These same groups of numbers kept coming back no matter what I did. I tried multiplying jesus w/vowels times jesus w/out values.
Jesus = 27 Jss = 16. 16 x 27 = 432. Again
I tried christ with vowels times w/out vowels
Christ = 32 Chrst = 27 32 x 27 = 864 again.
So now we got Jesus × christ = 864 Jss x chrst = 432 Jesus x jss = 432 Christ x chrst = 864
Come on seriously this CANNOT be a coincidence!!!!!
So If we multiply the individual numbers of only jesus christ first name we get 4,320!!!!!
Jesus 45666 4x5x6x6x6 = 4,320
If we remove the vowels we get Jss 466 4 + 6 + 6 = 16 and when reduced to its single digit = 7
At that point a light bulb went off. Since I had been studying a bunch of vortex mathematics where they consistently talk about how there are only 9 numbers and all other numbers no matter how large the number is, they are still made using only these 9 numbers.
Zero is nothing. My big book of numbers has no zeros. 383,646 numbers use all nine from 1 to 9 only once yet never the same sequence. 123,456,789 to 987,654,321. 1+2+3=6, 4+5+6=6, 7+8+9=6. This is when I understood the six hundred three score six in the bible. Six was the only number in three columns. All other eight were in two columns. 3,6,&9 return 60 times each, the other six return 54 times each. You find every multiple of six up to ten, except six times six. "A" is not equal to "B" and "B" is not equal to "C" and "C" is not equal to "A". Replace A,B,C with one to nine. Man has a first name, a middle name, and a last name. How I sorted the big book of numbers...sum of the first three was first name, sum of second three is the middle name, and sum of the last three is the last name. Why I wasted six weeks calculating nine digit numbers is beyond me. How I have every answer for Sudoku puzzle's. A zero is just a place holder. After nine one's, you have no one's and one in the ten's.. Now if you calculate 0,0,0 to 9,9,9 you get 28 columns of number's. Instead of the 19 column's when zero is omitted. 6 to 24.432 and 864 both are listed on the 504 number return. 4<>3&3<>2&2<>4, 8<>6&6<>4&4<>8. Found it interesting first King's chapter 10 verse 19....0+1,1+0,& 1+9 is right after the bible speaks of the triple six, verse 13. 19 talks about steps leading up to the throne, unlike any mans kingdom. When you see how the numbers sum, you see a throne with arm rests, twelve on this side and 12 on that side, and six steps to the armrests. 6*6*6*2 is 432. I'm honestly surprised no one has made a program to quickly calculate words to numbers.or numbers to words. Simple string replace would work. A=1 & B=2 & C=3 etc. 312. Try it in wordpad. Replace every " A" with "1"... Only issue is numbers in the start with " 1"="0" & "2"=" 0" & "3"=" 0".. Now all numbers are reduced to nothing, and all letters are converted to numbers. Replace spaces with a sum of the letters. Or use space delimited data. Followed by a "." Delimiter...for sum of sentence. Anyways don't have to much fun. Not sure if this image will work.
G11 - that's excellent work that I partly understand. Have you ever noticed how our telephone notepad is set up? Always thought that to be an odd thing. 123=6 456=6 789=6
You mentioned "six hundred three score six".
Revelation 13:18 (KJV) Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
First the verse starts by saying Here is Wisdom. Not here is how you contact satan. Or some kind of other demonic thing, it says HERE IS WISDOM. It ends with "six hundred three score six" not 666. Can anyone guess what "six hundred three score six" equals using numerical values. Yep that's right 108!!!
These are the coincidences that fuel my fire and cant stop until I discover the truth. The number that they have made us scared of, for heavens sake they actually have a medical disorder over the phobia of the number 666. It's amazing to think and realize how much these facts are not coincidental or by chance.
Six hundred three score six equaled 108. You've got to be kidding me.
I always point to first kings and second chronicle's. Speaking of the ten key. Solomon is the name attached to the number 666(for short). Why are two different books in the Bible, chapter number off by one. Read "1 kings 10" & "2 Chronicles 9" how little is different between the two. Finding two copies to read at the same time is hard. But there is a code hidden between the two writings. The different words were the key Numbers chapter 7 verse fourteen. This verse is repeated 12 times every sixth verse...I see 7/14 and 6/12...the ten units of weight is how you make the measuring spoon. Ten units of gold displaces X amount of space. 6*6*6/2 is 108. Bible says "sin tax" calculator's use "syntax".... Knowledge from the byte of a Apple? To do a nine digit checksum, required 72 "AND" statements. If the statement was "TRUE" then it wrote the number down. If the statement was "FALSE" it wrote the number in the other book. All sorted like mans name. And all summed to a root number. Strange it how the numbers in the array change, when you do four digit "STRING$" or five. The 504 roots of three digit numbers is the index for the nine digit will take almost three years to print for free at the library. Or just pay $600.00 to print it all at once, at $0.10 a page. ^^^ ten key ^^^504 index ^^^chapters ^^^ 7 of the 13 pages of data. ^^^ what the array looks like My big mistake was I forgot to put a delimiter in the [key#XYZ], should have been [key#X,Y,Z]....The nine 9's were to show it sumed nine numbers. The 45 is the sum of nine...1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9=45. 1+1+2+3+5+8+1+3+2 does not equal 45..this number changes in the other book of numbers. The nine 9's help with delimiting the data, along with key#. So far I have just been randomly picking numbers off the index to print. Just like ed I left one side of the page blank. If you think you can do better, I left just as much space as I used
Next since "sweet sixteen" matched the numerical value of "jesus christ" I decided to play around with the numbers 432, 864, and 466 on the Index at the beginning of the book
A book in every home 1 9. 6 22-4. 14-5 Containing three subjects 33-6. 28-9. 39-3 Ed's sweet sixteen 15-6. 27-9. 32-5 Domestic and 33-6. 6 Political views 30-3. 25-7 By edward leedskalnin 4. 23-5. 35-8 Published by 39-3. 4 edward leedskalnin 23-5. 35-8 Homestead florida 37-1. 25-7
432 4th word from top = every 3rd from every. = three 2nd from three. = eds
Every = 22-4 Three = 28-1 Ed's = 15-6
There reduced value comes out to 4 1 6 which is added together = 11/2. Or the beginning of the fibonacci sequence. Remember in domestic the first 6 words equaled 108, The foundation of = 4 1 6 if we remove the vowels And the second 3 words = our physical and Which with vowels = 4 1 6. I keep running into to 416 or 461 or 614 or 641 or145 or 164. Just a funny note. The great flood in the bible it genesis 6:14
432 = every=4 three=1 ed's=6 Its kind of like a direction. So maybe it says EVERY 1 6.
Well ED. L. did build coral castle for his "sweet sixteen"
But then I tried spelling out the apostrophe in Ed's name. Three. = 28 / 1 Edapostrophes = 55 / 1 When added. = 83 / 2(8+3=11. 1+1=2) Does it say EVERY 1 1 2 the beginning of the sequence
Zero is nothing. My big book of numbers has no zeros. 383,646 numbers use all nine from 1 to 9 only once yet never the same sequence. 123,456,789 to 987,654,321. 1+2+3=6, 4+5+6=6, 7+8+9=6. This is when I understood the six hundred three score six in the bible. Six was the only number in three columns. All other eight were in two columns. 3,6,&9 return 60 times each, the other six return 54 times each. You find every multiple of six up to ten, except six times six. "A" is not equal to "B" and "B" is not equal to "C" and "C" is not equal to "A". Replace A,B,C with one to nine. Man has a first name, a middle name, and a last name. How I sorted the big book of numbers...sum of the first three was first name, sum of second three is the middle name, and sum of the last three is the last name. Why I wasted six weeks calculating nine digit numbers is beyond me. How I have every answer for Sudoku puzzle's. A zero is just a place holder. After nine one's, you have no one's and one in the ten's.. Now if you calculate 0,0,0 to 9,9,9 you get 28 columns of number's. Instead of the 19 column's when zero is omitted. 6 to 24.432 and 864 both are listed on the 504 number return. 4<>3&3<>2&2<>4, 8<>6&6<>4&4<>8. Found it interesting first King's chapter 10 verse 19....0+1,1+0,& 1+9 is right after the bible speaks of the triple six, verse 13. 19 talks about steps leading up to the throne, unlike any mans kingdom. When you see how the numbers sum, you see a throne with arm rests, twelve on this side and 12 on that side, and six steps to the armrests. 6*6*6*2 is 432. I'm honestly surprised no one has made a program to quickly calculate words to numbers.or numbers to words. Simple string replace would work. A=1 & B=2 & C=3 etc. 312. Try it in wordpad. Replace every " A" with "1"... Only issue is numbers in the start with " 1"="0" & "2"=" 0" & "3"=" 0".. Now all numbers are reduced to nothing, and all letters are converted to numbers. Replace spaces with a sum of the letters. Or use space delimited data. Followed by a "." Delimiter...for sum of sentence. Anyways don't have to much fun. Not sure if this image will work.
Does it matter what version of the bible you're using? One of my interests are the Books of Moses. Geneva for an English variant
Yes, the copy does matter....find the word "marshmallows". Only have one book called "bible" that has that word. Have many books called "the Bible". The 666, or six hundred sixty six, six hundred three score six...alien's verses strangers...plumblines verses plummets. Chapiter's not chapter's... Four points you find " diamonds" Jeremiah 17:1 sounds like a rca phonograph. The "heart" circulates. Rod of iron with a diamond point. Recorded....Mathew 17:21 is it there? Some bibles omit this verse. 20 is there then 22 but no 21. So yes older copies are better than newer copies. Most are incomplete.
Back in 2014, I had a professor tell me a computer could not calculate the problem they had with root numbers. At first I told them there must be a error in your syntax logic. I soon realized the challenge. A computer sees 125 as "125" ...after about two weeks, I got thinking of "clock logic" 1 to 12, 1 to 60, and 1 to 60. And all the if H=12 & M=60 THEN H=1..... So if I change H to A and M to B and S to C then adjust the range of the nested loop to 1 to the computer could add A+B+C...if the sum of ABC is => than ten(equal to or greater than), then I use a function called "string split" which will take part of a you also need a statement checking the sum of of ABC is not 100 or greater..if I only take the first character from the left of "125" ABC now is "25". And " 1" is variable ST1, now I can string trim again with variable ST2 now the computer can add ABC+ST1+ST2...this last way is using a simple count of zero to 999. Takes longer than the nested loop route with variables A,B,C, instead of ABC equals 0 to 999.then seeing if above ten below 100..then splitting the string once or twice. Some counts have zero, others do not. I just lack a computer to write the automated scripts. Then there are the platform issues. Xp,vista,10. Apple IBM. Blah.
Which comes first when numbering letters alpha numeric order. A "Z" should be 26 and a "9" 36.2+6=8,3+6=9. This is a issue of base nine verses base ten. Base ten has zeros. Less numbers using base nine, 1 to 999. How many zeros are there between 0 and 999 using base ten?, a simple X=X+1 before the NEXT will tell how many times it made a loop.0 to 999 using zero is one thousand steps.X starts at zero, so the first time through the loop X=1,0+1=1..
So this is why I started counting. I am more than happy to share the syntax I used. Thirty years I have asked about the number of the beast. Iron maiden is the reason I started reading Bible's. Started in Revelation's... Then later got around to "in the beginning"... As far as looking for words. That was back in 2009, kept hearing a voice saying look for things. The diamonds had me confused... I was looking around myself for a broken diamond. Found one, then it lead me to another clue, that clue pointed me to church. Then I found the image, I was told to find in a book. This showed me how time had distorted the image and that's why things did not align correctly. The scroll had stretched over time. It was no longer a perfect circle. I guess this is why they set things in stone. Granted hammer smashes rock, written record is destroyed. Imagine cutting audio into a stone pillar. Now it gets sand blasted for a thousand years...what would be left of the recording? Smooth pillar? Ed's 10 ton door, should prove a large object can pivot easily. Not sure how you would write sound on a stone. I know how it is done on wax.
The title "the holy bible" when given numerical value has very interesting totals also. The holy bible
The = 18 - 9 Holy = 12 - 3 Bible = 16 - 7 -------------------- The word bible when added up = 16 and reduces to 7. For all that have read Ed's words he says a very strange sentence in the book. I want a girl that's sixteen almost seven - teen. 16-7?. Well 16 x 7 = 112. 18 + 12 + 16 = 46/1 9 + 3 + 7 = 19/1
So the title of the holy bible has 46/1 again? If the reduced numbers are added together it equals the alpha and omega of the fibonacci sequence.
Rolf :You wait, little girl, on an empty stage For fate to turn the light on (light on) Your life, little girl, is an empty page That men will want to write on..
Liesl: To write on..
You are sixteen going on seventeen Baby, it's time to think Better beware, be canny and careful Baby, you're on the brink
You are sixteen going on seventeen Fellows will fall in line Eager young lads and rogues and cads Will offer you food and wine.
Rolf :You wait, little girl, on an empty stage For fate to turn the light on (light on) Your life, little girl, is an empty page That men will want to write on..
Liesl: To write on..
You are sixteen going on seventeen Baby, it's time to think Better beware, be canny and careful Baby, you're on the brink
You are sixteen going on seventeen Fellows will fall in line Eager young lads and rogues and cads Will offer you food and wine
Totally unprepared are you To face a world of men Timid and shy and scared are you Of things beyond your kin
You need someone older and wiser Telling you what to do I am seventeen going on eighteen I'll take care of you
Liesl :I am sixteen going on seventeen I know that I'm naive Fellows I meet may tell me I'm sweet And willingly I'll believe
I am sixteen going on seventeen Innocent as a rose Bachelor dandies, drinkers of brandies What do I know of those?
Totally unprepared am I To face a world of men Timid and shy and scared am I Of things beyond my kin
I need someone older and wiser Telling me what to do You are seventeen going on eighteen I'll depend on you...
Image that ed put in the book. It has something hidden in plain sight. The fibonacci sequence is derived from the Golden Ratio other words known as PHI. Turn your phone slightly sideways and you can clearly see the letters "Fi". Sound it out Phi or Fi.... The shack looking thing in the center spells "Fi" when you turn the picture 90 degrees clockwise.....
abit of a newby to this but agree to frequency, just looking at front cover of a book in every and the stone shaped like moon or spanner depends on who looking at it but i have a big metal spanner same shape and when you bump it , the spanner rings like a tuning folk , has any body bumped that stone/stones ??? big tuning forks. think that was a big tool in edward's tool kit
THE ANNU NAZI the Nu me ral A ma trix is A py ra mid 01 23456789 the cal endar cal cu la tor gets changed tw ice by ceasar then gregori the Sumer ians calendar where ma th comes from..A circle is 360° not 365 thats trickery. 1ltr of water = 1kg not 1.5kgs...Its not ROCK et science its basic math not trickery drip drip drip all the other primary shapes come from inside that CIRCLE 360° and the "distributor points around it" ... you need to realize words some times have 2 meanings "Definitions" Aday 360°/24= 15° the Ear th rotates 15°every hour 2turns of the 12hr clock
Ayear 360°/12=30 12 month of 30 equal days every degree equals 1 day
Aweek is 360°/52=6.92307692308 x 4= 27.6923076923.......4.28571428571 x 7=30 365/52=7.01923076923 x 4= 28.0769230769
Age 3600/12=300 "The 300"
36 MOON NIN- khursag 360 EAR TH enki 3600 the sun enlil the des troy er 36000 galaxy nummu 360000 Universe "ANNU" NAZI god of all gods circles of all circles THE CUP the ACE that holds all the cards and a deck of cards doesnt have a 1????????
................UNIVERSE .................GALAXY ....................SUN the rotation comes from the EAST ..................MOON ................... E eys ....................! ....................! ear iN=====A===== Si ear the A or 0 is the Arc point the eveOadam make an atom .................1ea1 ................1eea1 ...............1eeaa1 ..............1eeeaa1 .............1eeeaaa1 ............1eeeeaaa1 ...........1eeeeaaaa1 ..........1eeeeeaaaa1 ....................W mouth YOUR BRAIN HAS A NORTH AND SOUTH HEMI SPHERE If i stand directly on the nO point Os i will not be moving?????i wonder why the nazi took control of the poles??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? they already KNOW THIS STUFF we are wasting our TIME the 16 eds waiting for is the MOON 36 MOON NIN- khursag if you look at the moon what do you see? I see a SUPERMAN AND A SUPERWOMAN 100% male and 100% female I also see a young lady with a smile that gets old and menopausal becomes sad then dies and then is reborn A VIRGIN BABY from the day the new moon arrives by day 16 or 17 she is as good as she will ever be.. STEP OUTSIDE THE KINGS MATRIX the EYE OF HORUS comes from A circle with other circle inside overlapping a center circle all other primary shapes come from that.. i loved graphics in school The age of Aquarius the age intell igence we are all curious Note the NAZI on horses he is balanced then the wheel moves and his legs go out and his arms go up THE STAR JUMP i think we are now in the age of retardness either that or im just a Genius that knows the book Geni Uses intell i gence """"In ear and a mouth OUT"""
I tried multiplying jesus w/vowels times
jesus w/out values.
Jesus = 27
Jss = 16.
16 x 27 = 432. Again
I tried christ with vowels times w/out vowels
Christ = 32
Chrst = 27
32 x 27 = 864 again.
So now we got
Jesus × christ = 864
Jss x chrst = 432
Jesus x jss = 432
Christ x chrst = 864
Come on seriously this CANNOT be a coincidence!!!!!
So If we multiply the individual numbers of only jesus christ first name we get 4,320!!!!!
4x5x6x6x6 = 4,320
If we remove the vowels we get
4 + 6 + 6 = 16 and when reduced to its single digit = 7
At that point a light bulb went off.
Since I had been studying a bunch of vortex mathematics where they consistently talk about how there are only 9 numbers and all other numbers no matter how large the number is, they are still made using only these 9 numbers.
Not sure if this image will work.
Have you ever noticed how our telephone notepad is set up? Always thought that to be an odd thing.
You mentioned "six hundred three score six".
Revelation 13:18 (KJV) Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
First the verse starts by saying Here is Wisdom. Not here is how you contact satan. Or some kind of other demonic thing, it says HERE IS WISDOM.
It ends with "six hundred three score six" not 666.
Can anyone guess what "six hundred three score six" equals using numerical values. Yep that's right 108!!!
The number that they have made us scared of, for heavens sake they actually have a medical disorder over the phobia of the number 666.
It's amazing to think and realize how much these facts are not coincidental or by chance.
Six hundred three score six equaled 108. You've got to be kidding me.
^^^ ten key
^^^504 index
^^^ 7 of the 13 pages of data.
^^^ what the array looks like
My big mistake was I forgot to put a delimiter in the [key#XYZ], should have been [key#X,Y,Z]....The nine 9's were to show it sumed nine numbers. The 45 is the sum of nine...1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9=45. 1+1+2+3+5+8+1+3+2 does not equal 45..this number changes in the other book of numbers. The nine 9's help with delimiting the data, along with key#. So far I have just been randomly picking numbers off the index to print. Just like ed I left one side of the page blank. If you think you can do better, I left just as much space as I used
A book in every home
1 9. 6 22-4. 14-5
Containing three subjects
33-6. 28-9. 39-3
Ed's sweet sixteen
15-6. 27-9. 32-5
Domestic and
33-6. 6
Political views
30-3. 25-7
By edward leedskalnin
4. 23-5. 35-8
Published by
39-3. 4
edward leedskalnin
23-5. 35-8
Homestead florida
37-1. 25-7
4th word from top = every
3rd from every. = three
2nd from three. = eds
Every = 22-4
Three = 28-1
Ed's = 15-6
There reduced value comes out to 4 1 6 which is added together = 11/2. Or the beginning of the fibonacci sequence.
Remember in domestic the first 6 words equaled 108,
The foundation of = 4 1 6 if we remove the vowels
And the second 3 words = our physical and
Which with vowels = 4 1 6.
I keep running into to 416 or 461 or 614 or 641 or145 or 164.
Just a funny note. The great flood in the bible it genesis 6:14
Its kind of like a direction.
So maybe it says
EVERY 1 6.
Well ED. L. did build coral castle for his "sweet sixteen"
But then I tried spelling out
the apostrophe in Ed's name.
Three. = 28 / 1
Edapostrophes = 55 / 1
When added. = 83 / 2(8+3=11. 1+1=2)
Does it say
EVERY 1 1 2 the beginning of the sequence
One of my interests are the Books of Moses. Geneva for an English variant
Where did you get the idea to count?
Which comes first when numbering letters alpha numeric order. A "Z" should be 26 and a "9" 36.2+6=8,3+6=9. This is a issue of base nine verses base ten. Base ten has zeros. Less numbers using base nine, 1 to 999. How many zeros are there between 0 and 999 using base ten?, a simple X=X+1 before the NEXT will tell how many times it made a loop.0 to 999 using zero is one thousand steps.X starts at zero, so the first time through the loop X=1,0+1=1..
So this is why I started counting. I am more than happy to share the syntax I used. Thirty years I have asked about the number of the beast. Iron maiden is the reason I started reading Bible's. Started in Revelation's... Then later got around to "in the beginning"... As far as looking for words. That was back in 2009, kept hearing a voice saying look for things. The diamonds had me confused... I was looking around myself for a broken diamond. Found one, then it lead me to another clue, that clue pointed me to church. Then I found the image, I was told to find in a book. This showed me how time had distorted the image and that's why things did not align correctly. The scroll had stretched over time. It was no longer a perfect circle. I guess this is why they set things in stone. Granted hammer smashes rock, written record is destroyed. Imagine cutting audio into a stone pillar. Now it gets sand blasted for a thousand years...what would be left of the recording? Smooth pillar? Ed's 10 ton door, should prove a large object can pivot easily. Not sure how you would write sound on a stone. I know how it is done on wax.
The holy bible
The = 18 - 9
Holy = 12 - 3
Bible = 16 - 7
The word bible when added up = 16 and reduces to 7.
For all that have read Ed's words he says a very strange sentence in the book.
I want a girl that's sixteen almost seven - teen.
Well 16 x 7 = 112.
18 + 12 + 16 = 46/1
9 + 3 + 7 = 19/1
So the title of the holy bible has 46/1 again?
If the reduced numbers are added together it equals the alpha and omega of the fibonacci sequence.
That line is famous...
For fate to turn the light on (light on)
Your life, little girl, is an empty page
That men will want to write on..
Liesl: To write on..
You are sixteen going on seventeen
Baby, it's time to think
Better beware, be canny and careful
Baby, you're on the brink
You are sixteen going on seventeen
Fellows will fall in line
Eager young lads and rogues and cads
Will offer you food and wine.
Rolf :You wait, little girl, on an empty stage
For fate to turn the light on (light on)
Your life, little girl, is an empty page
That men will want to write on..
Liesl: To write on..
You are sixteen going on seventeen
Baby, it's time to think
Better beware, be canny and careful
Baby, you're on the brink
You are sixteen going on seventeen
Fellows will fall in line
Eager young lads and rogues and cads
Will offer you food and wine
Totally unprepared are you
To face a world of men
Timid and shy and scared are you
Of things beyond your kin
You need someone older and wiser
Telling you what to do
I am seventeen going on eighteen
I'll take care of you
Liesl :I am sixteen going on seventeen
I know that I'm naive
Fellows I meet may tell me I'm sweet
And willingly I'll believe
I am sixteen going on seventeen
Innocent as a rose
Bachelor dandies, drinkers of brandies
What do I know of those?
Totally unprepared am I
To face a world of men
Timid and shy and scared am I
Of things beyond my kin
I need someone older and wiser
Telling me what to do
You are seventeen going on eighteen
I'll depend on you...
the cal endar cal cu la tor gets changed tw ice by ceasar then gregori
the Sumer ians calendar where ma th comes from..A circle is 360° not 365 thats trickery. 1ltr of water = 1kg not 1.5kgs...Its not ROCK et science its basic math not trickery drip drip drip all the other primary shapes come from inside that CIRCLE 360° and the "distributor points around it" ... you need to realize words some times have 2 meanings "Definitions"
360°/24= 15° the Ear th rotates 15°every hour 2turns of the 12hr clock
360°/12=30 12 month of 30 equal days every degree equals 1 day
Aweek is
360°/52=6.92307692308 x 4= 27.6923076923.......4.28571428571 x 7=30
365/52=7.01923076923 x 4= 28.0769230769
3600/12=300 "The 300"
36 MOON NIN- khursag
360 EAR TH enki
3600 the sun enlil the des troy er
36000 galaxy nummu
360000 Universe "ANNU" NAZI god of all gods circles of all circles THE CUP the ACE that holds all the cards and a deck of cards doesnt have a 1????????
....................SUN the rotation comes from the EAST
................... E eys
ear iN=====A===== Si ear the A or 0 is the Arc point the eveOadam make an atom
....................W mouth
If i stand directly on the nO point Os i will not be moving?????i wonder why the nazi
took control of the poles???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
they already KNOW THIS STUFF we are wasting our TIME
the 16 eds waiting for is the MOON
36 MOON NIN- khursag if you look at the moon what do you see?
I see a SUPERMAN AND A SUPERWOMAN 100% male and 100% female
I also see a young lady with a smile that gets old and menopausal becomes sad then dies and then is reborn A VIRGIN BABY from the day the new moon arrives by day 16 or 17 she is as good as she will ever be.. STEP OUTSIDE THE KINGS MATRIX
the EYE OF HORUS comes from A circle with other circle inside overlapping a center circle all other primary shapes come from that.. i loved graphics in school
The age of Aquarius the age intell igence we are all curious Note the NAZI on horses
he is balanced then the wheel moves and his legs go out and his arms go up THE STAR JUMP
i think we are now in the age of retardness either that or im just a Genius that knows the book Geni Uses
intell i gence """"In ear and a mouth OUT"""