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Electrostatic repulsion from ground / Getting Back On Track



  • @Magnagravity Yes, perhaps if it's an ever unfolding grand narrative it continues to be and has already been written/encoded. Many wise bards of old knew they were but a little pencil in hand of the creator, and obsession has its rewards for their counterpart, the so impassioned reader/researcher.
  • Magnetic_Universe --- So you don't need to be a time traveler all is needed is to be wise enough to guess what will happen in the future and write something down and someone in the future will confuse it for something more than the whole of it's true meaning and convert it to the nowadays of what it was mend to mean when in the past it was wrote.

    It all makes sense now. Thanks Dr. Wlazlak retired inventor, engineer, scientist, physics, artist, electrical systems design engineer, mechanic, business design planer, the man of many Hats, and I don't even own a hat. What does than mean?
    Well: in the future someone will read my writings and think it was done in some form of Code and translate it into what I really mend it to say. ( I think? )
  • No, i didnt aay ed travelled back in time, you misunderstand, its not feasable to travel back in time. The only possinle time travel is forward. And im not saying he actually travelled thru time, but if you know anything about gravity and speed, you would know, that travelling at near speed of light, you would not age, and travel into the future. Its the same concept that was made famous by Planet of the Apes.
    Ed was amazing with electricity, and magnetism, which travels at the speed of light. And light is information. My theory, is that ed found a way to see the possible information from the future, thus, he could have seen the enigma machine, before it was built, or used. I also theorize, that he built CC so people in the future would look at him and discuss him. He possibly looked ahead, at the people, like myself, who keep his legacy going, and in appreciation, he left things for us to find, based on our skill sets, and interests. Not just me, but others who talk, and post about ed, and appreciate him. Ive been working with 4 other people, for 12 years, on eds work. My skill set is understanding the enigma machine, and the others in our group, have other skill sets, one of us understands hebrew gematria, and the bible, another electrical engineering, another numerology, all of these are things ed coded into his books and CC. And, if ed could see the future, simply posting here, its possible ed will have seen this, and knows what im interested in, and how i understand. And by you talking about what you see and are good at, ed may just as well take a liking to you, and do the same.
  • E=mc2 is not a real thing, traveling at the speed of light does not make time stand still, by understanding Einstein's theory of how time is effected by speed,
    The whole concept is total Bull shit thinking, Just because science does not understand Theory is NOT fact shows What? They are not that smart. Really
    So first when thinking time travel can be possible because someone does not age at the same rate as a person going at a slower speed.
    example #1 The planets are going around the sun at about 1/ 10000 the speed of light -- If time was effected by speed -- all the planets viewed -- would be time altered in a way that would not conform to what is really viewed as real time.
    There speed does not vary in time to any way shape or form
    The time is equal to same time as Us. all the time. Einstein's theories are not true or real, even Einstein say himself his theories more than likely would be shown to be untrue something in his future. So slowing down in time is not possible,
    I have developed a replacement concept to Einstein theories that does work does not effect time and matter can move faster than the speed of light ( also this concept has been published ) dated
    I would relate this concept to you people here but I believe you would not be interested in something would more than likely not understand. Thinking outside the box is not for everyone.
    Dr. Wlazlak
  • @poughkeepsieblue Wait, you DON'T believe he went back in time? So is your theory that Ed somehow got an enigma machine from the past?
    Before, you said:
    "And yes, i do believe ed could see into the future, which is possible according to some science. So yes, i believe ed was a time traveller."

    "Ed being a time traveller is the only way i could have found my name, and my wifes name in the enigma machine messages"

    Now, you say:
    "No, i didnt aay ed travelled back in time, you misunderstand, its not feasable to travel back in time. The only possinle time travel is forward. And im not saying he actually travelled thru time, but if you know anything about gravity and speed, you would know, that travelling at near speed of light, you would not age, and travel into the future"

    So do you think he had some other technology that allowed him to travel near the speed of light? (Also, you're wrong, you will still age at the near speed of light, but in theory everything will age faster relative to you. Remember in Planet of the Apes, they had beards when they awoke and left their pods at the beginning)
    What is your general timeline for Ed and when you think he got the enigma machine or went forward in time?
    Is anything I ask is making you realize how many assumptions you have to make in order for your theory to work? It can't hold up to even the lightest scrutiny, for example "How did Ed get an Enigma machine?" is answered with "Time Travel, but backwards time travel isn't possible"

    How can your theory hold water with this logic? You have too many loose ends that need tying off.
  • There is a simple answer to all these possibilities.
    The silly sally theory.
    Silly sally was walking down the street one day and a man came up to her and put his hand down her shirt - silly sally laughed and laughed - because she knew her money was in her purse - silly sally was walking down the street one day and a man came up to her and took off all her close - silly sally laughed and laughed - because she knew those close would not fit him.
    ( Believing what you believe is for each person to believe what the truth is for them and them alone ) ( convince a fool against their will you have nothing but a fool still ) Going up and down in and out is getting back on track on this forum
    IT IS DONE -- Long live the CONFUSION ---
    The silly sally theory - the only thing that makes sense here -
  • Magnetic_Universe --- So you don't need to be a time traveler all is needed is to be wise enough to guess what will happen in the future and write something down and someone in the future will confuse it for something more than the whole of it's true meaning and convert it to the nowadays of what it was mend to mean when in the past it was wrote.

    It all makes sense now. Thanks Dr. Wlazlak retired inventor, engineer, scientist, physics, artist, electrical systems design engineer, mechanic, business design planer, the man of many Hats, and I don't even own a hat. What does than mean?
    Well: in the future someone will read my writings and think it was done in some form of Code and translate it into what I really mend it to say. ( I think? )

    Yes doctor, perhaps. Your original meaning remains, but some apt researcher comes along and obsesses over your work. Over time this universal hidden hand code thing begins to unveil itself to the researcher who mistakes what he's discovered as a message left specifically for him by the time traveling Dr. W. All along unbeknownst to you when at the time you wrote it. You do seem like a proud guy and I like that.
  • Thank you for you return comment Magnetic_Universe Sir, Well: I don;t know about proud guy, ( I am only Master of my own Universe ) I did not say that myself - but it really turns out to be true - but it still makes me laugh -
    I sometimes say things that are just backward in a forward way in order to make people think ( what did that mean? ) if some think it is a coded message Well: it could be but the person that can decode such a message must be just as confused as I am in order to do so. If someone tries hard enough anything is possible because the human brain is so much more down deep than the service sees when totally awake. and some people have gifts to see thing in ways others can not believe is possible. Of course being how everything is possible if you believe it is true to you alone, or to someone else alone, Convincing otherwise to what they believe is true is reversed to convincing of each and ones own universe it the correct one that is the real one we all believe is the true and real universe.
    By the way the it took me a few minutes longer to write this comment above because it is all in a coded form for my follower in the future to decode giving all their names only using the first letter of each to save space as it is on to say happy birthday to each of them ( they will all know who they are of course )
    because they have the means of decoding the first letter of the own names.
    And of course all of their friends and family foe also as needed.
    anyway: I would like to thank my parents and all those that made it possible to get the recognition for being the most not proud guy on the planet.
    All in code of course unless otherwise noted on the comment
    Dr. Wlazlak - Please buy my book it has not been written yet I need to still build my time machine to go back into the past in order to stop my parents from getting married and having any kids. and then I will write the book.

  • ( Believing what you believe is for each person to believe what the truth is for them and them alone )

    You can believe what you want, and feelings are subjective, but the ultimate truth is not subjective.

    "There is no such thing as an ultimate truth"
    --This is the claim you support, right? I disagree with this premise, since the claim is, in itself, an ultimate truth; another way of saying it is "The truth is, there is no truth." That's paradoxical, and illogical, so I disagree. No such paradox occurs when we say "There is such a thing as an ultimate truth," therefore there must be an ultimate truth.

    Leedskalnin has clearly captured the interest of many people; some clearly do not know how to reason. I think the biggest mystery is how exactly he cut and moved the stones on the site. Maybe you think the biggest mystery is how or why he wrote his pamphlets. Regardless, it's all mysterious. If you want to waste your time diving down a rabbit hole that is entirely built on assumptions, that's your choice.

    So far, the evidence that Leedskalnin encoded anything using a cypher of some kind is premised on the circumstance that he could somehow travel through time. Since time travel is impossible, and there is ZERO hard proof for this (-even the circumstantial evidence is very weak,) there is extremely good reason to doubt this theory.

    There needs to be clear lines separating loose theorization about Enigma machine encoding and time travel, and anything about analyzing the structure itself and how it was built. Circumstantial speculation vs objective analysis. We need to make as few assumptions as possible. The best way to do that is to look at the tangible evidence and scrutinize it.

    This is what I meant by "getting back on track" - to filter out the discussion around Ed's "code" and just figure out how he built the structures. This is similar in spirit to people trying to figure out how they moved and cut the stones in Giza, or Peru, or other megalithic sites which are logistically impossible to have been constructed with the tools we assumed to be available to the people we think built them. If that is the discussion you're after, this is the place to have it.

    It's a shame this site has been eroding from incoherent schizobabble, and I can call it that since not a single one of my questions that further scrutinize unlikely theories have been answered reasonably or with verifiable evidence.
    There are real, deep questions surrounding the Coral Castle, some of which have revolutionary implications. Imagine everyone being capable of easily building a structure like this. How would the world change if you could buy cheap, bedrock-laden land, easily scoop out your building blocks, plop them in place, and then have yourself a valuable property?

    Because that's what it seems Leedskalnin, the ancient Egyptians, ancient South Americans were able to do, among others. How they did it is the prime question here.

    I know I'm probably talking to a brick wall here, so I don't expect my comments to be taken into real consideration. It's just sad to see how far off the deep end some people are willing to go to justify their delusion on this site - and by doing so it discredits all the real investigation here.

    'The deepest sin against the human mind is to believe things without evidence.'
    - Aldous Huxley
  • I believe you are not talking to a brick wall because you are only writing not talking. talking is when you make sounds and writing is making sounds like click click click and some more clicks. at least that is the truth on that subject.
    as far as Dead Ed's Leedskainin building things, it is not hard to use tools from the 20 th century to cut rocks and lift weights with tools that can do so.
    Maybe you noticed in some above statements I made about such things.
    there is no magic to doing the impossible that is possible, the only magic is when people do not know how the magic trick was done. once they know it is no longer magic, it is engineering knowledge.
    break down the complex to the simple in knowledge and all is possible
    There is no need to take anything serous about anything on this forum or any forum for that matter, When I was 4 years old I saw a cartoon of 2 bears that were the space police and they were trying to solve where a planet had vanished to
    At 4 years old - I thought to myself this is very serous - now that we are grown ups what do we take serous? that is just like that cartoon.
    Is it really that important to know how Ed did has magic trick?
    IT IS DONE. like I said before unless you are wishing to build your own rock castle
    using magic, does it matter to anyone you know how to do this.
    most people don't live in rock house any more. once people go back to being cave people once the fossil fuel runs OUT ( maybe? )
    That is why I am here in the first place - I am offering a replacement to using fossil fuels when the day come it is no more.
    And Yes: I am writing to many brick walls trying to offer to event to the world.

    why don't people want to know about how to stop the human race from totally dying off from lack of enough energy to feed themselves?

    What is more important cutting rock or living to be able to cut the rock to build houses to live in?

    Back on track, to me means people are just totally confused about what they are really wanting. without one you can't have the other. without energy to make food you can't have live to do anything in the future ( The End ) human race is over

    Type it to the Hand, not to the brick wall, people don't have logic they have video games. and forums to talk BS. with others talking BS. NO forum people will produce any real outcomes to do anything real in or about the real world.

    you are sitting on your duff and getting fat trying to impress your IQ. on people that are sitting on their duff and getting fat trying to impress you on how big their IQ is. What the frig OVER. In the past they had the same thing call CB radios Same BS different Year. nothing changes.

    Over and out. I have real thing to do, I build buildings and things as hobbies
    plus my butt is starting to go to sleep from sitting to long.

    good day, Dr. Wizard
  • These two books I found informative
    Ancient Mysteries, Modern Visions - Callahan
    Paramagnetism - Callahan

    The first being the most informative
  • EDL's actions time-travelled, even if EDL did not.

    -EDL's first machine, at the first castle, broke the Phi pyramids here on Earth (in the past) which were endpoints for the "Rainbow Bridge to Valhalla."
    -It also blew the top off the Earth (the continents at the North Pole (Atlantis/etc)).
    -E=MC^8 (or more). E=MC^2 is probably only valid in the East.
    -EDL ate from the tree of knowledge, and expelled us from Eden.
    -EDL broke the tower of Babel, not God.


    -The moon spins the opposite direction as the Sun, so it appears to consume light, rather than emit it.
    -Light from the Sun cannot reflect off the Moon (to be seen on Earth), unless it has already been reflected by Earth's ocean.
    -The moon is an inside-out reflection of Earth.
    -The light that reflects off the moon comes back perpendicular to Earth. That's why the reflection lacks color. The polarized light activates rods, but not cones.
    -When EDL happened, the Sun and Moon reversed poles. This was catastrophic.
    -We would have seen the sun fizzle out, the moon ignite, and both crash into the Earth, roll around to reorient themselves, then go back into their normal orbits as if nothing had happened.

    -EDL caused the Great Flood, which destroyed the Great Pyramid (in the past).
    -The "bad guys" took advantage of the chaos, killed everyone that knew how to repair it, and burned the instruction manuals.
    -So, we still live forever... but only to work and pay taxes.
    -"Time" didn't change, but Earth experiences its' effects very quickly, now. It's why we die so fast.
    -That said, we don't die. After our body dies, whatever's left goes West, then comes around again.
    -You can't see it, but there is light coming out of your eyes.
    -The imbalance of light that we receive burns us out, literally, by sucking all the magnets out of our cores (the iron in our blood).
    -None of the Phi Pyramids have been reactivated since then, because most people are too stupid and lazy to care, these days.

    The few people that could repair the Pyramids either:
    -Understand that doing so would invoke another apocalypse. They just need more time(resources) to build enough boats, before herding everyone on to them. Same as last time.
    -Don't want them fixed. They want you to keep going to work and paying taxes until you die. Over and over.


    When we look at Saturn, Mars and Venus should be orbiting each other around our line of sight.
    Venus spins the opposite direction as Mars.
    One should reflect South-bound light.
    One should absorb it.
    From Earth, it would look like a Yin-Yang, orbiting Saturn.
    Anyone on Earth looking up would have seen this, always.
    It was as if Earth, itself, was an eyeball, always looking at Saturn. The twins were the iris.
    From the Earth's North pole looking North, the Sun and Moon also make a Yin-Yang.


    After the apocalypse, humans rebuilt civilization.
    This was caused (in the distant past) by EDL, during his lifetime.
    Anyone outside of coral castle wouldn't have known the difference, because it happened before they were born.
    When EDL was born, you could still see the Yin-Yang in the sky.
    Anyone that was alive in the 20's saw it, but forgot about when the past changed. Everyone born after the incident, doesn't know what happened, and never will.

    It happened before EDL was born, too, but the changes would have been obvious to him.
    The layout of the first castle was for a machine that would no longer function.
    From EDL's perspective, it was working fine one moment, then quit, the next.
    To EDL, the stars looked one way, one moment, then like they do now, the next.
    He was "inside" the event horizon, and probably saw it happen.
    EDL updated the first machine to work with the new universe, so he could move the castle where it (now) belonged.
    The second castle and flywheel are laid out according to the current universe.


    I think I might be EDL, but don't remember anymore...
    If EDM caused this rather than EDL, EDL would not have had to move the castle.

    TBH, his writings themselves have always baffled me. Because of how Eastern my perspective was, I was unable to even begin reading them until just recently.

    The current castle is a schematic of the current flywheel/universe.
  • @Magnagravity, you must realize that if his machine is able to manipulate light, which matter is made from, there is no reason to believe that turning lead into gold is impossible.

    Counteracting gravity is not any more or less difficult than transmuting.
    They are the same thing.

    We cannot do "magic" in the East, where we, and lead, and gold, all reside, without help from the West.

    The problem is that people have been taught that West is a direction on Earth, like East, and it's not.

    Although most governments are likely aware of the truth, it's possible they are all too stupid to figure this out and fix it.

    It's possible EDL didn't fully comprehend the capabilities of his machine.
    It's possible EDL died wishing he'd had computers, 3D models, and the internet, to help him get it right.

    If you fully understand what EDL accomplished with iron-age equipment, YOU should be able to make real magic.
    There is no reason EDL's flywheel couldn't be handheld, and run off USB or a rechargeable battery.
    We have ultra high-tech to help us, so let's cooperate and figure it out.
  • Hello, kerbal: You sound serous: you know I have a device that manipulates light
    it is called a flashlight you hold it in your hand a magically the light goes where it is pointed: making the point that EDL may have had the technology to have the same type of magic. We well probably never know this for sure because Ed is dead and dead men tell no stories: but it seem live people fill in the blanks where the dead have remained silent on the subject: for some reason: ( I think ) most they remain silent because it does not matter The Government does know the truth
    Well: Whatever the real truth is of course: we don't know because everything is a lie: that is: the Government has made it common practice to have all the population of the planet be educated to be stupid: in order to be the smartest Government on the block ( as it were ) it is only logical: according to the words of
    ( KERBAL ) of course; I think? maybe: it is up for debate - like fishing uses de-bate
    There is no fish: but it is something to do in place sitting on your butt writing about What? ( I have no idea ) the translation has not made what was said above understandable at all: But it is better in the long run than being totally Confused

    I think:?
  • @Magnagravity, this is a fantastic example!

    Most idiots can change the bulb, and battery, and can even operate the switch, but how many understand that E=IR?
    Resistance is what regulates the exchange between voltage and current.

    So, the "battery" emits individual North and South pole magnets from it's poles and makes a circuit through the continuous loop of metals (plural).
    Any metal touching the pole of a battery, becomes the pole of the battery (magnet), and part of the (magnetic) core.
    Allowed to run through the tungsten in the light bulb, it makes light.
    Resistance is what gives electrical circuits their "length" (distance from the core).
    It is what extrudes the M field at a right angle to produce - the EM field.
    A circuit with insufficient resistance between the poles is called a "short" circuit, regardless of how long the piece of wire it runs in is.
    A piece of wire 1000 feet long can be a short circuit, depending on what it is connected to.

    With that out of the way, the question becomes how did the light become trapped in the battery, in the first place?
    The "electron" is not a lie, but neither is it the complete truth.

    Antennae are the key.
    To "transmit" an electrical signal, we project it's simple shape into an n-dimensional structure, which causes it to radiate n-dimensionally shaped electromagnetic waves, in proportion.
    To transmit a 2D signal (the movement of a diaphragm), you have to superimpose it on another shape.
    That is how all antennae work.
    The flywheel is just an intricate antenna, as are "magic wands".

    Many of the "folds" in the flywheel, where light needs to turn, occur at a bolt.
    The top and bottom of every bolt are flat, compared to the middle, which is round.
    The bolts radiate axial magnets, radially, and radial magnets, axially.
    This distributes them within the 5 layers of U magnets according to their energy level, relative to their spin, relative to the flywheel's spin.
    The coil wires looped around the bolts, is the "drop below" part of Ed's PMH diagram.
    We recycle most of the electrical energy back into the core, because we don't need it.
    Brute-force machines require electricity, and waste a lot of it as heat.
    The flywheel is elegant, and wastes nothing.
    It uses a relatively small magnetic field to manipulate massive ones.

    A special antenna protrudes from the hub, pointed at the 3rd(middle) row of magnets.
    The poles formed around that antenna, orbit it, in response to the pulsating energy levels within the 5 layers.
    Those poles rotate as though they were connected by physical gears, even though they are not.

    That point is the "gear" in a "hoist" that interfaces with "chains" made of light.
    This is what Ed was trying to demonstrate.
    It seems the message wasn't meant for everyone.
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