@boxerlego In the current regime you can quote the post, make the correction and repost. Then flag the old post and ask Martin to remove it .
Very good point to highlight. This Cosmic Force is so ubiquitous that many discount it from their thinking, and yet the sun as an example of its power is best explained by magnetic behaviour! To focus on gravity, electric and nec,Lear weak and strong forces is to obscure the mysterious obvious : magnetic behaviour.
When Current Reverse they revers the magnet poles in the coil.
So when you disconnect the Battery from the PMH the Currents are now Reverse and The poles on the PMH become the Opposite Polarity.
This point deserves attention. When the PMH is fed with reversed electrical polarity, obviously it has the inverted magnetic poles.
However, when it does not happen is switched off these: when you open the circuit the two coils by users become generators. The electrical polarity is inverted but the current always circulate in the same direction. It "should" circulates, because the circuit is open.
In electrical engineering and in electrical measurements for a user component, the positive is where the current enters, the negative where it exits. For a generator instead is the opposite, the positive is where the current exits, the negative where it enters. Obviously, I speak of a single current, as we know the currents are two, said Ed.
During shutdown the two coils, which are also two inductances, discharging. In discharging coils dump the current from what was negative, so that now becomes positive. And vice versa. This can be monitored with a voltmeter placed in parallel, which will show a sign change in tension. The current in the coils circulate always in the same direction as before.
There is therefore no reversal of the magnetic poles at shutdown. If this happens, immediately disconnect the keeper. In the coming days I hope to get the video to explain better.
When I read Eds Statement I quoted above I usually think of the Collapsing Magnetic Field or Back EMF that has to do with the Polarity reversal in the coil.
When I read Eds Statement I quoted above I usually think of the Collapsing Magnetic Field or Back EMF that has to do with the Polarity reversal in the coil.
I went to re-read that passage. It speaks of the use of a permanent magnet U-shaped and a coil for generating current... In that example Ed explains that in the inner stage from esternal to the prongs the current passes in one direction. Arrived at the center between the prongs is canceled and by the prongs to external (other side) changes polarity. This is also the reason why the alternating current that comes into our homes reverses polarity... Because rotating generators carry out a similar action 60 times a second... Or 50, as I have in europe.
Even the coils of PMH produce two currents, when starting up and shutting down. Both of the opposite direction. However, the first current tries to win the supply current, but did not succeed. (It is opposed to the flux.) The second current tries to keep the magnetic flux that is disappearing. So the current in PMH always rotates in the same direction.
I got to make a correction with my previous post above, I didn't notice the error until this morning, What I should have wrote is When you Watch The Physicist in the Video you will see that when he hits The Bar that is align with the Earth's Magnetic Field with a Hammer It will align itself with Earth's Magnetic Field.
@boxerlego You should be able to edit the original post now.
Ed conceives of a magnetic current ( 2 intertwining currents) in the material. It is posited that electric behaviour if it is a current only penetrates the surface of a material! Slightly! . Thus an electric current if there is such flows in the dielectric material used to insulate!
This is an important distinction because so called current flow within the conductor inductor is considered to be at a drift velocity no where near the speed of light! The electric behaviour outside the wire is depicted as dominant, although theoretically it in a 1:1 ratio with the magnetic behaviour . What appears to flow around the conductor inductor is called electromagnetism. The units that measure this are different in order of magnitude to electrostatic units, so that is another reason why electric representations might dominate.
Now I do not think in terms of a current but rather in terms of standing wave oscillations with differing phases that consequently move relative to each other in a reciprocating way: alternating current!
The establishment of this dynamic structure is thus a key moment as is the switching off and subsequent dying back or disestablishment of this structure .
In this scenario, magnetism is the dominant behaviour with the surface effects being magnetism in a different mode dependent on frequency. The motion of ions within the material is secondary to the coherent oscillations they carry at near the speed of light or beyond.
While Skymions are an obvious candidate for structuring these " ions" in material that has yet to be determined and requires materiality to be rethought . The atomistic point of view essentially has to be replaced by a Boscovichian force dynamic.
Hello. Here I try to summarize my comments on the PMH after my experiments.
The behavior of the PMH is absolutely regular in the ignition phase and when it is armed. At this stage all magnetic dipoles present in the U-shaped core and the keeper follow the direction induced by the magnetic flux that proceeds... So the North to the South and vice versa. This is evident in my photos posted by the verses of compasses.
At shutdown a peculiar thing happens ... And here is the particularity of the phenomenon ... Some magnetic dipoles remain permanently aligned as forcing the magnetic flux. These represent a minority and involve the residual magnetization due to hysteresis. In all the material, both in the core that in the keeper the majority of magnetic dipoles return to their original natural posizion...
Except in the vicinity of the junctions between the core and keeper.
Exact. In the vicinity of the junctions remains a very similar orientation to that induced by the flux. And it is quite logical: the dipoles of the core can not return to their original position even if the keeper's dipoles do not. This leaves to look north against south in a joint and in the other south against the north. As it happens in an electrical capacitor. That's why in my photos compasses have the opposite direction. Because compasses feel the magnetic field in the keeper which was previously dominated by the flux. The compasses no longer indicate the flux direction, but the keeper's dipoles, which is contrary to that of the core. Until that keeper remains undisturbed the phenomenon is preserved indefinitely.
When the keeper is removed the dipoles finally free tend to return (some) to their original position... This action, which takes place fast, involves within the core a magnetic backlash... This makes for an instant variation of the magnetic field in the core and to the law of Faraday-Neumann-Lenz a variation of the magnetic field corresponds to a variation of the voltage on the outside of the coils. This phenomenon lasts a moment, in that moment you turn on the light bulb.
These are my conclusions ... That also corresponds to the video posted by @Barau_R_Tour where Gauss probe reveals very high magnetic fields in the vicinity of the nuts joints...
These are my conclusions, tell me yours... Greetings.
@Il_Pianista80 Some very nice observations . To demonstrate your explanation please use a very precise versorium, not a gauss meter . Establish a precision set up so distinctions can be confirmed , without moving the PMH . Have the power source and switch well away from the PMH and shield any wires magnetically. If possible de magnetise the iron core and keeper before each test run . Ensure that the test set up is aligned on the east west axis, and stand the PMH upright so the north seeking pole and the south seeking pole are in equilibrium with the earths polarity.
Junctions as you may know are of crucial importance in electronic devices. Radio signals are detected by cat whisker junctions, semi conductor devices operate by thin crystal planar junctions, and so called electrostatic behaviour occurs in the surface region as active surface phenomena. My contention is that these are different modes of magnetic behaviour in materials.
The notion of a current within a material as a particle flow is thus very questionable, un my opinion, but I observe a mass movement in fluids with low viscosity, and appreciate where Ampere was coming from in positing currents or "courantes".
Magnetic particles, or dipole moments conceived as particles are also useful but questionable models, but they at least enable dynamic changes to occur by phase, frequency and amplitude of material disturbance.
Within an electrical capacitor, ivor Catt has demonstrated a reciprocating voltage interaction , that in time dissipates in a step wise fashion . There is no decay signal( as expected) in his results, indicating that decay is possibly a quantised phenomenon as the capacitor discharges.
While Ivor's work is phenomenally important the measurements he has made have in fact been done to a great deal of precision among the nuclear magnetic resonance people who of course promote their own favoured interpretation .
As I have pointed out it favours a fundamental magnetic explanation but based on a supposed fundamental electric current cause! It is this cause I see as unnecessary because it can be understood as a mode of magnetic behaviour .
I am still interested to see the results of a proposed experiment. Set a Carr battery / battery in the east west latitude so that the positive is to the east and the negative is to the west. Take a wire ong enough to connect the terminals after a single loop with enough resistance so as to not short circuit the battery. Face the loop on the north south latitude. Check the polarity of the loop if the wire crosses in front or behind on that latitude., ie starting on the east loop the wire so that it comes to the south of the beginning of the loop before ending in the west . Do the same set up with the wire coming to the north of the beginning of the loop .
Of course you may do as many loops as you wish to enhance the effect . Run a second set of observations with the loop containing a conducting metal core( iron , copper, aluminium, cobalt, nickel etc)
Clearly you may run the observations changing the alignments of the battery and the loop .
In this experiment he tries to explain the generation of a spark by a moving magnet through a coil of copper wire. Rather than explaining electric currents it demonstrates a moving magnetic current generating a magnetic current in a coil.
The point that a closed circuit is necessary does not prove electric current but the difficulty of dispersing magnetic current out of. Filamentary structure.
Magnetic current floes through all materiality but with different effects. The pointed ends of the magnetic wire would register a large dissipation I to the air. At a high enough frequency a spark or visible discharge will be observed. Without the sharp points the magnetic current runs around the circuit decaying exponentially .
Copper is diamagnetic so instead of inducing a paramagnetic response a diamagnet repulsive response is induced. The paramagnetic response is attractive not repulsive.
Magnetic current flowing through liquid oxygen . The thermal magnetic energy in the environment is dominated by the local magnetic current and o the liquid oxygen dissipates slowly with the exiting magnetic faraday tubes.
3 curved permanent magnets in the stator( the u of the PMH) are Not placed at 120° but slightly adjusted according to the mnon uniform spacing on the ror. . The rotor has a spacing between the magnets that decreases geometrically. It is repeated 3 times on the rotor so that the curved magnets are positioned as shown. Alternatively if the rotor has only one pattern then the curved stator magnets have to be slightly adjusted to interact as shown .
The stator magnets do not lie in the same plane but in a spiral or helix pattern around the rotor magnet train
Hello. Here I try to summarize my comments on the PMH after my experiments.
The behavior of the PMH is absolutely regular in the ignition phase and when it is armed. At this stage all magnetic dipoles present in the U-shaped core and the keeper follow the direction induced by the magnetic flux that proceeds... So the North to the South and vice versa. This is evident in my photos posted by the verses of compasses.
These dipoles are of domains in the materiality. They are modelled theoretically by Skymions which are interacting magnetic vortices. These vortices are examples( theoretical but consistent with the data) of Faraday magnetic tubes. Faraday magnetic tubes are an alternative description of what is referred to by flux.
This flux is induced by ome external process. The magnetic faraday tubes that surround nd infuse the earth are induced by the sun, and the earth and sun induce this level of density in the magnetic flux in certain materials ( iron, nickel, cobalt ) more than others,
The materiality determines whether paramagnetic or diamagnetic induction occurs.
Arming the PMH induces Masing within the core . The ends or poles form an impedance barrier at which some of the flux (faraday magnetic tubes ) is reflected. This reciprocating loop amplifies by resonance , increasing the magnetic faraday tubes that escape at each end.
Because the poles are close the loop is pronounced and preserved. Placing a closing bar (keeper)concentrates this flux loop of faraday magnetic tubes.
The junction however oscillates at its own impedance frequency , and trapping its own faraday magnetic tube reciprocating system within its two occurrences.
The junction acts as a magnetic diode, allowing one polarity to enter but not to leave except by the second junction. Which way that happens defines paramagnetic and diamagnetic.
At shutdown a peculiar thing happens ... And here is the particularity of the phenomenon ... Some magnetic dipoles remain permanently aligned as forcing the magnetic flux. These represent a minority and involve the residual magnetization due to hysteresis. In all the material, both in the core that in the keeper the majority of magnetic dipoles return to their original natural posizion...
Except in the vicinity of the junctions between the core and keeper.
Exact. In the vicinity of the junctions remains a very similar orientation to that induced by the flux. And it is quite logical: the dipoles of the core can not return to their original position even if the keeper's dipoles do not. This leaves to look north against south in a joint and in the other south against the north. As it happens in an electrical capacitor. That's why in my photos compasses have the opposite direction. Because compasses feel the magnetic field in the keeper which was previously dominated by the flux. The compasses no longer indicate the flux direction, but the keeper's dipoles, which is contrary to that of the core. Until that keeper remains undisturbed the phenomenon is preserved indefinitely.
The keeper has now been oaramagnetically induced by the flux dynàmic . The junction prevents a uniform redistribution of the external inducing earth sun magnetic Faraday tubes.
The junction is not exposed to the enveloping vortices, consequently the whole closed system is interacted with as a ring.
Within the ring the environmental inducing force supports the prevailing N-S dipole connection. That is it induces a permanent magnetic current in the ring. The ring is not magnetised N-S above and below it but throughout the ring itself. The polarity at the junctions reveal the Bloch wall dynamic has moved to these junctions.
What is the Bloch wall dynamic?
It is the boundary between the magnetic double layer. The magnetic double layer is often called a ipole , but it favours the region in a magnetised materiality where the faraday magnetic tubes interact destructively leaving no preferred direction in motion, or a void. The junction, it's impedance( magnetic permeability), and it's dynamic emphasises the Bloch wall phenomenon.
Without the induced magnetic current, the keeper would not become magnetically induced, it takes tribo magnetic action, a circulating motion of a magnetised bar to induce magnetic behaviour in ferromagnetic material. Switching on a current must do precisely that , but more efficiently.
Switching off the current leaves the induced bar magnetised , but does not stop the mgnetic current. If it I'd the magnetised bar would quickly lose its magnetism decaying by hysteresis to its residual level.,
This happens once the junction is brokennandvthe magnetic current is impeded back into the PMH , where the wrapped loops are able to capture nd lead the excess away to the ends of a wire where the impedance is less and the current can glow back into the magnetic environment.
When the keeper is removed the dipoles finally free tend to return (some) to their original position... This action, which takes place fast, involves within the core a magnetic backlash... This makes for an instant variation of the magnetic field in the core and to the law of Faraday-Neumann-Lenz a variation of the magnetic field corresponds to a variation of the voltage on the outside of the coils. This phenomenon lasts a moment, in that moment you turn on the light bulb.
These are my conclusions ... That also corresponds to the video posted by @Barau_R_Tour where Gauss probe reveals very high magnetic fields in the vicinity of the nuts joints...
These are my conclusions, tell me yours... Greetings.
That dipoles exist independent of the environment is where we have all bern misled.
Materiality is induced into the double layer state. This decays over time as the double layer collapses if the environmental inducing force weakens. Some materials take longer to decay and these are called ferromagnetic. Their double layer therefore is called an independent dipole. But such independent dipoles do not exist in continuous materiality. , so what changes is the regional dynamic of a trochoidal current. .we have pictures of domain walls changing under induction, but not of domains swinging round like magnets on a string. The plasma mode within all matetility( sir Robert Boyle intimated this) is shaped by a magnetic current nd crystallises at domain wall boundaries according to the magnetic current flow.these crystal boundaries are disrupted by heat , but reform upon cooling due to the envitonmentl forcing magnetic current. A double layer is formed indicating at least a dual rotational dynamic ,
When the keeper is removed the local forcing magnetic current is restricted leading to a fast decay in the induced double layer , plasma crystallisation is stopped ad reverted to the background inducing current mode, the material is thn parmagnetically " aligned" to the earth nd suns inducing current, a magnetic current, within which at certain range of frequencies we have identified what we fall an lectric current.
An electric current does not flow in a conductor, but is induced around a conductor/ inductor of magnetic current
Magnetic current flowing around a pointed structure is more intense at the point than at any flat surface, thus a versorium or compass needle acts more positively thn a bar magnet.
Howard Johnson used this design feature to direct the magnetic current int bar like magnets on the rotor. Yous, like a jet of fluid going into a bucket he encouraged magnetic motor action.
Several inventions have failed because the notion of a magnetic current is missing from the inventors visualisation , and that flow can be " nozzled" by appropriate material structure.
This brings me to the design of Daniel nd Erika Nunez Abha coil based on Randy Powrlls toroidal patterns derived frommMarko Rodins original teachings. My Frind Jegan Brill in his work a Spiral Odyssey shows original designs that can now be used as templates for spiral abha coils as opposed to torii
Start with this one and figure out how to wrap a Kegan Brill form. Will need more spirals of course
Alter these forms to Kegan bBrills spiral forms , modified where necessary
In the current regime you can quote the post, make the correction and repost. Then flag the old post and ask Martin to remove it .
Very good point to highlight. This Cosmic Force is so ubiquitous that many discount it from their thinking, and yet the sun as an example of its power is best explained by magnetic behaviour! To focus on gravity, electric and nec,Lear weak and strong forces is to obscure the mysterious obvious : magnetic behaviour.
This point deserves attention. When the PMH is fed with reversed electrical polarity, obviously it has the inverted magnetic poles.
However, when it does not happen is switched off these: when you open the circuit the two coils by users become generators. The electrical polarity is inverted but the current always circulate in the same direction. It "should" circulates, because the circuit is open.
In electrical engineering and in electrical measurements for a user component, the positive is where the current enters, the negative where it exits. For a generator instead is the opposite, the positive is where the current exits, the negative where it enters. Obviously, I speak of a single current, as we know the currents are two, said Ed.
During shutdown the two coils, which are also two inductances, discharging. In discharging coils dump the current from what was negative, so that now becomes positive. And vice versa. This can be monitored with a voltmeter placed in parallel, which will show a sign change in tension. The current in the coils circulate always in the same direction as before.
There is therefore no reversal of the magnetic poles at shutdown. If this happens, immediately disconnect the keeper. In the coming days I hope to get the video to explain better.
Even the coils of PMH produce two currents, when starting up and shutting down. Both of the opposite direction. However, the first current tries to win the supply current, but did not succeed. (It is opposed to the flux.) The second current tries to keep the magnetic flux that is disappearing. So the current in PMH always rotates in the same direction.
The problem of spam and trolls does warrant this kind of restriction .
With regard to my typos I hope the accessibility aids on my devices will help me minimise those too!
This is an important distinction because so called current flow within the conductor inductor is considered to be at a drift velocity no where near the speed of light!
The electric behaviour outside the wire is depicted as dominant, although theoretically it in a 1:1 ratio with the magnetic behaviour . What appears to flow around the conductor inductor is called electromagnetism. The units that measure this are different in order of magnitude to electrostatic units, so that is another reason why electric representations might dominate.
Now I do not think in terms of a current but rather in terms of standing wave oscillations with differing phases that consequently move relative to each other in a reciprocating way: alternating current!
The establishment of this dynamic structure is thus a key moment as is the switching off and subsequent dying back or disestablishment of this structure .
In this scenario, magnetism is the dominant behaviour with the surface effects being magnetism in a different mode dependent on frequency. The motion of ions within the material is secondary to the coherent oscillations they carry at near the speed of light or beyond.
While Skymions are an obvious candidate for structuring these " ions" in material that has yet to be determined and requires materiality to be rethought . The atomistic point of view essentially has to be replaced by a Boscovichian force dynamic.
The behavior of the PMH is absolutely regular in the ignition phase and when it is armed. At this stage all magnetic dipoles present in the U-shaped core and the keeper follow the direction induced by the magnetic flux that proceeds... So the North to the South and vice versa. This is evident in my photos posted by the verses of compasses.
At shutdown a peculiar thing happens ... And here is the particularity of the phenomenon ... Some magnetic dipoles remain permanently aligned as forcing the magnetic flux. These represent a minority and involve the residual magnetization due to hysteresis. In all the material, both in the core that in the keeper the majority of magnetic dipoles return to their original natural posizion...
Except in the vicinity of the junctions between the core and keeper.
Exact. In the vicinity of the junctions remains a very similar orientation to that induced by the flux. And it is quite logical: the dipoles of the core can not return to their original position even if the keeper's dipoles do not. This leaves to look north against south in a joint and in the other south against the north. As it happens in an electrical capacitor. That's why in my photos compasses have the opposite direction. Because compasses feel the magnetic field in the keeper which was previously dominated by the flux. The compasses no longer indicate the flux direction, but the keeper's dipoles, which is contrary to that of the core. Until that keeper remains undisturbed the phenomenon is preserved indefinitely.When the keeper is removed the dipoles finally free tend to return (some) to their original position... This action, which takes place fast, involves within the core a magnetic backlash... This makes for an instant variation of the magnetic field in the core and to the law of Faraday-Neumann-Lenz a variation of the magnetic field corresponds to a variation of the voltage on the outside of the coils. This phenomenon lasts a moment, in that moment you turn on the light bulb.
These are my conclusions ... That also corresponds to the video posted by @Barau_R_Tour where Gauss probe reveals very high magnetic fields in the vicinity of the nuts joints...
These are my conclusions, tell me yours... Greetings.
Some very nice observations .
To demonstrate your explanation please use a very precise versorium, not a gauss meter . Establish a precision set up so distinctions can be confirmed , without moving the PMH .
Have the power source and switch well away from the PMH and shield any wires magnetically.
If possible de magnetise the iron core and keeper before each test run .
Ensure that the test set up is aligned on the east west axis, and stand the PMH upright so the north seeking pole and the south seeking pole are in equilibrium with the earths polarity.
Junctions as you may know are of crucial importance in electronic devices. Radio signals are detected by cat whisker junctions, semi conductor devices operate by thin crystal planar junctions, and so called electrostatic behaviour occurs in the surface region as active surface phenomena.
My contention is that these are different modes of magnetic behaviour in materials.
The notion of a current within a material as a particle flow is thus very questionable, un my opinion, but I observe a mass movement in fluids with low viscosity, and appreciate where Ampere was coming from in positing currents or "courantes".
Magnetic particles, or dipole moments conceived as particles are also useful but questionable models, but they at least enable dynamic changes to occur by phase, frequency and amplitude of material disturbance.
Within an electrical capacitor, ivor Catt has demonstrated a reciprocating voltage interaction , that in time dissipates in a step wise fashion . There is no decay signal( as expected) in his results, indicating that decay is possibly a quantised phenomenon as the capacitor discharges.
While Ivor's work is phenomenally important the measurements he has made have in fact been done to a great deal of precision among the nuclear magnetic resonance people who of course promote their own favoured interpretation .
As I have pointed out it favours a fundamental magnetic explanation but based on a supposed fundamental electric current cause! It is this cause I see as unnecessary because it can be understood as a mode of magnetic behaviour .
Set a Carr battery / battery in the east west latitude so that the positive is to the east and the negative is to the west.
Take a wire ong enough to connect the terminals after a single loop with enough resistance so as to not short circuit the battery.
Face the loop on the north south latitude. Check the polarity of the loop if the wire crosses in front or behind on that latitude., ie starting on the east loop the wire so that it comes to the south of the beginning of the loop before ending in the west .
Do the same set up with the wire coming to the north of the beginning of the loop .
Of course you may do as many loops as you wish to enhance the effect .
Run a second set of observations with the loop containing a conducting metal core( iron , copper, aluminium, cobalt, nickel etc)
Clearly you may run the observations changing the alignments of the battery and the loop .
In this experiment he tries to explain the generation of a spark by a moving magnet through a coil of copper wire. Rather than explaining electric currents it demonstrates a moving magnetic current generating a magnetic current in a coil.
The point that a closed circuit is necessary does not prove electric current but the difficulty of dispersing magnetic current out of. Filamentary structure.
Magnetic current floes through all materiality but with different effects. The pointed ends of the magnetic wire would register a large dissipation I to the air. At a high enough frequency a spark or visible discharge will be observed. Without the sharp points the magnetic current runs around the circuit decaying exponentially .
Copper is diamagnetic so instead of inducing a paramagnetic response a diamagnet repulsive response is induced.
The paramagnetic response is attractive not repulsive.
Magnetic current flowing through liquid oxygen . The thermal magnetic energy in the environment is dominated by the local magnetic current and o the liquid oxygen dissipates slowly with the exiting magnetic faraday tubes.
3 curved permanent magnets in the stator( the u of the PMH) are Not placed at 120° but slightly adjusted according to the mnon uniform spacing on the ror. . The rotor has a spacing between the magnets that decreases geometrically. It is repeated 3 times on the rotor so that the curved magnets are positioned as shown. Alternatively if the rotor has only one pattern then the curved stator magnets have to be slightly adjusted to interact as shown .
The stator magnets do not lie in the same plane but in a spiral or helix pattern around the rotor magnet train
This flux is induced by ome external process. The magnetic faraday tubes that surround nd infuse the earth are induced by the sun, and the earth and sun induce this level of density in the magnetic flux in certain materials ( iron, nickel, cobalt ) more than others,
The materiality determines whether paramagnetic or diamagnetic induction occurs.
Arming the PMH induces Masing within the core . The ends or poles form an impedance barrier at which some of the flux (faraday magnetic tubes ) is reflected. This reciprocating loop amplifies by resonance , increasing the magnetic faraday tubes that escape at each end.
Because the poles are close the loop is pronounced and preserved. Placing a closing bar (keeper)concentrates this flux loop of faraday magnetic tubes.
The junction however oscillates at its own impedance frequency , and trapping its own faraday magnetic tube reciprocating system within its two occurrences.
The junction acts as a magnetic diode, allowing one polarity to enter but not to leave except by the second junction. Which way that happens defines paramagnetic and diamagnetic. The keeper has now been oaramagnetically induced by the flux dynàmic . The junction prevents a uniform redistribution of the external inducing earth sun magnetic Faraday tubes.
The junction is not exposed to the enveloping vortices, consequently the whole closed system is interacted with as a ring.
Within the ring the environmental inducing force supports the prevailing N-S dipole connection. That is it induces a permanent magnetic current in the ring. The ring is not magnetised N-S above and below it but throughout the ring itself.
The polarity at the junctions reveal the Bloch wall dynamic has moved to these junctions.
What is the Bloch wall dynamic?
It is the boundary between the magnetic double layer. The magnetic double layer is often called a ipole , but it favours the region in a magnetised materiality where the faraday magnetic tubes interact destructively leaving no preferred direction in motion, or a void. The junction, it's impedance( magnetic permeability), and it's dynamic emphasises the Bloch wall phenomenon.
Without the induced magnetic current, the keeper would not become magnetically induced, it takes tribo magnetic action, a circulating motion of a magnetised bar to induce magnetic behaviour in ferromagnetic material. Switching on a current must do precisely that , but more efficiently.
Switching off the current leaves the induced bar magnetised , but does not stop the mgnetic current. If it I'd the magnetised bar would quickly lose its magnetism decaying by hysteresis to its residual level.,
This happens once the junction is brokennandvthe magnetic current is impeded back into the PMH , where the wrapped loops are able to capture nd lead the excess away to the ends of a wire where the impedance is less and the current can glow back into the magnetic environment. That dipoles exist independent of the environment is where we have all bern misled.
Materiality is induced into the double layer state. This decays over time as the double layer collapses if the environmental inducing force weakens. Some materials take longer to decay and these are called ferromagnetic. Their double layer therefore is called an independent dipole. But such independent dipoles do not exist in continuous materiality. , so what changes is the regional dynamic of a trochoidal current. .we have pictures of domain walls changing under induction, but not of domains swinging round like magnets on a string. The plasma mode within all matetility( sir Robert Boyle intimated this) is shaped by a magnetic current nd crystallises at domain wall boundaries according to the magnetic current flow.these crystal boundaries are disrupted by heat , but reform upon cooling due to the envitonmentl forcing magnetic current. A double layer is formed indicating at least a dual rotational dynamic ,
When the keeper is removed the local forcing magnetic current is restricted leading to a fast decay in the induced double layer , plasma crystallisation is stopped ad reverted to the background inducing current mode, the material is thn parmagnetically " aligned" to the earth nd suns inducing current, a magnetic current, within which at certain range of frequencies we have identified what we fall an lectric current.
An electric current does not flow in a conductor, but is induced around a conductor/ inductor of magnetic current
Howard Johnson used this design feature to direct the magnetic current int bar like magnets on the rotor. Yous, like a jet of fluid going into a bucket he encouraged magnetic motor action.
Several inventions have failed because the notion of a magnetic current is missing from the inventors visualisation , and that flow can be " nozzled" by appropriate material structure.
This brings me to the design of Daniel nd Erika Nunez Abha coil based on Randy Powrlls toroidal patterns derived frommMarko Rodins original teachings.
My Frind Jegan Brill in his work a Spiral Odyssey shows original designs that can now be used as templates for spiral abha coils as opposed to torii
Start with this one and figure out how to wrap a Kegan Brill form. Will need more spirals of course
Alter these forms to Kegan bBrills spiral forms , modified where necessary