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A book in every home ..and PMH thoughts

A Book In Every Home = The Life Of A Magnet

We Are The + and - Magnets, we build up the matter that holds the magnets.

"This writing is lined up so when you read it you look East" If we are the magnet, we look east because that's where the electric current comes in from.

The Perpetual Motion Holder.
Perpetual as long as Electricity is flowing. His writings are disguised because he was stealing free magnetic energy from the electric lines. He built a device that he could let electricity run through undisturbed while he collected the magnetic flow that entered in the opposite direction. We have 1-way instruments, our Electric current runs in 1 direction, we only have 1 hot wire in 120v. The negative half is the Magnetic return.
Coils = 120v current alternating at 60hz x per second
One current is + North Electric, and the other current is - South magnetic. "Both forces that make magnet poles should run around a common core"
Connect the PMH to the 120v and create a magnet that is big enough to harness and draw out the magnetic return. "Strong enough to pick up 10 - 20 lbs" = 10 - 20 Amp breaker

Each pole, North-Electric, and South-Magnetic should have an equal pull and push and run around a common core in the perpetual motion holder. Soft Iron core is so that the metal can align to the 2 different currents, it is used to balance it out. Use metal shavings for your core because it can take on any form it needs and will carve out the path to connect both currents that are crisis crossing over each other. He probably had metal shavings in those wound-up glass bottles and wired up two or more together in series or parallel to create a PMH

Remember Ed was looking to find what Electricity is, and through that, he stumbled upon magnet current. "Electricity cannot be made without magnets," "The power line is full of North and South pole magnets"
"They only show, positive electricity, but never show negative electricity. Now you can see that one-half of the electricity escaped their notice. negative electricity is composed of streams of south pole individual magnets. "
When he says "On and one-half" he means 1 full magnet and a half of a magnet. The missing half of the magnet could be connecting to the one-sided electricity.

The Idea is to build a magnetic Sphere like an atom that you can control. should be built as it could have two poles. Each pole has an equal pull and push. If you have a strong magnet you can change the poles in the sphere in any side you want or take the poles out so the sphere will not be a magnet anymore.
Remember, he is teaching us how magnets work, and teaches that the whole universe is a magnet. If we do like a magnet does we won't see any change. Now that you know how a magnet works, do the opposite, learn to manipulate it. "If one-half of the force that makes up the atom is in the core, and the other half of the force run around the core, then in that case the atom could not join the other atoms to make a metal that could hold two magnet poles."

Think too much?


  • this is what I come up with. The two stones on the side he has is the U bar PMH

  • Ubar on the sides

  • This is the picture he is holding in this book
  • When I get inspired I like to sketch out my thoughts to help visualize and refine them.
    Trying to put them into practical terms to do experiments is kinda hard for me.

    I’m just posting them here as they may inspire someone else that can Interpret and try the concept.

    The idea in this drawing is to balance 4 sides with electric and magnetic to create a neutral low gravity center.
    Ed says
    “Air is the best obstruction for magnets to pass through” That means you can use air to make a stronger magnet. Metal would be the Neutral and the copper would be electric.

    Think of a capital H stacked the box between them is your empty space.

  • edited July 10
    This is why ED says “ This writing is lined up so when you read it you look East” this painting shows the movement of the stars from the horizon. East force goes up.

    “Stay yourself West” when you are making permanent magnets they work opposite to the earths magnetic force. In the West the force goes down. Since we are the generator we stay ourself west and direct the magnetic current down sending the earths magnetic current in the opposite direction going up. “whatever kind of magnets you are sending out the other kind of magnets are coming back to you”
  • @Heyjoe You are overcomplicating this far too much.
    Remember, Ed called the booklet Magnetic Current for a reason; he also made a point to clarify that electricity should be called magneticity, because really, it's electricity he is critiquing - the electricity that comes from a battery. Why bother mentioning this, and that the electron is some scientific abstraction and that it's not real? His focus is not really on magnetic fields, other than how they can induce a "magnetic current" in things. His primary attention in magnetic current goes to what he calls the north and south pole magnet particles, which come from the + and - on a battery. This is where we should focus too.
    Ed didn't even have access to a semiconductor. There wasn't really much complicated tech around back then, and what little of it there was, Ed had little to no access to it. This could all be done with tech available from a scrapyard in the 1920s. We have to think simpler and go to the basics.

    1) For every action, there is an equal, opposite reaction. This applies to Earth's electric field, which is constantly in a circuit with anything grounded to Earth, and is constantly discharging (albeit very slowly) into space. Earth's electric field wants to discharge into the next greatest electrical potential, primarily, the sun, but can discharge to any surrounding matter. Since there is outward discharge of electric charges from the earth, the equal opposite reaction would be a force that is proportionate to the discharge, and trends towards neutralization of the action and reaction (law of entropy). Gravity, by this interpretation, is the second-order relativistic manifestation of the electrostatic force. Gravity follows the inverse square law, which mutually attracts two or more masses inwards towards a common center. Electric fields similarly follow the inverse square law, and radiate outwards from a common center. Electric fields discharging seem to be the closest reciprocal process to gravity that we can observe.

    2) When two or more objects have the same charge, they experience a repulsive force which pushes them apart. "Like charges repel," as the adage goes. So, what might happen if we found a way to electrically charge a stone and make its electrical potential like that of the Earth, or even more negative? Given a sufficient charge, in theory, the stone should be repelled from the ground due to its now altered electrical potential. To be more specific, if the voltage of the Earth is 0, and your body has a voltage of 1, your body discharges into the Earth and charges neutralize, which is typically the case in nature (we don't often see naturally occurring negative voltages.) If we were to manipulate the voltages so the charge of the Earth ground is 0, but the charge of the stone is -1, we in theory should see what appears to be a repulsion of the stone from the ground, or an antigravity effect.

    3) When a charged object is short-circuited on its surface, it usually undergoes some kind of material removal. Sparks can fly, things can get welded together, and we typically see mark from where the discharge occurred. The mark proves material was removed with the discharge event. This technique is already used for cutting metals very precisely; it is called electrical discharge machining, or a similar process, electrochemical machining. This whole branch of electricity-based material removal through electrically active contacts is called anodic machining, in case you want to explore this concept further. Theoretically, if you had a highly controlled discharge, say, through a grounded piece of metal, you should be able to remove material through this discharge machining process. Saltwater or other electrolytic solutions can also be applied to the stone to amplify this effect.

    4) A charged particle (in this case, the stone, charged negatively with respect to the Earth,) will experience a force when exposed to an electric field (Coulomb's law.) This, combined with the negatively charged stone, may explain how stones were moved more precisely. Leedskalnin's tripod may have simply held a strong magnet that produced a strong electric field which the newly charged stone hitched a ride on. (In fact, I speculate this is the truth; there are some photos where you can see the large branch with a metal rod stuck through it, seen in the "At Work" photo, attached to the top of the tripod. I think this was probably an electromagnet, and the battery powering it was probably in that black box.)

    5) Finally, to explain the mortarless joints between the stones found at the Coral Castle and many other megalithic sites. Supposing the stone was more negatively charged than the Earth, once the circuit is completed, discharge welding can occur at areas of high resistance between the stone being placed and its neighbors. The whole stone may also undergo joule heating and may leave a vitrified surface. This process would basically guarantee a perfect joint between the stones. This process may also evaporate any moisture trapped in the stone, leading to the formation of gas bubbles in the stone. People have found air bubbles in a number of broken ancient megaliths, which is not something that occurs naturally. The electrical coupling point between the terminal of a battery

    So - simply put, all of these effects are resulting from charging the stone more negatively than the Earth, and all are based in the fairly well-established understanding of field theory. It's not complicated - "like charges repel," so why not make the stone and the Earth have like charges?
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