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A sound basis to Rotational Dynamics



  • edited November 2017
    I see what you C in the sea rock.
    If you would allow , this is your gate into the wisdom of the Musai..
    Your gift or Konan is to enCode your life's ANU experiences for others to learn.
    Your Kaballah is incisive, your Gematria sharp, you C sharp
    And the music of the spheres sounds in your
    Mind, heart and soul , which you impress upon the blank Canvas
    And express in detailed symmetries, metaphors and similes .
    Your Numerology has a new experience coded into every Midrash, every letter, every yod and horn
    And these needs must outflow you or you burst asunder!
    The thunder of you resonates in lightning flashes of deep insights
    And the clouds and seas part, to reveal natures moon
    Carefully chiselled out of sea rock
    The C that navigates the moving stars, and illuminates the dark reaches of men's minds
    If they would but painfully, carefully patiently Study.
    Those that carve rock know each blow and point and mark and saw they made as well as their own heart and soul.
    And every chip off that old block reveals a new sight to see, a new experience to marvel and enjoy!
    What the gods have given thee by others is unfathomable as the C!
  • edited November 2017
    I chose Ed over TJJ See, because Ed is accessible and inherently a faithful observer. In particular he explains in his own words.
    Plagiarism is one of the greatest academic sins you can commit and fellow academics will rubbish your reputation after you have been " found" or alleged guilty of it!
    There are no end of books and philosophers in this world, why have I chosen Ed? Is it a coincidence or fate or some divine guidance?
    I too have a burden from " the gods" , but to walk my path I must tread carefully finding my balance ate each step, taking on or discarding weights as I go , and getting right back up whenever I fall . And I do fall and fail like any man .
    I write much, but defend little . What I do defend I have found after long observation to be defensible
    My burden is spirals, and they spiral out of and into control, they circulate either aether or space-time , you choose, and their animal magnetism, attracts, repels and shocks in turns.
    What proportions can I thus discern within that swirling potentate?
    What kinematics and what phusis, what chemistry and what biology or what zoological estate?
  • Wow! I really like that poem a great deal. Are you the author may I ask?
    Sometimes it seems to be written to EDL and other times to the Creator of Earth... and at other times I see myself as the object of the poem. Weird experience I've never had reading a poem before. The subject shifts in my mind so I started to feel it's about all those who seek.

    There are no end of books and philosophers in this world, why have I chosen Ed? Is it a coincidence or fate or some divine guidance?
    I often think the same thing. Only answer I can consciously come up with is it's a vessel I can't seem to find the bottom of.. and looks different from every angle.. so in the end it seems to force me to learn everything from the microscopic to the macroscopic to have a hope in understanding what it's all about. I've never experienced that with anyone or anything else. The closest previous were R Buckminster Fuller and MC Escher.

    I write much, but defend little . What I do defend I have found after long observation to be defensible Yeah, this is still my weakness. Got a bit better over time, but not much. LOL..sorry about that. I was more testing you than anything. See what you're about.

    I too have a burden from " the gods"
    Would you elaborate on what this is to you?
  • If you google jehovajah the children of Shunya you may find my elaboration
  • edited November 2017

    The electric mode is fed by magnetic currents entering at the poles. The sun has a condensed matter surface , and thatbconde sed matter is expelled as plasma. The electric double layer is formed around the magnetic double layer , the two vorticular magnetic currents

    The electron model obscures the two plasma winds , the fast plasma rope and the slower redder plasma rope confined by the magnetic vortices .

    The frequncy and amplitude of these vortices are apparent in glow mode where phase difference allows diffraction and dispersion of light frequencies to occur, as well as absorption and emission. The reflection and refraction of thes magnetic vortices occur at boundary changes leading to Masing effects in regions where the refraction index allows reflection , but diffraction and dispersion where it allows thin film refraction . Transmisdion occurs everywhere else by absorption and emission in the materiality.

    Stewarts law is thus a simplification of propagation within a magnetic aether for thermal situations.

    High temperatures are in fact calculated by black body radiation measures , not the in situ heat pressure measure of mercury. The high calculated temperature in the photosphere reflects the brightness and intensity of the black body radiation, in other words the frequency and amplitude and MASING coherence of the vortex interference patterns in that region.

  • edited November 2017

    Hydrogen lattice structure at high pressure and high temperature.
    Why would a particle behave like this?
    The Einstein Bowen condensate shows us a property of materiality at very low temperature. But high temperature begs the question? What is temperature or heat pressure?
    Heat pressure is based upon the contraction and expansion of mercury. Under capillary surface force action in a near vacuum.

    The sizes are small enough for us to discount so called gravitational effects, but not small enough to discount magnetic effects.

    In fact we have had no way of discounting magnetic effects in mercury at this level until the Magnetic Resonance concepts were formulated and experimentally tested.

    We know now that magnetic patterning influences specified material behaviour , so that material rotational signals are boosted under short radio magnetic impulses and then follow a characteristic decay pattern..

    The half life of this rotationa pattern decay is indicative of the state of the material, the more condensed and viscous the longer the decay time.

    We have traditionally called this material state and phase change hit and cold temperature states.

    In fact the condensed nature of the material or contracted state reveals a concentration of that material in its condensed mode. For example, water, under reduced pressure will concentrate to ice, the volatile form being seen to boil and expand out of the concentrating, crystallising form.
    This increasingly viscous firm shows increased magnetic behaviours and longer decay times., thus supporting a wider range of frequency modes.

    The theoretical absolute zero in the kinetic model is never actually achieved because a " strange" behaviour occurs in which the material forms a double layer . The material interchanges between the lowest condensed state at one frequency and the lowest condensed state a another. . Perfect stillness s not achieved because the magnetic underlying pattern of the aether is in perpetual flux.

    The hexagonal lattice pattern is just one of the demonstrable magnetic patterns generated by magnetic behaviour.

    Negative absolute zero

    The rotational dynamic induced in liquid water by a magnetic patterning . The decay graph shows not just. Amplitude decay, but frequency amplitude decay. . The Fourier analysis shows the range of frequencies, just like a spectral analyss , and it is the spectral analysis that is naturally produced by a prismatic diffractive dispersion.
  • edited November 2017

    When Grimaldi proposed diffraction, he considered light to propagate by being sheared off longitudinally. In his day light was considered to be a ray and the ray could be broken and broken again, that is refracted. It continued in its broken path. Grimadi was convinced a light ray could be split long it's length and spread out.

    Newton on the other hand believed light was already split transversally into corpuscles , in a ballistic model. These corpuscles were thn spread or dispersed by refraction. Refraction was not the same as diffraction , because the supposed corpuscles were not split by refraction.
    How refraction worked for corpuscles Newton proposed an attractive force dependent on the corpuscle size to account for refraction and is person.

    The diffraction behaviour was inviting Grimaldi, And eventually Hugens and Hooke to develop a wave theory of light propagation. But diffraction meant that every point in a medium had to be considered as a source ! Using rays made no sense of this o Huygens used circular shells as depicting wave propagation. . The problem of back propagation, by reflection and diffraction seemed a difficulty in translucent materials with fine grud structures. Evn Feynmann struggled to explain this wave theoretical conundrum.

    Refraction was clearly at a boundary where light passed into a different medium . Diffraction occurred where the obstacle was in the same medium . So a diffraction grating is about " waves bending round an obstacle in the medium the wave is propagating in.

    In a prism, the light is regpfracted, some of it reflected with a phase shift, but the refracted part propagates through a medium of varying thickness which disperses the corpuscles. But a wave would be bent without dispersal .
    Different frequencies were invoked to account for dispersion. .
    Later, absorption and emission were found to be in th spectrum as lines and modifications to th Theiry had to be made. .
    Absorption could be anything from destructive interference due to phase change, thin film interference By refraction, or diffraction . Similarly emission could be constructive interference. .
    However, black body radiation invited the concept that the source could be the causative factor, with the iffy ultras of propagation largely being determined by the source behaviour. Thus atomic shells fir electron jumping becoming the favourite .

    There is of course no reason why materiality should behave as described in particular how an Indistinct but quantised energy should promote rotation! , or an lectron jump should MIT rotation.

    On the other hand rotation promotes rotation either as an increase or decrease insuch, and thus storing or releasing rotatio al energy is a natural Behaviour. .

    Interference of rotation is also naturally observable, and the vibrational energy within such a rotational system provides n epiphnomic explanation of transverse longitudinal and shear displacements of material regions consisting fundamentally of fractal vortices.
    Around such vortices diffraction becomes explainable as vortex shedding with the interference pattern dispersing as a shed vortex. Refraction is explained as is reflection with polarisation as an emission from an absorbing vortex in any direction , but those effected by the angle of incidence indicating phase distinctions in absorption and emission.

    A point ource then emits in all directions but preferentially dependent on the phase of interaction of the incoming source. Amidst all the emitting diffraction or vortex shedding of a none absorbed source is also evident. Which effect dominates depends on th local site onditions at which refraction, reflection diffraction absorption and emission are said to occur.

  • Anode tufts or convection currents ? No problem: magnetic patterning!

  • Victor Schauberger the water vortex man , understood how coherent spin empowered the medium in which it is formed
  • edited November 2017

    Specifying colour by an orthogonal colour axes..
    Trichromatic retinal cones enables us to mimic colour by 3 summed/ overlapping chromatic analyses of an image.

    An example of overlaying 3 chromaticities to a luminance.
    The frequency of a colour chromaticity on each line( pixels per line) and the amplitude recording the intensity.

    The general overview.
    The result of simple harmonic motion in n dimensions being an ellipse explains gravitational attraction, and how it arises from rotational dynamics. Or Vortices.
    Thus magnetic behaviour is a result of dynamic rotational behaviour at all scales.

  • An understanding of the space time reference frame and how it records dynamics in film or video frames.
    This is why space time can not represent reality, but rather a cinematic version of reality. .
    Space-time gives us good dynamic solutions but is not a reality. Wormholes and such do not have a real counterpart in a sphere!
    Gravitational curvature does not result in a black hole because space is not empty . Condensed space has increased viscosity and conductivity/ conduction and of course magnetic rotation. The result is a superconducting magnetic materiality which thus generates huge electrical potential . The magnetic jets redistribute materiality in plasmic form .
    The materiality cycles through this process indefinitely and with infinite complexity.

    Gravity is but one result of this magnetic rotation .
  • edited December 2017

    So by now I am not surprised that a powerful magnetic patterning can light up a strip light.
    The rarefied gas or plasma begins to glow . Magnetic patterns interacting ith materiality generatescll the effects we call electric, including charge.

    Of course, Masing and double layers are traditionally excluded from electric investigations, so the concept of magnetic current and flux creating charge and inducing current in a wire , or in materiality only surfaces in a generator! It is the foundational , basic driver of induced charge and current!
    Storage of magnetic rotation within capacitors is the MASING effect in magnetic mode. When the permeability saturation of the material reflecting the magnetic rotation is reached a magnetic pulse / current is discharged . It is coherent and confined to the conducting/ wave guide. .
    The double reflecting layers build up this saturation permeability of the rotation dynamic as "charge". The hysteresis curve demonstrates how this rotational dynamic is maintained even under external forcing or the Masing process.

    When a material is saturated it will maintain its induced status even in an opposing direction, until it's content is dissipated by the external forcing, then it will be induced in the paramagnetic direction of the external inducing rotation.

    Magnetic behaviour is a universal action in space-time/ aether. It concentrates or expands as implosive or explosive pressure in materiality characteristically, but the materiality is not the cause of magnetic behaviour, merely the Guide. Thus a material induced in a paramagnetic fashion will Mase it's stored magnetic behaviour guided by the direction of the materiality after induction. A " north" polarity is not emitted from a north end, so marked, but induced in space by MASING . It is like individual north magnetrons are induced in space by the north polarity.

    However, JJ Thompson, defines polarity by a plane in space, , not in the materiality. At that plane , regardless of the direction or side a " north" pole is placed it always induces more north tubes of force than south tubes of force directionally. The gyre is defined at the plane not in the materiality .

    Thus to identify a metal bar as having a " north" pole is not necessarily supporting the pole as a source of magnetrons, but rather as a site of north inducing potential in space. This north inducing potential it has gained from its environment, and so north is a term relative to the surrounding magnetic environment.

    It is not simply an extensive magnitude. It is an inducing potential that induces extensive and intensive pressures in space. We recognise this inductive patterning as double layers in space but fail to connect the pressure aspect to it, obscuring it as electric pressure or fields

    Induction or action at a distance seems inconsistent if it is not a communication through a contiguous medium/ aether which behaves rotationally rather than directionally in avrectilineal gyre. .
    The net sum of curvilineal gyres can be a Rectilineal one in any orientation. And with potential fir any direction , but stable outcomes it appears have a conic sectional result. Regionally.
    The region of influence we call gravity, but the underlying dynamic we call magnetic.
  • Paramagnetic induction, hysteresis and radio transmissions.

    When an environmental magnetic pressure is concentrated into a materiality it creates a vorticular or trochoidal dynamic pressure system. This is an inductive pressure system, inducing paramagnetically.. The concentrating materiality becomes a source if this inducing pressure disturbance in the Environmental surrounds. Suitable material is induced by this vorticular disturbance and is oaramagnetically oscillated about the hysteresis loop for the material. . Depending on the orientation in the surrounding forcing/ inducing system, the hysteresis either supports or opposes the dynamic. when an antennae acts it is this hysteresis forcing that governs good or bad gain. In radio reception.
    In addition, the vorticular dynamic establishes standing regions of similar pressure/ induction capability, so moving the antenna in or out of these regions affects the rate of induction and the use if the hysteresis loop and displacement.
    Diamagnetic materials reverse the hysteresis loop due to a phase shift in the magnetic patterning.
    I have discussed this topic in a previous post. The concept of materiality determines the rhetoric of depiction.
    Because I accept space as a fundamental fluid / aether or perceivable plasmic perceptions , like most before me I expect vorticular structures to exist in the " fabric" of space itself, that is yo say space time will exhibit dynamic connected cylindrical tubes or bubbles depending on the chosen reference frame. Curvilineal frames are not excluded.

    The measured surfaces around a bar magnet are not typical.
    The measured surfaces around a lodestone crystal are less misleading. Of necessity these measurements are of equipotential . Thus the surfaces reveal a gradient of potential .
    The gradient is dynamic.
    If we assume faraday magnetic tubes as our descriptor, then these tubes will loop around a materiality going from a north polarity to a south polarity. The potential in a Faraday tube is a gradient. .
    The equipotential shells thus are crossed by faraday tubes.
    Faraday tubes are vortices, and so the equipotential shells are in dynamic vortex cross section action.

    The bubbles of a mural magnetic field or a cme are these cross sectional actions. The plasma materiality emitting in these shells are at equipotential and move through space following this equipotential surface out to the edge of the solar system.
    The so called B field surfaces therefore depict a faraday tube potential gradient tube. The inducing force potential is equal along this surface.
    Thus the equipotentiality of thevB shells related to induction pressure, the equipotential of the cross section of a faraday tube( an orthogonal surface to the B field surface) relates to vorticular dynamic. We tend to call this electric charge or electrostatic field potential.

    When we join up these vorticular cross section action potentials as equipotential s we ignore the spheroidal decay in a specific potential region. As that region expands its potential drops by any method of measurement. Thus an equipotential electric surface crosses many dynamically decaying vorticularr cross section activities, .

    Any CME is thus subject to dynamic turbulence as it moves through these faraday tube cross sections. On its way out to the edge of the solar system.

    What is magnetic reconnection?
    These surfaces, as equipotentials are completely imaginary! A point potential view would reveal a complex brownian like motion . This brownian motion would move through positions of high and low pressure . The regions of high pressure will move outwards, lower relative pressures would move inwards toward the concentrated polarities. High pressures would appear to be explosive, low pressures implosive.

    In a presure flow in a pipe for example we call this "knocking" . A high presdure followed by a low presdure produces sometimes a single event, sometimes a harmonic event, sometimes damped, sometimes exponential. All of these are characteristics of trochoidal dynamics
  • edited December 2017

    When constructing a model of the Global electric current , it is important to use an appropriate circuit design.
    In that case an lRC circuit is the foundation , to which any transistor device might be added.

    The circuit diagram can thus be usefully corrected .
    EricvDollard has much to say bout this analogue circuit for electromagnetic behaviours, so called
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