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Can that be true?

Simply telling. I belive that we live inside the earth. On the I found this second pic and literally first thought after was this magnetic wheel. I dont know why they think that pyramid is in core of the earth. But this quadrupole is same as magnetic wheel rounded shapes. I don't know of any phenomenon where a 1/4-circle curved strip of metal would significantly affect the rest, but the builder did it that way and I assume it matters. For example, if we look at vertical path of the feet at walking, it will also leave a trace resembling 1/4 of a circle.



  • Those 4 bolts are sitting in a neutral zone they shouldn't be magnetized. Those 1/4-circle curved strip of metal, I'm not certain but I think they should be a single pole, the other half of the pole should be a layer on the underside
  • A question: What if that were true?
    In Florida there is a place called Fort Lauderdale in and about the same time as Ed's magnetic and electrical experiments were going on,
    At fort lauderdale not that far from the coral castle was a high output power antenna for long distance off shore stuff from 1930 - to the 1980
    It does not take much to make thing turn static charged being near this type of antenna powered output thing.
    What if Ed's thinking was his experiments were real and the real was only static from the local air and sea government based antenna making everything not grounded electric charged making sparks on their own - magically -
    I know this type of long distance antenna can make things like cars, tractors, and anything that is not grounded become static charged enough to knock you on your butt when touched.
    So: The big question? Was it Ed's real world or the next door antenna making the real.
    shocking results of Ed's world.
    maybe if you get a U shaped bar and get real close to a high output antenna.
    and let it take a static charge for that Antenna
    You may get the same effects as Ed was seeing, or not,
    Didn't anyone else think of this in the 13 years this forum has been going on?
    Thanks - The antenna thing is true , (believe it or not)

  • 21.910391,114.131388

    @Magnagravity ever consider he might have been causing interference on the radio?

    I noticed people lose interest in your electric motor when they discover 14 volts at 6 amps input for "Magnet On" and Zer0 volts at 0 amps equals "Magnet Off"?

    You claim to be a engineer Tom, watt will break first on my AN10NA? I know nylon slips like warm butter when friction occurs. I think the nail will cut the line first.

    I could never figure out this wave.
  • To them that have sense let them think, for them that have reason let them have common sense, for them that are willing to learn let them have wisdom,
    I never take test, because the true answers are all not true - people have been given the answers that are not true and they believe them to be true.
    ( People loose interest in most thing they do not have the common sense to understand, or wisdom to learn the concepts of understanding, or Sense to get the understanding before they open their mouth and present themselves a fool. not understanding the concept of watt is and watt is not present the question of why? make a comment on the subject of lesser understanding if you be so lacking in the smallest about of information to make a comment sense reason on a subject out of the range of your abilities because it is easy to present yourself a fool than to present yourself a person of wisdom. That would not make a comment that does not apply to the true event.
    But that is OK no one here is testing you on your IQ.

    An Engineer - and a Millionaire and retired so I can do what I want and when I want to do it on my own time. - It does not matter what people say about me because - I have lots of money that is better than you trolls on a forums.
    So: I don't care if people are interested or not in my technology: I am the only one that matters to know it works for me alone- all the rest of the world can go to ---- you fill the blanks if you are smart enough. Hell if you are not.

    I always laugh at all you dummies that think you are so smart and don't have two brain cells to rub together - When the energy runs out in your lifetime you deserved being in the dark and no food to eat, and the gangs of people that will have the guns to take what they want will eat everything in their path.
    and kill everyone that is in their way. People of the future - Very smart thinking -

    Stay away from the people like me that have made you an offer to not have this happen - Very smart thinking on your part -

    Good luck - Dummies - This Technology is not for you after all -
  • @Magnagravity We're interested in your tech Tom, but Vinyasi looks smug and his voice don't match his face. You're confident and rich, which makes you smart and I like that, but we're all dummies. Love the lamp BTW
  • @Magnagravity Earth is antenna too. In the fact 18th century building were using atmospheric/em energy. As you see many spike or halfspheres shaped metal roofs. Bells were resonators.
    From where they were harvesting energy? There were no any power plants and no any antenna sources.
  • Thank, magnetic - Universe, I like the lamp also, About Vinyasi, That face on the video is like the Wizard of video weirdness, It was the first zoom meeting and the last as he lost his house, and everything after that, he asked me for help in saving his world, but I am not that kind of free lunch. and yes you are right ( We ) the people are all dummies one way or the other, that is what makes us all humans
    If we were all not dummies, Everyone would have nice lamps. At least that is what I was told, A long time ago, by a fellow that was also a dummy.

    As for ElectricSpirit, I guess if negative ground is an antenna then earth is an antenna also, The 18th century that is from 1700 to 1799 - 1 hundred years of discovery, about lightning and how it goes up not down and down again and up again and down again and up again about many times in one strike - The earth itself is an AC system running on about 9 to 11 cycles,

    But on the other hand, in the 20th century from 1900 to 1999 ( party like )
    There were new discoveries in putting radio power into the air, at about the same time as somebody had there big old house build like a big resistor not grounded as it were so anything inside the big old house made of metal, would act like a electric collector capacitor like the big old rain clouds do in the sky,
    Of Course, This is a believe it if you want to, type of thing,
    I believe it only because I want too. and now I do have to think about Ed's world,
    I leave that up to people that wish to ponder on the subject, What did Ed do?

    Think of all possible answers and some will make sense over the once that don't make sense. The ones the make the most sense. are more than likely the ones that are most likely to be the true possible answers, everything else is just guesswork to what is most likely wished to be the true answer. for the ones that wish to push their ideas of non-sense on others.

    In the end, there are not wrong answers, just the wrong question asked.

    Sorry for the long post, it more than likely will not happen again. Tom

  • On one photo round antenna on top of tower is parallel to the ground. What mean it not supposed to be harvesting waves from near antenna but from earth standing wave which travels from ground to up and down.
  • Hay, you, Electric Spirit - where is the photo of this round antenna on top of tower
    and do you have the documents showing what this is used for?
    who own's the the antenna? and tower?
    and were is it located at on the planet?
    Proof of what is being said is more important that just saying what you think things are used for.

    Thanks Tom Wlazlak - Corinne Technical Design Engineering -

    I have worked on atomic energy projects, There are always documents that go with what things are used for. if not they are only ART projects and have no real use other than looking at.

  • From another post.

  • well: it looks like Ed was and Artist after all
    Being an Iron Artist also I have lot of thing that look just like that antenna round thing - But again I am not a ham enthusiast - it also looks like it may have been photo shop - put into that photo - it dose not really fit - plus - Were is that antenna thing today - I don't recall ever seeing it on any other photo's at any time - Ever - anyway I will give Ed a call and see if he has any other photos.
    If he has some old photos of that that antenna thing I will let you know.
    Otherwise, I think Ed is standing in front of a large lollipop with some Iron/thing to match. nothing said about an antenna - just iron Artwork - and rocks

    Again, it is easy to fill in the blanks with blanks if you try hard enough.

    But keep trying, it is better to try and fail, than to fail and not try.
  • So it's art or photoshop? Photoshop was 50 years ago? Really guy with magnetic stuff was using iron wire just for art?

    It's not on other photos because that was probably first rock gate location. Really 100 years ago just noone has phones with cameras.
  • Hi ElectricSpirit, If it is an Art it is Art, I think it only that, but if Ed used it for an antenna for what ever reason, Than it is an antenna that is also is Art, What it really looks like to me is a Hand rail on top of the tower so people do not fall off the top when viewing from that location, I am an Engineer and have designed and built many hand rails and fences, gates, and so on, I built & sold about a million dollars worth during the time I was doing that. nether here nor there does not matter,

    It is up to each viewer to see what they want to see, and up to each view to say what the Art means to them,

    If you wish that to be an antenna - That is totally your chose -
    if I view that as a hand rail - that is my chose - each has free will to chose -

    So in the end everyone is right and no one is wrong -

    Nice talking with you, Tom

  • If he wanted handrail the he could make it from stone. By the way it should be square as block under. I don't accept few answers as true only because we are not yet sure what is it. It's better to say "I don't know"
    And there is something in the middle.
  • Thank you, I don't know - There is something in the middle.
    Why do you think ( IT ) should be square and the block should be under?
    and why (eye) is not accepted as being true only
    Only because ( IT ) is not yet sure what few answers Is. ( I don't know )

    What does that mean? All He wanted was a Handrail made of stone.

    And years later he get follower that make up stories on what Ed wants.

    Why not just give Ed a Call and ask him what the thing on the tower is?

    The number is unlisted in the Spirit Electric phone book.
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