How memory, insight and understanding work are admittedly individual. I do not philosophically proceed through interpretation of symbols for counting( quabbalah), I have no reason to denigrate those who do , though, because all inspiration comes to an individual from external sources by attunement to some praxis. Indeed, many technological advances have come to inventors through detailed visions which have guided their hand and eye .these have been industrialised by more pragmatic men who have often belittled the marvellous potential of what they have so roughly and rudely copied or extemporised upon. in this thread, as opposed to a sound magnetic base, I seek to emphasise the trochoidal patterns of the motions in magnetic behaviour, as an expression of what we perceive as pressure. . Pressure when regionalised is bounded by many shapes or boundary forms. These I declare to be trochoidal . This allows not only oscillating surface dynamics. But also fractal disintegrations at the surface, while the internal or body dynamics may be equally patterned but less fragile. .
Many surface phenomena may then be encompassed in this sufficiently complex description , and also necessarily complex to account for all or the majority of observed behaviours.
To make sense of these motions , particle physics is wholly inadequate at a fundamental level. Thus I adhere to a fundamental fluid dynamic which may be called a dynamic aether or a space-time frame of reference where the axes are preferably curvilineal. Can a time axis curve?
All clock hands move around a curved axis!
The magnetic effects that we associate around a boundary , continue into materiality in some presumably " compressed" form . As such, viscosity and degrees of freedom become restricted for large amplitude motion like a supposed measured current, but ideal fo high frequency small amplitude longitudinal and transverse propagations.
My point here is that these modes of propagation are of the same genus, which I defend as magnetic. This makes " electric" a term for a mode of magnetic behaviour, and gravity equally another term for magnetic behaviour.
In this view particles are mere conceptual isolations of rotational dynamics in a fluid medium , with no particle being truly fundamental no matter how long it is expected to live as such. Charge equally is a term for a measurement of the frequency of these patterns , with voltage being the summation of these coherent charges leading to larger and larger amplitudes of voltage, Phase is the start position in a circular or "closed" cycle ( even if the cycle is in fact spiralling) and thus controls the interference product, that is coherency and incoherency, with Masing being observation of coherent amplified ( by interference) propagation of a longitudinal pressure, carrying with it it's characteristic transverse dynamic fluctuation. These could be depicted as ballistic entities and are depicted as photons outside the originating cavity and phonons or solitons within.
The connection to heat sound and light is a matter of frequency .
How memory, insight and understanding work are admittedly individual. In this case, do you think if ED Leedskalnin did put such a pattern in his written works.. he did it for himself?.. had no others in mind?.. such as you and me?
Jehovajah, You say that the effects of magnets is "troichoidal".. like the shape a sticker makes on a bicycle wheel as it goes down the street. Right? I don't understand this in relationship to the helical magnetic patterns that ED described in "right-hand twists". Wouldn't this be more like a warped bicycle wheel rolling down the road?.. and would this still be considered "troichoidal" pattern?
The Pythagoreans revered Apollo, lord and lover of the Musai. The myth is that it amused the Musai to give gifts to men strange gifts that were not determined except by Konan, a hardship that only the gift could overcome. It is entirely possible that Ed was unaware of the deeper patterning some have found in his elegantly quaint( to an English speaker) writings.
Those who practice MQuabbalah have a mystical attunement that decodes these patterns, whether the decoding makes sense or not depends on the expertise of the decoder, and the gift of rhetoric in explaining what is perceived.
In that regard one might say the Musai encoded information for a later age to apprehend. I do not currently pursue this line of thought, but am pleased that some do and are respected for doing so.
In matters of disagreement it was usual to let the gods decide by trial , the victor being vindicated, but of course the capriciousness of the Gods is well known!
Jehovajah, Ok.. not trying to convert you to my way of thinking here.. as you showed respect as well. But I do have a sincere question for you. It seems you hypothesize that EDL .. if left any "codes" in his works was purely incidental and not by design. But let me ask you this? Would you still think that if he quoted his codes?
Look at this postcard:
Who is he quoting in this (presumably) self-published postcard? Granted, you could say he's quoting his sign at his West Gate "YOU WILL BE SEEING UNUSUAL ACCOMPLISHMENT". But could he not be quoting his words with a Caesar Cipher shift? I already showed you the "TFF" and "NNBBNN"... shifts of "SEE".
You seem to like to study and quote the works of what EDL called the "longhairs". You seem to ignore totally his opinion of such. You also seem to brush off your shoulder the practice of encoding one's life's works for others to get additional insight.. as if it's nothing more than reading bones or tea leaves in a cup. Yet, many or most of those long hairs encoded their works.. especially during the Medieval period.. for various reasons .. such as not being burned at the stake. One of your longhairs is Isaac Newton. It is quoted in "THE BIBLE CODE" book that upon Newton's death, when his works were studied in his library that 75% of his efforts were spent in finding those "tea leaves" in the Torah... as he knew of a 50 letter Equal Letter Sequence that spelled "TORAH".
I also infer from what you say and don't say.. that though you have respect for those who do these things.. it's not your individual way..and you seem to sound very much like the longhairs to me. I can hang with you in this realm as well. I took Newtonian Based Physics with Calculus applied as a Junior in High School and proceeded on to 3 more semesters of this in College as a Sr. in High School and Freshman at BYU, studying Chemical Engineering.. with the goal of being a nuclear physicist.
One of the most brilliant mathmeticians I know is Jerry Iuliano and I forced myself to comprehend and understand his math and conversed with him via email. I say this so that you don't suppose because I read tea leaves and patterns in bones that I can't comprehend what you post here. I spent many years in love with my favorite Architect.. Richard Buckminster Fuller.. as my high school drafting teacher in Southern Illinois was a student of his at Southern Illinois University. I spent much time even as a soldier in Afghanistan (in free time) creating similar 3D shapes out of paper.
Jehovajah, I follow what you say about "fluid aether" and what is felt as the effects of "Magnetism".. and I follow all you said.. in your Theory of Everything. It's really not that unique of ideas really. The fluid aether is actually more of a Medieval idea.. as far as I understand.
Let me ask you this. What the "longhairs" refer to as "electron clouds" and the relationship with the Periodic Table of Elements. Are you familiar that they follow in part a tetrahedral pattern?.. all of the elements and their "electrons"? If you do understand this. I'm curious as to how you explain this with Fluid Aether TOE.
Jehovajah, One reason I asked about "SEE".. is that I also found someone that propogated similar ideas as yourself in his Theory of Everything involving the aether.. THOMAS JEFFERSON JACKSON SEE
See spent the years at Mare Island pursuing fame as a discoverer of the laws of nature, issuing a series of publications on the origin of the solar system, the size of the Milky Way and the cause of sunspots and earthquakes. He also wrote a series of articles about the Aether, which eventually totalled nearly 300 pages, and served as the framework for his theory of everything, in which all forces were transmitted as aetheric waves. He also engaged in vitriolic attacks against Einstein and his theory of relativity, which Einstein essentially ignored. The scientific community also ignored See's criticisms of relativity.
You see.. EDL could be validating "SEE"s ideas?.. and really not quoting himself?.. if you read the tea leaves in this fashion. The first apostrophe on page 3.. where the cipher seems to end or change.. is the 155th character. Some scientists who study sunspot cycles say it's right at 154 to 155 day cycle in their observations.
J is simply f upside down with no crossing mark... so yes J is f, it's a steckerbrett switch in the enigma, definitely interchangeable. You might be on to something.
And if ed learned anything from See, it's that you don't go against the popular community. Ed' theories don't exactly match the mainstream, and See's didn't either. Ed probably didn't want to be torn up like See was. And from what I read, he was quite the pariah.
Yep, with EDL's obvious love of Nature and Astronomy, and the report that he spent a great deal of time in the library, I see it hard to believe he wouldn't have known of See's works.
Jehovajah, I created a new thread that shows some of the earth and Magnetic Current parallels. These relationships, you seem to posit as purely coincidental and not consciously plotted by Edward Leedskalnin and meant to communicate for others' to find. Is this correct? The similarities I've shown here and also in other threads with ED Marlinski and the Earth's longitudes is starting to build a case I say that it's more of a conscious design base than a subconscious one. I say this is not Pareidolia of seeing bunny rabbits in the clouds and getting an inspired scientific breakthrough. Though, Ed even seemed to mention he played with such things looking into the grey clouds and seeing things swimming around in his eye.
Indeed, many technological advances have come to inventors through detailed visions which have guided their hand and eye .these have been industrialised by more pragmatic men who have often belittled the marvellous potential of what they have so roughly and rudely copied or extemporised upon.
in this thread, as opposed to a sound magnetic base, I seek to emphasise the trochoidal patterns of the motions in magnetic behaviour, as an expression of what we perceive as pressure. .
Pressure when regionalised is bounded by many shapes or boundary forms. These I declare to be trochoidal . This allows not only oscillating surface dynamics. But also fractal disintegrations at the surface, while the internal or body dynamics may be equally patterned but less fragile. .
Many surface phenomena may then be encompassed in this sufficiently complex description , and also necessarily complex to account for all or the majority of observed behaviours.
To make sense of these motions , particle physics is wholly inadequate at a fundamental level. Thus I adhere to a fundamental fluid dynamic which may be called a dynamic aether or a space-time frame of reference where the axes are preferably curvilineal.
Can a time axis curve?
All clock hands move around a curved axis!
The magnetic effects that we associate around a boundary , continue into materiality in some presumably " compressed" form . As such, viscosity and degrees of freedom become restricted for large amplitude motion like a supposed measured current, but ideal fo high frequency small amplitude longitudinal and transverse propagations.
My point here is that these modes of propagation are of the same genus, which I defend as magnetic. This makes " electric" a term for a mode of magnetic behaviour, and gravity equally another term for magnetic behaviour.
In this view particles are mere conceptual isolations of rotational dynamics in a fluid medium , with no particle being truly fundamental no matter how long it is expected to live as such.
Charge equally is a term for a measurement of the frequency of these patterns , with voltage being the summation of these coherent charges leading to larger and larger amplitudes of voltage,
Phase is the start position in a circular or "closed" cycle ( even if the cycle is in fact spiralling) and thus controls the interference product, that is coherency and incoherency, with Masing being observation of coherent amplified ( by interference) propagation of a longitudinal pressure, carrying with it it's characteristic transverse dynamic fluctuation.
These could be depicted as ballistic entities and are depicted as photons outside the originating cavity and phonons or solitons within.
The connection to heat sound and light is a matter of frequency .
You say that the effects of magnets is "troichoidal".. like the shape a sticker makes on a bicycle wheel as it goes down the street. Right? I don't understand this in relationship to the helical magnetic patterns that ED described in "right-hand twists". Wouldn't this be more like a warped bicycle wheel rolling down the road?.. and would this still be considered "troichoidal" pattern?
It is entirely possible that Ed was unaware of the deeper patterning some have found in his elegantly quaint( to an English speaker) writings.
Those who practice MQuabbalah have a mystical attunement that decodes these patterns, whether the decoding makes sense or not depends on the expertise of the decoder, and the gift of rhetoric in explaining what is perceived.
In that regard one might say the Musai encoded information for a later age to apprehend.
I do not currently pursue this line of thought, but am pleased that some do and are respected for doing so.
In matters of disagreement it was usual to let the gods decide by trial , the victor being vindicated, but of course the capriciousness of the Gods is well known!
Lmao! Yes indeed a warped bicycle wheel if it could be ridden , would describe a Trochoid in 3d !
Ok.. not trying to convert you to my way of thinking here.. as you showed respect as well. But I do have a sincere question for you. It seems you hypothesize that EDL .. if left any "codes" in his works was purely incidental and not by design. But let me ask you this? Would you still think that if he quoted his codes?
Look at this postcard:
Who is he quoting in this (presumably) self-published postcard?
Granted, you could say he's quoting his sign at his West Gate "YOU WILL BE SEEING UNUSUAL ACCOMPLISHMENT". But could he not be quoting his words with a Caesar Cipher shift? I already showed you the "TFF" and "NNBBNN"... shifts of "SEE".
You seem to like to study and quote the works of what EDL called the "longhairs". You seem to ignore totally his opinion of such. You also seem to brush off your shoulder the practice of encoding one's life's works for others to get additional insight.. as if it's nothing more than reading bones or tea leaves in a cup. Yet, many or most of those long hairs encoded their works.. especially during the Medieval period.. for various reasons .. such as not being burned at the stake.
One of your longhairs is Isaac Newton. It is quoted in "THE BIBLE CODE" book that upon Newton's death, when his works were studied in his library that 75% of his efforts were spent in finding those "tea leaves" in the Torah... as he knew of a 50 letter Equal Letter Sequence that spelled "TORAH".
I also infer from what you say and don't say.. that though you have respect for those who do these things.. it's not your individual way..and you seem to sound very much like the longhairs to me. I can hang with you in this realm as well. I took Newtonian Based Physics with Calculus applied as a Junior in High School and proceeded on to 3 more semesters of this in College as a Sr. in High School and Freshman at BYU, studying Chemical Engineering.. with the goal of being a nuclear physicist.
One of the most brilliant mathmeticians I know is Jerry Iuliano and I forced myself to comprehend and understand his math and conversed with him via email. I say this so that you don't suppose because I read tea leaves and patterns in bones that I can't comprehend what you post here. I spent many years in love with my favorite Architect.. Richard Buckminster Fuller.. as my high school drafting teacher in Southern Illinois was a student of his at Southern Illinois University. I spent much time even as a soldier in Afghanistan (in free time) creating similar 3D shapes out of paper.
I follow what you say about "fluid aether" and what is felt as the effects of "Magnetism".. and I follow all you said.. in your Theory of Everything. It's really not that unique of ideas really. The fluid aether is actually more of a Medieval idea.. as far as I understand.
Let me ask you this. What the "longhairs" refer to as "electron clouds" and the relationship with the Periodic Table of Elements. Are you familiar that they follow in part a tetrahedral pattern?.. all of the elements and their "electrons"? If you do understand this. I'm curious as to how you explain this with Fluid Aether TOE.
One reason I asked about "SEE".. is that I also found someone that propogated similar ideas as yourself in his Theory of Everything involving the aether..
See spent the years at Mare Island pursuing fame as a discoverer of the laws of nature, issuing a series of publications on the origin of the solar system, the size of the Milky Way and the cause of sunspots and earthquakes. He also wrote a series of articles about the Aether, which eventually totalled nearly 300 pages, and served as the framework for his theory of everything, in which all forces were transmitted as aetheric waves.
He also engaged in vitriolic attacks against Einstein and his theory of relativity, which Einstein essentially ignored. The scientific community also ignored See's criticisms of relativity.
You see.. EDL could be validating "SEE"s ideas?.. and really not quoting himself?.. if you read the tea leaves in this fashion. The first apostrophe on page 3.. where the cipher seems to end or change.. is the 155th character. Some scientists who study sunspot cycles say it's right at 154 to 155 day cycle in their observations.
395 the heavens
296 the earth
Earth's polar radius.. 3950 English Miles.
I created a new thread that shows some of the earth and Magnetic Current parallels. These relationships, you seem to posit as purely coincidental and not consciously plotted by Edward Leedskalnin and meant to communicate for others' to find. Is this correct? The similarities I've shown here and also in other threads with ED Marlinski and the Earth's longitudes is starting to build a case I say that it's more of a conscious design base than a subconscious one. I say this is not Pareidolia of seeing bunny rabbits in the clouds and getting an inspired scientific breakthrough. Though, Ed even seemed to mention he played with such things looking into the grey clouds and seeing things swimming around in his eye.
Lodestone earth