It would appear JS is still alive... Code144 just went back up, sans forum, and very little substance. But it's there. We'll see how long that lasts this time.
Nothing for nothing, but thanks for nothing. I'm doing just fine on my own, I sure don't need anyone telling me where to vaguely concentrate, or not. Don't waste time with loose advice, especially not in my discussion thread. Please keep that confined to those other threads where everyone is repeating the same old stuff I read 3 years ago, and not saying much. I would prefer to keep this one fluid with only information that is useful, relevant, and what hasn't really been discussed before. This is one of the only threads, on one of the only sites, sharing information about ed's code that is tangible and recognizable if you have the eyes for it. The big picture, being scrutinized pixel by pixel, through lots of different eyes. Good advice: don't take advice from anyone who can't prove they have advice worthy to give. Reminiscing about 144 though, I owe it to JS to mention him when he pops up every now and then. His interesting work got me introduced to this world of ed and code. I don't exactly agree with all of his work, but I owe him the respect of coming before me, and passing along some fascinating information I otherwise would have been blind to.
I was standing on a ladder the other day at work, and just happened to notice one of the nail plates on the wall read '16 ga', Of course when I see 16, I think sweet 16, and 1500 turns of 16 gauge wire on ed's pmh. (3000 all together) So I'm looking at this plate, if you don't know it's one like this used to shield wires and pipes buried in framing members... ...from sheetrockers blasting screws into the rough in work. Not important exactly, but I got looking at it, and it looked to be about the same thickness as a dime. This thread is all about the dime, which goes hand in hand with ed's copyright in ABIEH, and the ADM sign, which is directly related to the copyright yin yang and triangles, the grail curves on MC too, but I'll get to that later, as it's more involved than just the dime. Stick with me, and I will show you what those grail curves are for, they're nothing like DePew uses them for, and I wholeheartedly believe he has no clue about their real purpose, or what ed sketched them to be intended for. I tend to think I'm not arrogant about statements like that, but rather, confident I believe I have found a more practical use for them, in the context of deciphering ed's 'hidden writings.' I also suppose there is no tactful way of decreeing DePew to be dead wrong about ed's intent for those curves, so I submit my argument against his use of them, only in support of a simpler method. A method I hope will be supported by both the copyright page of ABIEH, the cover of MC, and several pages of EDM's book. So, this 16 gauge plate seemed to me, the exact thickness of a dime. Therefore I did a little googling, I have googleitis, remember my education is all google, (btw, thanks phlegm, I'll never let either one of us live that statement down) and found the thickness of a dime is 1.35 mm, and AWG (American Wire Gauge) 16 gauge wire is 1.29 mm thick. The difference is .06mm. Making a dime closer to 16ga AWG thickness than any other Gauge. 15 ga is 1.45mm for a difference of .1 and 17 ga is 1.15mm, for a difference of .2mm. Sweet sixteen. I assume because ed was in north america, he was using AWG copper wire as his standard. Here (I'm in New York USA) AWG is the available standard, and was in ed's time. I believe ed used metric as his rule in his writings. I believe he used both imperial and metric, imperial in stone, and metric in his writings. USA is strange like that, my school ruler is 12 inches long, and has rule for 30 cm, but finding a tape measure in the hardware store usually comes in inches and feet here. The USA is of course one of only 3 countries that have held out transitioning to metric rule. But, there is an unwritten understanding in the USA in which we are happy to accommodate the rest of the world. Where many of our tools are purchased in metric, because the rest of the world does not accommodate us anymore. For example, I am a mechanic, so I own a full set of imperial tools, ratchets, wrenches, etc., to work on my GM made truck, but also a full set of the same in metric to work on my Toyota sedan, when the need arises. Metric is the scientific standard, and ed was a man of science, first and foremost. His ADM sign, we, meaning me, interpret as ADM= 144 or 1413 (14, 13... 12?) But as 144 = 12x12, 12 being the imperial 'foot' in inches. This is right alongside '10 cents, Drop Below' 10 being the base unit for metric, and dime being derived from the word for 'tithe' in french, 1/10th. I believe the ADM sign is related to the copyright, and metric confirms this to me mathematically and measuring ed's triangles on the copyright page. Let's get right in it, if you're into ed's 'code', than when I'm done I will have blown your fucking mind. For lack of a better term. You'll want a mm ruler for this, possibly a compass too, but as long as you've been following, you have the tools. Let's look at the yin yang and triangles. Or ed's bowtie, or his 'eye.' It's not in proper size on your screen, or proper proportions at the top of this page, but if you have ed's original writings from CC, or a good copy of the exact same dimensions, you can measure it at home. They are 8mm tall and 8mm wide. This makes the slope of the angle created by the 2 opposing angles 8.94, or 9mm as is measured with any accuracy with a mm rule. For A^2+B^2=C^2, which here is 8^2+4^2=80^2, and sqrt 80=8.94. This should bring up a few red flags. First 8mm is a fibonacci number. 2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144... each number divided by the last approximates phi closer and closer to perfect golden ratio. It should also be noted that the triangle fits inside a perfect square of 8mm x 8mm. To create a golden rectangle with sides of 1:1.618, a regular square is bisected, parallel to 2 sides and perpendicular to 2 sides. Creating 2 rectangles of side ratios 1:.5, or here 8:4. To create the rectangle, you bisect one of the 2 rectangles along a diagonal of 2 opposing corners, creating a right triangle with a base length of 1 (or 8) and a side length of .5 (or 4 here). This length is then swept from the center of the square, through it's end with a compass to create the length of a side of a golden rectangle. Then continue the square lines to create the rectangle. Now you have a golden rectangle. How does this relate to the ADM sign, and the dime? Let's go to edm's book for some clues. In edm's book, the yin yang is mentioned or seen on 2 pages; 51 and 102. This is interesting because 102 is 12 without the zero, which is the sqrt of 144 (ADM). But 51 and 102 added together is 153, the number of the vesica pisces and the triangular root of which is 17. So many triangles and golden references here too. Check it out if you have a copy. Flip back to pg 17, edm mentions golden geometry. Go to 34, which is 17x2, and also a fibonacci number, and he mentions golden rectangles. On page 51 he talks about golden triangles, and mentions how they track with the yin yang triangles. On to 102, 12x12 is 144(ADM) and a fibonacci number too. 102 has a drawing of the solar system from Mercury to Saturn, and a yin yang too. That seems curiously out of place, as the date on the page is February 3, 1946, and ed's little book with the yin yang is Copyright 1936. The dime of ed's time was a 'Mercury' dime. Or was commonly called that. To see how the dime is directly related to the yin yang, take your US dime, and drop it below, over the yin yang on page 102 of edm. You will see how it works. Then slide your dime over to the solar system model, mars to be particular. Isn't that just lovely how that works. Now flip back to page 34, where he mentions golden rectangles, and see Mars inside the diagram of the 'rocket' edm tells you you can construct. See how it's tying together. Now let's talk about the dime for a moment. I mentioned it's thickness 1.35mm (I said 153, as well, it's anagram) It's diameter is 17.91 mm. Therefore it's radius is 8.96 mm. Well well, isn't that seriously close to the slope of ed's triangles with his yin yang. We calculated that above to be 8.94 mm. It seems awfully strange that this triangle side is the same length as the radius of a dime.
No coincidences here. Ed intended you to drop 10 cents below, so drop your dime over the yin yang triangles. If you line up the edge of the dime with either the right or left side of each triangle, respectively, then their slopes, both being the radius of a dime should converge on it's center. I used a Mercury dime for yall, as ed would have. I found the keyhole. One unit ed C It gets better, because if you pencil them in, you get a perfect vesica pisces. C it I told you it would become an eye. 'odin iou' makes more sense now And the curve of the dime is the same as the one used to make a golden rectangle. Ed's intent, and the model he used to create the yin yang/eye/bowtie. He used a dime. Very cleverly. Perhaps before I show you, you might figure out what the curves on MC are for. Here's a hint, it's the same thing we just did here. You can prove it to yourself.
Interesting, PKB, as always, but will take awhile to soak in and take hold. Real quick though - are presuming that the statistical page featured above was an original inclusion of Ed himself rather than something added to ABIEH later by CC adm.?
I'm still in debate on that. I want to say it was ed's style. From the top C it 1000 and 100 or 1/10 dime on the dollar S W W or if WisE, SEE I missed 65, but 65x2 is 130, or 13 a fib number 420, is 210 x2, 21 is a fib number 6 1/2 x2 is 13, fib 6 1/2 is also possibly 216 backwards, 666, 6x6x6, cube number It's suspect, but can't know for sure. I'm always finding new things on both pages that make me go, hmmm. In my opinion it was ed's work. But if it was CC, than they knew what was up.
I'm still in debate on that. I want to say it was ed's style.
For me, that wordsmanship feels of a different style than that of Ed's much more Hemmingway esq simplistic approach. Not to say he couldn't have been that boastful especially considering his ambitious understanding of marketing.
I'm just saying that sprucing up his achievements with words like: immense, finest, stupendous, remarkable, unequalled, etc. seem a little too persuasive in intent for Ed's more, my work speaks for itself, kind of writing style. The underlying semantics that is your area of expertise may indeed have been intentionally incorporated by someone other than Ed. I'm not that familiar with it, but feel like I can pick up on it from time to time.
I agree about the adjectives. You are right on there. Very may well have been someone familiar with ed's style of clue dropping. That has an almost identical style, using words backwards- tic, tains, ida as 'see it', 'saint', and 'aid.' Or the lining up of 'United States', 'construction', 'famous works', seems to call attention to his bad misspelling of 'constitition' on page 2. It also reflects something he uses in MC to indicate the removal of staples. On page 6, 4th paragraph, ed lines up the words; one inch long wire, one on top with your fingers loose clip Take them off, now you have two magnets
This is undoubtedly a command to remove the staples, and if you do, they measure 1 inch long. Also, by holding the page at a slant away from you, and looking at the paragraph, the blank space between the words seem to make an arrow, with the tip pointing directly at 'Take them off,' and follow the line right to the staples. Even more interesting, if you go back to page 5 and notice the mystery dots at the ends of the line; 'Now measure each and you...' Hold the page up to the light or even better punch the dots out with a pin or a sharp pencil, then go back to page 6, one of the dots is exactly between 'hot.' and 'Take them off,' right at the tip of the blank space 'arrow' i mentioned. The other dot punches through at the end of 'loose clip'. Page 5 and page 6 are offset with their lines, so this mysteriously places these dots right in the lines on page 6, where they look out of place on page 5. The author of the stats page could have been written by someone like me, with a good understanding of 'reading between the lines.' Ed was also known to be an avid reader, and he would have been able to pick up on the subtle differences, so it's possible he used the different writing style to his advantage, or it just wasn't his hand. Very debatable indeed, I can see it from both sides, so I can't take a side. But to me, I lean more to the practicality of it's usage in clues. You've studied ed for a long time, and you have intimate knowledge of his words, so you are familiar, and you're right to pick up on it.
This is the REAL Coral Castle Code. Traced with my dime, try it at home. Copyright 2016, by Jason Oakes, so don't even think of claiming this for yourself Depew. I'll have to call my website 'coralcastlecord' or 'coralcastleode.' Something similar to that. Ok, maybe I am that big of an asshole... fuck it. I still think this trumps his theory.
Oh, forgot to mention, go to page 105 of edm's book, and you'll see why I think he supports me. It's right there, plain as day. Also 105 without the zero is 15, and that's 51 backwards, and on page 51, edm mentions tracking with the triangles, like I mentioned above. By the way, if you have a US silver dollar, the other coin ed mentions, try it in edm's circles on page 102 and 105, you'll be pleasantly surprised. If the dime is Mars, the dollar is Jupiter.
Just realized the neptune symbol on page 105 resembles a euro currency sign. Perhaps edm used some euro currency as well? I don't have any to check with. Just throwing it out there while I'm still discussing currency.
We'll see how long that lasts this time.
Don't waste time with loose advice, especially not in my discussion thread. Please keep that confined to those other threads where everyone is repeating the same old stuff I read 3 years ago, and not saying much. I would prefer to keep this one fluid with only information that is useful, relevant, and what hasn't really been discussed before. This is one of the only threads, on one of the only sites, sharing information about ed's code that is tangible and recognizable if you have the eyes for it. The big picture, being scrutinized pixel by pixel, through lots of different eyes.
Good advice: don't take advice from anyone who can't prove they have advice worthy to give.
Reminiscing about 144 though, I owe it to JS to mention him when he pops up every now and then. His interesting work got me introduced to this world of ed and code. I don't exactly agree with all of his work, but I owe him the respect of coming before me, and passing along some fascinating information I otherwise would have been blind to.
...from sheetrockers blasting screws into the rough in work. Not important exactly, but I got looking at it, and it looked to be about the same thickness as a dime. This thread is all about the dime, which goes hand in hand with ed's copyright in ABIEH, and the ADM sign, which is directly related to the copyright yin yang and triangles, the grail curves on MC too, but I'll get to that later, as it's more involved than just the dime. Stick with me, and I will show you what those grail curves are for, they're nothing like DePew uses them for, and I wholeheartedly believe he has no clue about their real purpose, or what ed sketched them to be intended for. I tend to think I'm not arrogant about statements like that, but rather, confident I believe I have found a more practical use for them, in the context of deciphering ed's 'hidden writings.' I also suppose there is no tactful way of decreeing DePew to be dead wrong about ed's intent for those curves, so I submit my argument against his use of them, only in support of a simpler method. A method I hope will be supported by both the copyright page of ABIEH, the cover of MC, and several pages of EDM's book.
So, this 16 gauge plate seemed to me, the exact thickness of a dime. Therefore I did a little googling, I have googleitis, remember my education is all google, (btw, thanks phlegm, I'll never let either one of us live that statement down) and found the thickness of a dime is 1.35 mm, and AWG (American Wire Gauge) 16 gauge wire is 1.29 mm thick. The difference is .06mm. Making a dime closer to 16ga AWG thickness than any other Gauge. 15 ga is 1.45mm for a difference of .1 and 17 ga is 1.15mm, for a difference of .2mm. Sweet sixteen. I assume because ed was in north america, he was using AWG copper wire as his standard. Here (I'm in New York USA) AWG is the available standard, and was in ed's time.
I believe ed used metric as his rule in his writings. I believe he used both imperial and metric, imperial in stone, and metric in his writings. USA is strange like that, my school ruler is 12 inches long, and has rule for 30 cm, but finding a tape measure in the hardware store usually comes in inches and feet here. The USA is of course one of only 3 countries that have held out transitioning to metric rule. But, there is an unwritten understanding in the USA in which we are happy to accommodate the rest of the world. Where many of our tools are purchased in metric, because the rest of the world does not accommodate us anymore. For example, I am a mechanic, so I own a full set of imperial tools, ratchets, wrenches, etc., to work on my GM made truck, but also a full set of the same in metric to work on my Toyota sedan, when the need arises. Metric is the scientific standard, and ed was a man of science, first and foremost.
His ADM sign, we, meaning me, interpret as ADM= 144 or 1413 (14, 13... 12?) But as 144 = 12x12, 12 being the imperial 'foot' in inches. This is right alongside '10 cents, Drop Below' 10 being the base unit for metric, and dime being derived from the word for 'tithe' in french, 1/10th. I believe the ADM sign is related to the copyright, and metric confirms this to me mathematically and measuring ed's triangles on the copyright page.
Let's get right in it, if you're into ed's 'code', than when I'm done I will have blown your fucking mind. For lack of a better term.
You'll want a mm ruler for this, possibly a compass too, but as long as you've been following, you have the tools.
Let's look at the yin yang and triangles. Or ed's bowtie, or his 'eye.'
It's not in proper size on your screen, or proper proportions at the top of this page, but if you have ed's original writings from CC, or a good copy of the exact same dimensions, you can measure it at home.
They are 8mm tall and 8mm wide.
This makes the slope of the angle created by the 2 opposing angles 8.94, or 9mm as is measured with any accuracy with a mm rule. For A^2+B^2=C^2, which here is 8^2+4^2=80^2, and sqrt 80=8.94.
This should bring up a few red flags. First 8mm is a fibonacci number. 2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144... each number divided by the last approximates phi closer and closer to perfect golden ratio.
It should also be noted that the triangle fits inside a perfect square of 8mm x 8mm.
To create a golden rectangle with sides of 1:1.618, a regular square is bisected, parallel to 2 sides and perpendicular to 2 sides. Creating 2 rectangles of side ratios 1:.5, or here 8:4.
To create the rectangle, you bisect one of the 2 rectangles along a diagonal of 2 opposing corners, creating a right triangle with a base length of 1 (or 8) and a side length of .5 (or 4 here).
This length is then swept from the center of the square, through it's end with a compass to create the length of a side of a golden rectangle. Then continue the square lines to create the rectangle.
Now you have a golden rectangle.
How does this relate to the ADM sign, and the dime?
Let's go to edm's book for some clues.
In edm's book, the yin yang is mentioned or seen on 2 pages; 51 and 102. This is interesting because 102 is 12 without the zero, which is the sqrt of 144 (ADM). But 51 and 102 added together is 153, the number of the vesica pisces and the triangular root of which is 17. So many triangles and golden references here too. Check it out if you have a copy. Flip back to pg 17, edm mentions golden geometry. Go to 34, which is 17x2, and also a fibonacci number, and he mentions golden rectangles.
On page 51 he talks about golden triangles, and mentions how they track with the yin yang triangles.
On to 102, 12x12 is 144(ADM) and a fibonacci number too. 102 has a drawing of the solar system from Mercury to Saturn, and a yin yang too. That seems curiously out of place, as the date on the page is February 3, 1946, and ed's little book with the yin yang is Copyright 1936. The dime of ed's time was a 'Mercury' dime. Or was commonly called that.
To see how the dime is directly related to the yin yang, take your US dime, and drop it below, over the yin yang on page 102 of edm.
You will see how it works. Then slide your dime over to the solar system model, mars to be particular.
Isn't that just lovely how that works.
Now flip back to page 34, where he mentions golden rectangles, and see Mars inside the diagram of the 'rocket' edm tells you you can construct.
See how it's tying together.
Now let's talk about the dime for a moment. I mentioned it's thickness 1.35mm (I said 153, as well, it's anagram) It's diameter is 17.91 mm. Therefore it's radius is 8.96 mm.
Well well, isn't that seriously close to the slope of ed's triangles with his yin yang. We calculated that above to be 8.94 mm. It seems awfully strange that this triangle side is the same length as the radius of a dime.
Ed intended you to drop 10 cents below, so drop your dime over the yin yang triangles.
If you line up the edge of the dime with either the right or left side of each triangle, respectively, then their slopes, both being the radius of a dime should converge on it's center.
I used a Mercury dime for yall, as ed would have.
I found the keyhole.
One unit ed
It gets better, because if you pencil them in, you get a perfect vesica pisces.
C it
I told you it would become an eye.
'odin iou' makes more sense now
And the curve of the dime is the same as the one used to make a golden rectangle.
Ed's intent, and the model he used to create the yin yang/eye/bowtie.
He used a dime. Very cleverly. Perhaps before I show you, you might figure out what the curves on MC are for. Here's a hint, it's the same thing we just did here.
You can prove it to yourself.
I want to say it was ed's style.
From the top
C it
1000 and 100 or 1/10 dime on the dollar
S W W or if WisE, SEE
I missed 65, but 65x2 is 130, or 13 a fib number
420, is 210 x2, 21 is a fib number
6 1/2 x2 is 13, fib
6 1/2 is also possibly 216 backwards, 666, 6x6x6, cube number
It's suspect, but can't know for sure. I'm always finding new things on both pages that make me go, hmmm. In my opinion it was ed's work. But if it was CC, than they knew what was up.
1.35 is the thickness of the dime
one inch long
wire, one on top
with your fingers
loose clip
Take them off, now you have two magnets
This is undoubtedly a command to remove the staples, and if you do, they measure 1 inch long.
Also, by holding the page at a slant away from you, and looking at the paragraph, the blank space between the words seem to make an arrow, with the tip pointing directly at 'Take them off,' and follow the line right to the staples.
Even more interesting, if you go back to page 5 and notice the mystery dots at the ends of the line; 'Now measure each and you...'
Hold the page up to the light or even better punch the dots out with a pin or a sharp pencil, then go back to page 6, one of the dots is exactly between
'hot.' and 'Take them off,' right at the tip of the blank space 'arrow' i mentioned.
The other dot punches through at the end of 'loose clip'. Page 5 and page 6 are offset with their lines, so this mysteriously places these dots right in the lines on page 6, where they look out of place on page 5.
The author of the stats page could have been written by someone like me, with a good understanding of 'reading between the lines.'
Ed was also known to be an avid reader, and he would have been able to pick up on the subtle differences, so it's possible he used the different writing style to his advantage, or it just wasn't his hand.
Very debatable indeed, I can see it from both sides, so I can't take a side. But to me, I lean more to the practicality of it's usage in clues.
You've studied ed for a long time, and you have intimate knowledge of his words, so you are familiar, and you're right to pick up on it.
Copyright 2016, by Jason Oakes, so don't even think of claiming this for yourself Depew. I'll have to call my website 'coralcastlecord' or 'coralcastleode.' Something similar to that.
Ok, maybe I am that big of an asshole... fuck it.
I still think this trumps his theory.
By the way, if you have a US silver dollar, the other coin ed mentions, try it in edm's circles on page 102 and 105, you'll be pleasantly surprised. If the dime is Mars, the dollar is Jupiter.
Just throwing it out there while I'm still discussing currency.