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Water and air behavior



  • not sure where to put this, so I will leave it here.

  • Not sure if anyone has tried this before.

  • Thought I would share part of my refinement process to obtain nanoparticles of magnacite.

    A while back I think I mentioned the marine biologist talking about algae linking together using magnetic patterns.

    Everyone knows I use a PMH and a magnet to pump water.

    I'm pretty sure I could pump oil thru the sand and make some decent ferro fluid by only collecting the smallest particles of the magnacite sand rising above the rest.

  • Was this experiment covered in Magnetic currents?
  • No but he does have one on a similar scale:

    "Now take the three-foot long soft steel welding rod. It is already magnetized as a permanent magnet. hang it in a fine thread so it is in level. Now measure each and you will see that the South end is longer. In my location at Rock Gate, between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth Latitude and Eightieth and Eighty- first Longitude West, in three-foot long magnet the South Pole end is about a sixteenth of an inch longer. Farther North it should be longer yet, but at Equator both ends of the magnet should be equal in length. In earth's South hemisphere the North Pole end of magnet should be longer."

    He never once uses the word "gravity" throughout his writings
  • @Magnetic_Universe I remember doing that experiment, granted I did it slightly differently but got the same results.

  • This is what I am working on now.
  • Fascinating, my Spanish is a little rusty, can you elaborate on what's going on? It reminds of bending a stream of water with a statically charged comb...
  • Basically you make 2 streams of water. On the left stream there is a coil of wire connected to the base of the right stream. The coil on the right stream is connected to the base of the left stream.

    At first the left coil becomes (+) and the right coil is (-). After the capacitors discharge. The left becomes (-) and the right becomes (+).

    As the capacitors charge the streams of water it will bend towards the coils.

    Hydrostatic energy.
  • edited September 2023
    So something like this

    Each tower is 11 two liter bottles tall.
    Not the best picture in the dark

    So today I was experimenting with different ideas and this happened.
  • Interesting effect. Just had a notion that witching/dowsing rods should be made out of plastic

  • One of these days I will get it buzzing like a bee on camera.

    Part of me believes I got the wrong gauge strings on it or the wrong sized quartz crystal. When I hit the bee buzz frequency, if I have 2 assistant's hold the star they feel the vibration thru their bones.

    I'll probably switch over to a belt drive on the Christmas Carousel once all the decorations are removed.

    I just know the quartz needs to spin like a armonica.

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