@Gardener Very interesting. It of course presents mechanical problems if the magnetic particles are not a plasma . If the particles are a plasma there are problems characterising the magnetic status of an individual particle! Particle description is wholly inadequate.
However, this set up can be described in terms of a Masing or Lasing device, where the internal reflection keeps the coherent “beam within the device, and the accelerating primary is the Masing “pump” or stimulator . The secondary coil would be the receiver , and here I switch models to the NMR device structure. The secondary coil will be stimulated but at the current level of u derstanding that would be attributed to magnetic inductance by the primary coil!
NMR demonstrates without a doubt that a magnetic contribution from the accelerated plasma can be expected. Now switch to the P M H device. Is the wiring in this device conducive to sustaining a magnetic current in and through the Plasma? The situation requires further investigation and experimentation.
Here the current methodology is to quantise the electrical input as a quantum particle described by the Planck constant and frequency and then to deal with the characterisation statistically/probabilstically. The characterisation is then manipulated to give a statistical and probabilistic outcome and it is this that the data is compared to.
It’s mathmagic! And of course it is described as highly accurate! We are told Quantum Mechanics has not yet failed to give accurate results! When you look at it really it is all statistics and possibly mostly damn lies!😂 Any way the PMH is a foundational anchor in understanding magnetodynamic sin the universe,
Look carefully and you will see the fundamental but schematic pmh that underpins this theoretical machinery. The 2 interconnecting loops of vectors one called electric current the other magnetic flux( ie current)
So before I get into any problems with the quantum description of electromagnetic wave, that was seen in the video above, I want to point out the difficulties of using sine waves to explain diffraction . The problem arises when you look at the reflection through a large gap. From the video you can see that the interference pattern of the so-called sinewaves at a point actually lead to a curve in the phases of the sine waves. So, according to this explanation, we do not get a plane wave coming through a large gap. Another exclamations diffraction only occurs at the edges of the large gap. So the exclamation of why a single select create an interference pattern in this particular video is incorrect.
How do you get a plane wave from an infinite number of point sources? The video and also the common way to deal with this problem is to ignore it. The difficulty is glided over or finessed. In fact the difficulty was addressed by Feynman . If one assumes that the Huygen point. Source is a valid way of arriving at the diffraction patterns and the wave patterns of light, The question is how does light then propagate in a forward manner?
The problem is sold, if one uses Rayleigh waves. Feynman of course use the common notion of a Sine wave and was unable to remove it from the necessary spherical nature of the propagation for. Source. However Rayleigh waves and love waves deal with this as you quite effectively. They propagate a wave in a forward direction and do so by moving the point source in a circular orbit. In fact the way propagates in a spherical orbit and even though it is theoretically proven that radiowave cannot propagate in a horizontal direction to its motion of propagation, this is a mistake due to the over reliance on the mathematics. Rayleigh and love waves propagate in all three dimensions but according to the sine functions of the expression. This sine parts of the solutions are typically ignored as the imaginary part of the calculation. This is because the imaginary part of the calculation is misnamed.
I have dealt with the quarter turn quantity in the calculation is in previous posts, I will explain it again in a later post. The point here is, that the railway of oscillates within its region and when it meets a sweet or a gap in oscillates within the gap until it meets a Boundry line, as it meets the Boundry the edge of the gap, it then causes the diffraction patterns and wave patterns to occur. In the meantime, in open space the really observations create a plane way.
The Rayleigh wave actually travels through the interior of a body in a compressed fall. The amplitude of the Rayleigh wave dissipates and deeper into the body it is travelling through so for depths below the surface level of a material ready wave appears as a compression wave, as the forward compression motion is emphasised over the transverse motion of the Rayleigh wave .
Because of this the rainy wave appears as a compression wave in a medium, and spread out spherically in a compression format. However when the railway wave meet a surface or a change in the surface condition it will form an amplitude or a change in their amplitude of the wave .
JG the organic chemistry tutor This is an electrified dielectric object. It is called a capacitor. Another electrified dielectric object that is called an inductor. A capacitor can store energy for much longer than inductor can. An inductor is a dynamic store of energy whereas the capacitor can store energy when it is not connected to a capacitor circuit. However, Ed Leedskalnin showed that if you make an inductor into a U-shaped loop then the inductor can store energy when that loop is magnetically closed with a bar when it is not connected to the circuit. This inductor which stores energy is called a PMH A capacitor stores its energy in a dielectric. A PMH stores its energy in the magnetic current in the magnetic material. The ferromagnetic material is also a dielectric but it is a very poor one. It is therefore necessary for the ferromagnetic material to take the form of a closed loop. When in the form of a close loop the energy circulates around the ferro magnetic material in what Ed Leedskalnin called a magnetic current.
If we connect capacity to a PMH we should expect an oscillating Or alternating current flow in the circuit until it disappears.
This gives insight into what happens in the battery. The battery stores energy in both these forms within the chemical reactions that occur within the battery. However, as we know,a battery is not needed to charge a capacitor inductor circuit. We could use a generator.
Thus we can see that Energy can be stored within the PMH or within a capacitor which is a dielectric form in which the dielectric is a poor conductors or it can be stored within a PMH or it can be stored in a capacitor inductor circuit itself. The implications for transformer design, and transformers within any electric circuit, great . This means that if a transformer is disconnected from a circuit it will still carry a magnetic correct. Reconnecting such a transformer back into circuit will cause a flow of magnetic charge which could burn out a generator. In addition trying to disconnect a transformer in alternating current circuit will lead to flashback of energy .
The implications for storage of energy in the sun it’s also great. When are PMH is situated within the surface of the sun the magnetic current will flow smoothly. When the PMH breaks the surface of the sun then the magnetic current will form a loop of plasma involving several ferromagnetic / magnetic materials . This loop may discharge violently. We call such discharges coronal mass Ejections.
It also gives a better explanation of the so-called magnetic reconnection. NASA has shown that where so-called magnetic reconnection events occur magnetic bubbles are also present. These magnetic bubbles are what we call PMH . They are closed magnetic loops within the magnetic aether.
And finally, this has great implications for the understanding of plasmoids.
https://arxiv.org/pdf/1303.0785.pdfArago Faraday and Lena and Hall contributed to what is called the Hall effect. . Maxwell refers to his interest in the Arago effect in the opening pages of his Theory of Electromagnetism . In most theories the iterative nature of the interaction that is fractal geometry of the introduction is ignored. Worse still it is posited that electricity is the cause of all this behaviour! Whereas we can demonstrate that the electric current generated by a varying magnetic field , we cannot give a clear explanation of how Electric current generates magnetism. Difficulty can be solved by defining the electric current as a different mode of magnetism . That’s because considering it as a magnetic mode we avoid a level of description which is then totally unnecessary . Exercise your mind
Since a poll does not exist as a specific point in space, what is a pole?
Firstly it must be observed that the pole is a surface Boundry future. Paul’s occur at the Boundry of surfaces and represent where the magnetic induction force meets an impedance. Region of impedance can be mapped out by using a surface monitor/probe . The flux density through that surface pro will as the probe is removed delivery in the region of impedance or the poll. The flux density through the probe will map out the structure of the magnetic flux through the different mediums
The capital H field within a solenoid and the B field outside solenoid represent the two different behaviours at the impedance boundary. . If we imagine the flux as a dynamic vortex which propagate in a complete loop within a medium, and we can imagine that when the vortex crosses a Boundry it is diffracted. When this diffracted field meets an impedance Boundry it is further diffracted at the Boundry And this diffraction could result in the concentratin Of the field or the further diffraction . The diffraction of a vortex field is called filamentation.
The question is; can a Diffracted beam be re-combined ?
The first mistake is to teach young children and people that light travels in straight lines . The way like troubles is as a radiating disturbance from the point source. The radiating disturbance is A trochoid surface that expands from the point source. A light source or a reflecting source is made up of many point Sources. So the wave front is made up of an interference pattern of spherical Trochoid surfaces.
When this interference pattern hits a surface it is absorbed and then re-transmitted either as a Reflection or as a scattered pattern of light. Where the interference pattern meets a translucent material it becomes absorbed and re-transmitted through the material in the way which we call Refraction.
However if the lightht continues hrough a small openings and in the same medium The interference pattern becomes Diffracted near the Boundary of the small pin hole, The interference pattern is absorbed and re-transmitted at the Boundary, and the retransmission interferes with the existing interference pattern which is passing through. The Result is that the hole becomes a new point source. This source now transmits a complex interference pattern onto a surface which we can interpret as an inverted image.
If instead of a pinhole a small slit is used then the image becomes blurred because the interference pattern from the top of the slit to the bottom of the slip is made up of multiple overlapping point sources. The rotations will therefore interfere in a wavelike motion which we interpret as a blur.
A translucent lens is not a pinhole, however when it focuses the light to a point then the point acts like a point source and so acts like a virtual pinhole. By focusing to a pin hole the image appears on the screen or Retina. However past that focal point light will continue to expand. The interference pattern becomes increasingly blurred, and the image is lost in a flood of non collimated light. This does not occur in a pinhole camera. The pinhole is fixed so the pattern emerges from a fixed position in space.
Collimator takes a “pinhole focus “ and prevents the light from expanding. It directs the light in a given direction onto a screen. It is known that certain energetic sources form interference patterns which are too powerful to be focused by any optical lens. In this case a collimator is used to provide multiple point sources. The reduction in power allows the point sources to create an interference pattern which can be detected clearly on the screen. The multiple sources act like a single point source if the diffraction pattern is set up to interfere correctly.
We need to understand the collimating effect of an impedance surface in the magnetic flux we also need to understand how a translucent lens through its dispersion effect by refraction enables the collimated interference patterns to align correctly in the magnetic flux. The second refraction in the lens collimates the interference pattern in a certain direction, And those second refraction points sources act as a diffraction grating
How appoint source can be colimated Buy a lens, and why refraction is associated with diffraction. Absorption and retransmission associated with diffraction at the LHC
What is a low pressure region? So EZ zones I Water actually formulate the moisture particles that change phase. . The EZ zones are structured by magnetic induction. . Electric charge is a magnetic induction effect and mode. . The water in this phase is influenced by the prevailing magnetic environment and so condensation occurs where the magnetic rotation creates a net paramagnetic region, where the net regional structure is diamagnetic the EZ moisture remains in the vapour phase. Low pressures are a net diamagnetic structure and clouds form at the dynamic interface with a magnetic pattern inducing paramagnetism. High pressures are net paramagnetic structures and are thus denser. They connect space weather to ground magnetically. The magnetic induction dynamic is more intense in and around these high pressure cells or rotating columns. EZ water vapour does not condense because it is in a dynamic columnar “flow” where the phase is forming larger structures than water droplets.due to paramagnetic coherence.
The PMH cell in the atmosphere works both ways: space to ground by connection to the sun , and pole / magnetic impedance regions from the ground to atmospheric or near space plasmas that arm or connect the pole/ impedance regions more strongly in a collimated way. The thing to remember about a u shaped magnet is that it is a cross section of a dynamic Leyden jar structure.
It’s mathmagic! And of course it is described as highly accurate! We are told Quantum Mechanics has not yet failed to give accurate results! When you look at it really it is all statistics and possibly mostly damn lies!😂
Correct. Just like almost everything else around us.
Coils are from two fan motors. And two iron rods about a foot long. Hardest part was getting both coils to hang from that 3 foot rod above in balance. Then lift both coils with the two rods,then tap a DC power source. According to maps the hanging pmh is pointing east to west. The picture on the wall is west in the video. Which is correct. As the north poles and south poles are equal on both sides of the coils.
The mechanism of discharge of the coil though is different (from the capacitor and the PMH): the coil stores energy in the magnetic field which gets expanded into space when power is applied, and which then collapses back into the conductor when power is switched off.
Since the PMH has coils, the U-shaped iron is the space where the magnetic field from the coils expands - or rather a guide for it - so the PMH seems to work as a coil.
However, when the PMH is charged and power is disconnected no magnetism is displayed around the iron. That suggests that the individual N/S magnets which make up the magnetic current are induced just once into the iron. It thus seems that the U-shape just guides the individual magnets to keep rotating (probably due to its shape & without any relation to space) thus keeping them permanently slanted within the iron.
In general, the arch seems to be a device that transforms any magnetic current applied to one of its ends into the opposite of said magnetic current on the other end (which is why the PMH works with just 1 coil)...but I might be fooled by the 90 degree angle that the closing bar forms with the U-shape, which again has an effect on the rotation of the magnetic current.
I am pleased to be able to post this video. This is unusual and shows how the electric camp has dominated the magnetic in the electromagnetic theory. Recently I have learned about impedance in circuits and how inductance leads current. We have astronomical scale magnetic waves/ current heading any so called electric current ie a plasma current.
Note the loss of power to father her magnetic field.
So here in simple terms we see a magnetic structure is formed first followed by a dynamic flow through through the interior of that structure. We do not require particles/ electrons to describe or explain this, waves both paramagnetic torque or diamagnetic torque are sufficient to explain everything including fractal regional its.
This channel takes the P MH to the next level. If I am not mistaken the ring magnets are from old used microwaves and so have a dynamic magnetic current infused in them . No need to remove the armature to create a dynamic magnetic pulse. Howard Johnson uncovered one more aspect about polarity that Ed did not refer to although his basic observations were sound and his conclusions justified. That is not to say Howard Johnson put forward a theory . He only peeked peoples interest, .Ed did not refer to the vortex structure in the permanent magnet. We know magnetic materials can be written to and so store complex vortex dynamics, magnetic discs, tapes all testify to that. But magnetic current is what Ed referred to and that current does not have to be uniform in its flux. These devices draw on that pulsating magnetic current to provide the electric mode of magnetic behaviour
So what is commonly called a magnetiser/demagnetiser is what Ed called a PMH. However it is not the device Ed was drawing attention to but the permanent magnetic current set up in the armed PMH..the PMH can store magnetic current as a capacitor supposedly stores electric charge. Both a PMH and a capacitor discharge a so called electric current., but I say as does Ed they discharge a magnetic current, in fact a diamagnetic current. Because it is diamagnetic the Faraday magnetic field lines spread out into the dielectric materialcreating a build up of material tension and expansionThe discharge of a capacitor is the relaxation of this material tension, in so doing it concentrates the lines of magnetic current making them now paramagnetic lines of Force and inducing polarised ferromagnetic behaviour in a MASING force creating a MPASEMC magnetic pulse amplification by stimulated emission of magnetic current, or as ED called it a PMH.
In explaining electric energy Eric Dollard relies upon the classical magnetostatic and electrostatic theory. In that theory inductance is stored in a shorted out inductor in perpetuity , while it is stored in an open circuit capacitor in perpetuity. In addition all materials have inductance and capacitance to a characteristic degree. . Now in the PMH Ed showed how a magnetic current is store in perpetuity in an OPEN inductor circuit provided the inductor is shorted or as we say armed.
When the inductor is disarmed we see a dissipating current in the coils when a bulb is placed in it. But according to Eric we should have a perpetual current in the coils.
So has anyone tried charging the PMH then shorti g the wires of the coil( that is, just connecting them)? Can anyone tell me what happens?
Very interesting. It of course presents mechanical problems if the magnetic particles are not a plasma . If the particles are a plasma there are problems characterising the magnetic status of an individual particle! Particle description is wholly inadequate.
However, this set up can be described in terms of a Masing or Lasing device, where the internal reflection keeps the coherent “beam within the device, and the accelerating primary is the Masing “pump” or stimulator . The secondary coil would be the receiver , and here I switch models to the NMR device structure.
The secondary coil will be stimulated but at the current level of u derstanding that would be attributed to magnetic inductance by the primary coil!
NMR demonstrates without a doubt that a magnetic contribution from the accelerated plasma can be expected.
Now switch to the P M H device. Is the wiring in this device conducive to sustaining a magnetic current in and through the Plasma?
The situation requires further investigation and experimentation.
Here the current methodology is to quantise the electrical input as a quantum particle described by the Planck constant and frequency and then to deal with the characterisation statistically/probabilstically. The characterisation is then manipulated to give a statistical and probabilistic outcome and it is this that the data is compared to.
It’s mathmagic! And of course it is described as highly accurate! We are told Quantum Mechanics has not yet failed to give accurate results! When you look at it really it is all statistics and possibly mostly damn lies!😂
Any way the PMH is a foundational anchor in understanding magnetodynamic sin the universe,
Look carefully and you will see the fundamental but schematic pmh that underpins this theoretical machinery. The 2 interconnecting loops of vectors one called electric current the other magnetic flux( ie current)
So before I get into any problems with the quantum description of electromagnetic wave, that was seen in the video above, I want to point out the difficulties of using sine waves to explain diffraction . The problem arises when you look at the reflection through a large gap. From the video you can see that the interference pattern of the so-called sinewaves at a point actually lead to a curve in the phases of the sine waves. So, according to this explanation, we do not get a plane wave coming through a large gap. Another exclamations diffraction only occurs at the edges of the large gap. So the exclamation of why a single select create an interference pattern in this particular video is incorrect.
How do you get a plane wave from an infinite number of point sources? The video and also the common way to deal with this problem is to ignore it. The difficulty is glided over or finessed. In fact the difficulty was addressed by Feynman . If one assumes that the Huygen point. Source is a valid way of arriving at the diffraction patterns and the wave patterns of light, The question is how does light then propagate in a forward manner?
The problem is sold, if one uses Rayleigh waves. Feynman of course use the common notion of a Sine wave and was unable to remove it from the necessary spherical nature of the propagation for. Source. However Rayleigh waves and love waves deal with this as you quite effectively. They propagate a wave in a forward direction and do so by moving the point source in a circular orbit. In fact the way propagates in a spherical orbit and even though it is theoretically proven that radiowave cannot propagate in a horizontal direction to its motion of propagation, this is a mistake due to the over reliance on the mathematics. Rayleigh and love waves propagate in all three dimensions but according to the sine functions of the expression. This sine parts of the solutions are typically ignored as the imaginary part of the calculation. This is because the imaginary part of the calculation is misnamed.
I have dealt with the quarter turn quantity in the calculation is in previous posts, I will explain it again in a later post. The point here is, that the railway of oscillates within its region and when it meets a sweet or a gap in oscillates within the gap until it meets a Boundry line, as it meets the Boundry the edge of the gap, it then causes the diffraction patterns and wave patterns to occur. In the meantime, in open space the really observations create a plane way.
The Rayleigh wave actually travels through the interior of a body in a compressed fall. The amplitude of the Rayleigh wave dissipates and deeper into the body it is travelling through so for depths below the surface level of a material ready wave appears as a compression wave, as the forward compression motion is emphasised over the transverse motion of the Rayleigh wave .
Because of this the rainy wave appears as a compression wave in a medium, and spread out spherically in a compression format. However when the railway wave meet a surface or a change in the surface condition it will form an amplitude or a change in their amplitude of the wave .
This is an electrified dielectric object. It is called a capacitor. Another electrified dielectric object that is called an inductor. A capacitor can store energy for much longer than inductor can. An inductor is a dynamic store of energy whereas the capacitor can store energy when it is not connected to a capacitor circuit. However, Ed Leedskalnin showed that if you make an inductor into a U-shaped loop then the inductor can store energy when that loop is magnetically closed with a bar when it is not connected to the circuit. This inductor which stores energy is called a PMH
A capacitor stores its energy in a dielectric. A PMH stores its energy in the magnetic current in the magnetic material. The ferromagnetic material is also a dielectric but it is a very poor one. It is therefore necessary for the ferromagnetic material to take the form of a closed loop. When in the form of a close loop the energy circulates around the ferro magnetic material in what Ed Leedskalnin called a magnetic current.
If we connect capacity to a PMH we should expect an oscillating Or alternating current flow in the circuit until it disappears.
This gives insight into what happens in the battery. The battery stores energy in both these forms within the chemical reactions that occur within the battery. However, as we know,a battery is not needed to charge a capacitor inductor circuit. We could use a generator.
Thus we can see that Energy can be stored within the PMH or within a capacitor which is a dielectric form in which the dielectric is a poor conductors or it can be stored within a PMH or it can be stored in a capacitor inductor circuit itself. The implications for transformer design, and transformers within any electric circuit, great . This means that if a transformer is disconnected from a circuit it will still carry a magnetic correct. Reconnecting such a transformer back into circuit will cause a flow of magnetic charge which could burn out a generator. In addition trying to disconnect a transformer in alternating current circuit will lead to flashback of energy .
The implications for storage of energy in the sun it’s also great. When are PMH is situated within the surface of the sun the magnetic current will flow smoothly. When the PMH breaks the surface of the sun then the magnetic current will form a loop of plasma involving several ferromagnetic / magnetic materials . This loop may discharge violently. We call such discharges coronal mass Ejections.
It also gives a better explanation of the so-called magnetic reconnection. NASA has shown that where so-called magnetic reconnection events occur magnetic bubbles are also present. These magnetic bubbles are what we call PMH . They are closed magnetic loops within the magnetic aether.
And finally, this has great implications for the understanding of plasmoids.
Faraday and Lena and Hall contributed to what is called the Hall effect. .
Maxwell refers to his interest in the Arago effect in the opening pages of his Theory of Electromagnetism .
In most theories the iterative nature of the interaction that is fractal geometry of the introduction is ignored. Worse still it is posited that electricity is the cause of all this behaviour! Whereas we can demonstrate that the electric current generated by a varying magnetic field , we cannot give a clear explanation of how Electric current generates magnetism. Difficulty can be solved by defining the electric current as a different mode of magnetism . That’s because considering it as a magnetic mode we avoid a level of description which is then totally unnecessary .
Exercise your mind
Here is the advert for Arago
These principles applied to the induction motor
And finally why it is a magnetic universe!
Firstly it must be observed that the pole is a surface Boundry future. Paul’s occur at the Boundry of surfaces and represent where the magnetic induction force meets an impedance. Region of impedance can be mapped out by using a surface monitor/probe . The flux density through that surface pro will as the probe is removed delivery in the region of impedance or the poll. The flux density through the probe will map out the structure of the magnetic flux through the different mediums
The capital H field within a solenoid and the B field outside solenoid represent the two different behaviours at the impedance boundary. . If we imagine the flux as a dynamic vortex which propagate in a complete loop within a medium, and we can imagine that when the vortex crosses a Boundry it is diffracted. When this diffracted field meets an impedance Boundry it is further diffracted at the Boundry And this diffraction could result in the concentratin Of the field or the further diffraction . The diffraction of a vortex field is called filamentation.
The question is; can a Diffracted beam be re-combined ?
How does light propagate?
The first mistake is to teach young children and people that light travels in straight lines . The way like troubles is as a radiating disturbance from the point source. The radiating disturbance is A trochoid surface that expands from the point source. A light source or a reflecting source is made up of many point Sources. So the wave front is made up of an interference pattern of spherical Trochoid surfaces.
When this interference pattern hits a surface it is absorbed and then re-transmitted either as a Reflection or as a scattered pattern of light. Where the interference pattern meets a translucent material it becomes absorbed and re-transmitted through the material in the way which we call Refraction.
However if the lightht continues hrough a small openings and in the same medium The interference pattern becomes Diffracted near the Boundary of the small pin hole, The interference pattern is absorbed and re-transmitted at the Boundary, and the retransmission interferes with the existing interference pattern which is passing through. The Result is that the hole becomes a new point source. This source now transmits a complex interference pattern onto a surface which we can interpret as an inverted image.
If instead of a pinhole a small slit is used then the image becomes blurred because the interference pattern from the top of the slit to the bottom of the slip is made up of multiple overlapping point sources. The rotations will therefore interfere in a wavelike motion which we interpret as a blur.
A translucent lens is not a pinhole, however when it focuses the light to a point then the point acts like a point source and so acts like a virtual pinhole.
By focusing to a pin hole the image appears on the screen or Retina. However past that focal point light will continue to expand. The interference pattern becomes increasingly blurred, and the image is lost in a flood of non collimated light. This does not occur in a pinhole camera. The pinhole is fixed so the pattern emerges from a fixed position in space.
Collimator takes a “pinhole focus “ and prevents the light from expanding. It directs the light in a given direction onto a screen.
It is known that certain energetic sources form interference patterns which are too powerful to be focused by any optical lens. In this case a collimator is used to provide multiple point sources. The reduction in power allows the point sources to create an interference pattern which can be detected clearly on the screen. The multiple sources act like a single point source if the diffraction pattern is set up to interfere correctly.
We need to understand the collimating effect of an impedance surface in the magnetic flux
we also need to understand how a translucent lens through its dispersion effect by refraction enables the collimated interference patterns to align correctly in the magnetic flux.
The second refraction in the lens collimates the interference pattern in a certain direction, And those second refraction points sources act as a diffraction grating
How appoint source can be colimated Buy a lens, and why refraction is associated with diffraction.
Absorption and retransmission associated with diffraction at the LHC
So EZ zones I Water actually formulate the moisture particles that change phase. . The EZ zones are structured by magnetic induction. . Electric charge is a magnetic induction effect and mode. . The water in this phase is influenced by the prevailing magnetic environment and so condensation occurs where the magnetic rotation creates a net paramagnetic region, where the net regional structure is diamagnetic the EZ moisture remains in the vapour phase. Low pressures are a net diamagnetic structure and clouds form at the dynamic interface with a magnetic pattern inducing paramagnetism. High pressures are net paramagnetic structures and are thus denser. They connect space weather to ground magnetically. The magnetic induction dynamic is more intense in and around these high pressure cells or rotating columns. EZ water vapour does not condense because it is in a dynamic columnar “flow” where the phase is forming larger structures than water droplets.due to paramagnetic coherence.
The PMH cell in the atmosphere works both ways: space to ground by connection to the sun , and pole / magnetic impedance regions from the ground to atmospheric or near space plasmas that arm or connect the pole/ impedance regions more strongly in a collimated way. The thing to remember about a u shaped magnet is that it is a cross section of a dynamic Leyden jar structure.
Coils are from two fan motors. And two iron rods about a foot long. Hardest part was getting both coils to hang from that 3 foot rod above in balance. Then lift both coils with the two rods,then tap a DC power source.
According to maps the hanging pmh is pointing east to west. The picture on the wall is west in the video.
Which is correct. As the north poles and south poles are equal on both sides of the coils.
Since the PMH has coils, the U-shaped iron is the space where the magnetic field from the coils expands - or rather a guide for it - so the PMH seems to work as a coil.
However, when the PMH is charged and power is disconnected no magnetism is displayed around the iron. That suggests that the individual N/S magnets which make up the magnetic current are induced just once into the iron. It thus seems that the U-shape just guides the individual magnets to keep rotating (probably due to its shape & without any relation to space) thus keeping them permanently slanted within the iron.
In general, the arch seems to be a device that transforms any magnetic current applied to one of its ends into the opposite of said magnetic current on the other end (which is why the PMH works with just 1 coil)...but I might be fooled by the 90 degree angle that the closing bar forms with the U-shape, which again has an effect on the rotation of the magnetic current.
I am pleased to be able to post this video. This is unusual and shows how the electric camp has dominated the magnetic in the electromagnetic theory.
Recently I have learned about impedance in circuits and how inductance leads current. We have astronomical scale magnetic waves/ current heading any so called electric current ie a plasma current.
Note the loss of power to father her magnetic field.
So here in simple terms we see a magnetic structure is formed first followed by a dynamic flow through through the interior of that structure. We do not require particles/ electrons to describe or explain this, waves both paramagnetic torque or diamagnetic torque are sufficient to explain everything including fractal regional its.
This channel takes the P MH to the next level. If I am not mistaken the ring magnets are from old used microwaves and so have a dynamic magnetic current infused in them . No need to remove the armature to create a dynamic magnetic pulse.
Howard Johnson uncovered one more aspect about polarity that Ed did not refer to although his basic observations were sound and his conclusions justified. That is not to say Howard Johnson put forward a theory . He only peeked peoples interest, .Ed did not refer to the vortex structure in the permanent magnet.
We know magnetic materials can be written to and so store complex vortex dynamics, magnetic discs, tapes all testify to that. But magnetic current is what Ed referred to and that current does not have to be uniform in its flux. These devices draw on that pulsating magnetic current to provide the electric mode of magnetic behaviour
So what is commonly called a magnetiser/demagnetiser is what Ed called a PMH. However it is not the device Ed was drawing attention to but the permanent magnetic current set up in the armed PMH..the PMH can store magnetic current as a capacitor supposedly stores electric charge. Both a PMH and a capacitor discharge a so called electric current., but I say as does Ed they discharge a magnetic current, in fact a diamagnetic current. Because it is diamagnetic the Faraday magnetic field lines spread out into the dielectric materialcreating a build up of material tension and expansionThe discharge of a capacitor is the relaxation of this material tension, in so doing it concentrates the lines of magnetic current making them now paramagnetic lines of Force and inducing polarised ferromagnetic behaviour in a MASING force creating a MPASEMC magnetic pulse amplification by stimulated emission of magnetic current, or as ED called it a PMH.
When the inductor is disarmed we see a dissipating current in the coils when a bulb is placed in it. But according to Eric we should have a perpetual current in the coils.
So has anyone tried charging the PMH then shorti g the wires of the coil( that is, just connecting them)?
Can anyone tell me what happens?