"During the time it takes you to read this article, something will happen high overhead that until recently many scientists didn't believe in. A magnetic portal will open, linking Earth to the sun 93 million miles away."
Read the 2008 Science Daily article

These Flux Energy Transfers (FETs) create portals where particles can flow through. This sounds a lot like an umbilical cord. We know from Leedskalnin that these particles and the North and South pole individual magnets are the building blocks for all matter on earth.
We then are truly children of the sun. The plants capture or eat sunlight and we in turn eat the plants to build up our bodies. If we don't eat the plants we eat the animals that ate plants that ate the sun. One way or another we eat the sun.
Here's a thread that discusses the idea: http://magneticuniverse.com/discussion/comment/241#Comment_241
It's polarization that gives planetary bodies their spherical shape. Polarization also gives the atom it's spherical shape. The Flat Atom Society does have a nice ring to it...
Also, what means the 21 (or 2I) by the Earth?
It's on my mind now... and what I see is the U in sun as a U shaped magnet, and of course N is 14, which adds up to 5, and with U as 21, which is also earth,and also 3, I wonder what ed means, because 535 seems like an arbitrary number... but 5 U 5 is significant of ed's flywheel, which is stacked 5 V mags deep, and of course in latin and the KJV U and V are 1 and the same... perhaps ed is equating his flywheel to the force of the sun... or in the case that ironshades has been making lately, using the flywheel as a 'second sun' so he need not rely on the sun for all his power... in fact, second sun just made me think of another friend and his theory on 2 suns... that just made more sense now... hmmm
Another interesting thing is O21 earth... the 2 looks like half of an omega... or even ed's valentine table
If I come up with anything else, I'll pass it along
Could it be that U means a PMH? (Shape looks similar)
Could it be that N means North or 360?
I do know everything is double meaning, triple meaning. For instance, north is south, in what I do with ed, he mirrors everything, so 5UN could be 5US, letters and numbers swap respectively... EUN... 19UN... and also visually u and n are mirrors of each other, and can be ridges and valleys in a wave form... U is C... and M E W or 3 could be any of each other... all pretty obvious really, simple, but lots of various combinations... when ed says left, he probably means right and check over your shoulder as well, and dont forget the obvious over your head we usually dont look up at because we think the sky is infinite...
So I have lots of theories... I usually dont say anything is 'right', its all pieces to the puzzle...
Yes, could be the pmh, maybe he flywheel, maybe the sun itself and its light waves... ed wants you to explore everything, and find what makes you learn and grow from it...