As a few of you may have noticed the passels website is composed of several pieces to make up the webpage
A few months ago I discovered hidden Morse Code embedded into the column of the letter " P "
The image below is darkened in order to illuminate the Code

My result
A possible anagram for.... His Key Oasis i j
- This interpretation could relate to two unit vectors, normally i j k when dealing with Quaternions
4D Rotation
I believe this relates to the placement of Coral Castle on this planet
This is but one interpretation of hidden Morse Code
A simple publishing company who printed the book above
When you visit the Passels site, it can't be seen unless you darken the image. The picture below is darkened to show the code
The placement of CC on the world's map might rather have to do with Hartmann/Curry grids: check the interactions between water and the geomagnetic grid - in CC there's a well, and EDL writes about the water bringing energy to the his lilies that he watched for over 16 years. Stride also points out that water was involved, although probably not as he imagined.
Here is something that I consider valuable...
Below are two images I had to find but was first noticed by Marlinski
-notice the necklaces
Visually it looks like a triangle supported by a pillar or column
A 60 degree angle supported by a pillar
Why would these "beings" in the above photographs have them around their necks?
-they could be part of a group?
-the symbol could represent something grand or important
Looking further..
Hebrew 60 is represented by the letter Samekh
The purported origin of Samekh is the Egyptian Djed - A support or tent peg
60 also related to the Sumerian god Anu, (etm. Sky/Heaven)who could also be represented as an angle of 60 degrees supported by a column
Anu, or Sky God. Some of the fundamental laws deal with 60 degree relationships
60 degrees is an important feature within Coral Castle
I've been looking at the "Magnetic" healing properties of water also. Ancient healers would have to wait for certain conditions(time of year) in order to be successful
One thing that interested me is how marine fossils align themselves also. I think Fulcanelli hinted at it as well. How Sea Urchins specially align themselves. It was given a name in french I do believe that corresponds to the "Great Bear " constellation.
Was he hinting at a method HE was using to conceal code, or copying EDL. Overlays, and angles aside
Have you come across this?
I have only found a few hints of it in a book in every home
Unfortunately it was a dead end, unless there is a way to enhance it - From white paper
The Morse Code is meant to be placed into an Enigma Machine
How to read his writings pg.40
" These men and women were the ones that received the encoded message in Morse code, typed it in the enigma machine and wrote out the decoded message "
Aug 1 2019