otational flow in the aether.
The vorticity of a boundary layer is not mentioned in this explanation. Indeed the magnetic induction in the colder air, derived from the effects of the solar wind are also ignored. .the powerfuL rotation drops down from the upper boundary as a powerful contra rotating updraft expands upward along this rotating dynamic. Vortices interacting along axes behave differently to vortices interacting by side collision. . Thus the polarity of magnetic behaviour produces observable differences in interact.ion from rotation to repulsion and attraction. . The pinching of the vortices also creates different behaviours . The magnetic current creates noticeable " electric" mode effects in materiality , characteristic of the material being I duceuce, solid liquid gas or p,asma at all heat pressures( temperatures) or radiation frequency measures . radiation frequency measures( long to shortwave) correlate with heat presdure or temperature measured by mercury expansion or contraction.
Data most probably collected by the AIRS satellite missions
Sofia provides the evidence, but the interpretation is provided by the researchers. So a spiralling galaxy causes spiral magnetic fields in their interpretation. But of course it makes more sense to have magnetic behaviour inducing the spiralling dynamic.
Also recorded are the faraday tubes that align with the polarity of a galactic system . These filaments trace out the flux dynamics within the spiral solenoidal form and are the H field dynamic, while the spiral magnetic dynamic is the B field trochoidal dynamic. .
I will repost a video on Howard Johnsons work here to give more insight.
As much as I like ths animation I now see the flaw in its logic with regard to dynamical flow or flux or rather Faraday tubes of magnetic inducing force.
The flow of liquid around this direct current carrying neodinium magnet indeed shows swirls but not the swirls of magnetic behaviour. The swirls are necessarily those of electrolytic behaviour. . The magneto hydrodynamics shown are further compromised by the small container with boundary conditions too close to the electrolytic action.
The magnetic spin vortex is a name that tries to do justice to this fundamental dynamic, but it can't.
At last a clear demonstration of Hward Johnsons ideas, and ken Wheelers too, The flaw is simple: the magnetic donut vortices stack on top of each other. So the Bloch wall is where they meet and the spin vortices exit at the edge of the one polarity and mett at the Bloch wall whereas the other spin vortex exits from the Bloch wall and enters at the edge of the other polarity. The centre of the poles, as Ken points out is where the weaker faraday tubes of the spin donuts can enter or exit. . So the "south" donut has a weak tube that exits from the centre of the north polarity face and "similarly the north" donut has a weak faraday tube that enters in the centre of the south polarity face.
Within a lodestone crystal these smoke ring donuts move about interacting like bubble ring vortices, and theoretical Skymions.
However the interactions are more complex and are not neat donut shaped resultants . The complex patterns are trochoidally dynamic
Notice how the following vortex ring is contracted and pulled through the leading one . This is the attractive force within the vortex sustaining medium. . It is easy to understand how these double layer structures can repel each other if they meet head on. However it is not so clear how they interact when moving "apart" that is when generated close to each other and moving away in opposite directions. . It would seem that by pulling in more of the environmental medium the magnetic structure is forced to separate. Whereas the collision results in an elastic bouncing off the magnetic structure. .
At 3:36 you will see how magnetic induction is proposed to initiate and control tornadic systems in the atmosphere.
The law of angular conservation of velocity and momentum and energy is often misapplied. . Once full body rotation is established a fluid system may be depicted by an angular momentum description, but in transition and in the initial stages the conservation law is not applicable. Magnetic induction by a magnetic filament from the sun in the magnetic solar wind is causative of the mechanical and sonic and thermal dynamics seen in the tornado and contributes to the electric mode discharge evident in the system or cell. In addition the cold highly dynamic atmosphere above the storm system is co densed and sinks down to help promote intensification of the spin and energy rebalancing. .this rotating sheath of colder denser and dienwardly sinking air is often ignored in tornado descriptions.
The interaction between poles of magnetic induction either condenses or expands materiality rotationally causing either so called z- pinch effects or heat expansive effects,Or simp,y attracts the different cells into a filamentary column.
Also within a fluid angular momentum may not be conserved once the rotational dynamic exceeds the viscous relaxation characteristics of the fluid, vortex shedding then occurs creating multiple filamentary structures / tornadoes.
The double layer which is the essential fundamental dynamic of magnetic behaviour is a plasmic term. . It is supposed o imply electric charge separation, but ignores the more fundamental magnetic dipole. . The magnetic dipole is still in existence in the electric mode of magnetic behaviour where it is called a ouble layer in high temperature( heat pressure) and high voltage physics.
Here we see demonstrated by complex geometry that high voltage and high temperature are not necessary if the compression and expansion ratio frequency is tuned.
In a bar magnet these frequencies are ignored , despite being detectable with audio equipment. The rotational dynamic is there , observable, but ignored to favour the electron model, over a rotational dynamic associated to magnetic current,
The symbol for the magnetic current depicts very well the toroidal jet that punches through the environmental pressure forming a travelling ' smoke " ring. Or bubble ring
Here the mix up between electric generation and magnetic induction creates confusion that is simplified by basing everything on magnetic totational dynamics . Plasma is generated by magnetic induction at the necessary frequncy and mp,itude , not by so called electric current but magnetic current in electric mode and beyond . The electromagnetic frequency chart shows how powerful magnetic current can become.
Magnetic induction involves tribomagnetic action. It is a rotating rubbing action which loops in one direction. This loop in one direction resonates with the fundamental dipole rotation, this rotation is where faraday tubes take there path to the Bloch wal
Instead of defining EMF as a magnemoot I’ve force it is switched to electric. Rather than fall back on magnetic behaviour they chose electric battery as the source. It was simpler, but now we can understand how a battery is a source of changing magneticetic flux.
So called chemical reaction induces a magnetic behaviour around zinc regardless of external wire circuit. So, by rubbing with a magnet, rubbing with a different material, or chemically reacting with a surface, magnetic behaviour is induced.
A generator or dynàmic moves a material through a magnetic incing double layer, thus astrophysical dynamos imply a spatial magnetic force, a regional magnetic inducing force that exist in space or the aether.
This is the main idea to explain so called electrical currents in space,
The resultant behaviour of gyres interacting are not well understood if linear vectors are used and lineal vector addition . Trochoidal dynamic summation gives a better resultant. .
Magnetic radiation is dismissed as a conceptual framework for all radiation. Where magnetic polarity is weak , that is where instrumentation will measure weak radiation events. . The I strumentation measures the flow of ionised gas in a supposed " electric" field. What is a better starting point is the discharge of a magnetic region as a magnetic current ( as in the PMH) due to a changing magnetic intensity, .
Faradays observation of an " electric" pulse due to a changing magnetic pattern is what is being observed at all times, in a diamagnetic induction the magnetic intensity inducts/ conducts alongside the conducting guide material and rebounds at the impedance change to establish a standing dynamic. . This dynamic decays through dsdipation over time. . The rapid decay caused by a short we call a spark or radiation. It is the hysteresis decay of a magnetic induction. .
We ignore the magnetic environment of our ptanet in formulating our current electron based theory. . The electric effect is best represented as. Frequency mode of an induced magnetic structure in materiality.
So to assume the electric modality of magnetic patterning is causal of magnetic field behaviour is to put the cart before the horse.
The huge scale of magnetic behaviour is evidenced on our sun., and in our solar system. The associated currents are flows of this magnetic dynamic under the rotational dynamics of curvilineal forces which express pressure dynamics.
The big misleading idea is that spheroidal dynamics result in spherical shapes rather than trichoidal forms.
I have discussed these magnetic circuits in a previous post.
Volta of course was the main classical figure who proposed an aether or atmospheric circuit effect as causative of the electic spark. The recipe required 2 materials couple through a moist or dissolving medium.
Heat in this case is any form of agnetic radiation. . The different materials cause a change in the induced magnetic fild structure and that change is then called an electric rathernthanna magnetic current.
As simple as it sounds the best way to understand the magnetic induction Fotce is as being universal. Then within that universal double layer framework fractal regional double layers are induced. The tighter and more convoluted that dynàmic structure the more solid and viscous that region appearsv as materiality. . The more solid and viscous( crystalline lattice format) the more the structure retains its own hysteresis decay loop. . It is this contra action invoked simply by changing relative orientation to the inducing environment that produces all the force behaviours and inertia behaviours and rotational dynamics in our experience: seen as trochoidal surface dynamics.
The universal cosmic double layer itself is assumed to be dynamic in my opinion
Super critical magnetic behaviour in space!
So strip out all the accepted crap about electrons gravity and electrostatics. . The garbage trucks he mentions. Consider a magnetic inducing force. It acts on water to induce a double layer. , the EZ water layer. That layer can act as a battery. Suppose now in Voltas battery layer after layer of these EZ zones separated by metal plates of different material but conductive. . Voila Volta!
The magnetically induced double layers are experienced as so called electrostatic charge at that frequency, but the rotational force is trochoidal dynamics.
The atmosphere as a double laer in the gaseous layer is very suggestive of the way magnetic induction expresses . Of course this is commonly spoken of in terms of electrostatic theory, but there really is no "static" electric charge. The movement of a magnetic pattern over materiality induces what we call electric charge. The movement of the solar wind a stream of magnetic double layers over the earths atmosphere induces an electric structure of double layers , it also creates a magnetospheric structure as the stream flows around and through the earth as a paramagnetic / diamagnetic structure. .
The trochoidal dynamics within this interplanetary magnetic field results in rotating bodies within the heliosphere at all scales.
JJ Thompson found a correspondence between the electromotive force or voltage used in generating a Crookes radiometer plasma and the mass deposited on the anode during these experiments.
JJ Thompson was a chemist , and so he was well aware of the experimental results from electrolysis in. The liquid. He based his experimental work on the plasma in the Crookes Radiometer on this electrolysis phenomenon. He used the theory of ions both anions and cations,
This theory had been used to develop the idea of Galvanic ionisation and galvanisation of materials in electrolysis. Galvano used it to explain the origin and creation of electric force or electric current is chemical explanation based on an idea promoted by Faraday about wondering materials within solutions called ions, won the day over Volta's atmospheric theory of the generation of electricity and electric current and electric charge.
It is because of this obscuration of the work by Volta that his connection to the thermocouple is not readily obvious.
In an electrolysis experiment magnetism is not considered. And so in the experimentation that JJ Thompson did the earths magnetism is factored out. Thus the ratio of electric field to mass which became the idea of the electron, is only valid for the general intensity of the earth's magnetic field. When nuclear chemists began to up the power of the electric field or the voltage and also to use magnetism to contain the plasma this is when they found that there were a large number of different so-called particles generated these weren't in fact not particles different ratios between the mass deposited and the voltage and the magnetic field containing the Plasmas . .
Therefore the causality of these phenomena has been dubious from the outset. JJ Thompson never confused what he had found experimentally with the concept of an electron. This was foisted upon his work by others who felt that it was conducive to theories developed by Lorentz and Pascal and Mach.
Had theorists continued to experiment with Crookes-Thompsons apparatus they would have found the ratio was dependent on the behaviour of the environmental magnetic field! Instead they focused on the deflection of the plasma in a magnetic field and not it's concentrating effect. Decades later the so called z-pinch of a magnetic field on a plasma was acknowledged, but no one revisited the determination of the mass to voltage unit ratio. Rather new "particles" were theoretically surmised!
To presume electric current causes magnetism is therefore experimentally wrong as Ed pointed out. The magnetism in fact controls the experimental results. It is therefore sounder to attribute cause to magnetic behaviour not so called electron current flows.
Electric current flows can be directed by a magnetic field even in a conductor. When Heaviside solved the transmission problem for long cables it was by increasing the magnetic inductance in the copper cabling. That is to say he redirected the current flow by magnetism to stay attached to the copper cabling.
Magnetism in air and space clearly confines plasma to sometimes tortuous paths but also to sheets and surfaces, as well as to bubbles of ejected material. To miss this controlling behaviour as non generative is blinkered reasoning common to all dogmas.
We can see from JJ Thompsons work that neither E or H ( the solenoidal inductive force rather than the B field force) is assumed to be causative. e the electric charge is not specified or known but assumed to be responsive to voltage in an orthogonal direction to its velocity. It is also shown to be responsive to a magnetic intensity orthogonal to its velocity. The electromagnetic force ofvMaxwells theory were crucial to the design concept of this experiment, but not to determining the charge to mass ratio! 2 orthogonal electric voltages or magnetic intenities would do just as well. In fact NMR relies on the detection of the variation in magnetic intensities to construct an image of their source or cause.
It also occurs to me that just as material in electrolysis deposits on anode and cathode out of solution, material deposits out of p,Adam dissolved on a magnetic field! Thus as Halten Arp suggested at the grand scale magnetic galaxies can deposit smaller galaxies in regions of space where the magnetic intensity is lower and beef hose galaxies up over time by electrolytic type transfer!
The gyres describe the force vectors on any material which exhibits an intrinsic induced gyre where the equality of forces cancel or produce a zero resultant , but otherwise a net resultant on the "weaker " material if in a contra orientation . The resultant in the Bloch wall is zero despite the labelling because the abcd gyre bring the dm force vector elmnt into contra orientation with the ma force vector element.
Ton that end it ay be moot to have the abcd gyre counteracted by a adcb gyre at the Bloch wall . The issue is that when two magnets combine the bloch wall moves to the new centre so the model has to depict this resultant.
The sun is a. Lodestone magnet, as are the planets . The solar wind is a magnetic dynamic pattern of the changing inducing force . The changing inducing force is what we call electric charge or pulse behaviour.
The filamentary nature of the dynamic magnetic pattern is called a flux rope, or flux transfer connection. The coronal holes reveal the dynamic filaments attaching to the sun, just like magnetic fluid reveals the tufting of material near magnetic poles.
The coronal region shows the diffuse filamentary action near the sun with larger structures, sunspots and other dynamic structures establishing amongst those patterns.
We are taught to construct velocity parallelograms and force parallelograms. These obscure the force velocity compositional diagram. .
The composition requires a time interval. This allows us to decompose an acceleration vector into a displacement velocity vector for that interval of time. We can then draw the differential velocity sum for that force acting on that velocity. .
The motion of instantaneous force is derived from the need to describe the found fact of circular velocity and circular force vectors. Allied to this notion is instantaneous velocity and instantaneous displacement.
In the differential analysis these are termed differential displacement, velocity and acceleration.
Dirac devised the Dirac. Integral to represent instantaneous action such as an instantaneous force. This formally decomposes a force into its area under its acceleration curve which formally results in a velocity curve . Thus a Dirac force operator acting on a differential velocity should logically give a resultant velocity.
While not causative , an integral formed by a Dirac force operator and a velocity differential should describe an impulse scenario for circular or curvilineal motion .
Nevertheless this mathematical model does not replace direct observation and measurement of curvilineal motion whether by impulse or action at a distance or as I prefer curvilineal expression of pressure forces in a region , magnetic or fluid dynamic.
The secret of flight by Hoffmann and Johnson
In solving this paradox they also solve the issues with Maxwells equations.
Any current will produce rotational separation at an impedance boundary. The magnetic rotation around a conductor/ inductor is the rotational manifestation of a magnetic current flowing within an electrolytic cell or battery . That flow is not necessarily streamlined but even if it is the solution shows that on leaving the battery the low will become rotational due to a mechanism of instability at the impedance junction.
At high voltage the spark is only a visible portion of a much more extensive otational flow in the aether.
The vorticity of a boundary layer is not mentioned in this explanation. Indeed the magnetic induction in the colder air, derived from the effects of the solar wind are also ignored. .the powerfuL rotation drops down from the upper boundary as a powerful contra rotating updraft expands upward along this rotating dynamic.
Vortices interacting along axes behave differently to vortices interacting by side collision. . Thus the polarity of magnetic behaviour produces observable differences in interact.ion from rotation to repulsion and attraction. . The pinching of the vortices also creates different behaviours . The magnetic current creates noticeable " electric" mode effects in materiality , characteristic of the material being I duceuce, solid liquid gas or p,asma at all heat pressures( temperatures) or radiation frequency measures .
radiation frequency measures( long to shortwave) correlate with heat presdure or temperature measured by mercury expansion or contraction.
Data most probably collected by the AIRS satellite missions
Sofia provides the evidence, but the interpretation is provided by the researchers. So a spiralling galaxy causes spiral magnetic fields in their interpretation. But of course it makes more sense to have magnetic behaviour inducing the spiralling dynamic.
Also recorded are the faraday tubes that align with the polarity of a galactic system . These filaments trace out the flux dynamics within the spiral solenoidal form and are the H field dynamic, while the spiral magnetic dynamic is the B field trochoidal dynamic. .
I will repost a video on Howard Johnsons work here to give more insight.
As much as I like ths animation I now see the flaw in its logic with regard to dynamical flow or flux or rather Faraday tubes of magnetic inducing force.
The flow of liquid around this direct current carrying neodinium magnet indeed shows swirls but not the swirls of magnetic behaviour. The swirls are necessarily those of electrolytic behaviour. . The magneto hydrodynamics shown are further compromised by the small container with boundary conditions too close to the electrolytic action.
The magnetic spin vortex is a name that tries to do justice to this fundamental dynamic, but it can't.
At last a clear demonstration of Hward Johnsons ideas, and ken Wheelers too,
The flaw is simple: the magnetic donut vortices stack on top of each other. So the Bloch wall is where they meet and the spin vortices exit at the edge of the one polarity and mett at the Bloch wall whereas the other spin vortex exits from the Bloch wall and enters at the edge of the other polarity. The centre of the poles, as Ken points out is where the weaker faraday tubes of the spin donuts can enter or exit. . So the "south" donut has a weak tube that exits from the centre of the north polarity face and "similarly the north" donut has a weak faraday tube that enters in the centre of the south polarity face.
Within a lodestone crystal these smoke ring donuts move about interacting like bubble ring vortices, and theoretical Skymions.
However the interactions are more complex and are not neat donut shaped resultants . The complex patterns are trochoidally dynamic
Notice how the following vortex ring is contracted and pulled through the leading one . This is the attractive force within the vortex sustaining medium. . It is easy to understand how these double layer structures can repel each other if they meet head on. However it is not so clear how they interact when moving "apart" that is when generated close to each other and moving away in opposite directions. . It would seem that by pulling in more of the environmental medium the magnetic structure is forced to separate. Whereas the collision results in an elastic bouncing off the magnetic structure. .
However the structures can disintegrate
At 3:36 you will see how magnetic induction is proposed to initiate and control tornadic systems in the atmosphere.
The law of angular conservation of velocity and momentum and energy is often misapplied. . Once full body rotation is established a fluid system may be depicted by an angular momentum description, but in transition and in the initial stages the conservation law is not applicable.
Magnetic induction by a magnetic filament from the sun in the magnetic solar wind is causative of the mechanical and sonic and thermal dynamics seen in the tornado and contributes to the electric mode discharge evident in the system or cell. In addition the cold highly dynamic atmosphere above the storm system is co densed and sinks down to help promote intensification of the spin and energy rebalancing. .this rotating sheath of colder denser and dienwardly sinking air is often ignored in tornado descriptions.
The interaction between poles of magnetic induction either condenses or expands materiality rotationally causing either so called z- pinch effects or heat expansive effects,Or simp,y attracts the different cells into a filamentary column.
Also within a fluid angular momentum may not be conserved once the rotational dynamic exceeds the viscous relaxation characteristics of the fluid, vortex shedding then occurs creating multiple filamentary structures / tornadoes.
The double layer which is the essential fundamental dynamic of magnetic behaviour is a plasmic term. . It is supposed o imply electric charge separation, but ignores the more fundamental magnetic dipole. . The magnetic dipole is still in existence in the electric mode of magnetic behaviour where it is called a ouble layer in high temperature( heat pressure) and high voltage physics.
Here we see demonstrated by complex geometry that high voltage and high temperature are not necessary if the compression and expansion ratio frequency is tuned.
In a bar magnet these frequencies are ignored , despite being detectable with audio equipment.
The rotational dynamic is there , observable, but ignored to favour the electron model, over a rotational dynamic associated to magnetic current,
The symbol for the magnetic current depicts very well the toroidal jet that punches through the environmental pressure forming a travelling ' smoke " ring. Or bubble ring
Here the mix up between electric generation and magnetic induction creates confusion that is simplified by basing everything on magnetic totational dynamics . Plasma is generated by magnetic induction at the necessary frequncy and mp,itude , not by so called electric current but magnetic current in electric mode and beyond . The electromagnetic frequency chart shows how powerful magnetic current can become.
Magnetic induction involves tribomagnetic action. It is a rotating rubbing action which loops in one direction. This loop in one direction resonates with the fundamental dipole rotation, this rotation is where faraday tubes take there path to the Bloch wal
Instead of defining EMF as a magnemoot I’ve force it is switched to electric. Rather than fall back on magnetic behaviour they chose electric battery as the source. It was simpler, but now we can understand how a battery is a source of changing magneticetic flux.
So called chemical reaction induces a magnetic behaviour around zinc regardless of external wire circuit.
So, by rubbing with a magnet, rubbing with a different material, or chemically reacting with a surface, magnetic behaviour is induced.