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A Sound Magnetic Base



  • edited May 2015
    The magneto thermo sono electro complex entities

  • edited May 2015
    If you are having problems with YouTube it is because they may no longer support your browser plug in. Go to to watch your video.

    The simplest idea that ed posits is magnetic current,

    A magnet is surrounded and imbued by a a magnetic current. A wire attached to a battery is surrounded and imbued by a magnetic current.

    There are 2 currents, or as I prefer plasma flows. The north south plasma flow and the south north plasma flow. They interconnect but essentially spin into and through each other because the flows are dynamic progressive deformations in and of space that are vorticose.

    These spins and rotations are traditionally ignored. However Ampère did not ignore them and neither did Örsted. Consequently Ampère no longer accepted the electrostatic and Magnetostatic models of his day, but promoted a dynamic model he called Electrodynamics, which combine magnetic and electric Current into one theory. Unfortunately, Maxwells Electromagnetic theory became better known than Ampères and subsumed Ampère within its paradigmatic model which differentiated statics from dynamics and proposes a strain model in essential static electric and/or magnetic fields.

    Ivor Catt has demonstrated that there are no static fields!
  • This PDF discusses the dynamic coronal magnetic fields.

    The point is these fields are 1) dynamic, 2) traced by plasmas flowing in both directions either simultaneously or phase locked.

    Such " fields" are precisely what we call the field lines around a bar magnet, that brand the Wheeler force vectors as accurat descriptors of "magnetic fields" at all scales.

    Instead of constantly visualising a static field line pattern a la bar magnet diagrams, we should explain them as dynamically equilibriating force tubes or filaments that are plasmic in constitution.

    The ebb and flow of these plasma constructs makes a nonsensebofbthe concept of action at a distance. We can model the magnetic pressure by fluid dynamical investigations, experiments and empirical data from the behaviour of plasmas.

    The plasmas we do not see clearly interact with the plasmas we do see.
  • Magnetic currents

    Magnetic current is what it is . It is electrical current that is a distinct conceptual twist. Electric effects originally appeared in non conducting materials..Volta's research established the triboelectric effect from which knowledge he devised the voltaic cell providing continuous " electric" flame. But tribomagnetic effects produce continuous" electric" flame! Why not continuous magnetic flame?

    Because from the start a committee decided to call it electric however it was produced!

    Maxwell electromagnetism simply proportions the result to 2 possibly distinct sources. The proportion is precisely half!

    What if we assume one source? Nothing but the proportions change in the Mathrmatics.

    Do we observe 2 sources as cause or are we just ignoring the obvious Big picture. Magnetic current flows into and out of everything .

  • Magneto Thermo sono electro complexes on the sun
  • I'm surprised no one has followed up to Barau's comment quoted below. This is absolutely fascinating and I have some questions regarding the set up. But first, am I missing something here? This is profound and yet has received no attention. What was the inspiration for the design of this demonstration? What is the configuration of the pins? The magnet assembly is also curious. It seems to be a delrin disk sandwiched between two sets of ring neo magnets. Why? Looking forward to your response. Thanks.
    Speaking of "magnetic ropes", here is an experiment I have devised and performed recently with a drum made of two thin cardboard discs pierced by a number of ordinary sewing needles. The drum is hanging freely on a thread in perfect static equilibrium, i.e. it is neither spinning nor swinging around. Then a magnet is brought under the drum while holding the drum by hands in order to prevent it from swinging towards the magnet. With the release of the drum it starts spinning, which is rather surprising. Observe that spinning is taking place with acceleration!

    Check it out: A "Drum" of Ferromagnetic Needles Rotating In Magnetic Field (click here)

    Read more: A Sound Magnetic Base - The Atom Discussions on Magnetic Current Research
    Hey everyone. This is my first post, pleasure to participate in this fascinating discussion with ya'll.
  • edited July 2015
    @ ssd510
    I'm surprised no one has followed up to Barau's comment quoted below. This is absolutely fascinating and I have some questions regarding the set up. But first, am I missing something here? This is profound and yet has received no attention. What was the inspiration for the design of this demonstration? What is the configuration of the pins? The magnet assembly is also curious. It seems to be a delrin disk sandwiched between two sets of ring neo magnets. Why? Looking forward to your response. Thanks.
    At last someone is taking a note! Thanks ssd510. I will answer all your questions, but first I would like to reproduce here my letter to Claes Johnson where I have expressed the same feeling of surprise that no one has paid attention to this "absolutely fascinating" experiment. Here it is:

    Dear Prof. Johnson,

    I have recently come across your homepage on the Internet. Your views on the second law of thermodynamics, on the mechanism of drag and lift, and on the sorry state of the orthodox physics in general resonate quite strongly with me.

    One of the major problems of physics and physics education today is its overmathematisation, i.e. reliance on unphysical mathematical models, and belief in the magical powers and intelligence of mathematical formulas and equations. It is ridiculous to expect more intelligence from an equation than one puts into it.

    We all have learned how to write "smart" equations on the blackboard, but very few are willing to put their hands on the plow and do real things with their own hands. What's more, it seems that the majority of scientists have no genuine curiosity left that is a requisite for doing real scientific research. To substantiate my assertion let me give you one simple example. Take a look at the experiment with a set of needles rotating in a magnetic field which I have devised and performed recently:

    I have presented this experiment to a number of physicists and mathematicians, but not only none of them was able to explain it - they have not even shown the slightest curiosity and desire to figure out what is going on there.

    I googled "Claes Johnson, Edwin Jaynes", but the search returned nothing that would indicate that you are familiar with the work of Edwin Jaynes, in particular with his magnum opus "Probability Theory: The Logic of Science".

    Please take a look at the unpublished paper of Jaynes mentioned here:

    It appears that you are one of the few who can fully appreciate and benefit from what Edwin Jaynes had to say about the nature of the so-called second law of thermodynamics.

    Best regards,
    Arthur Baraov
    P.S. I was almost sure that Prof. Johnson would grasp immediately the indirect but crucial relevance of this experiment to his profound and truly new insights into the character of instability of nearly inviscid fluid flow associated with the phenomenon of flight. Unfortunately, he did not have the courtesy to respond to my letter.

    To be continued.
  • Thank you, I'm looking forward to it.
  • edited July 2015
    Now, regarding the original idea behind the design of the experiment with the rotating “drum of pins” in a magnetic field.

    While studying the magnetic phenomenon, Michael Faraday came up with the notion of physical lines of force. But the notion was so vague that Maxwell and Faraday himself had a completely different understanding of the meaning of lines of force. What kind of action is associated with these lines of force? Is it a push, is it a pull, is it a twist, or some combination of all the above? There must be some way to figure this out. If it is a twist, rather than a pull or a push, what kind of motion would experience a very thin ferromagnetic pin placed in a magnetic field? It would perhaps spin, provided the torque of the magnetic lines of force is strong enough and the pin is light enough. So, I brought slowly a strong neodymium magnet under a single sewing needle hanging on a sewing thread. A small narrow strip of paper was preliminary attached to the needle so that the spin could be easily detected if there was any. And sure enough, the needle started spinning rapidly. Then – to make the effect even more dramatic – I have assembled a drum of needles that you saw in the demonstration. The needles are arranged in axisymmetric configuration; the magnetic field is also axisymmetric.

    My first conclusion was that something was really wrong with the electromagnetic theory of Maxwell according to which a ferromagnetic pin placed in a magnetic field – no matter how thin it is, or how strong the magnetic field might be – should not spin. But after some more experimentation I got convinced that this experiment does not really prove that magnetic lines of force are capable of twisting action. If so then it becomes even more interesting and perplexing: why does the drum spin with acceleration against the twisting torque of the thread on which it is hanging? What is the real mechanism behind this strange twisting action? Any ideas?
  • Why is it that
    y first conclusion was that something was really wrong with the electromagnetic theory of Maxwell according to which a ferromagnetic pin placed in a magnetic field – no matter how thin it is, or how strong the magnetic field might be – should not spin.

    Read more: A Sound Magnetic Base - The Atom Discussions on Magnetic Current Research

    There is derivation of a 'spin' in Maxwells Treatise. Though, honestly, I don't understand the implication. Perhaps this has somehow been accounted for.
  • edited July 2015
    Hi Sergey,

    I will answer here the questions you have raised in your letter so that others can participate and benefit from our conversation. I am really glad that you have reproduced the experiment on your own. Experience in general and pointed experimenting in particular are the only reliable foundations of all science, therefore it is important to stay close to reality by verifying everything that can be verified experimentally on your own. Far fetched theoretical musings are cheap, bound to mislead badly; the prime example of this is Einstein with his theoretical constructs of special and general relativity which are totally worthless because they are barren. The opposite case is that of Tesla.

    Now, I should clarify a few things. A needle placed in a magnetic field will, of course, rotate and reorient itself along the lines of force. But that is not what I mean when I say that, according to the classical electromagnetic theory, the needle should not spin. What I meant was that, after the reorientation, the needle should not spin around its own axis.

    But why I had to abandon the hasty conclusion that the spin is due to the torque action of the magnetic lines of force? Simple. I have started experimenting with different threads and soon discovered that the direction of the spin depends on the thread: with some sewing threads the spin is always clockwise, with others – always counterclockwise. After that I had very little doubt that the needle would not spin at all if a thin plastic fishing line has been used instead of a sewing thread. This was, indeed, confirmed experimentally. After this new evidence it is, obviously, unreasonable to cling to my original conjecture about the cause of the spin.

    In your letter you are perplexed as of where the energy is coming from to spin the drum. It comes from the potential energy of the magnetic field, and that can be verified easily: make a note of where the drum is right before you release it and see where it ends up after the spin off. You will notice that the drum has lowered a bit!

    Moreover, the effect can be demonstrated without the magnetic field to begin with – the gravitational field will do just fine. Take a heavy object, attach it to a sewing thread, leave it hanging on that thread, and see what happens. That answers another of your observations that the effect is pronounced even when the magnet attaches itself to the drum.

    But, like I said, we have now at our hands even more interesting and perplexing problem: why does the drum spin with acceleration against the twisting torque of the sewing thread? What is the mechanism behind this strange twisting action? That’s where Claes Johnson comes into the picture with his new theory of flight.
  • Ah of course, thank you for pointing that out. I agree it is a very interesting effect and certainly worth investigation. It is counter intuitive that the thread would wind itself up counter to its twisting torque. I don't yet have a good idea of what it could be. How about you? How does this pertain to Dr. Johnson's work?
  • edited July 2015
    It is counter intuitive that the thread would wind itself up counter to its twisting torque.
    It is, indeed. I have some clear ideas as of how it works, but I would like to hear from the readers their take on this before I expound my own.

    The key word that links this phenomenon to Johnson’s work is instability. Before we get into the details of this connection, I would suggest all readers to get acquainted with ground breaking investigations of Claes Johnson that started with a new resolution of d’Alembert’s paradox and culminated in a new theory of flight: The Secret of Flight
  • Everyone Starting This Quest Id Like To Give YOU All That You Want.

    I am posting on every page I can to get my messge to everyone I can. If you wish to learn what ed did its a very long and hard journey. I believe I am the first to really start putting all the pieces together and know how it truely works. If your wanting the answers right now or have to see it work I wont he able to give you that. At this time I am trying to find a place where truely open minded people who want to save mankind from its current fate. We are headed in the same direction the Egyptians did. I learned so very much that I am losing my mind. My friends and family are losing contact with me and I have decided to leave everything I have behind very soon. Why you ask? Because like you I set out on my journey to learn about gravity for a personal gain. After I reached a certain point I learned that if I wanted to continue it would be such a monumental undertaking on a personal level that I had no choice but to accept that my curses of life and tortured past was actually merely prep for understanding the truth of how the universe works and that up this point we have been taught wrong because our pursuit of knowledge was almost always diluted and corrupted by our drive for self gratification. The 2 greatest sins in the universe are greed, and self delusion. Its ok to want to better you life. Its not ok to say "if not me someone else will" and just keep going with the systems in place. We are mislead and blinded by our parents, social structures, and beliefs. We cant grow and learn if we assume that someone else did the work and their answers are good enough. I went out and did so much work during this on my own that I drew the electron cloud and more importantly how it helps us before I knew what an electron cloud was. I can preach all day long about what I know but thats not an answer either. True answers are found only by learning for yourself what the world you live in is and how it works. Even so I am willing to teach what I know and give youy my answers because I understand that we have been so mislead and taught wrong that most people cant come up with the answers. The only reason I was able to make the connections as quickly as I was able to is because im socialy autistic, I have had an extreme amount of distrust in others words created because of the abnormal amount of abuse ive suffered, my drug use gave me a perception that isnt normal, and while not confirmed I believe I have a genetic disorder that just so happens to cause my autism. I dont claim to be perfect, or better than anyone. More to the point I say the opposite. If you were born without my hardships and dont choose to endulge in vices like I have you are a far better person than I. That said the reason I can make the connections I have because I can more easily throw out everything ive learned than probably anyone. My horrible past and pain of that life has given me 2 choices. I could be like a abusive husband and say that was my father so that is me or I could see that and say I want to be better. This is what gave me a fighting chance at not letting the failures of current man take away my potetial. The second big thing is I can not only throw out what the past says but I can see the world in the way you do and use that to see the world as it really is. Because I have the ability to see everything from every point of view I can break down anything and see it at its most fundamental way. The final piece was after I reached a point I was able to let go of my beliefs and my own shortcomings to allow myself to grow. In the beggining I set out to make it rich. Because I aloud my beliefs and understanding to evolve I am able to know now that the pursuit of knlwledge is a pure one and if you set out for the wrong reason youll never see that the answers your getting while not the answers you seek have a larger purpose if your willing to see them instead of allowing the greed and delusions take you off the path. I am willing to teach anyone my personal gain but I have also learned that knowledge in the wro g hands will always and forever be misused. I am willing to make the world all it wants but it has to be passed to people that are willing to use it for the right reasons. Egypt wasnt just a lost civilazation
    It is mankinds most valuable lesson. Power and knowledge that is corrupted by personal desire and belief will only have 2 outcones. 1 you will lose everything that it is to be a civilization
    2 you will only set man back thousands of years by keeping the knowledge away from everyone. In the end all you get is a way to watch man slowly suffer and decay around you because life is about growth not subjugation. Please I ask everyone help me find a way to pass my knowledge to people who will not misuse it. Advance us. Be more than we uave ever heen so we can take our place in the stars. The heavens were meant to be explored. Stop starring at the ground. The answer is above us and if we dont see that then we will only end up dead on this planet instead of seeing our children spread to the far reaches and see the truely beautiful and unique things only the cosmos cqn show us.
  • very well said, taco...
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