На фото 1. Конус электромагнитного поля, увеличение 80 раз. USB микроскоп. Основание конуса сота. (пчелиная) 2. Электрчиеский ток под микроскопом. (дуга тока выской частоТы) Увеличение 80 раз. Ленты - ребра конуса. 3. Глаз электромагнитной воронки. Лента. Именно эта "лента" заставляет вибрировать и одновременно крутиться предметы под действием ультразвука или парящие предметы над сверхпроводником. 4. Конус электромагнитного поля. Увеличение 80 раз. 5. Геометрия движения конусов при их возбуждении.
I am glad that you made it to the magneticuniverse. I would suggest you - if you have not done so yet - read through the thread: Where Does Kinetic Energy Reside Exactly?
P.S. Please do your posting in English so that everyone here can benefit from what you have to say.
Yes, I understand and I can help with translation. Much to translate but if we could split which parts who is translating then it would go much faster.
Environment and space possesses structure. This structure is a dynamic lattice of an aether. Naming its "dynamic", I underline, that it is in constant dynamics, its structural segments (radio whirlwinds) are in constant movement and rotation, naming its "lattice", I underline, that it is a single whole, the environment filling all space, that an aether which searched.
Quickly to think about what there is a speech know, that bees build the houses not on an empty place, they as if "stick round" a lattice of an aether which exists and has dynamic cellular structure.
Studying honeycombs of bees we study structure of a lattice of an aether.
The lattice scale is defined by geometry of rotation of the Main Sun. The main Sun defines geometry of rotation of all sun in the local Universe. Our sun a grain of sand, it moves in structure of memory of the structure which have generated it. Your head is too the sun for your love it and is light. The god is light. Light shines not from that point in the sky, but from tops of each cone. The scale of our local lattice of kefir is defined by volume, parametres and geometry of our solar system. There are no the lattices existing in a separation from the main vector, defined by a vector of movement of the Main Sun. Nobody knows where it is, but know, that it is a bowl of constantly growing consciousness.
The fact of existence of a lattice of the aether making a basis of space (environment) is established. That quickly to present to itself that such the aether lattice, it is enough itself to present bees who build the houses not on an empty place, but they stick round existing cellular structure which is materialised (is visualised) by means of a building material of bees - wax literally. But there is basic a question which role this structure in business of formation and interaction with a matter occupies. The structure of a lattice of an aether fills all space, she plays a role of a magnetic disk in which the matter in on line a mode literally registers. I.e. imagine CD a disk and its substance which under the influence of the laser is softened leaving on it of "notch" which is the information. Differently the matter is literally "насажена" (it is put, atop, is wound) on this existing structure, i.e. the aether lattice is only the DATA CARRIER, the essence which and is a matter. Here only this disk is not closed. The person it not simply "detector" of the information, i.e. the person not simply "accepts" the information from world around. The brain of the person works by the same principle, as эхолот, any device which forms a picture on the screen. Before to see (to accept a signal), the person looks (sends a signal), i.e. the person is the biocomputer which in it лайн a mode CREATES in itself the optical world. . Light "does not fall" on a retina because the brick on a head "falls" only... Differently the person is the biological car, and a lattice of an aether it "substance of a disk" on which there is a record (creation) of the information on the world and the world. Less perfect occurs from more perfect and those technologies which are created today by the person, as a matter of fact, is "the next form" lives which просиходит from us, no less than we have occurred from them... We put in them a soul... As well as they have enclosed us the, for we their part as well as they a part us. Environment an essence our space possesses ability to remember information, space essence aether lattice possesses the magnetic nature inherently.
@phoba Thank you for your interesting posts. Be aware that YouTube is not supporting older device, so if you could make the YouTube link visible memberswith that issue can locate video in their browser.
Я думаю, что @libra тоже понимает...
I am glad that you made it to the magneticuniverse. I would suggest you - if you have not done so yet - read through the thread: Where Does Kinetic Energy Reside Exactly?
P.S. Please do your posting in English so that everyone here can benefit from what you have to say.
Much to translate but if we could split which parts who is translating then it would go much faster.
P.S I was thinking about video translation.
Environment and space possesses structure.
This structure is a dynamic lattice of an aether. Naming its "dynamic", I underline, that it is in constant dynamics, its structural segments (radio whirlwinds) are in constant movement and rotation, naming its "lattice", I underline, that it is a single whole, the environment filling all space, that an aether which searched.
Quickly to think about what there is a speech know, that bees build the houses not on an empty place, they as if "stick round" a lattice of an aether which exists and has dynamic cellular structure.
Studying honeycombs of bees we study structure of a lattice of an aether.
The lattice scale is defined by geometry of rotation of the Main Sun.
The main Sun defines geometry of rotation of all sun in the local Universe.
Our sun a grain of sand, it moves in structure of memory of the structure which have generated it.
Your head is too the sun for your love it and is light. The god is light.
Light shines not from that point in the sky, but from tops of each cone.
The scale of our local lattice of kefir is defined by volume, parametres and geometry of our solar system.
There are no the lattices existing in a separation from the main vector, defined by a vector of movement of the Main Sun.
Nobody knows where it is, but know, that it is a bowl of constantly growing consciousness.
The fact of existence of a lattice of the aether making a basis of space (environment) is established. That quickly to present to itself that such the aether lattice, it is enough itself to present bees who build the houses not on an empty place, but they stick round existing cellular structure which is materialised (is visualised) by means of a building material of bees - wax literally. But there is basic a question which role this structure in business of formation and interaction with a matter occupies.
The structure of a lattice of an aether fills all space, she plays a role of a magnetic disk in which the matter in on line a mode literally registers. I.e. imagine CD a disk and its substance which under the influence of the laser is softened leaving on it of "notch" which is the information. Differently the matter is literally "насажена" (it is put, atop, is wound) on this existing structure, i.e. the aether lattice is only the DATA CARRIER, the essence which and is a matter. Here only this disk is not closed. The person it not simply "detector" of the information, i.e. the person not simply "accepts" the information from world around. The brain of the person works by the same principle, as эхолот, any device which forms a picture on the screen. Before to see (to accept a signal), the person looks (sends a signal), i.e. the person is the biocomputer which in it лайн a mode CREATES in itself the optical world. . Light "does not fall" on a retina because the brick on a head "falls" only... Differently the person is the biological car, and a lattice of an aether it "substance of a disk" on which there is a record (creation) of the information on the world and the world. Less perfect occurs from more perfect and those technologies which are created today by the person, as a matter of fact, is "the next form" lives which просиходит from us, no less than we have occurred from them... We put in them a soul... As well as they have enclosed us the, for we their part as well as they a part us.
Environment an essence our space possesses ability to remember information, space essence aether lattice possesses the magnetic nature inherently.
Thank you for your interesting posts.
Be aware that YouTube is not supporting older device, so if you could make the YouTube link visible memberswith that issue can locate video in their browser.
Yeah , that was brilliant. -
The magnetic universe and earth spots !
Predicable then perhaps.