"Break five inches long piece of the fishing line,
put the middle of the wire across and on top of the copper wire, touch the battery, hold until the copper wire gets hot, dip the middle of the wire in iron filings, then you will see how long a magnet can be made with this equipment." (Magnetic Current pg 6)
"Take one piece of hard steel fishing wire, dip in iron filings and see there is no magnet in it. This time hold the wire up, and down, the lower end on middle of the copper wire, hold tight. Touch the battery, hold until the copper wire gets hot. Take it off. Dip the wire in iron filings and you will see that it is no magnet. Why? To make magnets with currents from batteries and dynamos with a single wire the metal will have to be put on the wire in such a way so that the magnets which are coming out of the wire will be running in the metal
starting from the middle of the metal and run to the end and not from end to middle." (Magnetic Current pg 7)
"In a car battery the North Pole magnets run out of positive terminal and South Pole magnets run out of negative terminal. Both kinds of magnets are running, one kind of magnets against the other kind, and are running in the same right-hand screw fashion. By using the same whirling motion and running one kind of magnets against the other kind, they throw their own magnets from the wire in opposite directions. That is why if you put a magnet metal across the copper wire the one end is North Pole and the other end South Pole." (Magnetic Current pg. 8)
"While the North and South Pole magnets were in their own terminals they only possessed pushing power, the pulling power they acquire only if the other kind of magnets are in front of them, like the permanent magnets if you put the opposite magnet in front of it, then they will hold together..." (Magnetic Current pg 9).
"Bend iron or soft steel bar one and one half inch in diameter, bend in a U shape each prong a foot long, and three inches between the prongs, make two spools from brass or aluminum six inches long and big enough for the bar to go in. Wind fifteen hundred turns of insulated copper wire, size sixteen, on each spool.
Put on as close to the bend as it will go." (Magnetic Current pg 10)
Imagine unbending the U into a 3 foot straight bar - the two coils would then be in the middle off the bar. Slide one coil off of the bar. Slide the other coil to the end of the bar. Energize the coil. It will not polarize the bar. Slide the coil back to the middle of the of the 3' bar. Energize. One end of the bar will be north and the other south. This is polarization. Consider taking a long piece of magnet metal (ferric) wire - steel wire. Slide a coil over and to the middle of the wire. Polarize the wire. All of the wire on one side of the coil will be N pole current and all of the wire on the other side of the coil will be a S pole current. Experiment will the two separated or divided currents - make coils, test on plants, etc.
"Magnetic currents are made by concentrating. then
dividing and then shifting the existing North and South Pole individual magnets from one place to another." (Magnetic Current pg 13)
Does the "coil" collect the energy like a antennae? If so? where does all the "non" collected energy go? Does it generate a RF pulse broadcast in all directions? Does the copper coil "call" it all into running around the coils and generating power?
I think, there is "North, South" and 90 degrees out of phase energy there. We just ain't smart enough to find and use it properly.
Here's Leedskalnin' s take on it, "You have been wondering why alternating currents can run so far away from their generators. One reason is between every time the currents start and stop there is no pressure in the wire so the magnets from the air run in the wire and when the run starts there already are magnets in the wire which do not have to come from the generator, so the power line itself is a small generator which assists the big generator to furnish the magnets for the currents to run with. I have a generator that generates currents on a small scale from the air without using any magnets around it."
I did see recently where someone was experimenting with the PMH and found a way to discharge the energy into the light bulb without yanking the bar off...
Early on a lot of folks felt that the coils played a roll in maintaining the circulating currents, but you can see from the pic they do not.
Tesla's first power plant, the Niagara Falls project won out over Edison's dc generation that would have put a few lights on the "DAM" he wanted to obstruct the falls with. A novelty, not the "industry creating power plant that it was, that the world followed with". (Make no mistake, without Tesla we'd be horse and buggy and coal oil lights) AC in intermediate voltages (24-440) is much more dangerous than DC, ac in super high voltages follows a "skin effect" and travels on the outside, well except for the black spot I burned on a thumb with a tesla coil.. it took months to heal.
I've only been a electrician now for most of my life (a blink in time), and there is many many things I don't understand. Recently at a meth house in my neighborhood, the copper thieves pulled their ground rod and wire out to sell.. While shutting my gate I was almost knocked to my knees.. My tomato plants close by fried black and fell over. (I, the tomato plants was not part of the circuit??) I am on the opposite side of the road from the transformer and only eddy currents were flowing in my direction.. as does a 13,600 volt discharge flow up the "veins in your arms and legs" due to the blood-salt-lower resistance.. and blows them off.
Discharging a PMH?? did they "rap" the armature with a "hammer" to disrupt the magnetic flow? inducing "frequency into it?"
I am still learning, and wish to learn more. Please don't take it I am arguing or contradicting anyone here. Ed "knew" somethings that probably should not be general knowledge, some of his other writings, well.. If they are not "code" they are the rantings of someone exposed to "high" magnetic fields hallucinating. If "we could look him in the eye" and ask him to enlighten us, perhaps he would have, or like some "martial arts-tau chi" instructors make you "work for it" to show your intentions.
Imagine handing a child a Loaded AK47 and telling him to go play with other children. Face it, some of us Humans are mental children. ()