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A sound basis to Rotational Dynamics



  • So let's start with the magnetic ordering of the object. It is supposelly reddish .if it is paramagnetic I would expect it to be a ferrous materiality, and there to be a consistent magnetic behaviour, with south and north relative to the sun being identifiable.

    When a magnetic object is pinning in a magnetic region , alternating current effects or patterns are observable. Oe of the effects is high charge voltage,

    The magnetic behaviour occurs more in the faradayntubes surrounding a material than in the material itself.

    If a material is diamagnetic. Then I would expect a copper like materiality, with high conductivity leading to an inconsistent magnetic behaviour. North and south would vary as the body rotates, but showing little relationship to the suns magnetic region. In this case a high alternating current would conduct through the material at a low charge voltage, the difference in charge is the difference in the frequency of the discharges observed. High charge,high voltage tends to b visible to X-ray , low charge low Voltage tends to be in sub infra red. High current correlates with conductivity and with voltage and so does not delineate charge.
    The effect of charge on chemistry is what the electrostatic faraday tubes was designed to capture, and why magnetic faraday tubes are not so well understood.
  • edited December 2017

    Although hard to hear the presenter sets out Boscovich theory of material force behaviour.
    Principally he extended Newtons principles for Adtrologers to include repulsive forces, while maintaining a point entity around which his forces acted. He did not accept a point mass , nor absolute space or absolute time.

    The phenonon of mass is relative .
    In including repulsive forces, somethingnVolta was eager to do but was prevented by his academic peers he made it tenable to explain magnetic behaviour and indeed all known force behaviours including gravity.

    While it looks like a damped oscillation curve, it is in fact a general disdipative rotation curve.

    Thus Boscovich's theory would result in a universe that would wind down to inertial equilibrium.

    The nature of the aether is more mysterious than that : pressure can appear, disappear, transfer by radiation, conduction convection dissipation,diffusion.. The principles within a closed system differ from those of an open system, And like it or not the aether has conscious self awareness in terms of feedback dynamics and boscovich&f=false

    Thus we see the influence of Boscovich on the natural philosophers of his time and beyond. Both Volta and Tesla embraced his theoretical stance, and that included action at a distance, no presumed agical, or myth derived aether.
    By the time we get to maxwell, stokes and Navier a luminiferous or electromagnetic aether fluid capable of supporting vortices was logically necessary.
    Rotational dynamics, in it's infancy was the way forward but it was strangled at birth by those who wanted a particle not a point with a radius of influence, bearing both attractive and repulsive effects dependent on radial position.

  • Reprising EricvDollards exposition of the former classical theory of electromagnetism. Bergson fudges the recorded relationship twixt Faraday andvMaxwell and Ōrsted and Ampère , but essentially is faithful.
    Unfortunately the term counter space and dimension are confused . They are mathmaticlmtems not physical ones. The physical dynamic is conical sectional motion or trochoidal dynamics. The rotational cylinders in surface waves are described bynRayleigh and are not a body force phenomrnon . Mathematically the solution to both Maxwells originalmquaternion equations and heavisides simplification are fourier series either of Quaternion or omplex form.
    Physically these represent trochoidal line or urface dynamics.,
    Is the mathematics revealing hidden truths? No. It is recording observed measurements, allowing modelling of actual demonstrated behaviours.
    The phenonon of Masing describes how energy is dumped, stored and transmitted in space punctuated by impeding or reflecting boundary conditions.
    Pressure expressed as curvilineal force vectors as Boscovich thorised is sufficient to model these dynamic behaviours.

    Every mathematical model of force , the 4 or more forces of physics are deducible from a curvilineal force vector. Space time theoretically equates this dynamic curvilineal " geometry" and gravitational force, but in fact it is the general spheroidal force that is equated, and so both magnetic,electrostatic and gravitational,equations have one form, just different orders of magnitude in the applied constants.
    Aether is best modelled mathematically by a dynamic space time theory with more than4 parametric dimensions.

  • We were told : Mars has no magnetic field globally instead , like lodestone Mars had several regions of polarity. but now we are told it has a magnetosphere , induced by the solar wind. In other words, the materiality of mars stores magnetic behaviour , some more pintenae than others, and what I duces that para and diamagnetic behaviour is the magnetic dynamic of the sun
  • edited December 2017

    The dispersion or diffraction of light is obscured in general spectral analysis. The appearance of the colour spectrum is also a result of interference in a prismatic system. As in a thin film system. Clearly dispersion favours frequency , the higher frequencies being less dispersed or more interfering at smaller refractive angles than the lower frequencies.

    While wave length gives a spatial model of dispersion, frequency is ignored and thus phase. These are added in later on determining a wavelength. However frequency and phase should be the primary observations, fir then absorption and other noticeable divisions in a continuous sprctrum can be considered as destructive interference patterns revealing the electron shell model as not necessarily "true" or an adequate explanation

    Huygens principle gave physicists nightmares. This is why they usually stick to straight line rays when explaining diffractive interference. . The principle means that waves are radiating in every direction and thus, as explained can not support a trough or sinusoidal type interference propagation. Thus the notion of wave propagation as sinusoidal is misleading. The propagation is rotational , little vortex bubbles moving along a pressure front, but transmitting the pressure by contiguity in rotation , and thus the bubblers barely move in the fluid medium.

    The fluctuation of the transmitted pressure is what is perceived by instrumentation or the eye.

    Thus whether a single or double slit, a pressure fluctuation is observed and propagates in the same manner. Diffraction helps us to apprehend that light propagates in a fluid medium by fluid dynamical principles and therefore vortex shedding is crucial to understanding diffraction patterns. , absorption lines and emission lines in a spectrum

    Second and 3rd order interference , well exp.ained by a diffraction grating, but not applied to a prism, where the varying thickness of the prism creates an irregularly ruled diffraction grating. In effect.

    Using this interference patterning to detect features. If an object is truly absorbative no light is reflected , or re the same frequency. The material may re transmit at a different frequency if light has been absorbed.

    So what we see as a single source is indistinguishable from a multiple source without the proper conditions.
    Absorption lines are more likely to be interference fri ges than tru absen3 by absorption,. Magnetic patterning g is of greater significance in spectral analysis than hitherto credited.
  • Synopsis: Minimum Mass of Magnetic Monopoles
    December 12, 2017
    A new analysis places some of the tightest bounds yet on the mass that magnetic monopoles should have if they exist.

    Tom Whyntie

    Chop a magnet in half and you’ll end up with two magnets, each with a north and a south pole—no matter how small the original magnet. But some theories of particle physics predict the existence of particles with a single magnetic pole. Researchers have seen analogs of such monopoles in condensed-matter systems, but they have yet to catch the actual particles and measure their mass. Oliver Gould and Arttu Rajantie from Imperial College London have now derived lower limits on the mass of these putative particles.

    The duo considered two cases in which magnetic monopoles may be produced: heavy-ion collisions and neutron stars. For the first case, the researchers calculated the likelihood (or cross section) that a pair of magnetic monopoles with a certain magnetic charge and mass will be created in the collisions. They then derived a lower limit on the monopole mass by comparing the calculated cross section with an existing upper bound on the cross section obtained from an experiment at CERN. They found that monopoles with twice the theoretical minimum magnetic charge—the smallest charge to which the experiment was sensitive—should have a mass of more than about

    For the neutron star case, the team calculated how the presence of monopoles in the interior of a star would affect the rate at which the energy of the star’s magnetic field is dissipated. By plugging into this calculation an observational estimate of the maximum magnetic field of neutron stars, the researchers obtained a lower bound of
    on the mass of monopoles with twice the minimum magnetic charge. For such monopoles, the collision bound and the neutron star bound are higher than the existing limit, which was derived using cosmological data.

    This research is published in Physical Review Letters.
    ­–Ana Lopes
    Ana Lopes is a Senior Editor of Physics.
  • edited December 2017

    Ok, so I am a Bjōrk fan! But these representations of sounds and emotions as spheroidal lay dynamic vortices , and the biomagnetic field are conceptually interesting.
    Trochoidally dynamic surfaces are fascinatingly drawn here and given a human scale use for communicating emotions.
  • Newtons Principles for Astronomers , and his Theory of Worlds, had to be revised.
    Based on the supposition of a fractal pattern of absolute systems moving on conic sectional paths in nested spheres, it only clearly defines a local system of centripetal/ centrifugal points of influence to which accelerative powers may be adduced.

    Boscovich amongst others elaborated on the principles of force in mature as opposed to just astronomical motions , and consequently explained Newtons system as a part of a more general system of forces which included electrostatic, nd magneto static forces as well as elastic and or pustular forces.

    It was thought at the time , prior to Gauss, that a new , non Euclidean geometry could exist , and that old geometric principles were therefore rendered obsolete. Bolya's ork gained credibility alongsidescLobachevskys. And Gauss is reputed to have learned Russian in order to discourse ith Lobachevsky over his principles. Innny case Riemann carried forward Gauss plan of founding mathematics on new and Physics based principles, leaving aside the so called axios nd principles ofvEuclideanngometry, so called.

    In fact , Gauss found it hugely embarrassing that so called geometers had don't literally centuries trying o prove the so called 5th postulate, and had filed. . They had failed also to recognise the impossibility of the task, and had applied thmselves more out of religious devotion to dogma than out of pure scientific investigation. Hence his appelnto physicists, though Riemanns 1851 inauguration speech regarding the foundations of geometrical noion. .

    The groundcwasbtherefore prepared for Einstein to recast the principles for astronomers on these more non Euclidean principles of geometrical motions .

    The theories of relativity are therefore the guiding astronomical principles for our modern era of space exploration.

    We therefore have no absolute systems, or overarching fractal patterning or evn spherical surfaces on which onical section motions are occurring.

    As much as some rightly protest about the theories, the principles allowed astronomers to accept that galaxies are cosmological entities alongside stars!

    The lack of the overarching fractal pattern ofbGalileo, meant th overarching istributive pattern of the big bang was readily accepted amongst astronomers. And of course explained in terms of Einstins principles.
    E=mc^2 is not a cosmological principle. Einsteinncontributedvacrisbthe breadth of Physics, and ths equation arises from basic concepts of work and power applied to atomic systems. . It had no meaning until nuclear chemists created the nuclear bomb. . It was then believed that the unbelievable electromagnetic power released in the blast was accounted for by the transformation of rest mass into pure electromagnetic energy. . OnlynEinstein at the time was bold enough to theoretically propose this based on hs concept of the photo electric effect. Light could affect so called electrons, why not nuclear particles?

    His calculation was not hard, just bold. In addition the formula is made to fit the observations , not derived from the observable data. . Careful accounting found a difference in mass after the nuclear event. It was convenient to consider it as evaporated into electromagnetic energy. The mass was scaled by the square of the electromagnetic induction constant ( the so called speed of light) and thn a close agreement with the estimated energy or work done by the explosion was accepted.

    Today, because of inconsistencies, the units of measurement have Ben set to make certin fundamental equations quantitatively exact.
    That is not the dame as saying the underlying theory that gives the equation is "the Truth" . It is imply a pragmatic setting of standard units to make common calculations come out exact.

    So, armed with thesevexactitudes scientists and physicists have attempted to quantify the big bng,and to give constants that depict gravity . Applying those according to the principles of relativity to non local galactic systms appears to make sense, but only if a huge electromagnetic gravitational object called a black hole is placed at th gravitational centre of a galaxy.

    Normally Astrophysicists old truncate Einstins equations to the Newtonian form , but that lead to problems and the acknowledgment of "Not Knoing" cloaked as dark atter and Dark Energy, alongside Back Holes.

    Thus both Einstins and Newtonian astronomical principles are inadequate
    The astronomical principles required are clearly based on magnetic behaviour as this is the universal force established so far. And the Geometry of agnetic behaviour is rotationl dynamics, trochoidally dynamic surfaces.
  • edited December 2017

    The concept of virticity here expressed has been modified by Claes Johnson, et al, in the work on the secret of flight.

    These Kelvin theories nd Helmholtz depictions have an observational error which Claes corrects.

    Vortices create push and pull and are created by push and pull! But within a dynamic medium
  • edited December 2017 robert boyle magnetic planets&f=false

    Sir Robert Boyle took Gilbert's principles in De Magnete to their logical extent. For him magnetic behaviour was the putative universal virticity or power. Newton would not be drawn, but in the end Boscovich theorised that power comes in the dynamics of opposites: the ancient Greek Pythagorean conception of Phusis, or physics.
    Thus both an attractive and repulsive force or power governs the universe, and gravity is insufficient to guide Astrologers!
    Fom magnetic behaviour we may easily derive any necessary electrical principles. robert boyle magnetic planets&f=false

    The Jesuits of course drew upon Boscovich's theory and he on theirs. The development of magnetic philosophy for universal action was well advanced by the time of Newton. Religious differences lead to the magnetic theory of gravity being dropped in favour of Newtons approach. Magnetic virticity was not understood or measured properly until after Neton , but sir Robert Cotes was on the verge of illuminating it by the Cotes Euler formulae. It involved the mysterious and magical square root of -1!

    It was Steinmetz who eventually set out the mathematical algebra for magnetic behaviours, exploiting the square root of -1.

    Unfortunately those who did not understand the mathematical magnitudes, invented oyher dimensions in which other universes were imagined to exist , and by which energy could jump between these mythical topological spaces!

    The mathematics describes no more than rotationl dynamics.

  • The description of a magnetic current in lightning mode is not enhanced by the notions of electron or mnetron, but rather by an intense version of a Faraday magnetic tube.

    The two vortices interact with each other and materiality. . The viscosity of rock makes it subject to explosion and excavation, while the powderiness of sand makes it liable to be paramagnetically induced and drawn together.
    Fluids will exhibit both in a damped oscillatory system that we generally call a lightning flash with a peal of thunder and a deposit of condensed reaction products.that fall to earth.

  • The Faraday magnetic tubes show structure consistent with the Boscovich theory of forces. Thus a faraday magnetic tube, as presented by Donald Scott, has the braided structure of concentric magnetic surfaces, and are denoted by the terms, agnetic ropes or Birkland currents.
    Within the armed and close system ofa PMH these Birkland currents seem to store magnetic induction influence in a dynamic hysteresis controlled behaviour. . When the impedance is reintroduced, the armed PMH discharged in a spark potential,. The inductance or magnetic capacitance is usually at a lower frequency event than a capacitor discharge,which is magnetic behaviour
  • edited December 2017
    The word moment comes from the Latin word momentum or old french Moment. This word means amongst other things movement. How then did it come to be associated with the movement of a lever, the swing of the pendulum, and eventually the movement of the hand of a clock?

    The proto-Indo-European root meue-has the meaning of to push away. Hence, pushing away with there had all the pushing away with a lever. This movement in scientific and philosophical papers became associated with the lever through Archimedes work and then with the pendulum through a similarity then finally with the hands of a clock through another similarity or metaphor.

    In scientific papers then a moment is the levered action however it is caused whether it is by force or momentum or by some other means of motion.
    The moment of linear momentum is a torque twist, but if angular momentum is used then it becomes a vortex twist .

    A torque twist or a vortex twist is only defined as vorticity if it is acting on a very small fluid spherical body.

    How is angular momentum measured. It is measured by how far a circular rotating disc will move in a fixed time when it rolls its circumference.

    The concept of vorticity is split into the vortex twist or torque twist behaviour and the largerscale circulation in a fluid. We can observe the twisting motion in the fluid which we associate with a vortex and we can't also observed the circulation of the larger scale fluid in which we notice that they may be also smaller vortex action

    The concept of twisting and circulation differ only by the matter of scale. That's a circulation seen from a great distance may look exactly like the twist correspondingly a twist seen up very close may be viewed as a circulation containing much smaller twists. .

    The concept of circulation covers the idea of circular force vector. This circular force vector is made up of tangential force vectors which are summed in an integral form to make up a circular force vector.

    The idea of a circular force vector is novel but it has a long history when we are considering fluid dynamics. Newton, in particular, derived circular force vectors and how to relate them to linear force vectors made up of trigonometric vector forms.

    When Newton developed circular force vectors, in the discussion about celestial orbits, he did not rule out the possibility that they were centrally directed impulses, or tangential forces acting instantaneously. Centrally directed impulses may be forces that are derived from bouncing off a solid objects or by being pulled by a tensile rope . These were denoted as centrifugal (bouncing off the wall) forces or Centraipetal (tensilerope) forces

    Observing celestial bodies obviously revealed that there were no visiblewalls or visible attachment of a rope to explain the forces acting on these bodies. Thus action at a distance remained a mystery until the discovery of electrostatic and electromagnetic force is to explain these actions in space. In the meantime the forces were lumped under the term gravity or levity.

    Fluid dynamics introduced new forces viscous forces as well as pressure forces which needed to be put into the description of the motion of celestial bodies for that description to work or to be philosophically useful required the introduction of a medium. This medium was called an ether.It took some time to scientifically conclude that this ether was of the electromagnetic nature. In fact it was important to make the philosophical distinction between electrostatic and magnetic behaviours antifoulant everything as Gilbert had done on the basis of magnetic behaviour .

    We can develop linear forces and circular forces from angular momentum andlinear momentum. This method of development relies upon the integral calculus and the differential calculus. In this way of developing smaller linear momentum is summed to either form circular momentums or larger linear momentum. However, circular arc momentum or circular arc motion is natural and does not require a descent into integral or differential complexity the notions of twist all circulation are therefore natural notions and the development of the mathematics is based upon a more complex philosophical model.

    A vortex then is the circulation which contained within it a fractal distribution of smaller circulations. These smaller fractally distributed circulations will be called twists

    Twists are not necessarily circular, but as we descend in scale to smaller and smaller circulations, or twists it will be useful to consider them as circular. To a circle or a sphere we can then apply the notions of torque or circular force .

    In the mathematical description it was found useful to set a vector for torque or for circular forces at right angles to the generating forces. As useful as this is, it is not necessarily physically accurate. The generating forces may very well act within the same plane as a certain motion orthey may act in a different plane. That's the motion is not around an axis along which the torque vector may lie but rather solely around the point,that being the case Lie groups, the summation of circular motion, and fourier transforms become very important in describing vorticity and circulation.

    When Maxwell was considering physical circulation he could not conceive of contiguous rotations without anti rotation intervening. Newton did not consider anti rotating lubricious streams in laminar form, consequently descriptive errors are inherent in the models. These are over talked and so become invisible in plain sight.

    Anti rotation is an inertial or conservative behaviour maintaining equilibrium in a stable configuration, airising when the stability of the system is perturbed.

    Thus viscous forces describe these anti rotating forces and behaviours without going into their complex structure . Newtons notion of lubricity in a resistive medium tended to obscure what we now call viscosity, the resistive behaviour itself .

    Viscosity in materiality is generally the source of reactive or resistive force action , and the precursor is inertia.

    Within a old body the viscosity supports immediate transfer of twist throughout the body . Thus we implicitly induce a rotational dynamic in all material bodies consisting of the balance between rotating and anti rotating elements. These elements are vortices at any scale, but vorticity may be tha same across any region or differ across a region. This difference underpins rotationl dynamics in materiality and is sufficient and necessary to depict magnetic behaviours.

    Vorticity and viscosity underpin the rotational dynamic description of all material behaviours whether mechanical, chemical or magnetical.

    However, use this notion of the cross product

    And note how orientation and circulation are the same idea
  • edited December 2017
    van De Wahl forces are magnetic forces that exist at very small scales at the surface of materials. They produce the casimir effect and help Geckos climb up sheer glass.

    The trochoidal surfaces that dynamically interact to generate his mgnetic effect are at a very small scale fractal distribution at the boundary of a material with high viscosity but still fluid
    In Newton's principles for astrologers Newton derives an notion of influence force and inertia. These behaviours are directly observable but not explainable. By introducing a consistent system of measurement metric system Newton hoped to get a better and more reliable explanation of these observations.

    At the time the prevailing philosophy was so William Gilberts magnetic theory De Magnete. In which influence, virticity, the power to induce and force,all were discussed in some philosophical manner.

    From this ground new and in his peers drew the ideas of acceleration force and inertia based on observations that happened around them every day and especially in relation to magnetic behaviour.

    Certain aspects of the magnetic behaviour were missed, and later Boskovich added them in to give a more complete theory of force inertia and influence.

    In the magnetic paradigms we take for granted the fact that force occurs alongside with induction. It is not realised the time that it takes to induce magnetic polarity is also comparable with the time that it takes to overcome inertia.The link here is that the time required to induce power of polarity into the material body is indicative of the cause of inertia . With this time we then are enabled to discuss the motion of objects in terms of paramagnetic induction or diamagnetic induction. Or some combination of the two.

    Within a fluid, induction causes the familiar vorticular flow we associate with electrolysis, high and low pressure cyclones etc.

    Within a solid, magnetic domains oscillate and vibrate changing size and polarity until eventually the whole body is attracted or repelled under the induction.

    Thus any motion under induction would consist of primarily an oscillatory behaviour within a body followed by a body translation once the phase of the oscillations lock to produce coherent motion within an attractive or repulsive environment or "field" .

    Gravity is then a consequence of these 2 results of induction, paramagnetic alignment or diamagnetic alignment, with the de facto rotation governing the relative motions.
  • Jehovajah said:

    We were told : Mars has...

    And that's exactly the problem.
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