Hi everybody, The Proof is in the LEGO...
I'm the First person in the WORLD to build this 18V power supply in LEGO and I did it using the knowledge provided in
MAGNETIC CURRENT. I showed this to the people on the Lego forums to see if anyone else would show me if this was made before or why it works. Most were happy to see that this worked and the first thing that was made with it was a attempt to make a Flying LEGO. Imagine being the first person doing that... Now common belief was that there is now way this could actually function with out destroying itself based on the 9v electrical limitation. Understand that LEGO PF system is a 9v electrical system and the electrical components are no way design to handle voltage up around 18V. There is no where on the internet that deals with electrical engineering that is going to show you how to build this kind of Dual power supply or even how it works on the component level because the engineering doesn't think like ED.L. See this LEGO Dual power supply absolutely destroys the electron theory because if there were 18V of electrons moving from the (-) negative to the (+) positive then the LEGO 9V electronics system would burn up. RIGHT!? With out a doubt this LEGO Dual power supply is absolute proof to the theories presented in Magnetic Current made by ED.L. I made this several years ago and keep it to myself because its made entirely with LEGO and If I can build it so can you... See I'm of the Mind that If I was to build and use modern equipment and prove Ed.L. Magnetic Current flow with both the cathode and anode then this old is now obsolete which is only focus on the how the cathode part behaves electricaly. No wonder we think electrons are of negative charges, the cathode is the most negative part in the experiment and at the time that's all we put the focused on was looking at the cathode part hence the name
Cathode Ray Tube Experiment.
Here is a picture on how it works. I get the 18V of Magnetic Current by the difference between the -9v and the +9v.
Also this is the most purist way to demonstrate the Voltage difference equation.
PS. Message to the Magnetic Current Posers and the Fake Tesla Researchers out there that want to pretend like everything they make is of their invention, Before you try to build this and pretend to claim these ideas as your own. You need to know what it is your trying to prove first. If it is some antigravty levitation or free energy wonder then this is not for you. All this is, is using two 9 volt batteries like you never seen before.
Here In this video about the crystal radio he clearly says that the net voltages cancel out and equal zero around at 9:56 to 10:16.
But that not the only one here, now watch this video about the basic tutorial on LC resonance circuits where also the net voltages is describe to cancel out around at 2:35.
I could go on with this but now lets look for the opposite and see how many videos out there are made towards explaining why this battery connection works.....
Now I want you to understand one thing here is that don't get this confuse with Kirchhoff's Voltage Law. That is dealing with the voltage in complete circuits. It could be used to explain this but it doesn't describe what is actually going on. The Kirchhoff voltage law could be used in a manner to falsely explain why this dual battery connection could theoretically provide a net voltage of zero too with out ever building a real world model.
I am pleased to have made your acquaintance! I know you have a lot more to give. What I love though is the connection to Lego in preparing young engineers to manage the future innovations which are hard pressed upon us!
Now if you could make a Lego ABHA coil I would be even more impressed than I am already!
Is the motor an induction type or a commutator type?
The speed increase. Is it there from the get go or only after running the one battery test first.? And vice versa.
Can you measure back MMF in the circuit when the motor is running? If so how much ? Does it vary as you change between the 2 set ups?
The increase in speed is there from the start. One things to know is that both 9v motor driver circuits need to be turned on at the same time for this to function with 18v.
The only things I have measured on this, is the volts, amps, and the RPM. I've did a simple load test with a 7 1/2 pound weight, nothing really special just to prove that the 9v Lego motor driver circuits wouldn't burn up with the 18v overvoltage on it.
Basically how the diode works is that it is made up of two regions. One side P junction with a excess of Holes that are the positive charge carriers and the other side N junction with excess of Electrons are the negative charge carriers. The holes and electrons are able to diffuse over to the other side creating a region that acts as a barrier through the electric field preventing low charge movement. Only when you can over come the electric field barrier 0.7v will there be any significant electron charge movement. Another is interesting fact that is pointed out in the video above is that solar panels are also diodes as well.
Now on how the transistor works. Now this wont be this in depth explanation on how the transistor works. Transistor has many modes of operation. The focus here is about presenting the basics through this video and presenting a notion in the model as to why the dual 18v battery power supply shouldn't function either...
Here in this video about transistors, I find this statement very interesting when it is describe that in a pnp transistor, the current is carried by the holes inside the transistor and the electrons in the external circuit but, in a npn transistor, the current is carried by the electrons both in the external circuit and the inside the transistor. What this is basically describing to me is that holes are pulling the electrons forward in a pnp transistor and in a npn transistor electrons are being propelled forward by other electrons, simply put opposites attract and likes repel. Now if this was the case then and holes are only acting inside the transistor then why hasn't the 18v of electrons ruined my Lego pf receiver then.?
The fact that 2 opposing currents run around a wire and through it as a wave has been known and rejected a long time ago. Even Nikola Tesla could not revert the subversion. However, he saw into the future that guys like you would see this truth and just start building working systems.
Ed is a folk hero, but not a mystical seer. He simply in his Latvian English put down the results of hundreds of years of searching and thinking since Gilbert. He could see that scientists and Einstein were playing the milk "the stupid cow " game because they needed money so they could spend time just thinking!
Ed needed money too but he worked the American dream to get his. He applied the techniques of stone masons and the understanding of crystals and magnetic philosophy, plus timber logging techniques to build in Florida a Disney world resort. A kind of " if you build it they will come " moment.
When Lodge and Bose worked on the radio and electromagnetic wave experiments they used iron filing and magnetism to get the diode effect. Research by them showed the junction of materials was significant, allowing current to flow only one way . Current was clearly magnetic in their eyes. It only flowed in that direction if the magnetism compressed the filings into a conducting path. Soon it was found certain crystals had the same property as well as piezzo magnetic effects, misnamed piezzo electric, and the crystal radio was born.
It took time to develop a theory of transistors, and the effect of Volta, where at least 2 differing substances in a circuit with a third" moist" one generated a taste able effect which was called electric magnetism. The theory only works if you accept holes as well as electrons. Why holes not positrons? Scientists would not allow it! But engineers had to to make the damn thing work!
There are 2 opposing currents or streams or fluids or transverse waves that propagate around and throughout a wire or a circuit. They flow into and out of the circuit in a way that transforms cosmic force/ Energy into useable attraction / contraction and or repulsion/ expansion. Whether we call that effect magnetism, heat sound or electricity it is best founded on the general principles worked out centuries ago, before the electron.
The polarisation of electric rays by Bose is the most significant demonstration of the 2 streams in a magnetic current. The effect was discovered earlier with light by Malus and remained a mysterious phenomenon until " electric rays" were posited and "Coherers" to detect them invented by Hertz and then Bose and Lodge, Tesla and others.
Electric rays, radiation, electromagnetism all meant a dynamic form of magnetism. Today we have separated this dynamic magnetism from its roots by inter posing the electron, rather than a magnetic plasma as Ed envisioned it. Both Cathode and Anode Plasmas or rays exist at the same time. Ed refers to the experiment that " cheats" or hides this fact. That ed used individual as an adjective is a sign of his Latvian English. The word individual means a single entity .Thus since magnets are commonly called dipoles he simply wanted to refer to each single element of that dipole. That dipole exists everywhere in electric theory and description, but by fiat it is sundered into electron and proton. Well there is more justification for sundering the magnetic particles than for separating out an electric charge as a unique physical entity. If we adopt the view of those of Eds time and as expressed by Ed we no longer hide magnetism behind an electric screen, because we do not need the word electric for what is a different material based magnetism.
The electron has given billions of dollars, and other monies to a few power hungry egos who used it to make a bomb that has kept governments enthralled for decades.
Now that is a very intriguing video about the solar panel pulse motor. Thanks for posting it.
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Here is a growing collection to some interesting electrical threads from http://electronics.stackexchange.com/ that deals with topics that will be of some relevance to the understanding of what is going on here. I will try and make others and expand the information about it. Here is a LEGO(2010) discussion topics about the Max Voltage for LEGO Power Function along with the Electrical data sheet for the LB1836 Motor Driver. Wikipedia page about Electrical polarity.
I'm also adding how a battery works according to current understandings. Which just furthers prove my point even more that my LEGO device absolutely destroys the electron theory because if my LEGO device worked according to this Wiki article about voltage then it would BE EASY to acknowledge that if there were 18V of electrons moving from the (-) negative to the (+) positive then the LEGO 9V electronics system would burn up.
-Edit post- The Mods finally approved my previous post I made two days ago.
Should that happen to anyone here again, please message me and i'll approve it.