Ed didn't rally for a few days before dying from lack of nourishment as Leonard Nemoy reported. He died on the 28th day from pyelonephritis and infection that apparently led to a brain hemorrhage.
*This discussion was created from comments split from a deleted posting:
Ed 'Leedokalnin' that is...
28 day stay...
is that a # 16 hand written under his age?
16, 32, 48, 64...
Divided by 4 = 16
What is it about 28 days stay?
No coincidences, or too many coincidences to be coincidence?
Leedskalnin conveyed more true knowledge about various aspects of the moon than anyone in recorded history. It's only fitting that the record of his death span the exact number of days as a lunar cycle. Is there a particular message he was trying to convey here? Trust your instinct either way.
There is no doubt that is a number 16 hand written under his age on the death certificate for no apparent reasaon:
Not a particulary significant coiencidence, but I do find it interesting President Truman landed in Key West the day before Leedskalnin admitted himself into the hospital.
Route 1 to Homestead:
Homestead Timeline
March 29, 1938 - Route 1 to Homestead: The full highway from the mainland to Key West was opened.
August 6, 1945 - On this clear morning of the first atomic bomb, nicknamed Little Boy, was dropped on the city of Hiroshima. Leveling over 60 percent of the city, 70,000 innocent residents died instantaneously in a searing flash of heat.
1945 - Hurricane closes Homestead Army Air Field
1947 - Royal Palm State Park becomes Everglades National Park, President Truman participates in dedication.
1950 - Retired military helps increase local population, which was 4,573.
1953 - Homestead Air Force Base is reestablished.
Gardner, you and PKB know I am not particulary found of anything speculative about Leedskalnin and tend to lean toward what is provable, but that's not to say I can't be intrigued...
28 days - It doesn't appear Leedskalnin was comatose during this significant amount of time. Certainly more than ample time for him to arrange his affairs and put the final touches on his grand design. Nemoy reports the $3K found in his living quarters, along with that...extra dimensional map - man if we could only get our hands on that map. However, so many things seem to have been misreported....
2 2 17
Google 2217
find NGC 2217
Take a look, like an eye within 4 pillars
since you mentioned the bbq