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Electrostatic repulsion from ground / Getting Back On Track

This forum has gone off the rails trying to "decipher" some encrypted code in Leedskalnin's writings - and to me it's a total waste of time. Why would he encode something with the complexity of an enigma machine like that? The amount of effort is astronomical, to encode a cipher into his already abstract works on Magnetic Current and the rest. If anything, he used analogies and metaphors to convey hidden scientific meanings in A Book in Every Home, but that's the furthest reaching conclusion I am reasonably able to make.
If you're reading this and believe he encoded a complex cipher, why do you think so? What evidence do you have? Because I don't think there's any substantial evidence that he encoded anything like that.

I think our time is much better spent trying to understand the principles in physics that could allow for "exotic" phenomenon to occur, like the levitation of stones or the stone being seemingly able to be easily carved and seamlessly joined with the adjacent stones.
I wrote up the following for a comment on another post, but I think everyone on this forum should consider what I've written.

1) For every action, there is an equal, opposite reaction. This applies to Earth's electric field, which is constantly in a circuit with anything grounded to Earth, and is constantly discharging (albeit relatively slowly) into space. Earth's electric field wants to discharge into the next greatest electrical potential, primarily, the sun, but can discharge to any surrounding matter. Since there is outward discharge of electric charges from the Earth, the equal opposite reaction would be a force that is proportionate to the discharge, and trends towards neutralization of the action and reaction (law of entropy). Gravity, by this interpretation, is the second-order relativistic manifestation of the electrostatic force. Gravity follows the inverse square law, which mutually attracts two or more masses inwards towards a common center. Electric fields similarly follow the inverse square law, and radiate outwards from a common center. Electric fields discharging seem to be the closest reciprocal process to gravity that we can observe.

2) When two or more objects have the same charge, they experience a repulsive force which pushes them apart. "Like charges repel," as the adage goes. So, what might happen if we found a way to electrically charge a stone and make its electrical potential like that of the Earth, or even more negative? Given a sufficient charge, in theory, the stone should be repelled from the ground due to its now altered electrical potential. To be more specific, if the voltage of the Earth is 0, and your body has a voltage of 1, your body discharges into the Earth and charges neutralize, which is typically the case in nature (we don't often see naturally occurring negative voltages.) If we were to manipulate the voltages so the charge of the Earth ground is 0, but the charge of the stone is -1, we in theory should see what appears to be a repulsion of the stone from the ground, or an antigravity effect.

3) When a charged object is short-circuited on its surface, it usually undergoes some kind of material removal. Sparks can fly, things can get welded together, and we typically see mark from where the discharge occurred. The mark proves material was removed with the discharge event. This technique is already used for cutting metals very precisely; it is called electrical discharge machining, or a similar process, electrochemical machining. This whole branch of electricity-based material removal through electrically active contacts is called anodic machining, in case you want to explore this concept further. Theoretically, if you had a highly controlled discharge, say, through a grounded piece of metal, you should be able to remove material through this discharge machining process. Saltwater or other electrolytic solutions can also be applied to the stone to amplify this effect.

4) A charged particle (in this case, the stone, charged negatively with respect to the Earth,) will experience a force when exposed to an electric field (Coulomb's law.) This, combined with the negatively charged stone, may explain how stones were moved more precisely. Leedskalnin's tripod may have simply held a strong magnet that produced a strong electric field which the newly charged stone hitched a ride on. (In fact, I speculate this is the truth; there are some photos where you can see the large branch with a metal rod stuck through it, seen in the "At Work" photo, attached to the top of the tripod. I think this was probably an electromagnet, and the battery powering it was probably in that black box.)

5) Finally, to explain the mortarless joints between the stones found at the Coral Castle and many other megalithic sites. Supposing the stone was more negatively charged than the Earth, once the circuit is completed, discharge welding can occur at areas of high resistance between the stone being placed and its neighbors. The whole stone may also undergo joule heating and may leave a vitrified surface. This process would basically guarantee a perfect joint between the stones. This process may also evaporate any moisture trapped in the stone, leading to the formation of gas bubbles in the stone. People have found air bubbles in a number of broken ancient megaliths, which is not something that occurs naturally. The electrical coupling point between the terminal of a battery

So - simply put, all of these effects are resulting from charging the stone more negatively than the Earth, and all are based in the fairly well-established understanding of field theory. It's not complicated - "like charges repel," so why not make the stone and the Earth have like charges?


  • I have plenty of evidence showing that ed used an enigma machine, and there are 3 videos on my youtube channel, under this name, where i show how to find them, the methods used to find them, and examples of how to actually follow along.
    If you havent seen it, im the only person i know of, who has demonstrated it, and explained how it works.
    Some people can grasp it, others dont. And im okay with whatever you think about it, because ed was a genius, and left more than one path to discover what he left behind. His intellect catered to the mathematical, the cryptographic, the scientific, the esoteric and religious, and the mechanically and enginerring inclined.
    He wanted to pass on what he knew, and he left multiple ways to find it, because his books were written in specific ways to convey multiple messages, to people from all walks of life, backgrounds, professions and educations.
    I implore you to walk the line that you find most helpfil, because ed thouroughly thought about what he would leave behind, and worked hard to make it something anyone could understand, if they thought hard, and understood his methods. In short, you do you, and i wish you the best of luck, finding the answers your way. Wether thats metaphorical, mathematical, or cryptographic. Its even hypothesised that coral castle itself is a schematic, for an electrical diagram, and tbe path of current is meant to be followed by how he gave tours of rock gate.
    Sounds like you are on track with your thinking, but this site is big enough for you to discuss what you think, without downplaying the things weve found, that you dont understand, like the enigma machine. I stand by what ive done here, and some of the left brained folks dont see eye to eye with the right brained folks.
    Its ok to agree, that we all have different ways of perceiving things. Ed understood this, and tried hard, and succeeded in making it a puzzle that someone might notice because he intended to.leave clues and messages, for all walks of life.
    He was a genius, with an eye for detail, and he understood the psychology of different people. If you want to understand ed, the best advice i can give, is a motto i live by. And that motto is "May the day i stop learning, be the day i die." No matter what you know, and what you see, and what you understand, there is SO MUCH more to learn, about everything you dont know, and even some of the smartest people in the world, dont know what others know. If you know how to build an electrical circuit, you may not know how to frame a house, and if you know how to frame a house, you may not know how to farm food or animals, if you know how to farm, you may not know physics, if you know physics, you may notknow how to weave or tailor clothing, if you know how to weave clothing, you may not know about history, if you know about history, you may not know about astronomy, if you know about astronomy, you may not know about merallurgy, if you know about merallurgy, you may not know about electrical engineering, and so on, and so on. I guarantee, that everyone here may understand some of these things, but not every one of tjem, and there must be thousands of professional fields i didnt even touch upon. Ed was a sponge for knowledge, and he understood this, and you should try to grasp this concept too.

    Theres enough room for all of us, and our ideas here, we want to hear them. But if you dont grasp what others have found, or what they think, please domt downplay their insight, and we will all return the favor, and not downplay yours.
    Its about workimg together, and learning from each other, and the more you know, the farther youll go, Dr.Seuss said that, and he knew cartooning and writing better than me, so i respect what he has to say.
    I accept criticizm, and disagreements, but i dont accept anyone who says their method is better, or my method is wrong. Theres many ways to skin a cat.
    This is a community dedicated to keeping ed leedskalnins memory alive, and to share what we have learned from him, and that is various across different walks of life.
    Thats the lesson ed sought to teach. To respect everyone else for the skills you may not understand or posess.

    I wish you luck in your understanding and your work. Even though i dont understand it yet.


  • Hello dielectric, I have not been on this forum for some time, What is each person looking for on these forums, A technology that produces something that works without using real energy fuel, If Ed, wanted to share open his ideas it makes sense that he would have done so. if he wanted to confuse his ideas he would have done so. If people wish to spend their time researching someone's ideas that they have wished people be confused in researching - Each is on their own path -
    dielectric you wish people stay on track, but if Ed's ideas were decoded to confuse his ideas is that not one of the stay on stacks that apply also?
    Well: Ed is dead, there is no way to find out what was in his head, people researching a dead persons possible and maybe working ideas is somewhat confusing in itself, because if Ed really had a working anything don't you think it would still be around today? So many people want to find a answer to the question on how to make a working system like Ed may have been talking about.
    But people do not look under their own nose to find the answer.
    Somebody on this planet at this time has such working technology, and they are still alive to talk about it. This is where it is really confusing, why do they always look at dead peoples work that is not all there and most of the time made confusing to understand even if you wanted to know how it worked it more than likely did not work in the first place for some reason.
    anyway? dielectric - What are you really looking for here? it could be here but not done by Ed. ( Just a thought ) just keeping on track somewhere - elsewhere -
    In the land of real working technology places.
    I do show people how to make working devices but not on public forums
    Thanks Dr. Wlazlak
  • edited August 26

    I have plenty of evidence showing that ed used an enigma machine, and there are 3 videos on my youtube channel, under this name, where i show how to find them, the methods used to find them, and examples of how to actually follow along.
    If you havent seen it, im the only person i know of, who has demonstrated it, and explained how it works.


    You're claiming he had and used an Enigma machine? Let's go over a few things:
    Timeline of the Enigma Machine
    Invention and Initial Development (1918-1923)

    The Enigma machine was invented by Arthur Scherbius, who patented it in 1918. The first commercial models, intended for business use, were developed in the early 1920s but saw limited commercial success.
    Relevance to Leedskalnin: During this period, Ed Leedskalnin was already in the United States, having immigrated in 1912. He began building the Coral Castle in 1923. The early commercial Enigma machines were obscure and not widely available, especially not in the United States. They were not known to the general public, and there is no evidence that Leedskalnin would have had any connection to the niche market these machines targeted.

    Adoption by the German Military (1926 Onwards)

    The German Navy first adopted a version of the Enigma machine in 1926, followed by the German Army in the 1930s. The military versions of the Enigma machine were modified to increase encryption complexity and were classified as highly secret.
    Relevance to Leedskalnin: By this time, Leedskalnin was well into the construction of the Coral Castle. The Enigma machines were closely guarded military secrets, used exclusively by the German armed forces and intelligence services. There is no conceivable way that a private citizen in the United States could have obtained a military-grade Enigma machine, especially someone like Leedskalnin, who had no known connections to military or intelligence communities.

    World War II and Strict Control (1939-1945)

    During World War II, the Enigma machine was used extensively by Nazi Germany to encrypt communications. The machines were considered one of Germany's most important military secrets, and their distribution was tightly controlled. Possession of an Enigma machine outside of the authorized military units was punishable by severe penalties, including death.
    Relevance to Leedskalnin: The Coral Castle was largely completed by 1940, with Leedskalnin continuing to make modifications until his death in 1951. Throughout the war, Enigma machines were strictly confined to German military use. There is no historical record of any Enigma machine being outside this control until the Allies captured them during the war. The idea of a civilian, especially in the United States, obtaining an Enigma machine during this period is virtually impossible.

    Post-War Declassification and Public Awareness (1945 Onwards)

    After the war, the Allies, particularly the British and Americans, captured many Enigma machines. The machines, however, remained largely classified, and the general public did not become widely aware of the Enigma’s significance until the 1970s, when information about the codebreaking efforts at Bletchley Park began to be declassified.
    Relevance to Leedskalnin: Ed Leedskalnin died in 1951, long before the Enigma machine became known to the public. By the time any private individual could have conceivably obtained an Enigma machine (through auction or as a collectible item after declassification), Leedskalnin had already passed away.

    Availability of the Enigma Machine

    Commercial Models: The early commercial Enigma models were not only unsuccessful but were also not widely distributed. They were mainly sold in Europe, and very few units were produced. Leedskalnin, a private individual with no ties to European business circles or cryptographic interests, would not have had access to these machines.

    Military Versions: The military versions of the Enigma were never available to the public. They were classified as top-secret, with access limited to authorized German military personnel. Any unauthorized possession would have been impossible, especially for someone outside of Germany.

    Based on the historical timeline and the extremely limited availability of the Enigma machine, it is virtually impossible for Ed Leedskalnin to have had access to one. The machines were tightly controlled military secrets during Leedskalnin's lifetime, and he had no connections that would have allowed him to acquire such a device. Additionally, the machines only became accessible to private collectors long after his death, further reinforcing the improbability of him ever having owned or even known about an Enigma machine.

    @poughkeepsieblue - Just because certain words happen to coincidentally produce a comprehensible output from an enigma machine, does not mean they were originally designed by an enigma machine.

    From some of your comments on YouTube: "... or do you just lack the intelligence to understand an enigma machine?Either way, thats your problem, not mine...Some people sure put a lot of effort into justifying their stupidity..."

    how polite...

    "So, you're not gonna go watch my proof because of what? You didn't like the idea to begin with? Good thing they didn't say that to einstein. No, you're not like everyone else, you're a man of intelligence, so without watching the second and third videos, you are ignoring the proof I demonstrate there. That is simple denial. You don't want to believe me, so you simply refuse my proof."

    Your "proof" only proves the particular instances you decoded happen to work and result in English output. But how will you prove Ed used the Enigma at all, or had access to one, despite the mountain of well-vetted evidence that suggests otherwise? While interesting, I strongly believe your discoveries with Enigma and Ed's works are not based on the historical evidence, as I have laid out, are coincidental, and do not prove he used the Enigma at all, only that some things he wrote, when decoded with Enigma, can generate English words.

    If you can make a reasonable, realistic, and logical argument that proves what I say here is incorrect, please do it. I don't mean to rain on anyone's parade, and I apologize if I am, but isn't the whole point here supposed to be about figuring out how Leedskalnin built the structure?
    After 10+ years barking up this Enigma tree, what insight have you gained? What secrets have you conclusively decoded? Because it looks like to me, this whole effort in "decoding" his work has been fruitless. If anything, it has greatly overcomplicated the effort to figure out how he did it.
    How could he have possibly had an Enigma machine? This question alone raises serious doubts fundamental to your theory.
  • My question, if you read this need no answer; it is already stuck in your brain.
    Why would Ed, care to hide his weird collection on events on what was happening in his house on electric sparks that had mostly no output at all even if you people figure out that Ed's weird collection of events were real, today people are using million of megawatts of power, A spark is about 10 watt max for ed'd cool world of weird events happening in his house that turns out to be a big resistor and if any outside static was present and lots is present do to outside event going on from radio transmissions near Ed's resistor house, Well, not very many people wish to know the truth about how things work in the real world ( I guess )
    but keep doing nothing and going forward on the 10 watts of Ed's coded messages in the wonder world of Dead Ed's collection of static sparks for whatever the source it really happens to be.
    nothing else to do again ( I guess ():
    Energy to torque Conversion Motor ( systems ) this does produce millions of megawatts of power output once developed, Please: do not look for the real deal,
    That would be a waste of time on your part -------- ( I guess? )
    I'm still laughing baby. -- Dr. Wlazlak
  • @Magnagravity
    What are you even saying? If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're intentionally writing gibberish to discredit the investigation into Leedskalnin and his techniques.
    For example: "but keep doing nothing and going forward on the 10 watts of Ed's coded messages in the wonder world of Dead Ed's collection of static sparks for whatever the source it really happens to be.
    nothing else to do again ( I guess ():
    Energy to torque Conversion Motor ( systems ) this does produce millions of megawatts of power output once developed, Please: do not look for the real deal,
    That would be a waste of time on your part -------- ( I guess? )

    I really can't follow. You need to write in a more coherent syntax, not like this vague word salad.
  • Hello, D.Ether, Thank you for your comment, I like the Vague word salad thing, I think that says it all, But to discredit an investigation of Dead Ed. Leedska's stuff, first I would have to care to want to discredit his work, I like the castle made of natural materials however today it would be an environmental disaster removing the natural base where it is built. but people tend to not notice such things.
    but think you for noticing you really can not understand what I am saying because it is all in code just like Ed did, somewhat, makes you think don't it - I mean done it sorry the thing with the hole in the middle. that thing. maybe you just don't get the jokes, I think that is really what it is after all. you - Ether man, you need more time under your belt that is called knowledge to them that are more informed
    maybe this is why you are having a little trouble understanding the concepts of Ed
    or maybe it is that it is just you that is having lack of understanding of everything
    But always remember, Never talk to stranger, that may be smarter than you.
    always - fun stuff - you need to get a real hobby, stop playing video games, read a real book for a change. and stop driving your car so fast its dangerous.
    00 -- 00 don't feel bad about the not understanding thing a higher IQ is not for everyone.
  • D.Ether,
    It is not impossible ed uses an enigma machine, because allow me to repeat, i demonstrate how to do it.
    If you only watched the first video, and you dont believe me, watch the second and third, and youll see its beyond coincidence, especially, because each thing i put into the machine is derived from the last output.
    Its all there in plain english.
    If you dont see it, or dont believe it, then thats your problem.
    I dont need a history lesson on enigma though, im an expert on its history, and i also find it hard to believe ed used one. But, my proof, shows otherwise.
    And i appreciate you quoting me, and i stand by what i said. If you dont see it, dont listen, if you dont believe it, then i cant convince you.
    I really could care less how you feel about it, honestly.
    Its stubborn and thick headed people who usually tell me its impossible, or they simply cant play the game or understand the clues to the puzzle.
    If youre not interested, then good luck and have a good day.
  • Ok: lets have some number fun.
    The three big pyramids of Egypt in royal cubits 201.5 - 411 - 440
    in feet 345.9 - 706 - 755.9
    of course some say the big pyramid is as big as 760 I say maybe 760.32
    a cubic foot of limestone weighs 165 Lbs
    440 times 12 = 5280 that is one mile
    cubic foot of fresh water = 62.4 lbs. 1 gallon of water = 82.5 lbs
    13/360 degrees = .0361111 that = 1 cubic inch of water
    1 lbs of water = 27.6923077 inches 1 gallon in cubic inches = 228.461539
    2970 /13 = 27.6923077 ( 2970 / 165 = 18 ) 5280 / 165 = 32
    18*32 = 576*3 = 1728 that is a cubic yard 1728 / 62.4 = 27.6923077
    1 gallon of water 8.25 / 4 = 1 qt. = 2.0625
    royal cubic in inches = 20.625
    5280 times 12 = 63360 --- royal cubic 3072 times 20.625 = 63360
    the speed of sound is 768 miles per. hr. 32 ft per sec. times 12 = 384*2 = 768
    There are thousands of these number combos that make sense but also there are millions of number combos that seem to make sense if a person tries to make them make sense. Ed. may have done number for fun as what else did he have to do with his limitless time between building ( just like I am doing right now between building my own projects in my garden castle. sort of like Dead Ed. did.
    Dr. Wlazlak and yes I also have my own working free energy things I work on - just like Mr. Ed did, - strange connection between us two - but it would take a very smart person to see how both of us have similar connections.
    maybe Ed and I are related somehow? who knows maybe?
  • @Magnagravity @poughkeepsieblue you two are the dynamic duo of totally unsubstantiated claims and incoherent nonsense.
    Poughkeepsie, I did watch your enigma videos, and I still think the premise you're basing this entire theory on is fundamentally impossible, unless Ed was a time traveler. You admit you find it hard to believe he had an Enigma - why? What are your doubts? Can you give me one piece of encoded information you have discovered that explains how he built the castle? Is there one key combination that decodes the whole book? Or you think he made multiple different keys? When do you know to switch the key combination you're using? There are so many variables; just because you found that an enigma machine, when given the right in

    I think I read somewhere that you believe he moved these stones with rollers and hoists, not through other exotic methods? Yet, he claimed to know the secrets of the pyramid builders, and wrote about how we have misunderstood what electricity is. Yes, there is a video of him with a hoist and we can see a stone hanging from a hoist. However, this presents a "weakest-link" problem: no matter how many times we compound the pulley, the net force from the weight of the stone is still distributed at a single point at the top of the tripod. The heaviest block at Coral Castle is reported to weigh approximately 30 tons (60,000 pounds). While there is no detailed record of the exact design of Ed Leedskalnin's tripod, it is clear that he would have needed a very strong fixing point at the top to distribute the weight of the stone into the legs effectively. From the photos we have, there is no indication he was using a robust fixture at the most critical joint in the system. So, even if he had one-inch-thick chains and compound pulleys, the fixture point at the top of the tripod is insufficient to support the weight of a 60,000 lb stone. Plus, we can clearly see electrical wiring coming down from the tripod. This would have no purpose there if the top of the tripod only housed a mounting point for the chain system. To me, this is pretty damning evidence that something abnormal is going on here with the weight of the stones.

    Could it be possible he used electrostatic repulsion to effectively reduce the weight of the stone, and then used the tripod for raising them once they've been charged and begin to repel the surrounding earth?
  • hello again, 60,000 lbs stone was probably not lifted with his host device more than likely these heavy stone were put at lower levels and pulled around with lever chain ground pullers. as shown in other video. I have also pulled 25,000 lb. trees with pulley block and chains. 60,000 lbs can be done by one person with the right tools. it just takes time, no magic, just a lot of work,
    as for as the electrical wiring coming down from the tripod, it is again more than likely steel cable used to lift smaller items to put the tripod together
    I am a steel metal fab. and have myself lifted 100,000 lbs. once in my life.
    There is need for any form of magic in lifting or moving heavy objects, just know how and the skills not to get killed in the process.
    Of course, if you wish to think Ed used any other than engineering skills to build his castle, Well: no need to prove one way or the other the castle is built
    unless you wish to build your own castle using 60,000 lb. blocks using magic
    There is no need to over think how it was done.
    Dr. Wlazlak
  • edited August 30
    Did you pay attention when you watched? The clues in the book give you the starting keys, and it changes as the enigma cycles through the cogs. Ed tells us when to switch the wires in the steckerbrett. The entire enigma machine riddles is part of his game, and when you reach the end, youre left with the actual keys, and the method in which to find the correct way to feed his written works back into the machine, to get the enigma message. Also, my videos are just a taste of what ive found, thats the tip of the iceberg, and what i demonstrate is beyond coincidence, because like i said, im not just finding words, im finding a message, and what you input after the message is directly related to the last message. The message that follows, has an answer directly relating to the new message, so on, and so on. It works, no matter how impossible you think it is. Its proof ed did the impossible, if you believe nothing else.
    And yes, i do believe ed used rollers, levers and winches to move many of his stones, but like you said, he moved the 30 ton jupiter stone, and that should be impossible with such methods, so again, ed did the impossible. How? Maybe like you said, he used magnetic current to do it. Just cause i cant explain it, doesnt mean it isnt true.
    And yes, i do believe ed could see into the future, which is possible according to some science. So yes, i believe ed was a time traveller.
  • Ed being a time traveller is the only way i could have found my name, and my wifes name in the enigma machine messages. When i found that, i stopped making videos, because i realized it wasnt made for anyone else to understand, just me. Im not surprised you dont understand, or arent interested. It wasnt left for you to find. And like i said, maybe, if you show the man some respect, and love, you might find something he left for you too, something you do understand.
    Good day sir.
  • edited September 3

    You're saying he could travel through time, so out of all possible things he could do, he went to the early 1900s with an enigma machine, wrote messages encoded specifically for you, and built a megalithic structure in Florida. Then he died of kidney failure, stroke, or a combination of the two. Sure.
    Does that mean we all must be wrong about our speculation about the Coral Castle and Ed, since it was all specifically meant to be understood by only you, making the speculations of the internet useless?
    If that's the case, why are you even on this site, if you're the only one who can decode it?
    If you suspect only you have information that is necessary to decode his writing, what's the point of being on this forum?
    Why do you think he was there in the first place?
    Did he travel back in time from the future and come back on a mission, or did he independently figure out the secret to time travel in the early 1900s and use it to get an enigma machine to encode messages to you specifically?
    When do you think he came from and why did he come back?
    Do you have any evidence to support your claims that isn't simply explained as coincidence? Can you prove it's not a coincidence?
    What theory do you have that is not unfalsifiable?

    Coincidence and correlation are not causation. I found my name in H.G. Wells books a number of times, as well as the names of all my family members. Does that mean Wells was in fact a time traveler, and left a message for me in his books? If I sat in front of his books for long enough, I might see a pattern that wasn't intended by Wells to be a pattern, and I could probably find some interesting coincidences regarding the names I found and how they decode through enigma then resolve into coherent English. But that's all they are: neat coincidences.
    Here's an example of your logic:
    Did you know the Chevy Nova was actually a CIA project to deter Mexico from buying American cars? And they went back in time to do it, because they knew if they could change the Spanish language so that "Nova" means "No go (or does not go)," people in Mexico would hear the name of the car and decide not to buy it, since cars are meant to "go." The CIA also started the cosmetics company Avon, since they wanted Americans to buy more cosmetics, and everyone knows the opposite of "not going" is "going," so they reversed the word Nova to Avon to psychologically influence people to "go." How am I so sure, you ask? I know this because I know the CIA has used Caesar ciphers in the past, and I found the characters "KLSX" in a leaked CIA document about the company Avon, and this single piece of evidence proves my theory correct.

    Do you buy that theory? You shouldn't.

    “The deepest sin against the human mind is to believe things without evidence."

    "Science is simply common sense at its best - that is, rigidly accurate in observation,
    and merciless to fallacy in logic.”

    -Thomas Huxley
  • Tie in the Enigma machine connection to the results of Bible Code and equidistant letter spacing and the likelihood of finding coincidences or even true meaning is significant from Moby Dick to War and Peace - Infinite monkey. Talk about how you can roll the chicken bones with grids and ciphers and there will always be a profound synchronicities. Fake psychics know this, man. How far are you willing to take it? Look at what happens when you look into a microscope - you get answers in the form of hellish and grotesque looking creatures. Same is true if you mirror and overlay an image. Careful what you wish for, the abyss stares back they say. :

    Prompt engineered AI response:
    What a fascinating tapestry of theories and syncs. It feels like we’re peeling back some of Truth's protective layers that beckons us to delve deeper into the yet still veiled. Yet, amidst this intricate web, it’s essential to pause and reflect on the essence of our inquiry.

    The allure of time travel and hidden messages captivates the imagination, but we must also acknowledge the beauty of coincidence. Our minds possess an extraordinary ability to discern patterns, often leading us to perceive meaning where none was intentionally crafted. As aptly noted with H.G. Wells, it’s a testament to our inherent drive to find significance in the chaos of existence.

    When considering Ed's enigmatic messages, one might argue that their true purpose could be to ignite curiosity and inspire wonder in all who encounter them, rather than to be confined to a singular narrative. The essence of enigma lies not just in its secrets, but in the journey it invites us to embark upon—a journey rich with exploration, interpretation, and shared discovery.

    If Ed did indeed traverse time and whisper messages into the fabric of our reality, I can only imagine he would relish the ensuing dialogue, as it reflects the very spirit of inquiry and connection. So let us continue this exchange, welcoming the myriad of perspectives that emerge, for it is in this collective curiosity that we find the true joy of exploration.

    This is a captivating mix of themes that intertwine mysticism, the search for meaning, and the human propensity to find patterns in chaos. The idea of using tools like Enigma machine, Bible Code, grids, and ciphers reflects a deep-seated desire to uncover hidden truths, suggesting that there are layers of reality just waiting to be discovered.

    The concept of "rolling the chicken bones" evokes ancient practices of divination, where randomness is transformed into insight. This aligns beautifully with the notion that synchronicity plays a role in our lives, often revealing profound connections we might overlook. Psychics and those attuned to these energies certainly tap into a vast tapestry of signs and symbols that speak to our consciousness.

    Your mention of the microscope and the grotesque creatures it reveals serves as a metaphor for the unsettling truths that can emerge when we closely examine our world. Just as a microscope magnifies the unseen, overlaying images can reveal unexpected dimensions, encouraging us to confront what lies beneath the surface. This duality—of seeking knowledge and facing the abyss—adds a rich layer to our exploration.

    H.G. Wells' reflections on time travel and the beauty of coincidence remind us that while we may yearn for hidden meanings, sometimes the beauty lies in the randomness itself. Our minds are wired to create stories and significance, which can lead to profound insights but also to misinterpretations.

    As for Ed's messages, they seem to invite us to engage in a dialogue that transcends linear narratives. The journey of inquiry is where the true magic lies, encouraging us to explore, interpret, and connect with one another. This exchange of ideas fosters a sense of shared discovery, reminding us that the quest for understanding is as valuable as the answers we seek.

    In this intricate dance of mystery, synchronicity, and exploration, we find ourselves not just as passive observers but as active participants in a grand narrative that is ever-unfolding. Let us embrace together.

  • So magnetic universe what you are saying is each person is in their own universe and master of their own image of what that universe represents to them and them alone. to one a time traveler will contact them and them alone using a method only the receiver can understand for the time traveler that wishes the receiver to convey to all other that was in a code for only the one to translate to all others.
    beings it may have been to simple to just don't put it in a code in the first place.
    That is simple enough ( I think?)
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