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Eds Radio

Currently it's the only photo of Ed and his radio
I wish the photo had better detail


  • The Star Weekly, Toronto, April 14, 1951

  • The radio bottles look kinda like his PMH with a wooden crossbar, just missing the bend. Maybe that thing was flipped around and floated in water. The bend is the neutral part of the magnet. Water is a neautralizer
  • Looking at it closer. I see it may have been used with the sun, shining through the glass and charging the coils. Looks like one bottle bottom is laminated with white cloth or paper and the other bottle is only partly covered and open bottom. Than it looks like the 2coil overlapping the left side is coiled up on the upper right bottle, and the 1st coil is full on the left side and partly on the right side.

    You know that the refractive index of light through plastic or glass is 1.5 which is 42degree and slows down by 1/3

    Snells law: n₁sin𝓲 = n₂sinr ⟹ sin𝓲 = 1/1.5 = 0.66′ ⟹ 𝓲 ≈ 41.81

    “One and one-half “ -ed
  • edited February 2024
    The early earphones used with wireless-era crystal sets had moving iron drivers that worked in a way similar to the horn loudspeakers of the period. Each earpiece contained a permanent magnet about which was a coil of wire which formed a second electromagnet. Both magnetic poles were close to a steel diaphragm of the speaker. When the audio signal from the radio was passed through the electromagnet's windings, current was caused to flow in the coil which created a varying magnetic field that augmented or diminished that due to the permanent magnet. This varied the force of attraction on the diaphragm, causing it to vibrate. The vibrations of the diaphragm push and pull on the air in front of it, creating sound waves. Standard headphones used in telephone work had a low impedance, often 75 Ω, and required more current than a crystal radio could supply. Therefore, the type used with crystal set radios (and other sensitive equipment) was wound with more turns of finer wire giving it a high impedance of 2000–8000 Ω...

    i have to point out there are headphones left in eds belongings. where are eds headphones in this photo demonstration?

    in magnetic current ed says to put the coil and core in an iron tube, is most efficient. it doesnt waste any magnets that come from the battery or dynamo.

    ed says all currents are alternating.

    instead of using crystal radio to move a diaphragm in headset to make sound. the crystal radio maybe have been used to store energy in all that mass or iron tied around everything. the coils magnetic field, instead of moving a coil. if the coil is stationary where it cannot move, then the magnet will move instead. ed also uses soft iron wire, and mentions smaller soft iron wire with more turns, make stronger magnets, he said he can do the same with copper wire coil but smaller scale.

    ed does not talk about glass bottles, but he does talk about glass twice in magnetic current.
  • instead of moving a coil. if the coil is stationary where it cannot move, then the magnet will move instead.

    Along his wall he has a hanging coiled glass bottle where the coil is attached stationary to a nail into the stone. The rest of the coiled wire is dropped to the ground. He has gaps between every wall block to place one of these hanging coils. If one side of the coil is N the other side is S you could have a coordinated center point within his castle walls by controlling the 2 ends.
  • @dante @Ones65118 Good stuff guys, yet again!
  • @Magnetic_Universe Thank You! Here's hope to this year bringing about many more discoveries and clues :)
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