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A Sound Magnetic Base



  • You notice that the flow plate creates a smoke ring under pulse flow conditions. The back flow onto the flow plate is trapped by the negative pressure into the flow that comes through the hole! If the region is of a different density a bubble might be trapped there . If of the same density then the material will push into the flow to form a surface . The flow mass also pushes back against the external pressure and shapes the region . The resultant surface creates a ring of rotating fluid . That ring will separate from the flow plate and travel down the pipe under its rotation . It will exit the tube as a ring , the flow in the centre will continue to press ahead of the ring, but will will encounter the environmental pressure as a stopping pressure dispersing it into a mushroom shape due to the smoke ring rotation

  • We see here the stability of vortex rings but the instability of knots here the vortexes are the same!
    However the experimenters do not comment here on the behaviour of opposing vortices.
  • edited August 2016
    Change 1: JehovaJah have you read the Journal from 1861 wherein JC Maxwell talks about twin magnetic vortices? Love to hear your or anyone opine about it. Quite fascinating how you can bend light and make yourself be stealthy...
  • Pogi-18 said:

    Change 1: JehovaJah have you read the Journal from 1861 wherein JC Maxwell talks about twin magnetic vortices? Love to hear your or anyone opine about it. Quite fascinating how you can bend light and make yourself be stealthy...

    No! If you have a link or more exact reference I would appreciate it.

    However, Maxwell as an Academic was bullied by Lord Kelvin into renouncing Hamiltons Quaternion Algebra, yet he retained much of the notation . Hamiltons notation could express vortex rotation quite elegantly, but mysteriously to most physicists who did not want to learn it! Bill Cliftord might have changed that had he lived long enough because Grassmann provided a more accessible derivation of Quaternions even than Gauss .
    So while Faraday hated the compromise Maxwell adopted opting for Kelvin and Helmholtz Vortices rather than Boscovitch's " atom" and retaining tension tubes as field lines, Maxwell nevertheless pursued them as vehicles for stress and strain transmission .

    The difference is moot but one is a me hanically,analogue and the other is a natural philosophical explanation that empowers an aether dynamic that obeys reasonable laws. Religious sensibilities were what was being betrayed by Maxwell.

    However Maxwells theory was never in favour. Only Helmholtz and perhaps Fitzgerald actually read it!! Kelvin certainly dismissed it .

    The mathematics of invisibility were actually worked out by Hamilton. However they were expressed in a differential equation format that though beautiful non the page are inaccessible to most physicist who study light! Essentially he howled a pencil of light would refract into a cone and "predicted" dual polarization in certain materials as a consequence . The cones would form in different angles, do essentially making invisible light between those angles.
    Cones and vortices of course are linked algebraically.

    The redaction of Maxwells work by Heaviside and also Hertz and the influence of Fitzgerald and other Irish mathematicians eventually put the redacted form into the physicists toolbox . A lot of Maxwells ideas were removed from this redaction and may or may not have been rejected on good grounds.

    What is inescapable is that fluid dynamics underpins all of Maxwells thinking in this area and so electromagnetism is a fluid dynamic theory. Hamiltons quaternions are a spherical geometrical Algebra and thus ideal for expressing rotational dynamics.

    The historical war against the mathesis of the imaginaries is a shameful period in academic History, but Bill Clifford and others ensured that Hamiltons insights were properly placed in Grassmanns more general framework .

    This has not led to any significant increase in understanding of the Algebra until,Hestenes work, which promises to radically simplify notational forms , procedures and descriptions/ depictions of what is measurable.

    Mathematics therefore has served to obscure what is observable in experimentation, rather thn to advance knowledge or certainty!

  • Surface formations of fluids involve dynamic rotational forces within the surface. That is magnetic bevioural forces . As you see a " double layer" explanation is given and so a magnetic behavioural one is equally valid.
  • edited August 2016

    I saw this today and thought it may interest you.

    Focus: Electric Power from the Earth’s Magnetic Field

    A loophole in a result from classical electromagnetism could allow a simple device on the Earth’s surface to generate a tiny electric current from the planet’s magnetic field.

  • Thanks Onkel_Ken.
    I am studying it to see if it changes my conclusions.
    The electric current expectation is straight forward: a magnetic current established around a conductor is dynamic , that is not uniform . So Faraday established the need for magnetodynamics as did Ōrsted and Ampère. Electrodynmics means Ampère sought to change the prevailing static paradigm. Faraday confirmed the importance of this principle

    The theoretical uniform field is said to exist within a solenoid. , but powerful horse shoe agents are usedbtonestablish this dictum . However it only holds as a on ducting element remains in motion relative to the theoretically parallel field lines/ surfaces. It clearly fails on entrance nd exit to this region . The question is: is this laboratory uniformity a physical reality?

    We know that magnetic flux intensity is marble stable over human scale measurements, but equally we see magnetic structures at a planetary scale that Mae the dictum only a local rule of thumb. For example if you spin a onductingbelemnt in. Unfree field a current is generated (AC) because of the dynamic . It is also likely that a standing AC current is detectable in place of this dictum ,as the filamentary nature of the magnetic flux is ignored in the posited uniform field.

    In this light I wonder if the radio wave is being totally ignored as a magnetic field phenomenon, or indeed any " electromagnetics" wave response inna conductor treated as an antenna!

    The generation of a DC electric current from an interaction with the earths magnetic field is not as described a Theoretical conundrum, but rather an indication that our Theoretical elementary principles are not laws but rules of thumb that perhaps have better nalogues in other branches of the same or related subjects .

    The axial symmetry of the magnetic field is explainable by magnetodynamical surfaces within an axially rotating vortex complex. . Again a standing wave dynamic would produce no net magnetic current after initial set up of the stable dynamic equilibrium .
  • Jehovajah said:

    No! If you have a link or more exact reference I would appreciate it.

    However, Maxwell as an Academic was bullied by Lord Kelvin into renouncing Hamiltons Quaternion Algebra, yet he retained much of the notation . Hamiltons notation could express vortex rotation quite elegantly, but mysteriously to most physicists who did not want to learn it! Bill Cliftord might have changed that had he lived long enough because Grassmann provided a more accessible derivation of Quaternions even than Gauss .
    So while Faraday hated the compromise Maxwell adopted opting for Kelvin and Helmholtz Vortices rather than Boscovitch's " atom" and retaining tension tubes as field lines, Maxwell nevertheless pursued them as vehicles for stress and strain transmission .

    The difference is moot but one is a me hanically,analogue and the other is a natural philosophical explanation that empowers an aether dynamic that obeys reasonable laws. Religious sensibilities were what was being betrayed by Maxwell.

    However Maxwells theory was never in favour. Only Helmholtz and perhaps Fitzgerald actually read it!! Kelvin certainly dismissed it .

    The mathematics of invisibility were actually worked out by Hamilton. However they were expressed in a differential equation format that though beautiful non the page are inaccessible to most physicist who study light! Essentially he howled a pencil of light would refract into a cone and "predicted" dual polarization in certain materials as a consequence . The cones would form in different angles, do essentially making invisible light between those angles.
    Cones and vortices of course are linked algebraically.

    The redaction of Maxwells work by Heaviside and also Hertz and the influence of Fitzgerald and other Irish mathematicians eventually put the redacted form into the physicists toolbox . A lot of Maxwells ideas were removed from this redaction and may or may not have been rejected on good grounds.

    What is inescapable is that fluid dynamics underpins all of Maxwells thinking in this area and so electromagnetism is a fluid dynamic theory. Hamiltons quaternions are a spherical geometrical Algebra and thus ideal for expressing rotational dynamics.

    The historical war against the mathesis of the imaginaries is a shameful period in academic History, but Bill Clifford and others ensured that Hamiltons insights were properly placed in Grassmanns more general framework .

    This has not led to any significant increase in understanding of the Algebra until,Hestenes work, which promises to radically simplify notational forms , procedures and descriptions/ depictions of what is measurable.

    Mathematics therefore has served to obscure what is observable in experimentation, rather thn to advance knowledge or certainty!
    Here you go: maxwell uc davis philisophical

    Might be time to make this forum dark unless you have a username and password. I don't want to end up in a gutter like the Holistic doctors whom used resonance and magnetism to cure all disease.

  • Mitochondria generate magnetic current by rotation. Electrodynamic actions charge and discharge cells( voltaic) that move the transporter legs along the tracks !!

  • The concept of tribomagnetism goes back to Gilbert and of course observers before that.
    We feel we have advanced through a particle structural explanation and yet John Keely and Russel and others used a more general vibration physics, in which sympathetic resonances were acknowledged by observation.
    Vibration has always been a close relative to the wave, but a distant relative to rotation, because rotation is confused with circular Ritation rather than what it generally is : trochoidal rotation .

    Trochoidal rotation asvavgeneral concept applies to force vectors! We are used to just straight line tangent vectors in physics , but a trochoidal vector provides a much more complex possibility for the application of forces to surfaces, the effects of friction on surfaces, the definition of " charged" surfaces etc .

  • Ozone from a Abha coil . The key is the vibration or rotation in the region about the conductor/inductor .

  • Gradually I am perceiving the similarities in the iconography of the satellite imagery of the sun and the earth, planets.
    Magnetism, that is magnetic behaviour is fu dame tail or elemental to apprehending the sun.
    The rotational forces endemic within an aether as a universal space substitute are perceived as magnetic.
    Necause of rotation we perceive polarity distinctions, but crucially more than one dipole in a collection of any material objects. It is coherency that enshrines the ommon bar magnet, and that coherency is the fundamental characteristic of Masing.
    The polarity difference underpins a magnetic phenomenon we cal electric, and also a behaviour we cal reflection in light and sound. .
    The refraction of so called rotational " wave" behaviours is due to coherency while diffraction/ dispersion is due to rotational( frequency and amplitude) differences in the propagated motions.
    The rotations are trochoidal. They spiral in , out in all directions or ombine to fom dynamically stable spheroidal forms. Jagged forms are fractal analogues of the " ideal" rotational form. This ideal form is a creation of our perception, there are far more " imperfections" that we simply ignore!
    So the coronal holes are low pressure magnetic vortices in the suns vast atmosphere, and gravity is the complex result of these magnetic forces in such a system .xxx there i

  • Nassim Haramein evangelising the new physics.
    The Planck Rotation is the smallest measurable rotation conceivably possible using the rotation of electro magneto complexes., or simply rotations of the aether. .
    In my model the fluid/ aether of space is in constant rotation at all scales. It is this rotation by which we differentiate all phenomena in our experiential continuum.

  • Ratios are comparisons .

  • Magnetic / rotational effects in biology xxx
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