What would happen to the magnetic field if one furnishes PMH with three coils: two on the prongs as regularly and third one on *permanent magnet bar* (PMB or "keeper") sitting on top of the PMH. Then 100v/s DC pulse is given to the PMB-coil (coil on the "keeper") which causes hysteresis and the pulse will demagnetise the PMB. I reckon that depending on the strength and duration of the pulse also remagnetises the magnet in the opposite direction (retentivity and coercivity in hysteresis loop)
Subsequenly a 50v/s DC pulse is then given to the regular PMH-coil(s). According to the law of superposition, two waves simultaneously superimpose in a very simple way: one adds their amplitudes. Wouldn't the the magnetic field "beat" or "ring" at 50v/s (Hz) oscillation? As PMH runs perpetually, one could then take advantage of the parasitic capacitances and inductances harvesting the "surplus" energy (constructive interference) directly from the conductor (resonant inductive coupling). If too much is harvested, the PMH cannot sustain the perpetual motion due to attenuation and lose its hysteresis. Otherwise it should stay in perpetual motion, yes?
TL;DR? Is it possible to turn PMH to perpetual amplitude based resonant transformer? Has anyone tried if this is viable? If it is and nobody has tried could someone do and post the result as link to youtube video without any goddamn speech or 10 minute verbal explanation... I'm just speculating here, but the context is given here:
http://magneticuniverse.com/discussion/350/a-book-in-every-home-and-pmh and this post should make some sense...
and http://www.rhythmodynamics.com/Gabriel_LaFreniere/sa_spherical.htm (do read the whole site!)
https://arxiv.org/pdf/cond-mat/0210657.pdf (A closer look at the hysteresis loop for ferromagnets)
Bigger core and greater windings result in more radiation pressure. But the radiation pressure causes the bubbles Ed mention in magnetic current... Too little difference = no no reaction, too big difference = too quick reaction.
Ed stresses with various allegories that the voltage ratio (input) should be kept "just right" while drawing currency/current (output). He also gives examples about the voltage differences to use. Too much input vs output causes permanent damage to PMH (love making bruises the heart (core)), too much output compared to input results the oscillation to attenuate and this causes memory effect seen on regular batteries. That means there's permanent loss of capacity, because the damage is focused on the weakest part (the girl which is the PMH), so that each additional full discharge will cause more and more damage to it.. When PMH is not sweet or operationally balanced, it has been soiled.
Remember the three bears and goldilocks in every single action. Meet on the level (equality), depart on the square (virtue)
So: big property (big pmh), big taxes (larger input volt), and small property, small taxes.
Oh, and the maximum energy to leech should probably be smaller the the square of gained amplitude - when the system is fresh and not soiled
The elements of the sound of a bell are split up into hum (see subharmonic), second partial, tierce, quint and nominal/naming note. The bell's strongest overtones are tuned to be at octave intervals below the nominal note, but other notes also need to be brought into their proper relationship. While overtones naturally occur with the physical production of music on instruments, undertones must be produced in unusual ways. The overtone series being a harmonic series, the undertone series is based on arithmetic division. I believe it's just tempered euclids 47th problem! that is: 3:4:5 ratio. Why?
The ancient principles of the Divine Trinity represented by the Masculine, the Feminine, and the Offspring. It's all explained here: http://www.freemasons-freemasonry.com/euclid_unveiled.html .. Also the sweet 16.
So: Bigger core and greater windings result in more radiation pressure. But the radiation pressure causes the bubbles Ed mention in magnetic current... Too little difference = no no reaction, too big difference = too quick reaction.
Ed stresses with various allegories (to understand allegories you must educate yourself "to C" how not to be profane/brute) that the voltage ratio (input) should be kept "just right" while drawing currency/current (output). He also gives examples about the voltage differences to use. Too much input vs output causes permanent damage to PMH (love making bruises the heart (core)), too much output compared to input results the oscillation to attenuate and this causes memory effect seen on regular batteries. That means there's permanent loss of capacity, because the damage is focused on the weakest part (the girl which is the PMH), so that each additional full discharge will cause more and more damage to it.. When PMH is not sweet or operationally balanced, it has been soiled.
Remember the three bears and goldilocks in every single action. Meet on the level (equality), depart on the square (virtue). Keep it private.
So: big property (big pmh), big taxes (larger input volt), and small property, small taxes and same rules apply for the fruit/yield from the property. But do not exploit it.
All magnets are made by concentrating then dividing and then shifting the existing North and South Pole individual magnets from one place to another.
That is: you gather/direct the standing waves (electrons/individual magnets) together in a common location , then you separate them into the harmonics and utilise the harmonic overtones and subharmonics: and put them into motion which is caused by radiation pressure to work as current sources and sinks because energy is the result of motion.
It's totally analoguous to extremely advanced euclidean geometry . Divergence and tensor fields! This is exactly what Jeremy S from code144.com suggests.
The mechanical point of view how everything works is stated clearly here: http://www.rhythmodynamics.com/Gabriel_LaFreniere/matter.htm