Thought I would provide three simple electric charge characteristics.
- Charged particles have an electric field at all times - Charged particles create an magnetic field when moving at a constant speed. - Charged particles create an electromagnetic field when accelerating or reversing
Half wavelength antennas (Dipoles) at resonance have characteristics of a capacitor in that the current leads the voltage by 90 degrees within the antenna. Standing waves of voltage and current occur and each form their own half a sine wave over the antenna whereby the current is maximum whenever the voltage is minimum. The ends are voltage loops and the center is the current loop.
When a reversing current interacts with a resonant antenna it allows part of the antenna's collapsing electric field lines of force to be isolated from the antenna and loop on their self and be propelled away from the antenna by the antenna electric field since the fields repel each other. The newly isolated moving looped electric field lines of force create magnetic lines of force that are in phase and has the same sign of magnitude. In the electromagnetic field the electric and magnetic fields are combined and in phase but 90 degrees apart or perpendicular to each other in space.
The local antenna electric and magnetic fields are called near field which along with properly timed new incoming charges allow for this creation of electromagnetic radiation. The voltage versus current 90 degree phase relationship in the antenna and new charge timing allow this radiation to occur.
Thank you @Onkel_Ken I wrote a reply in the way electricity runs in a wire thread. In this thread you will find alternative notions to what a particle is, what an electric charge is, what a material antennae is and what constitutes radiation dynamics in materiality.
Currently I am exploring the rotational dynamics of polarity and how north and south are dynamically distinguishable .
If you take your 3 characteristics as axioms/ invariant principles you may be able to derive some results in circuits but how far they scale to astronomical systems is still under debate. Electric Universe proposes that they do in some modified form especially where the behaviours are not " chaotic" . But it is precisely in this chaotic region that I think rotational dynamical theory best teases out ways of depicting wht is fundamentally measurable. We will not know what happens in the very small nd very large scale , both beyond our senses, but we may establish models that give us observable measurement results.
The standard theory does that but in a limited or confusing way often denying observed behaviours or creating artefacts. Ivor Catts 3 questions highlight this. In the same way Ivor leaves out certain details about antenna design and radiation as unnecessary if the TEM step voltage wave is utilised.
I have noted Ivor's concepts and realised that rotation is missing, and I do not mean polarisation circular or otherwise. I have therefore attempted to found an explanation on rotational dynamics
I have enjoyed reading this thread as well as the others. This forum is somewhere that I go to enhance my understanding of the underlying fundamental natural truth.
Why are soot and graphite such special absorbers and emitters? My speculation is it is due to the unique ring structures possible in the molecular structure of this materiality. The carbon molecule exists in may forms related to the sphere. Buckyballs, nanotubes, graphene sheets, diamond prisms all have a definite link to spheroidal dynamics. Thus frequency , phase would be smoothly relate able to some form of periodical dynamic. The introduction of quanta into this physical analogue spectral result reflects the limit of observable quantity. Using that limit it became possible to resolve the spectral output into regions related to wavelength . It was noted then that spectral emissions matched these spectral lines more precisely than they did not . The small hole drilled did not seem to affect the result.
However, diffraction behaviour was ignored or discounted, when of course crystallography showed that small apertures could not be discounted.
Interference at the aperture can explain quantised polarised results, without the need for a a complicated electron level structure or Baum series or other power series explanations for electron emissions!
Relating heat pressure to the sprctral emissions also is relate able to the size of the emission hole as the black body is heated. The concept of MASING in a black body was of course not available to early investigators, but the small hole provides an impedance block allowing only certain frequencies and amplitudes to pass at specific phase relationships.
As the heat pressure increases, specific latent heat changes occur which absorb more if the radiation energy and thus lead to a gradual decay in the wavelength emitted . As the wavelength increases, the amplitude is likely to increase and again the rotation is less likely to pass through a small aperture.
If we think of a camera obscurant as a black box we see how all frequencies pass through to form an image on the back plate with variation in intensity by diffraction ..
So a combination of natural proportionality to rotational dynamics in the molecular structure and the MASING effect and diffraction through a small aperture may account for the special results of blackbody radiation.
As I think through the application of curvilineal force to depicting systems I recall the dictum of Newtons principle of inertia : to every action there exists an equal and opposite reaction . Thus I need to define the inertial reactions in my magnetic system not just The proposed polarity actions as gyres, or rather trochoidal dynamic gyres.
This video shows the principle of a complex gyre passing through a complex gyre and how the two become locally entangled in a dance . Essentially I will explore this case as a simple form of magnetic complex with polarity. But it is as well to note that magnetic behaviour does not always exhibit polarity, especially in the case of the rotating magnetic fieldbthatbTesla envisaged. Returning to the 6 faced form based on the trained real prism. Let ABCbe fixed points in a common reference Frame that define the clockwise centre of the hexahedral form let abc fixed to the form and corresponding to the fixed points when the form is in the defining position.
In the defining position D is a fixed point behind the ABC ring, and E is fixed point in front of the ring. thus ADE is a ring in a different plane, and again clockwise. d and e are corresponding points on the form. There are 2 others BDE and CDE. These planes rotate by the ABC ring/ gyre .
The theory of forces intimated by Newton actually took until Boscovich to be annunciated. Until then Scholars were not fully appreciative of the power of Newtons philosophical method, or his principles for Astrologers. I doubt if Newton was of a mind to exposit all his insights, rather he left it to a few acolytes to accede to his mastery and disciple others: the old ways of the wise and sagacious. If a thing be true it will always win out over the lie, and so rather by a conceit of divine inspiration and potential mercury poisoning he left much unsaid, much unpublished, Starting perhaps with Wallis full and open disclosure was not the accepted norm, for it was normal to have to defend your divine insight or theory against gainsayers, and to Newton this was casting pearls before swine!
So the theory of curvilineal forces in space really is attributable to Boscovich, on the back of decades of work by other Newtonian disciples. Yet The elegance of the work of Cotes and DeMoivre is still overlooked in terms of public knowledge of curvilineal algebras. We will yet see how Euler tackled these topics in the face of LaGranges misconception of the fundamental equation of mechanics!
The inertial propensity of space was enumerated by Newton, but many do not know or realise that. The force or vis and vis viva of Newton was more complex than some straight line spaciometric algebra could manage, and so he defined a curvilineal scheme still misunderstood today.
When Einstein recast it in his theory of special and general relativity he made only one change, that of absolute ( I dependent) time. The rest is Newtonian mechanics shrouded in polynomial differential equations, a fad of the time. Both Hamilton and Grassmann were influenced by LaGrange and his insistence on the differential form as the most general expression of dynamics. Helmholtz went so far as to eschew any specific solution to a differential form as being inherently innacuracies and misleading to the mind considering a dynamical system.
So it was that much of Newtonian principles were recast in overt differential form, and Stokes nd Navier attempted to recast the dynamics of fluids in this form also.
Thus many hard expressions were formed difficult to solve concretely and thus unimpeachable as theories! Boscovich was not like that. Like Newton he described dynamics in spaciometric terms, from whence dynamic solutions could be expertly visualised.
Numerical solutions to differential forms have now been devised, so that the sheer volume of numerical output can be turned into : a visual display ! Perhaps a more accessible display of dynamic changes that lines and arcs could convey to the non expert mind, but requiring a reliance on a programme and process even more mysterious! Today we tend to accept this mystery as gospel truth, the animations are so convincing!
However the onus is on the theorists to bring the theory int close proximity with observed behaviours whether presented by lines and curves or by cool computer graphic displays, and that is how one gauges the utility of a theory ? Newtons principles, whether expressed by Einstein in tensor notation or by formulae or by spaciometric drawings still remain eminently reliable and utilitarian, as Euler pointed out to LaGrange who eventually conceded .
Thus the inertial potential in space surrounding a pole and it's gyre needs to be accounted for. It can only be accounted for properly by observation . Newton did not undertake to measure magnetic pole strength or behaviour , it was Hooke who is recorded as the first to attempt o do so. It is hooked law that provides the inertial backdrop for much of modern material science, but magnetic behaviour and power is probably best measured and studied by Weber. His theoretical model based measuring scheme is being revisited even today.
There is a li k between Boscovich's force theory as applied to magnetic behaviour and Webers measurement scheme.
The complexity of the patterns is not the mystery it once was . However, design and depiction is a indicator of some intelligence that can control satellite ray guns!
This patterning is typical magnetic patterning as I Indictated in my videos on trochoidal patterns fir 2 interweaving rotations.
There has been one very fundamental observation of rotational gyre interaction that has been eluding me until now. Cause and effect is an observational principle which helps us to order and make sense of certin force relationships. Unfortunately we are taught that forces act in straight lines only and so cause and effect are shown to us as colonnear or coincident. However it was noted in explaining the gyroscopic action that cause and effect were at a phase difference of a quarter turn. Thus in general cause and effect are separated by a phase angle dependent on frequency and degrees of freedom
In a rigid gyroscope that degree of freedom to an applied constant acceleration occurs maximally at a phase of a quarter turn to the applied acceleration The resultant of acceleration is velocity so an effect of velocity is observed out of phase with the applied Fotce.
In magnetic behaviour , I realise, we have 2 effects to account for induction and acceleration of implosion/ explosion.
It is a matter of proposition that a gyre is the best way to account for both these effects. This is where I am currently struggling to demonstrate the soundness of the proposition by indicating observed effects. .
The trochoidal interaction and patterning are enticingly close to demonstrating observed patterns of diffraction and iron filings , but are these patterns of induction or of acceleration or some combination of both?
The acid test is kinaesthetic : is there a visual resultant that explains push or pull dynamics?
Maxwell posited only push and absence of push as explaining bodily motions of two induced magnets, acting inductively on each other para sympathetically, and diamagnetic material somehow reverses , weakly the inductive effect, and thus the expected acceleration . In this scheme a ferromagnetic material shows the greatest inductive capacity nd thus the greatest acceleration, but the direction of acceleration( explosive or implosive) is glossed over by assuming a relaxation time for the removing of the induction effect.
Indeed in NMR the decay of the returning radio frequncy signal tends to support this relaxation time in materials.
2 states are posited for the magnetic moment in an applied field one is up or paramagnetic, the other is down or diamagnetic. Precession of spin is then used to depict the change between the 2. The time taken for this precession to stop is then considered as the decay or relaxation time.
This gyroscopic model makes nonsense without a precessional gyre caused by or indicative of induction.
So I must account for induction as a gyroscopic spin and then determine a resultant acceleration effect at some phase turn from the inducing cause, which I propose as another dominating gyre. This phase turn may well depend on the relative frequencies of the interacting gyres, and the viscosity of the materiality.
If this is a viable and reliable explanation of observation then my proposed hypothesis will not be validated as actual " truth" but as a utilitarian model of significance at all scales .
So I am looking at several key assumptions that make a general understanding of behaviours more difficult. The first is that what happens on earth is scalable to the universe. The iss station enables us to test our observations on micro gravity and the results demonstrate why spherical descriptions are better, because spheres are generally what we observe in general space.
Thus in describing magnetic behaviour the bar magnet' is misleading. The PMH arrangement or hors shoe magnet is better. The best is of course a lodestone or a plasmoid object like our sun.
So in defining the gyre of a magnetic behaviour thinking of a bar magnet is an over simplification. The so called poles are not fixed on any axis and indeed are dynamic. We see this in sunspots. What we also see is the vortex dynamics of the behaviour that ranges from a rope like appearance to a fountain effect. It is this fountain effect we typically depict for a bar magnet without recognising its special nature . It is the same for a solenoid.
When we recall the rope like features of a radio frequency generated plasma ball we typically do not see that as a dynamic model of magnetic behaviour. In fact it is a good behaviour to have at the back of your mind even if it is misleadingly associated with electric rather than magnetic behaviour. The PMH then holds within its structure a dynamic plasma loop at a frequency below the visible sprctrum and circulating as a magnetic current as Ed Leedskalnin envisaged, two mutually interfering gyres in the elemental material we call ferrous.
Work done on the PMH thread reveals how polarity tends to favour impedance junctions. , and indeed this may be the foundation of the fountain structure of the vortices, the impedance to the rotational vortex flow at a junction or termination.
Defining a gyre for induction and for force makes more sense. We can see also the utility of Flemings rule of thumb defined against a laboratory PMH or horse shoe magnet, not a bar magnet!
Where trochoidal dynamics makes a contribution is in defining the invisible patterning of the magnetic current. The simple twisting or whirling motion is in fact a complex trochoidal behaviour, which I posit we can build up from interacting rotational dynamics with longitudinal and transverse dynamic components.
I amm looking at how gyre ABCDEA on a hexahedron interacts with a gyre acbeda which is free to move dynamically against the fixed point A,B,C,D,E, in a common reference frame. . The 2 gyres are dynamic around the rotation rings ABC and ADE or equivalents BDE ,CDE, and in the case of the second gyre acb, and aed,ced, and bed.
Observation demonstrates that these gyres do not just oppose each other along any common axis, but their relative orientation can be dynamic , and indeed they can pass through each other either as identical opposites( up to gyre) or with varying radial and therefore transverse and longitudinal dynamics.
Given that what patterns of a) induction and b) force could we expect?
The answer is trochoidal .
That this is not obvious must be clear to the general reader. Unless you have studied the fascinating subject of trochoids( roulettes) you would not anticipate their application to engineering of dynamic systems, and yet they are everywhere in nature and industrial processes. It is therefore surprising that we are surprised to find them in fundamental dynamics and especially magnetic behaviours .
The toroid or donut is a favourite shape that is surprisingly common , because it is a basic trochoidal surface! Of course to visualise this you require Laz Plaths, aka Qqazxxsw Tee Roe Koids apps especially Trotorted, or webtro1. WilliammShank who made these apps needs to come out and declare them again and update them , but so far he has not responded to me. I would be grateful if anyone who knows him would communicate the importance of his work to him on his YouTube channrl Qqazxxsw, his twitter account @qqazxxsw , the Facebook page is my feeble attempt to record his work, but if he has a Facebook page please let me know.
I must add: I have meditated on these animations over the years and find what Will was doing is not only artistically pleasing but absolutely fundamental kinematics of trochoidal surfaces. For example the surface highlight sequence shows me how toroidal smoke rings may interact , or indeed to the point how magnetic gyres may interact.
The frequencies, amplitudes and phases if these dynamics also, as I have previously mentioned in earlier posts can be the basis go describing spectral outputs .
This is bothnannppelmtomWilliammhank and. Demonstration of combining two gyres that oppose one another, and interact at dynamic radial positions .
What youbseebisvabthick " line". Will constructed this out of a wireframe for polyhedral forms. This line is not a vortex( although it appears to twist). The line is the sum of 2 circular arcs that are in the same plane( volume slice) and connected by a radius . This represents the overlapping of the ring dynamics of a gyre. Perpendicular to this plane are two sine curve axes that enable the line to be plotted with a sinusoidal dynamic in space, this allows for only 2 interacting ring dynamics to each have a gyre, but not a ring dynamical one.
, the The resulting Trochoid shoes the interaction of gyres ABCDE not ABCDEA with acbed not acbeda. By manually altering the radius of one of the circles I ban visualise the dynamic as the rings expand and contract relative to each other . Thus indicating that the trochoidal resultant occupies shells around any pair of interacting gyres. In the case of the sun these shells form loops between the two polarities in a sunspot( the missing ring dynamic) , in the case of a bar magnet the visualised form comes out and around in filamentary structures like a fountain.
Because of the missing ring dynamic the sinusoidal visualisation shows only the expansion and contraction in the perpendicular ( or axial direction ) of a bar magnet, the polarity occurs at the max an min height of this trochoid. Ken Wherlers model has these filamentary Trochoids exhibiting a different behaviour at the edge to that at the centre, that is consistent with Trochoid production, the more the circles overlap the more the behaviour acts like a shrinking and expanding circle from the centre.
With 4 interacting circles in the plane I can demonstrate a collapsed resultant versus an expanded resultant, but I am not yet sure if this depicts the Bloch wall or some error in my proposed modelling at this simple level
Diracs magnetic sting. The point I make here is phase change is important o explain polarity. Th fact hat the Trochoid line has to rotate at the join is important in my proposed model because that rotation arises due to the otherwise un observed rotation around a cross section of the string as a string or hosepipe snakes its way around a region. .
We tend to discount this observed dynamic of rotation by thinking only of theoretical lines rather than physical longitudinal dynamics. . Why do perfectly straight chords become tangled hen wrapped? This cross sectional twist is a real physical dynamic.
This is upposedly illusive nd hidden at the quantum levl, but in fact it is observable everyday! Why does Diracs string not become hopelessly twisted? Be ause his string is mathematical/ theoretical. When it goes through a 720° phase change all the mathematics becomes the same as the initial description because the models or a rotation, the sine, Cosine parametrization behave in this group system in that manner. Owe er, if you use the rational parametrization of. Rotation, then you get an increasing twist, as occurs in observation." At the level of physical reality instead of letting he twist be an oddity we can understand that a twisted system will store energy and thn release that energy to untwist or relax back to a ground state.
If this occurs at the poles of. Bar we might use that to depict an explosive release or an I plosive uptake to restore ground equilibrium.
Rotation is always an countable ynamic which lends itself to quantisation descriptions or Quantum mechanical descriptors,
The Birkland current is a trochoidal phenomenon but what is its fuse? Magnetic behaviour not electrostatic . Scientists can identify signatures of electron density, but magnetic density is still inferred from bar magnet or gyroscopic get devices read by laser interferometry. Tiny agnetic moments are assumed to be generated by electron action and so these are depicted in all instrumentation as causal.
But simply put, the high energy systems used to reveal these phenomena are only apparent at certain , dynamic locations. How does a current flow from one space region to another ? Where is the battery or dynamo?
It is a fundamental mystery which can not be answered but which can be characterised!
Magnetic behaviour is a more secure primitive than electric behaviour . The velocity web is interesting. Causality is assumed to be gravity, but if we take a gyroscopic point of view we could find causality is a phase angle away! That would mean that Birkland currents so called would be conduits of matter distribution not electric currents of electrons or ions.
This is essentially Webers concept of ion motion by a magnetic current.
Magnetic spin ice! Then thermodynamic modelling! Along ith Skymions these theoretical explanations are hampered by a misleading rotational dynamic theory easily corrected by trochoidal analysis. Simple asbthisbis you can see how a spinning but coupled region, radiates out to a larger region by a phase change of 360°. 720° gives the frequency/ wavelength of the radiation as half the frequency of the transmitting region. Alternatively a receiving g region could be spun up to twice the frequency of the incident radiation. This is a theoretical model prediction/ constraint . Is it observed in any system? In dome probably, but I would expect the observed systems to show quantised relations of any n not just even n. As much as the constraints allow, we see rotation generating a rotational dynamic that alternates . This is due to the sine, Cosine parameters, which bring the result in line with the usual torque description of rotation. A Trochoid couples the sine,Cosine description in a way that mimics continuous rotation , but as we see a correction has to be made to the underlying math to eliminate the twisting in the 3d model , so here they twist and untwist the string in opposite axial positions., in this way they obscure more complex trochoidal dynamics, and the random reversal effect observed in Ed Lorenz "chaotic" motion models and the butterfly effects and shape.
this is the simple toroid surface theoretical model. However it obscures the causality due to simplification . The direction of the proposed rotation is the simple distinction which of course disappears when you flip the donut! It is too simple . It is the simplest 3d Trochoid based on 2 gyres( not 1, please note) but not the best model. Ken Wherlers simple force dynamic model has the same technical issue. It is hard to visualise an implosive Trochoid because it requires at least 4 interacting rotations at specific phase angles and spatial contiguous relationship.
If this is the elements of an implosive pressure event then it should be scalable to observable dimensions and observed in natural dynamics all around us.
This mechanical system, a Lorenz chaotic water wheel illustrates possible( clearly!) dynamics in magnetic systems with a trichoidal dynamic. The system is said to be aperiodic. That is it has a period but a chaotic one.
When looking at Trochoids regularity is in fact takn fir granted. The Trochoid form is a complex regularity no matter how chaotic it may look in 3 d.
However, real systems have a noteable aperiodicity. We see a attern, then it disappears and reverses and reappears. It was therefore amazing that we could express that as an interaction of linear differentials!
The point is it was discovered that our mathematical models are not deterministic, and attempts to reverse their roe as descriptive models into universal laws are necessarily misleading.
Here in the water clock we see the constraints make a cause and effect delay evident by gyroscopic analogy. The maximum angular velocity or circular ell city occurs at a phase of a quarter turn from the cause. And the cause is abe to build its influence in an aperiodic phased manner.
One should wonder how circular arcs acquire a phase distinction, and one reasonable assumption is regular or irregular interaction with another circular dynamic at a specific location.
We can not of course srcify these locations in total but in certain instances we can regionalise contributing locations and depict phase causality restive to those.
In the sun we see coronal hole and sunspot regions against which we can measure certain explosive and implosive events exterior to them. Similarly we may assume certain internal phase dynamics may lie at the heart of a sunspot region or a coronal hole region.
We will find that thinking iteratively and fractally allows s to base explanations at one scale ob a primitive assumption at a lower scale. Indeed that is the nature of dynamic proportioning as discussed by the pythagoreans in the Stoikeia especially books 5 to 7 . Ultimate cause, unless you are Aristtelian, is always ascribed to a deity. Aristotle preferred a mysterious "prime Mover " ie in the green proto or first or before mover. In a circular dynamic we can set such a mover anywhere in the loop.
In addition the strange attractor indicates a type of dynamically stable chaotic system that expands and contracts aperiodic ally with occasional explosive transformations between the 2 strange attractors.
Applying this theory to rotational dynamics enables some bounds to be imagined on behaviours at different scales.
I shall deal with this under a model of trochoidal surface dynamics . I'm going to start with the simple primitives of pressure which manifests itself as circular arc forces which interact in a way which produces trochoidal dynamic surfaces.These dynamic surfaces will be distinguished by their equipotentiality. .
We cannot say that in free space there are any existing real services because we cannot determine what is surface is without some measurement. The act of measuring itself may produce an artefact. This artefact is an artefact which we will recognise as being a equalityit is this inequality which we will then use to define and equipotential surface.
It may be that an equipotential surface defined in this way corresponds with an actual surface visible to our eyes and sensible sensations. . It may also be that these services I am not a tall sensible or visible except by the action that they produce on some other materiality. That these trochoidal a dynamic surfaces may be real or imagined. The utility of these surfaces whether real or imagined is in their ability to enable us to make geometrical patterns and measurements. They also enable us to depict visuality dynamic interaction that may be occurring invisibly.
When it comes to determining the energy transformations that occur in free space between interacting material bodies which are separated by some space medium which we will call plasma or an aether, we will not confine ourselves to the simplest case of a bar that. If at the bar magnet is a special case and it is useful in determining and detecting magnetic fields.But the general case must be that of a lodestone or a magnetic material standing in which there are typically many polarities either of the north or south kind (sic).
We have not defined what these polarities are in this model. Because we are using dynamic trochoidal services we have to do then understand where polarity occurs within this model. He occurs where eight record the dynamic surface appears to expand and contract in a very definite way. This behaviour is not our relative to the rest of the trochoidal surface in the fact that the area tends to shrink and expand rhythmically or in a pattern in a way which focuses on a particular point or set of points.
By point we mean here the normal geometrical point which is a given in court Drumeldrie as a reference relative to some axes of space. However rather than using axes we will use the vector either line vectors or circular arc vectors. A point is then determined by what is known as a line vector point or a circular arc vector point I will also use circular arc force vectors or line force vectors to distinguish the manifestation of a pressure cell within a given region.
In this particular description we will use the pressure and the circular art directors to depict magnetic pressures but in general any rotational dynamics may be said to be caused by magnetic or some other circular force manifestation.
Polls are observed to distinguish themselves by numerousvoryicular regions where the truck all dynamics separates clearly into filamentary regions around the pole. These are filamentary abortuses is sometimes confused with hair like extensions. But they are not here like because they do not follow the materiality as it moves they are more like bubble explosions occur at the polar region that's like water droplets coming out of the pipe as one moves the droplets themselves had propagate with in the space medium under their initial conditions rather than under the motion of the materiality.
However the notion of the magnetic bubbles is seen to gravitate towards one pole and away from another pole. This it is possible to depict these magnetic bottles is moving in circular gyres from one Paul to another pole or vortices which connects the poles. This voice notices are trochoidal dynamic surfaces so they have very interesting patterns when… In detail and I'm not at all just simple tornadolike vortices . . He bubblelike air expansions from the polarities to the each other interact in a way which produces surfaces which we measure at Equi potential measurements. because the services of a nanny they do not occupy a fixed position in space and are constantly reevaluated by the measuring device. However on certain occasions we will know that a particular surface has a stable region of deployment.
In this case any energy potential changes in the region will lead to the surface being displaced according to measurements are either in a surface simple surface manner or in the bifurcations.
That it is the interaction of the bottles and the energy which creates a displacement in the measurement tool which allows us to see that a particular potentiality is no longer in that position.
Now the plasma through which this these magnetic bubbles are making themselves evident reacts in a way which depends on the materiality of the plasma at that particular point. However in general wear a plasma is excited to a visible now all we will find that the equipotential surface becomes visible and it normally takes the form of a filament. however we will note that there is also a profuse glow surrounding the filament indicating that there are other potential air services which we cannot visibly see and which are in dynamic change.
- Charged particles have an electric field at all times
- Charged particles create an magnetic field when moving at a constant speed.
- Charged particles create an electromagnetic field when accelerating or reversing
Half wavelength antennas (Dipoles) at resonance have characteristics of a capacitor in that the current leads the voltage by 90 degrees within the antenna. Standing waves of voltage and current occur and each form their own half a sine wave over the antenna whereby the current is maximum whenever the voltage is minimum. The ends are voltage loops and the center is the current loop.
When a reversing current interacts with a resonant antenna it allows part of the antenna's collapsing electric field lines of force to be isolated from the antenna and loop on their self and be propelled away from the antenna by the antenna electric field since the fields repel each other. The newly isolated moving looped electric field lines of force create magnetic lines of force that are in phase and has the same sign of magnitude. In the electromagnetic field the electric and magnetic fields are combined and in phase but 90 degrees apart or perpendicular to each other in space.
The local antenna electric and magnetic fields are called near field which along with properly timed new incoming charges allow for this creation of electromagnetic radiation. The voltage versus current 90 degree phase relationship in the antenna and new charge timing allow this radiation to occur.
I wrote a reply in the way electricity runs in a wire thread.
In this thread you will find alternative notions to what a particle is, what an electric charge is, what a material antennae is and what constitutes radiation dynamics in materiality.
Currently I am exploring the rotational dynamics of polarity and how north and south are dynamically distinguishable .
If you take your 3 characteristics as axioms/ invariant principles you may be able to derive some results in circuits but how far they scale to astronomical systems is still under debate. Electric Universe proposes that they do in some modified form especially where the behaviours are not " chaotic" . But it is precisely in this chaotic region that I think rotational dynamical theory best teases out ways of depicting wht is fundamentally measurable.
We will not know what happens in the very small nd very large scale , both beyond our senses, but we may establish models that give us observable measurement results.
The standard theory does that but in a limited or confusing way often denying observed behaviours or creating artefacts.
Ivor Catts 3 questions highlight this. In the same way Ivor leaves out certain details about antenna design and radiation as unnecessary if the TEM step voltage wave is utilised.
I have noted Ivor's concepts and realised that rotation is missing, and I do not mean polarisation circular or otherwise. I have therefore attempted to found an explanation on rotational dynamics
I have enjoyed reading this thread as well as the others. This forum is somewhere that I go to enhance my understanding of the underlying fundamental natural truth.
Why are soot and graphite such special absorbers and emitters?
My speculation is it is due to the unique ring structures possible in the molecular structure of this materiality. The carbon molecule exists in may forms related to the sphere. Buckyballs, nanotubes, graphene sheets, diamond prisms all have a definite link to spheroidal dynamics. Thus frequency , phase would be smoothly relate able to some form of periodical dynamic.
The introduction of quanta into this physical analogue spectral result reflects the limit of observable quantity. Using that limit it became possible to resolve the spectral output into regions related to wavelength . It was noted then that spectral emissions matched these spectral lines more precisely than they did not . The small hole drilled did not seem to affect the result.
However, diffraction behaviour was ignored or discounted, when of course crystallography showed that small apertures could not be discounted.
Interference at the aperture can explain quantised polarised results, without the need for a a complicated electron level structure or Baum series or other power series explanations for electron emissions!
Relating heat pressure to the sprctral emissions also is relate able to the size of the emission hole as the black body is heated.
The concept of MASING in a black body was of course not available to early investigators, but the small hole provides an impedance block allowing only certain frequencies and amplitudes to pass at specific phase relationships.
As the heat pressure increases, specific latent heat changes occur which absorb more if the radiation energy and thus lead to a gradual decay in the wavelength emitted . As the wavelength increases, the amplitude is likely to increase and again the rotation is less likely to pass through a small aperture.
If we think of a camera obscurant as a black box we see how all frequencies pass through to form an image on the back plate with variation in intensity by diffraction ..
So a combination of natural proportionality to rotational dynamics in the molecular structure and the MASING effect and diffraction through a small aperture may account for the special results of blackbody radiation.
This video shows the principle of a complex gyre passing through a complex gyre and how the two become locally entangled in a dance . Essentially I will explore this case as a simple form of magnetic complex with polarity. But it is as well to note that magnetic behaviour does not always exhibit polarity, especially in the case of the rotating magnetic fieldbthatbTesla envisaged.
Returning to the 6 faced form based on the trained real prism. Let ABCbe fixed points in a common reference Frame that define the clockwise centre of the hexahedral form let abc fixed to the form and corresponding to the fixed points when the form is in the defining position.
In the defining position D is a fixed point behind the ABC ring, and E is fixed point in front of the ring. thus ADE is a ring in a different plane, and again clockwise. d and e are corresponding points on the form. There are 2 others BDE and CDE. These planes rotate by the ABC ring/ gyre .
The theory of forces intimated by Newton actually took until Boscovich to be annunciated. Until then Scholars were not fully appreciative of the power of Newtons philosophical method, or his principles for Astrologers.
I doubt if Newton was of a mind to exposit all his insights, rather he left it to a few acolytes to accede to his mastery and disciple others: the old ways of the wise and sagacious. If a thing be true it will always win out over the lie, and so rather by a conceit of divine inspiration and potential mercury poisoning he left much unsaid, much unpublished, Starting perhaps with Wallis full and open disclosure was not the accepted norm, for it was normal to have to defend your divine insight or theory against gainsayers, and to Newton this was casting pearls before swine!
So the theory of curvilineal forces in space really is attributable to Boscovich, on the back of decades of work by other Newtonian disciples. Yet The elegance of the work of Cotes and DeMoivre is still overlooked in terms of public knowledge of curvilineal algebras. We will yet see how Euler tackled these topics in the face of LaGranges misconception of the fundamental equation of mechanics!
The inertial propensity of space was enumerated by Newton, but many do not know or realise that. The force or vis and vis viva of Newton was more complex than some straight line spaciometric algebra could manage, and so he defined a curvilineal scheme still misunderstood today.
When Einstein recast it in his theory of special and general relativity he made only one change, that of absolute ( I dependent) time. The rest is Newtonian mechanics shrouded in polynomial differential equations, a fad of the time. Both Hamilton and Grassmann were influenced by LaGrange and his insistence on the differential form as the most general expression of dynamics. Helmholtz went so far as to eschew any specific solution to a differential form as being inherently innacuracies and misleading to the mind considering a dynamical system.
So it was that much of Newtonian principles were recast in overt differential form, and Stokes nd Navier attempted to recast the dynamics of fluids in this form also.
Thus many hard expressions were formed difficult to solve concretely and thus unimpeachable as theories!
Boscovich was not like that. Like Newton he described dynamics in spaciometric terms, from whence dynamic solutions could be expertly visualised.
Numerical solutions to differential forms have now been devised, so that the sheer volume of numerical output can be turned into : a visual display ! Perhaps a more accessible display of dynamic changes that lines and arcs could convey to the non expert mind, but requiring a reliance on a programme and process even more mysterious!
Today we tend to accept this mystery as gospel truth, the animations are so convincing!
However the onus is on the theorists to bring the theory int close proximity with observed behaviours whether presented by lines and curves or by cool computer graphic displays, and that is how one gauges the utility of a theory ? Newtons principles, whether expressed by Einstein in tensor notation or by formulae or by spaciometric drawings still remain eminently reliable and utilitarian, as Euler pointed out to LaGrange who eventually conceded .
Thus the inertial potential in space surrounding a pole and it's gyre needs to be accounted for. It can only be accounted for properly by observation . Newton did not undertake to measure magnetic pole strength or behaviour , it was Hooke who is recorded as the first to attempt o do so. It is hooked law that provides the inertial backdrop for much of modern material science, but magnetic behaviour and power is probably best measured and studied by Weber. His theoretical model based measuring scheme is being revisited even today.
There is a li k between Boscovich's force theory as applied to magnetic behaviour and Webers measurement scheme.
The complexity of the patterns is not the mystery it once was . However, design and depiction is a indicator of some intelligence that can control satellite ray guns!
This patterning is typical magnetic patterning as I Indictated in my videos on trochoidal patterns fir 2 interweaving rotations.
Cause and effect is an observational principle which helps us to order and make sense of certin force relationships. Unfortunately we are taught that forces act in straight lines only and so cause and effect are shown to us as colonnear or coincident. However it was noted in explaining the gyroscopic action that cause and effect were at a phase difference of a quarter turn. Thus in general cause and effect are separated by a phase angle dependent on frequency and degrees of freedom
In a rigid gyroscope that degree of freedom to an applied constant acceleration occurs maximally at a phase of a quarter turn to the applied acceleration
The resultant of acceleration is velocity so an effect of velocity is observed out of phase with the applied Fotce.
In magnetic behaviour , I realise, we have 2 effects to account for induction and acceleration of implosion/ explosion.
It is a matter of proposition that a gyre is the best way to account for both these effects.
This is where I am currently struggling to demonstrate the soundness of the proposition by indicating observed effects. .
The trochoidal interaction and patterning are enticingly close to demonstrating observed patterns of diffraction and iron filings , but are these patterns of induction or of acceleration or some combination of both?
The acid test is kinaesthetic : is there a visual resultant that explains push or pull dynamics?
Maxwell posited only push and absence of push as explaining bodily motions of two induced magnets, acting inductively on each other para sympathetically, and diamagnetic material somehow reverses , weakly the inductive effect, and thus the expected acceleration . In this scheme a ferromagnetic material shows the greatest inductive capacity nd thus the greatest acceleration, but the direction of acceleration( explosive or implosive) is glossed over by assuming a relaxation time for the removing of the induction effect.
Indeed in NMR the decay of the returning radio frequncy signal tends to support this relaxation time in materials.
2 states are posited for the magnetic moment in an applied field one is up or paramagnetic, the other is down or diamagnetic. Precession of spin is then used to depict the change between the 2. The time taken for this precession to stop is then considered as the decay or relaxation time.
This gyroscopic model makes nonsense without a precessional gyre caused by or indicative of induction.
So I must account for induction as a gyroscopic spin and then determine a resultant acceleration effect at some phase turn from the inducing cause, which I propose as another dominating gyre. This phase turn may well depend on the relative frequencies of the interacting gyres, and the viscosity of the materiality.
If this is a viable and reliable explanation of observation then my proposed hypothesis will not be validated as actual " truth" but as a utilitarian model of significance at all scales .
So I am looking at several key assumptions that make a general understanding of behaviours more difficult.
The first is that what happens on earth is scalable to the universe. The iss station enables us to test our observations on micro gravity and the results demonstrate why spherical descriptions are better, because spheres are generally what we observe in general space.
Thus in describing magnetic behaviour the bar magnet' is misleading. The PMH arrangement or hors shoe magnet is better. The best is of course a lodestone or a plasmoid object like our sun.
So in defining the gyre of a magnetic behaviour thinking of a bar magnet is an over simplification. The so called poles are not fixed on any axis and indeed are dynamic. We see this in sunspots. What we also see is the vortex dynamics of the behaviour that ranges from a rope like appearance to a fountain effect. It is this fountain effect we typically depict for a bar magnet without recognising its special nature . It is the same for a solenoid.
When we recall the rope like features of a radio frequency generated plasma ball we typically do not see that as a dynamic model of magnetic behaviour. In fact it is a good behaviour to have at the back of your mind even if it is misleadingly associated with electric rather than magnetic behaviour.
The PMH then holds within its structure a dynamic plasma loop at a frequency below the visible sprctrum and circulating as a magnetic current as Ed Leedskalnin envisaged, two mutually interfering gyres in the elemental material we call ferrous.
Work done on the PMH thread reveals how polarity tends to favour impedance junctions. , and indeed this may be the foundation of the fountain structure of the vortices, the impedance to the rotational vortex flow at a junction or termination.
Defining a gyre for induction and for force makes more sense. We can see also the utility of Flemings rule of thumb defined against a laboratory PMH or horse shoe magnet, not a bar magnet!
Where trochoidal dynamics makes a contribution is in defining the invisible patterning of the magnetic current. The simple twisting or whirling motion is in fact a complex trochoidal behaviour, which I posit we can build up from interacting rotational dynamics with longitudinal and transverse dynamic components.
I amm looking at how gyre ABCDEA on a hexahedron interacts with a gyre acbeda which is free to move dynamically against the fixed point A,B,C,D,E, in a common reference frame. .
The 2 gyres are dynamic around the rotation rings ABC and ADE or equivalents BDE ,CDE, and in the case of the second gyre acb, and aed,ced, and bed.
Observation demonstrates that these gyres do not just oppose each other along any common axis, but their relative orientation can be dynamic , and indeed they can pass through each other either as identical opposites( up to gyre) or with varying radial and therefore transverse and longitudinal dynamics.
Given that what patterns of a) induction and b) force could we expect?
The answer is trochoidal .
That this is not obvious must be clear to the general reader. Unless you have studied the fascinating subject of trochoids( roulettes) you would not anticipate their application to engineering of dynamic systems, and yet they are everywhere in nature and industrial processes. It is therefore surprising that we are surprised to find them in fundamental dynamics and especially magnetic behaviours .
The toroid or donut is a favourite shape that is surprisingly common , because it is a basic trochoidal surface!
Of course to visualise this you require Laz Plaths, aka Qqazxxsw Tee Roe Koids apps especially Trotorted, or webtro1.
WilliammShank who made these apps needs to come out and declare them again and update them , but so far he has not responded to me.
I would be grateful if anyone who knows him would communicate the importance of his work to him on his YouTube channrl Qqazxxsw, his twitter account @qqazxxsw , the Facebook page is my feeble attempt to record his work, but if he has a Facebook page please let me know.
I must add: I have meditated on these animations over the years and find what Will was doing is not only artistically pleasing but absolutely fundamental kinematics of trochoidal surfaces. For example the surface highlight sequence shows me how toroidal smoke rings may interact , or indeed to the point how magnetic gyres may interact.
The frequencies, amplitudes and phases if these dynamics also, as I have previously mentioned in earlier posts can be the basis go describing spectral outputs .
For me " the Force is strong " with Will Shank !
This is bothnannppelmtomWilliammhank and. Demonstration of combining two gyres that oppose one another, and interact at dynamic radial positions .
What youbseebisvabthick " line". Will constructed this out of a wireframe for polyhedral forms. This line is not a vortex( although it appears to twist).
The line is the sum of 2 circular arcs that are in the same plane( volume slice) and connected by a radius . This represents the overlapping of the ring dynamics of a gyre.
Perpendicular to this plane are two sine curve axes that enable the line to be plotted with a sinusoidal dynamic in space, this allows for only 2 interacting ring dynamics to each have a gyre, but not a ring dynamical one.
, the The resulting Trochoid shoes the interaction of gyres ABCDE not ABCDEA with acbed not acbeda.
By manually altering the radius of one of the circles I ban visualise the dynamic as the rings expand and contract relative to each other . Thus indicating that the trochoidal resultant occupies shells around any pair of interacting gyres.
In the case of the sun these shells form loops between the two polarities in a sunspot( the missing ring dynamic) , in the case of a bar magnet the visualised form comes out and around in filamentary structures like a fountain.
Because of the missing ring dynamic the sinusoidal visualisation shows only the expansion and contraction in the perpendicular ( or axial direction ) of a bar magnet, the polarity occurs at the max an min height of this trochoid.
Ken Wherlers model has these filamentary Trochoids exhibiting a different behaviour at the edge to that at the centre, that is consistent with Trochoid production, the more the circles overlap the more the behaviour acts like a shrinking and expanding circle from the centre.
With 4 interacting circles in the plane I can demonstrate a collapsed resultant versus an expanded resultant, but I am not yet sure if this depicts the Bloch wall or some error in my proposed modelling at this simple level
Diracs magnetic sting. The point I make here is phase change is important o explain polarity. Th fact hat the Trochoid line has to rotate at the join is important in my proposed model because that rotation arises due to the otherwise un observed rotation around a cross section of the string as a string or hosepipe snakes its way around a region. .
We tend to discount this observed dynamic of rotation by thinking only of theoretical lines rather than physical longitudinal dynamics. . Why do perfectly straight chords become tangled hen wrapped? This cross sectional twist is a real physical dynamic.
This is upposedly illusive nd hidden at the quantum levl, but in fact it is observable everyday! Why does Diracs string not become hopelessly twisted? Be ause his string is mathematical/ theoretical. When it goes through a 720° phase change all the mathematics becomes the same as the initial description because the models or a rotation, the sine, Cosine parametrization behave in this group system in that manner. Owe er, if you use the rational parametrization of. Rotation, then you get an increasing twist, as occurs in observation."
At the level of physical reality instead of letting he twist be an oddity we can understand that a twisted system will store energy and thn release that energy to untwist or relax back to a ground state.
If this occurs at the poles of. Bar we might use that to depict an explosive release or an I plosive uptake to restore ground equilibrium.
Rotation is always an countable ynamic which lends itself to quantisation descriptions or Quantum mechanical descriptors,
The Birkland current is a trochoidal phenomenon but what is its fuse? Magnetic behaviour not electrostatic . Scientists can identify signatures of electron density, but magnetic density is still inferred from bar magnet or gyroscopic get devices read by laser interferometry.
Tiny agnetic moments are assumed to be generated by electron action and so these are depicted in all instrumentation as causal.
But simply put, the high energy systems used to reveal these phenomena are only apparent at certain , dynamic locations. How does a current flow from one space region to another ?
Where is the battery or dynamo?
It is a fundamental mystery which can not be answered but which can be characterised!
Magnetic behaviour is a more secure primitive than electric behaviour .
The velocity web is interesting. Causality is assumed to be gravity, but if we take a gyroscopic point of view we could find causality is a phase angle away! That would mean that Birkland currents so called would be conduits of matter distribution not electric currents of electrons or ions.
This is essentially Webers concept of ion motion by a magnetic current.
Magnetic spin ice! Then thermodynamic modelling!
Along ith Skymions these theoretical explanations are hampered by a misleading rotational dynamic theory easily corrected by trochoidal analysis.
Simple asbthisbis you can see how a spinning but coupled region, radiates out to a larger region by a phase change of 360°. 720° gives the frequency/ wavelength of the radiation as half the frequency of the transmitting region. Alternatively a receiving g region could be spun up to twice the frequency of the incident radiation. This is a theoretical model prediction/ constraint . Is it observed in any system?
In dome probably, but I would expect the observed systems to show quantised relations of any n not just even n.
As much as the constraints allow, we see rotation generating a rotational dynamic that alternates . This is due to the sine, Cosine parameters, which bring the result in line with the usual torque description of rotation.
A Trochoid couples the sine,Cosine description in a way that mimics continuous rotation , but as we see a correction has to be made to the underlying math to eliminate the twisting in the 3d model , so here they twist and untwist the string in opposite axial positions., in this way they obscure more complex trochoidal dynamics, and the random reversal effect observed in Ed Lorenz "chaotic" motion models and the butterfly effects and shape.
this is the simple toroid surface theoretical model. However it obscures the causality due to simplification . The direction of the proposed rotation is the simple distinction which of course disappears when you flip the donut! It is too simple . It is the simplest 3d Trochoid based on 2 gyres( not 1, please note) but not the best model.
Ken Wherlers simple force dynamic model has the same technical issue. It is hard to visualise an implosive Trochoid because it requires at least 4 interacting rotations at specific phase angles and spatial contiguous relationship.
If this is the elements of an implosive pressure event then it should be scalable to observable dimensions and observed in natural dynamics all around us.
This mechanical system, a Lorenz chaotic water wheel illustrates possible( clearly!) dynamics in magnetic systems with a trichoidal dynamic.
The system is said to be aperiodic. That is it has a period but a chaotic one.
When looking at Trochoids regularity is in fact takn fir granted. The Trochoid form is a complex regularity no matter how chaotic it may look in 3 d.
However, real systems have a noteable aperiodicity. We see a attern, then it disappears and reverses and reappears. It was therefore amazing that we could express that as an interaction of linear differentials!
The point is it was discovered that our mathematical models are not deterministic, and attempts to reverse their roe as descriptive models into universal laws are necessarily misleading.
Here in the water clock we see the constraints make a cause and effect delay evident by gyroscopic analogy. The maximum angular velocity or circular ell city occurs at a phase of a quarter turn from the cause. And the cause is abe to build its influence in an aperiodic phased manner.
One should wonder how circular arcs acquire a phase distinction, and one reasonable assumption is regular or irregular interaction with another circular dynamic at a specific location.
We can not of course srcify these locations in total but in certain instances we can regionalise contributing locations and depict phase causality restive to those.
In the sun we see coronal hole and sunspot regions against which we can measure certain explosive and implosive events exterior to them. Similarly we may assume certain internal phase dynamics may lie at the heart of a sunspot region or a coronal hole region.
We will find that thinking iteratively and fractally allows s to base explanations at one scale ob a primitive assumption at a lower scale. Indeed that is the nature of dynamic proportioning as discussed by the pythagoreans in the Stoikeia especially books 5 to 7 .
Ultimate cause, unless you are Aristtelian, is always ascribed to a deity. Aristotle preferred a mysterious "prime Mover " ie in the green proto or first or before mover.
In a circular dynamic we can set such a mover anywhere in the loop.
In addition the strange attractor indicates a type of dynamically stable chaotic system that expands and contracts aperiodic ally with occasional explosive transformations between the 2 strange attractors.
Applying this theory to rotational dynamics enables some bounds to be imagined on behaviours at different scales.
Additional information
Radiative emisdion and absorption
I shall deal with this under a model of trochoidal surface dynamics .
I'm going to start with the simple primitives of pressure which manifests itself as circular arc forces which interact in a way which produces trochoidal dynamic surfaces.These dynamic surfaces will be distinguished by their equipotentiality. .
We cannot say that in free space there are any existing real services because we cannot determine what is surface is without some measurement. The act of measuring itself may produce an artefact. This artefact is an artefact which we will recognise as being a equalityit is this inequality which we will then use to define and equipotential surface.
It may be that an equipotential surface defined in this way corresponds with an actual surface visible to our eyes and sensible sensations. . It may also be that these services I am not a tall sensible or visible except by the action that they produce on some other materiality. That these trochoidal a dynamic surfaces may be real or imagined. The utility of these surfaces whether real or imagined is in their ability to enable us to make geometrical patterns and measurements. They also enable us to depict visuality dynamic interaction that may be occurring invisibly.
When it comes to determining the energy transformations that occur in free space between interacting material bodies which are separated by some space medium which we will call plasma or an aether, we will not confine ourselves to the simplest case of a bar that. If at the bar magnet is a special case and it is useful in determining and detecting magnetic fields.But the general case must be that of a lodestone or a magnetic material standing in which there are typically many polarities either of the north or south kind (sic).
We have not defined what these polarities are in this model. Because we are using dynamic trochoidal services we have to do then understand where polarity occurs within this model. He occurs where eight record the dynamic surface appears to expand and contract in a very definite way. This behaviour is not our relative to the rest of the trochoidal surface in the fact that the area tends to shrink and expand rhythmically or in a pattern in a way which focuses on a particular point or set of points.
By point we mean here the normal geometrical point which is a given in court Drumeldrie as a reference relative to some axes of space. However rather than using axes we will use the vector either line vectors or circular arc vectors. A point is then determined by what is known as a line vector point or a circular arc vector point I will also use circular arc force vectors or line force vectors to distinguish the manifestation of a pressure cell within a given region.
In this particular description we will use the pressure and the circular art directors to depict magnetic pressures but in general any rotational dynamics may be said to be caused by magnetic or some other circular force manifestation.
Polls are observed to distinguish themselves by numerousvoryicular regions where the truck all dynamics separates clearly into filamentary regions around the pole. These are filamentary abortuses is sometimes confused with hair like extensions. But they are not here like because they do not follow the materiality as it moves they are more like bubble explosions occur at the polar region that's like water droplets coming out of the pipe as one moves the droplets themselves had propagate with in the space medium under their initial conditions rather than under the motion of the materiality.
However the notion of the magnetic bubbles is seen to gravitate towards one pole and away from another pole. This it is possible to depict these magnetic bottles is moving in circular gyres from one Paul to another pole or vortices which connects the poles. This voice notices are trochoidal dynamic surfaces so they have very interesting patterns when… In detail and I'm not at all just simple tornadolike vortices . .
He bubblelike air expansions from the polarities to the each other interact in a way which produces surfaces which we measure at Equi potential measurements.
because the services of a nanny they do not occupy a fixed position in space and are constantly reevaluated by the measuring device. However on certain occasions we will know that a particular surface has a stable region of deployment.
In this case any energy potential changes in the region will lead to the surface being displaced according to measurements are either in a surface simple surface manner or in the bifurcations.
That it is the interaction of the bottles and the energy which creates a displacement in the measurement tool which allows us to see that a particular potentiality is no longer in that position.
Now the plasma through which this these magnetic bubbles are making themselves evident reacts in a way which depends on the materiality of the plasma at that particular point. However in general wear a plasma is excited to a visible now all we will find that the equipotential surface becomes visible and it normally takes the form of a filament. however we will note that there is also a profuse glow surrounding the filament indicating that there are other potential air services which we cannot visibly see and which are in dynamic change.