The first time I saw the Nebra Sky Disk, I immediately thought of Eds moon fountain, primarily because I've been interested in the raised, common-like edge on one side and the sky disk has what is commonly considered to be depicted on one side layed in gold.
I ran across this video today and it is definitely intriguing

Skip to the 9:00 mark and you'll see the connection.
The marks on the disk number 10. The points within the raised edge on the moon fountain number five points however, if you count the inside of each point (the high and low), that's ten. I no longer live in Florida so I cannot go there to test the theory but I do know the raised edge is on the western side of the fountain.
Most everyone studying eds work is of the opinion that Ed may have had some kind of extraordinary education (Mason's), perhaps, if this is a connection, whatever knowledge base surrounds the Nebra Sky Disk may be something Ed aquired at some point.
There is an old newspaper article from 1934 regarding Eds work. The "moon fountain " was "operational" . From the article... " The centre spouts water geyser-like". Heated how?
In my opinion I believed Ed left clues for us to follow on site. I believe the curve is a Parabola. A symbol to state reflection is required with sound or even light. Is there something else which symbolizes a reflection? The two crescents.. or how about water
What happens when sound or light reflects back on itself?
The raised edge is a quadrant. Without any doubt. I was hoping the raised edge was a form of lens. I'm confident Ed had a selection of them, however in this case the raised edge is to be astronomically, and symbolically interpreted. If you study the Masonic " Past Master " symbol you will make the connections. More importantly what the quadrant is
I'm still on the fence about this thing because there seems to be a lack of anything definitive regarding the symbols, but anything is possible.
Here is an image of my best estimation of its coordinates
The star is pointed as it is in the fountain but enlarged to easily see it's contact points along the outer edges of the fountain
I haven't been to the current Coral Castle, I remember you have flem.
What's directly behind the raised edge? Which one of Eds creations is it lined up with?
I believe it's the Sundial
Could these two relate together somehow
Also remember Ray Ramirez using the 3 ton gate to demo energy changes... I believe his subjects were somewhere out between the gate and the fountain.
I'm still looking into this
To sit in the chair to observe Eds sundial would be helpful. Would they allow someone to climb up there is the question.
This photo I have is from Rock Gate
My initial thought was sundial and moon( two crescents and full moon) alignment.
Sitting on that chair all day would shed some light
Each "wave" that we see on Eds Moon Fountain represents a full moon
It has been claimed within reason the Antikythera device can track the Saros cycle. X-Rays have shown there were once 223 teeth, using quadrants
Perhaps Ed was pointing to a specific Full Moon With the "cut" line he made on the edge of the Moon Fountain . The eclipse cycle surrounding that particular full moon
More research need to be attached to this concept, especially in relation to the rest of the creations of Ed
Numerically the numbers presented in the Saros cycle are interesting and be linked with
older Masonic numerology. 223, 322, 144
Wikipedia can be referenced, subsection Full moon cycle and the saros - using the FMC for predicting eclipses
Wikipedia Saros Cycle reference
The question is which Saros Series was Ed referring to? There are currenty 41 in operation
I know in order to tell time we need the Solar calendar, and its effects from the Lunar calendar. Eds chair reminds me that timing is everything, and patience
Eds Rock Gate is oriented to the North which indicates a stellar alignment/creation. Ancient structures originally oriented themselves with stellar alignments, lunar worship followed and now more recently,solar.
The three ton gate represents Capricorn. I don't understand the path as of yet. All souls/spark descend from Cancer and return through Capricorn(ancient texts) Whether this relates to Eds creation...
Do these pics ring any bells with anyone?
Look at this one:
Does it not look like the "Y" shaped "AT WORK" log on the back side of the front cover page?
What about this one on the back cover page?
So.. put them together and that leaves EDL associated with Andromeda constellation. His "pointed" legs look like andromeda..but it's upside down or mirrored compared to Cassiopeia and/or Pisces on either side.
And here is a close up of the 3 stars in Andromeda that are a perfect match.. right from Starry Night Software:
If EDL laid on his hanging swing with feet East and Head West hanging out through west chain support and looked straight up through the hole in the ceiling of his 2nd story Tower room.. he'd see the Zenith Star. He could get more accurate by hanging a plum bob from the crossed wires he put in the hole.
Then, this above spot of Taurus is reached when the star Mintaka in the Orion's belt reaches due South of Rock Gate. 18 minutes of declination north of this star is the celestial equator. These stars stay in alignment virtually always..except for the slow precession of the equinoxes cycle of 26,000 years. This is how ancient mariners could tell their latitude by measuring the zenith point angle to the celestial equator star.
This star is also associated with the Osiris and the 3 pyramids to the 3 stars in Osiris belt. Kind of a coincidence I say that there is 3 letters written near this spot on EDL's "AT WORK" log.
Could these notches on the metal gear be used for measurment? Could the bowl of water be used to see a reflection from directly above?