Biological organisms at the cellular level , bacteria and other microbes synthesis lodestone or magnetite. A domain of magnetite is a lodestone not a bar magnet. These basic lodestone minerals are a fundamental biological unit of magnetism. Lodestone or iron oxide crystals are paramagnetic . Are they the source of magnetic behaviour?
Ampères circuitous depiction of magnetic behaviour required the particles of iron oxide or copper to be dynamic not static . What could be so small that it is dynamic in solid particles or solid materials? In fact it is not in solid materials at all but about the space in which a solid core can be found. But Amoères was convinced it was in dynàmic circuitous motion because a circuit behaved the same way.
It is this trochoidal rotation that is ignored or misunderstood by electromagnetic theory.
Like a homeostatic reaction magnetism priduces electricity and electricity produces magnetism : in other words rotation produces rotation .
Acid +alcohol <> ester + water
This reversible/ equilibrium reaction is driven in one direction by a catalyst that favours the desired outcome . Similarly magnetism can be driven to produce "electricity". But better still is to regard these asc2 modes of magnetic behaviour or 2 trochoidalmrotationsbof space-time or aether.
Permanent magnets and rotations at radio frequency are used . The antennae detects the RADAR reflections generated in the body tissues by the magnetite in the cells .
The neutron / protons theoretically stimulated would produce an atomic resolution not yet achieved!, but the neutron or proton behaviour is distinct from the electron behaviour and so that is the exposition given
However if this trochoidal rotational behaviour is fundamental then the neutron/ proton is best considered as a particular pattern of this trochoidal or magnetic behaviour rather thn a particle with these behaviours, apparently.
In general replace straight line forces( as in torque) with rotational forces . Balancing rotational forces give us the " straight line" resultants . Note the frequency variation of the torque is demonstrated as a arc force!
So misleadingly named!!
As Gilbert established : magnetic( paramagnetic) behaviour is the psychological basis for articulating electricity!
We may use hydraulic models to model these magnetic behaviours or hydrodynamic models but we should understand that these are specifics of the more general fluid dynamics.
Magnetic sense xxx
This is quite exciting ! Xxx
The Biofield explained simply
Wherever it says electric realise that underpinning that effect must be a varying magnetic dynamic! I say must only because I accept magnetic dynamics as a sound basis to begin any explanatory analysis and synthesis.
Did I type it right?
As much as I like ths animation I now see the flaw in its logic with regard to dynamical flow or flux or rather Faraday tubes of magnetic inducing force.
The flow of liquid around this direct current carrying neodinium magnet indeed shows swirls but not the swirls of magnetic behaviour. The swirls are necessarily those of electrolytic behaviour. . The magneto hydrodynamics shown are further compromised by the small container with boundary conditions too close to the electrolytic action.
The magnetic spin vortex is a name that tries to do justice to this fundamental dynamic, but it can't.
At last a clear demonstration of Hward Johnsons ideas, and ken Wheelers too,
The flaw is simple: the magnetic donut vortices stack on top of each other. So the Bloch wall is where they meet and the spin vortices exit at the edge of the one polarity and mett at the Bloch wall whereas the other spin vortex exits from the Bloch wall and enters at the edge of the other polarity. The centre of the poles, as Ken points out is where the weaker faraday tubes of the spin donuts can enter or exit. . So the "south" donut has a weak tube that exits from the centre of the north polarity face and "similarly the north" donut has a weak faraday tube that enters in the centre of the south polarity face.
Within a lodestone crystal these smoke ring donuts move about interacting like bubble ring vortices, and theoretical Skymions.
However the interactions are more complex and are not neat donut shaped resultants . The complex patterns are trochoidally dynamic
Notice how the following vortex ring is contracted and pulled through the leading one . This is the attractive force within the vortex sustaining medium. . It is easy to understand how these double layer structures can repel each other if they meet head on. However it is not so clear how they interact when moving "apart" that is when generated close to each other and moving away in opposite directions. . It would seem that by pulling in more of the environmental medium the magnetic structure is forced to separate. Whereas the collision results in an elastic bouncing off the magnetic structure. .
However the structures can disintegrate
The loops and coils and attraction into loops by rotation is the unmistakeable signature of magnetic current.
Magnetic current is so so much more than its technological counterpart, the distinguished o called electric current , which at best is a fiction and a pale imitation of the much richer and more potent magnetic current that rotates trochoidally in and through the Aether and consists of aether.
What aether is is a fractal answer or for short: I have no clue, but I cn model it at any level by assuming a trochoidally dynamic primitive continuous fluid like " water" .
We can further consider nuclear chemistry as reactants dissolved in a magnetic current solution